Srimad Bhagavad Gita: Professor B Mahadevan October 25, 2010

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Srimad Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3

Professor B Mahadevan
October 25, 2010
~lP( 4Jl6l Chapter 3
Main messages in the chapter
Why should we engage in action (work)*?
How to choose our domain of action?
How to free from bondage while in action?
Leading by example
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Leading by example
How to avoid being a victim of situations?
Mutual dependence as an important element
of creating prosperity
* Action & work are interchangeably used here. It means TP
~lP( 4Jl6l Chapter 3
In a nutshell
3.1, 3.2 Arjunas Question
3.3 Krishnas reaction to Arjuna: Two fold path
3.4 3.8 Some axioms of work
3.9 3.31 How to attain freedom from work
3.11 3.12 Notion of mutual dependence
3.13 3.20 Sacrifice (Yajna) principle & relevance
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
3.13 3.20 Sacrifice (Yajna) principle & relevance
3.21 3.25 Leading by example
3.27 3.29; 3.33 3.35 Ones own nature and its
relationship to work
3.36 Arjunaa question: How not to become victim of
3.37 3.42: Krishnas reply to the question
3.37 Role of Kama and Krodha
3.38 3.42 Role of =l T- in this
Relevance of Gita
Cardinal principles of sustainability
Breathing the spirit of give and take is an
important element of character building
Fundamental building blocks of sustainability
The concept of Yajna
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
The concept of Yajna
The notion of mutual dependence
Shunning away selfish behaviour
66l4l5\4l4- 66l4l5\4l4- 66l4l5\4l4- 66l4l5\4l4-
TP4l- TP4l- TP4l- TP4l-
Slokas 6 7
Detached attachment to work
TP|-4l|T B44 4 HlF6 P+Bl FP+
|-4ll|-4P7ltPl |P4ll- B 746+ 3.6.
Restraining sense organs and thinking about sense
objects is a hypocritical behaviour
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
objects is a hypocritical behaviour
4|Ft4|-4l|T P+Bl |+44l65=+
TP|-4- TP4l HB16- B |4|H!46+ 3.7.
Controlling senses by the mind, directing organs of
action in unattached fashion breeds excellence
Importance of the mental process
What happens when you have not sorted out
an issue mentally?
Benefit is temporary
Revenge is with twice the vigour
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Revenge is with twice the vigour
Short term benefit is more than offset by long
term bad effect
Unsustainable proposition for any progress to
happen in a true sense
Slokas 8 9
Some more axioms of work
|+46 T6 TP t4 TP 74l4l GTPT-
Hl4ll|9 6 + 9|B&(TPT-+ 3.8.
Action is superior to inaction; perform obligatory
This is in contrast
with agency theory
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
4lltTPTl5-4 lTl54 TP4-+-
6( TP Tl-64 P16Bq- BPl+ 3.9.
All actions done with a sense of Yajna liberates from
the bondage (of work & results)
Slokas 10 11
Yajna and its relevance
B(4l- 9=l- B!4l 9l4l 9=l9|6-
H++ 9B|4!4\4 99 4l5|Ft47TlPT+ 3.10.
Prajapati created people & the concept of Yajna;
enabled them to milch the cow of desires using
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
enabled them to milch the cow of desires using
(4l-l446l++ 6 (4l l44-6 4-
9F9 l44-6- ~4- 9P4l-F4+ 3.11.
Using Yajna attain prosperity by respecting the
principle of mutual dependence
Slokas 12 13
Yajna and its relevance
7l-ll|-( 4l (4l- (lF4-6 4l|46l-
6(l+9(l4-4- 4l =16 F6+ 94 B-+ 3.12.
Devas cherished by Yajna give desired objects;
Consuming them without offering back is behaving
B Mahadevan, IIM Bangalore
Consuming them without offering back is behaving
like a thief
4|H7l|H+- B-6- P4-6 B4|T|-49-
-=6 6 t4 9l9l- 4 9-t4ltPTlTl6+ 3.13.
Those who consume after offering Yajna are free
from sins; Others who cook for themselves eat sin

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