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The body having two properties one attractive and second directive is said to be magnet. Pole: -The points in the magnet where the property of magnetism is maximum is said to be a pole. The poles are of two types: 1. North pole. 2. South pole. Magnetic axis: - The line joining the poles of the magnet is said to be magnetic axis. Magnetic equator: -The line perpendicular to the magnetic axis and passing through the middle point of the axis is said to be magnetic equator. Magnetic equator N S Magnetic axis

L( 2l) Effective Length of the Magnet: The distance between the poles of the magnet is said to be effective length of the magnet. It is denoted by 2l or L. It is nearly 82 % of the geometrical length of the magnet. Magnetic field: - The space around the magnet in which the property of magnetism are experienced is said to be magnetic field. Magnetic field is given by magnetic lines of force. Magnetic lines of force: - The path of an isolated free unit north pole in the magnetic field is said to be magnetic line of force, Or, magnetic line of force are the imaginary closed curves in magnetic field on which the tangent drawn at any point gives the direction of resultant magnetic field at any point. Properties of magnetic line of force: 1. They start from North Pole and go to South Pole through the medium in which magnet is kept and they continue through the magnet from South Pole to North Pole. Inside the magnet, they are said to be induction line. 2. They start normally and end normally to the magnet. 3. They do not intersect. If they will intersect there will be two tangent at the point which is impossible. 4. They repel each other. 5. They are like stretched string. 6. If the magnetic lines of force are parallel and equidistant, the magnetic field will be uniform having same intensity everywhere. Note: 1. Every magnet will be having two poles, one is north pole and other is south pole. The poles will be having equal strength. 2. If any magnet is broken into two pieces, we cannot separate the poles but we will get two magnets. In this process pole strength will not reduce but the length of the magnet will reduce. 3. In the magnet free pole is not possible. We can have the dipole only whereas in the case of electric dipole separate poles are possible. 4. N pole --------- positive charge. S pole --------- negative charge. Magnetic moment of the magnet: The product of pole strength of any pole of the magnet and effective length of the magnet is said to be magnetic moment of the magnet. It is denoted by M M = m x 2l M is a vector quantity its direction will be South Pole to north pole along the axis of magnet. S m N m M
M = m 2l

P = q 2l

Electric dipole Magnetic moment of the loop or circular coil: M= I x A Or M = I x N x A (Amp x m2) (weber x m)


I = current passed A = Area enclosed by loop N = no. of turns.


Magnetic moment of the loop or coil be will be along the axis of the loop or coil from south pole to north pole or along the area of the coil. Coulombs law of Force acting between the poles: Consider two poles having strength m1 and m2 are kept at a distance of r in between then the force acting between poles will be F which is given as: 1. F m1.m2 2. F 1/r2 3. The force F will be along the line joining the poles. 4. Force will be attractive or repulsive m2 m1

0 = permeability of air or vacuum. Permeability of any medium r = = 0 Permeability. of air/vacuum mm F= 0 12 2 ( for air) 4 r

m1m 2 r2 mm F = K 12 2 r 0 m1 m 2 F= 4 r 2 F

r (air)

Definition of Unit pole: If m1 = m2 = unit pole = 1 amp x m r = 1 m , then F= 0 4 4 10 7 F= = 10 7 Newton 4 If two equal poles are kept in air at a distance of one metre apart and force acting between them is 10 -7 Newton, then each pole will be unit pole 1 Amp x meter. Note There is a one more unit for the pole strength i.e. Weber. Intensity of Magnetic field: The force experienced by unit N-pole, kept at any point in the M.F. will give the value of intensity of magnetic field at the point. The direction of force experienced by unit N-pole, gives the direction of intensity of M.F. Denoted by B. It is also known as magnetic induction, magnetic flux density or magnetic field. Unit of B: B= Force per unit pole.
B= F N = m Amp. m ( Newton = Tesla ) Amp. metre

0 r m1 m 2 4 r 2 m1m 2 F= 4 r 2 F=

(for any medium)

B = Tesla

Force = Intensity of M.F. x Pole strength

Magnetic Meridian: - The vertical plane passing through the magnetic axis is said to be magnetic meridian.

Magnetic Flux ( ): -


The normal magnetic line of force passing through any area is known as magnetic flux. Its unit in M.K.S. system is Weber and in C.G.S. system it is Maxwell. 1 Weber = 108 Maxwell Magnetic Flux Density: Magnetic flux per unit area or normal magnetic line of force passing per unit area in any area kept in the magnetic field.
B= = BA A



= B A


A cos

= B A cos = B.A

2. If the value of B is not uniform it changes from place to place then we take a very small segment of area (dA) & flux through this is d then and Total flux Unit of flux density
In M.K.S.
d=B.dA =B.dA

Weber = Tesla m2 Nt = Tesla Amp. m

Maxwell = Gauss cm 2 Tesla = 10 4 Gauss Earthss Magnetic field or Terrestrial Magnetism: Earths behaves like a bar magnet. The geographical north of earths is having magnetic South pole & geographical south pole is having magnetic north pole. mag. axis N Geo. axis In C.G.S.
Magnetic S - Pole

Magnetic N - Pole

S The magnetic field around the earths is nearly uniform. There are several theories for the magnetic behavior of earths. The existence of the permanent magnet is not true because of the higher temperature inside the earths. At a very high temperature magnet is not possible. Theories: 1. The rays coming from the sun will ionize upper surface of the atmosphere & due to rotation of earths on its own axis, there will be electric current in the earths. Due to the current, there will be magnetic field with the earths. 2. There are Ni & Fe inside the earths in the liquid form. Due to the rotation of earths, there will be conduction current in them & that current causes the magnetic field with the earths. The definite cause of magnetic field with the earths is not known to us till now. Elements of earths magnetic field or elements of terrestrial magnet: There are three elements of earths magnetic field

1. Angle of declination 2. Angle of dip 3. Horizontal component of earthss magnetic field 1. Angle of declination: The angle between the magnetic meridian & geographical meridian at any place is said to be angle of declination of the place. The value of angle of declination changes from place to place. Magnetic axis N Magnetic s. pole W Geographical axis E

Magnetic n. pole S Isogonic line: The line joining the places where angle of declination are same. Agonic line: The line joining the places where angle of declination are zero. 2. Angle of dip: If any magnet is suspended freely from its centre of gravity, the magnet becomes stationary having an angle with the horizontal. The angle is said to be angle of dip. The value of angle of dip at different places are different. At poles the angle is 90 & at equator the angle is zero. Isoclinic line: The line joining the places of same angle of dip. Aclinic line: The line joining the places of zero angle of dip. BH Angle of dip BH Bv I

3. Horizontal component of earthss magnetic field: If we consider that the value of earths magnetic field is I then its horizontal & vertical component BH & BV will be BH = I Cos BV = I Sin Where is the angle of dip BV = tan BH = tan -1 (

2 2

BH + BV = I2 I = BH + BV The component of earths magnet field are not permanently constant, there are changes in them. Some changes are periodic & some are casual.

Moment of the couple acting on the magnet kept in any magnetic field: Consider any magnet XY having length 2 l & pole strength of each pole is m. The magnet is suspended freely in a uniform magnetic field B 0. The magnet will become stationary keeping itself parallel to the magnetic field B0. If we displace the magnet from its mean position say magnet is at any angle to the direction of magnetic field, then each pole of the magnet will feel a force due to magnetic field. The forces will be equal & opposite (m x B0) but they are not acting in a straight line so will form a couple which will act to keep the magnet parallel to magnetic field. So, the moment of the couple acting on the magnet due to magnetic field will be .

= One force Perpendicular distance between forces.

= m B 0 ( xz ) By XYZ XZ = sin XY XZ = XY sin = 2l sin So, = m B 0 2l sin m 2l = M (magnetic moment of magnet susponed )

= MB 0 sin

If B0 = unit magnetic field and = 90 =M Magnetic moment of any magnet is numerically equal to moment of the couple required to keep the magnet normal to the unit magnetic field. Any current carrying loop or coil is like a small magnet having both the poles with it hence both magnet & current carrying loop are magnetic dipole. Hence have a comparative study of them as 1 When any magnet is suspended in the magnetic field having an angle with the magnetic field, then the moment of couple acting on the magnet is given by. = MB 0 sin ---------------------------- (1) 2 When any current carrying coil or loop is also suspended in the magnetic field there is a couple acting on it. When coil is suspended in magnetic field so that angle between area or normal to the plane of loop & magnetic field is angle then there will be a couple acting having moment of couple = B 0 INA sin Here , INA is a constant for a loop or coil when current passing is constant. I x N x A = Magnetic moment of the loop. If N= 1 then. IA=M Thus, we can define, The magnetic moment of any current carrying loop as The product of current passing in the loop & area enclosed by the loop is said to be magnetic moment of the loop. M = I A Note: - Similar relation is given for any electric dipole. The moment of couple acting on the electric dipole is given by = PE sin There is a difference in the electric dipole and magnetic dipole In the electric dipole, we can separate the poles say positive and negative charges but in the case of magnetic dipole both the poles are produced together & they cannot be separated. Unit of the Magnetic Moment: 1. M = m x 2l = weber x m 2. M = I x A = Amp x m2 Tangent Law: If a small magnet is suspended under the effect of two uniform & perpendicular fields B H & F, the magnet becomes stationary having an angle with the BH, then the ratio of F & BH will be equal to tangent of the angle. or F = BH tan
F = tan BH

BH = Horizontal component of the magnetic field, F = Any other magnetic field produced which is perpendicular to BH Proof of the tangent law: Consider two magnetic fields BH & F which are perpendicular to each other & each is having its uniform value. Any small magnet XY having pole strength of each pole m & length 2 l or say magnetic moment M is suspended under the effect of these fields. Each field will try to put the magnet parallel to its direction. If the magnet becomes stationary keeping an angle with BH field then,

Moment of couple due to BH = moment of couple due to magnetic field F M BH sin = M F sin (90 - )
sin cos F = B H tan F = BH

Conditions required for the tangent law: 1. Two uniform magnetic fields 2. The uniform magnetic fields must act perpendicular to each other 3. A small magnet or magnetic needle must be suspended freely under the effect of these magnetic fields. Tangent Galvanometer (TG): It is a moving magnet galvanometer based on the tangent law thats why it is known as tangent galvanometer. Structure: 1. Circular coil: A circular coil is made of a non-magnetic substance like ebonite, wood or aluminium. The insulated copper wire is turned over the metallic frame. The different numbers of turns of the coil are connected to the different terminal so that we pass the current in the required number of turns as we like. 2. The coil is clamped on a horizontal non-magnetic disc. The coil is kept in the vertical plane. The connecting screws for passing the current in the coil are present on this disc. 3. A frame having three legs & three leveling screws : The disc on which the coil is clamped is connected to the frame which is having three legs and each leg is having one leveling screw. With the help of the leveling screws, the coil is kept exactly in vertical plane. 4. Magnetic compass box or Magnetometer : In the magnetic compass box, there is a small magnet, long thin pointer. The magnet & pointer are kept mutually perpendicular & pivoted at a point. The magnet & a pointer are free to rotate in the horizontal plane. There is a circular scale having readings 0 to 90. The magnet & a pointer are kept in a box. The box is said to be compass box. The magnetic compass box is kept at the centre of the circular coil with the help of the metallic stand. Adjustment of the TG: Before using the TG we have to adjust it as 1. The coil should be kept in magnetic meridian because the field produced by the current carrying coil must be perpendicular to the horizontal component of earths magnetic field. 2. The pointer should be at 0-0. 3. The coil must be kept exactly in the vertical plane. Working: 1. Let I current is passed in the N turns of the coil having radius R. Let the magnetic field produced at the centre of the coil is F, then IN F= 0 2R The magnetic field will apply a couple on the magnet in the compass box to keep the magnet parallel to it. 2.Horizontal component of earthss magnetic field BH will also apply a couple on the same magnet to put it parallel the field (BH) 3. If the magnet becomes stationary keeping any angle with the BH. Then by tangent law, we can write
F = B H tan 0 IN = B H tan 2R 2RB H tan I= 0 N 2RB H = cons tan t = K 0 N I = K tan I tan

for the definition of reduction factor: I = K tan

If = 45 than, I=K Hence the reduction factor the TG is numerically equal to the amount of current required for deflecting the magnet of the magnetometer of TG by 45 . Value of K changes from place to place because it involves BH which changes from place to place. Sensitivity of TG: The property of giving more deflection in the less current indicates the more current sensitivity. The current sensitivity is numerically equal to the ratio of deflection produced & the current passed. Current sensitivity is also equal to the reciprocal of the reduction factor.
deflection current tan 1 Si = = I K 0 N Si = 2B H XR Si =

The current sensitivity is increased by increasing the number of turns or by reducing R or BH. If we increase number of turns in large amount, then radius of the turns will vary, so it is better to decrease R or BH. Short comings of the TG with respect to the any moving coil galvanometer 1. TG needs adjustment where moving coil galvanometer does not. 2. In TG, value of I depends on tan where as in M.C.G., I depends on only. 3. In case of the TG, deflection of the magnet of compass box is effected by any other magnetic field produced close to it thats why TG must be kept away from any instrument or wire carrying current. 4. It is less sensitive. Solenoid If insulated copper wire is turned over a metallic tube uniformally along its length then the structure or device formed is said to be solenoid. The metallic tube on which cu wire is turned is said to be core. If the metallic tube is removed after turning the wire then the solenoid is said to be air core solenoid. The radius of this tube should be less in comparison to its length. 1. As the current is passed in the wire, there will a magnetic field & it will be along the axis of the solenoid. 2. The solenoid is having both the poles with it so it will be like a bar magnet. 3. If the solenoid is suspended in the magnetic field, there will a couple acting on it like a bar magnet. MAG FIELD DUE TO MAGNETIC DIPOLE OR MAGNET (1.) When point is taken on the axis of the magnet-> x+l x 0 y x (x l ) p

Value of magnetic field at p will be B1 =

0 2Mx 4 ( x 2 l 2 ) 2 l2 0, B1 = 0 l 2 if magnet is small or say x>>l or is small or x 4


B1 =

(2) When Point Is On The On The Equator Of Magnet

0 2M 4 x 3

2Mx l2 2 4 x (1 2 ) x

B2 =
B2 =


4 (l 2 + x 2 )
0 M 4 ( x ) 3

if magnet is small or

l2 = 0 x2

(3.)Magnetic field at the axis of current carrying loop/coil- B =

0 Inr 2 2( r + x )
2 2 3 2

0 2 r 2 In 2AIn B= = 0x 3 4 ( r 2 + x 2 ) 2 4 ( r 2 + x 2 )

As I A n = M =magnetic moment of the loop .


0 2M 0 2M r2 0 , B = if x>>?r or 3 2 4 ( r 2 + x 2 ) 2 x 4 x 3

Thus, current carrying circular coil / loop behaves like a small magnet. Neutral Point The point where the net magnetic field or resistant magnetic field is 0 (zero) is said to neutral point or The point where the value of horizontal component of earths magnetic field is balanced or neutralized by any other magnetic field. So B H = F Where BH = horizontal comp. of E.M.F. F = magnetic field produced due to any other magnet. Different cases in finding the neutral point: 1. If any bar magnet is kept so that N-Pole of the magnet is towards the geographical N then there will be two neutral points on the equatorial line of the magnet.

BH = F =
BH =

0 M 3 4 (l 2 + x 2 ) 2

0 M (incase of small magnet) 4 x 3

2. When the magnet is kept so that its N-Pole is facing forwards the geographical S. Then there will be two neutral points on the axis of the bar magnet.

BH = F =

0 2Mx 4 ( x 2 l 2 ) 2 2M B H = 0 3 (in the case of small magnet) 4 x

3. When any magnet is kept vertically whose N-Pole is downward, there will be a neutral point in the South of N-Pole of the magnet. 4. If S-Pole of the magnet is downwards then neutral point will be in the North of the magnet.

Some definitions regarding the magnet properties of matter 1. Magnetizing field or Intensity of magnetizing field (H) a. Magnetic properties are induced in any material due to a magnet field which is known as magnetizing field. b. The ratio of magnet induction B0 produced in vacuum & magnet permeability of B0 vacuum is said to be magnetizing field. or H = 0 c. The part of the magnet induction in vacuum which is produced only by actual external current is said to be magnetizing field. d. The magnetizing field depends on i. External current ii. Geometry of current carrying conductor B0 B iii. Dosnt depend on the nature of the medium H = or H = 0 e. It is a vector quantity & its direction is in the direction of B. f. Unit of H In M.K.S. = Ampere / m In C.G.S. = Oersted 1 Amp/m = 4 x 10-3 Oersted g. Value of magnetizing field at the centre of current carrying circular coil will be

B 0 IN 1 IN = = 0 2R 0 2R h. Value of H due to solenoid: H = I n ; n = no. of turns per unit length. i. H due to a pole strength m at a distance r from it will be m H= 0 (r ) 2 Intensity of magnetisation (I): - The magnetic moment per unit volume in the magnetised substance is said to be intensity of magnetisation (I). H=
M m 2l = V A 2l m I= A I=

Intensity of magnetisation is also define as pole strength per unit area of cross section of the subs. magnetised. H & I both are having same unit i.e. Amp / m (M.K.S.) & oersted (C.G.S.). Magnetic permeability: Magnetic permeability is a measure of its ability of passing magnetic line of force through it. It is define as the ratio of magnetic induction & H or B B H = 0 or H = 0 Unit of the is
Weber N Henry and and ( M.K.S.) 2 Amp m Amp m State Henry (C.G.S.) cm

1 henry = 9 x 109 state Henry/cm It is also a vector quantity. Relative Magnetic Permeability (r)
r =

permeability of the medium = 0 permeability of air or vacuum B B0

Or, r =

r is a number having no unit. Magnetic Susceptibility It is found that value of intensity of magnet (I) H magnetizing field IH I=xH Where x is said to be magnetic susceptibility x=I/H If H = 1 then x=I The susceptibility of any substance is numerically equal to the intensity of magnetization in a substance due to unit magnetic field. x is a scalar quantity having no unit. Value of susceptibility depends on the nature of the substance. The magnetic susceptibility is also known as Volume magnetic susceptibility because this is for unit volume of the substance. Mass susceptibility Molar susceptibility
xm = x volume susceptibility = d Density of the substance

x molar =

x Mw d

Mw = Molecular wt. of substance. Relation between B, H, I, x & If we take a solenoid & I current is passed through it, then the value of magnetic induction produced inside the solenoid is B0 when air is the core in the solenoid. The value of B0 is directly proportional to the amount of current passing in the solenoid. If we place a rod of magnetic substance in solenoid as a core, the core will be magnetised. Let the magnetic induction in the core is B1. So total magnetic induction B B = B 0 + B1 The value of B1 will be directly proportional to the intensity of magnetisation in the core. Hence we can write as B1 = 0I ( I = Intensity of magnetisation)

B0 = 0H B= 0I + 0H = 0(I + H)
= 0 H( I +1) H I = x = mag. suscep. H

B = 0H(1 + x)

B = 0 (1 + x ) H = 0 (1 + x ) = (1 + x ) 0 r = (1 + x ) x = r 1

Nature of the substances in the Magnetic Field: In 18, 4, Faraday told that all the substances are affected more or less by magnetic field. He produced a magnetic field with the help of the solenoid. The different substances were suspended in magnetic field with the help of the spring balance & then he divided all the substance in three parts. The three parts were 1. Para-Magnetic Substances The substances which get magnetized slightly in the direction of magnetic field in which they are kept & they feel a force of attraction due to magnetic field. The substances are Al, Cr, Pt, Na, Mn, Crown glass, O2 & soln. of salt of Fe, Ni & O2. 2. Dia-Magnetic Substances The substance which get magnetised slightly opposite to the direction of magnetic field in which they are kept. They feel a force of repulsion due to the magnetic field in which they are kept eg. Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg, Au, H2O, air, Bi H2, N2 alcohol etc. 3. Ferro-Magnetic Substance The substance which get magnetised strongly in the direction of magnetic field in which they are kept. These substances are having force of attraction due to magnetic field eg. Fe, Ni, Co, Steel & their alloy.

Properties of the Substances 1 P.M.S. If bar of any substance is suspended freely in the magnetic field, the bar becomes parallel to magnetic field. So that more lines of force pass through it. If the substances are taken in liquid form, then they will shift to stronger magnetic field from the weaker magnetic field. If the substances are in liquid form and filled in a u-tube & magnetic field is produced in a arm of utube, then the substances rise up in the arm in which magnetic field is produced. Value of r is greater than 1 but not large. Value of x is positive but having small value. Value of I is less but in the direction of H Value of magnetic induction (B) is more than H. They obey curie law i.e. x 1/T (T = absolute temp. of the substance) D.M.S. If any bar of the substance is suspended freely in magnetic field, the bar becomes perpendicular to magnetic field. F.M.S. As P.M.S.

If the substances are taken in liquid from, then they will shift to weaker magnetic field from stronger magnetic field.

As P.M.S.

The level of liquid dippress as in the arm in which magnetic field is produced.

As P.M.S.

4 5 6 7 8

Value of r is less than 1. Value of x in negative & have less value. Value of I is less but opposite to the direction of H. Value of B is less then H They do not obey curie law.

Value of r is high (>>>1) Value of x is positive & higher value. Value of I is high & in direction of H. Value of B is very high then H. They obey curie wies law i.e. x 1/(T - TC) (T = absolute temp. of the substance and TC = curie Temp.

Curie Temperature The temperature on which F.M.S. changes to P.M.S. is said to be Curie temperature. Curie temperature for Fe 770C; Ni 365C; Co 1075C Curies Laws: - This law is for P.M.S. The value of x in the P.M.S. is inversely proportional to the absolute temp. of the substance. or, x 1/T x = 1 / T ; C = constant Note: - In the D.M.S. x is not effected by the temperature. Curie-wies Laws: - The law is for F.M.S. The value of x, in the F.M.S. is inversely proportional to T - TC or, x 1/(T - TC) x = C/(T - TC) where T temp. of substance in kelvin TC Curies temp. of substance C constant. Note: - B = 0 (H + I) P.M.S. and F.M.S. B = 0(H I) D.M.S.

Atomic Model of Magnetization: The magnetization in the substance is explained on the basis of atomic model. In any atom the central part is nucleus having positive charge with it. The negative charge of atom revolves in the form of e- in the different orbits. The e - behaves like a current carrying loop or like a magnetic dipole, which is having a magnetic moment with it.

The e- in different orbits are having rotation at their own axis. This rotatory motion of e - is known as spin motion. Due to this spin motion magnetic moment is with the electrons or there is a magnetic moment due to this electron. The max magnetic moment is produced due to spin motion or, contribution of orbital motion is very less. Thus, we can conclude the substances are having magnetic properties with them due to spin motion of e- present in the atoms of the substances. Explanation of Diamagnetism: This property is generally with the substances having even number of electrons present in their atoms. The electrons are paired. In a pair the direction of spin motion of one electron is opposite to the other. Hence magnetic moment of 1 electron is neutralized by the magnetic moment of the other electrons of the pair. Thus, net magnetic moment is zero with such substances. When D.M.S. are kept in any external magnetic field, the field modifies the motion of electrons, 1electron of each pair is accelerated & other e- is retarded. Thus, the magnetic moment of one electron of a pair becomes more & net magnetic moment doesnt reduce to zero. Hence magnetic moment is induced in an atom, which has the direction opposite to the direction of magnetic field in which the substance is kept. Thus, substances are magnetised, opposite to the direction of magnetic field & there is no effect of temperature on this magnetization. Explanation of Para-Magnetism The property is with the substances having odd number of e- in an atom, so the electrons having spin motion in a direction will be having one more electron relative to the electrons having spin motion in the opposite direction. Hence the atoms of P.M.S. are having permanent magnetic moment with them. So atoms behave like a small magnet & are said to be atomic magnets. The atomic magnets are arranged in a random manner so magnetic moment of the substance comes out to be zero. As, the substances are kept in the magnetic field the atomic magnets are aligned in a direction say in the direction of magnetic field. Hence, the substance gets magnetic moment in the direction of magnetic field. The magnetization in the Para-magnetic substance is weak because of vibrations of the atoms of the solids and random motion of molecules in gases. The magnetization increases with the increase of external magnetic field and also by reducing temperature. Explanation of Ferro-Magnetism: In the F.M.S., the atoms of the substances are having atomic magnets like P.M.S. but in the case of F.M.S. the atomic magnets are having groups regions due to mutual interaction, the regions are said to be domains. Each domain is having 1017 to 1021 atoms, having magnetic moment in a direction where as different domains are having different directions. Each domain behaves like a strong magnet. The domains are randomly arranged so produces resultant magnetic moment zero in any direction. Hence the substances are not magnet by themselves. When these substances are kept in the external magnetic field, they are having rotation of domains and displacement of boundaries of the domains so that magnetic moment of all domains will be in direction of magnetic field. Under the effect of weak external field, the magnetization is due to displacement of domains & under the effect of strong magnetic field, the magnetization takes place due to the rotation of domains. As the substances are taken out from external magnetic field. The substances are not completely demagnetized & will be having permanent magnetism with them. The value of magnetization increases as the external magnetic field increases or temperature decreases. Ques. Find the magnetic moment of any e- having motion in the I orbit of H2 atom. Ans. Consider Ist. Orbit of H2 atom having radius r & the e- revaluing in it with the linear velocity v. Let the charge of e- is e & mass is m. The time taken by e- is complete 1 revolution will be T.
T= dis tan ce 2r = velocity v

Number of revolution per sec = n

Hence current in the orbit will be

q t I = n e v e I= 2 r I=

1 T v = 2 r =

As magnetic moment of a current carrying loop M.

M = I A v e = r 2 2r v er M= 2


According to Bohrs theory the angular momentum of any revolving e- is given by the relation.
mvr =

n= number of the orbit in which e- is revolving. For Ist orbit n=1 h = planks constant = 6.6 X 10-34 Joule x Sec m = mass of ev = velocity of er = radius of the orbit in which e- is revolving.

n h 2

mvr =

h ( For Ist Orbit ) 2 h vr = - (2) 2m

By equation (1) & (2) we get

e h M= 2 2m eh M= 4m

This magnetic moment is said to be Bohrs magnetron & its value is 9.27 X 10-24 Amp X m2.

Atomic Magnets As the electron is revolving in any orbit of atom so, it generates magnetic moment. The value of magnetic moment with the atom due to orbital motion of electron.
ML = eL 2m

e = charge of em = mass of eL = angular momentum of e- (mvr) As the e- is having spin motion with it in addition to revolution. So due to the spin motion it produces magnetic moment. (Ms)
MS = e S 2m

Where, S = spin angular momentum of eTotal magnetic momentum with the atom will be

M = M L + MS e L e S + 2m 2m e M = g ( L + S) 2m M= e M = g J 2m

L+S = J = Total angular momentum of eg = Landes splitting factor. This factor depends upon state of the atom. g is one for orbital motion & g is two for spin motion. In forming atomic magnet, contribution of spin motion is more then the orbital motion. B H Curve and Magnetic Hysterisis If we take a magnetic substance which is completely demagnetized & we want to magnetise this body or substance. For magnetising the body we turn over insulated Cu wire on it & current is passed in this coil. As the value of current is increased slowly, then the value of magnetising field H will be increasing. Due to the increase in H, the magnetic induction & intensity of magnetization both will increase. Plot a curve between B H that comes as

Hysterisis Curve The curve or loop OPQRSTUP is said to be B H curve or hysterisis curve. By the curve we can conclude the following points 1. In the beginning value of B increases with increase of H & value of B reaches to a maximum value & afterwards B doesnt increase with the increase of H or say B has become maximum. This state is said to be saturation state given by P in the curve. 2. If the value of H decreases, the value of B doesnt decrease along PAO but we get the curve PQ which means that value of H reduces to zero. B is having a value OQ. This value of magnetism with the substance in the condition when H has become zero is said to be residual magnetism. This property of the substance is said to be retentivtiy or remaence. 3. To have the zero value of B in the substance or the substance is to be completely demagnetised we have to reverse the direction of H & then value of H is increased. Now the value of B reduces to zero from OQ. The negative value of H required to destroy the residual magnetism in the substance is said to be coercively or coercive force represented by OR in the curve. 4. If the value of H is increased further in the opposite direction, the body gets magnetised in the direction & will get the saturation state. The saturation state is given by S. 5. If the value of H is again reduced we get ST curve which gives us residual magnetism equal to OT & the substance is again demagnetized when direction of H is made opposite & value equal to OU. The OU is a measurement of coercively the substance. If the value of H is again increased we get curve UP where P gives the saturation point again. Thus we get a curve / loop PQRSTUP for the process of magnetisation curve or B H curve or hysterisis loop. 6. By the B H curve we come to know that B lacks behind to H or say H becomes zero but B is not reducing zero. This property is said to be magnetic hysterisis thats why the curve is said to be hysterisis loop. The area enclosed by the B H curve / loop gives the hysterisis loss per unit volume of the body in 1 magnetising cycle. Energy loss in time t = V x A x n x t Joule. Where V = Volume of the body. A = Area of B H curve.

n = Frequency of magnetic cycle. t = time for which loss is to be calculated Hysterisis loss per unit volume of substance per cycle will be = area of loop A. Hytersis Loss The loss in the energy of any body or specimen due to magnetization & demagnetization is said to be hysterisis loss. 7. If we plot a curve set, I & H that curve will be same as B H curve & condition of saturation in I H curve will be parallel to H axis & the area enclosed by I H curve will be less. The area enclosed by B H curve = 0 x Area enclosed by I H curve 8. When a F.M.S. is magnetised & demagnetised many times its temperature increases. 1. Soft Material The substances for which the value of coercivity is less & value of permeability is higher the substances are said to be soft material. These substances are used for the cores of transformers, electric motor or any electrical instrument. e.g. Permalloy. 2. Hard Material The substances for which value of coercivity & value of residual magnetism both are higher are said to be hard material. They are used for making permanent magnets. e.g. Al Ni Co 3. The area of B H curve of hard material is more than the B H curve of soft material.

4. For making the core of transformer we use alloy like perm alley having high value of & negligible hysterisis loss. 5. For making permanent magnet we use used alloy Al-Ni-Co having high value of magnetic saturation more value of coercivity & more curie temperature. 6. For magnetic tape we use soft iron or alloy in which residual magnetism is more coercitivity is less. 7. Magnetism is lost by heating or hammering. 8. Super conductor Super conductors are perfect diamagnetic materials. The value of magnetic field inside a super conductor is zero or say super conductor do not allow the magnetic field to enter inside them. 9. Semiconductors Semiconductors are F.M.S. 10. A Spin Mag. Momentum is responsible for Ferromagnetism. 11. Magnetic field due to a short bar magnet, current carrying loop & solenoid are similar. 12. Conduction of e- in the material give diamagnetic properties. Question -If a bar magnet having length L & magnetic moment M is turn to a semi circle of radius r. Find its new magnetic moment.

M = m L 2r = 2L 2L 2r = 2 L m M = 2M M = M < M

Potential Energy with a Bar Magnet Placed in Magnetic Field Consider any bar magnet having magnetic moment M is kept in a magnetic field B. So that axis of magnet has angle with the direction of B then the couple acting on the magnet due to magnetic field will be torque (). = MB sin

This torque will act to put the magnet parallel to B. If we rotate the magnet in opposite direction of torque by the angle d , amount of work done will be dw.
dw = d dw = MB sin d

If the magnet is rotated from initial position = 1 to the final position = 2, the total work done will be W

W = dW

= MB sin d = MB[ cos ]

1 2

W = MB( cos 2 + cos 1 )

If 1 = 90 , 2 = , then W = MB cos

W = MB(cos 2 cos 1 )

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