E-Book Harmonize Your Space

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Werner Brandmaier


Werner Brandmaier, Dipl. Ing.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Save yourself the hassle of knowing what to do. (What changes to make, what to put where, what to eliminate).

Get a personalized consultation from Werner, where he will dowse and discuss your house!
This Done-For-You Feng Shui and Geopathology Package brings results. Take the guesswork and the work out of Do-it-yourself Feng Shui and call Werner for a personalized consultation by phone or by Skype. Find out about monthly Q & A conference calls to answer your specific questions and receive great discounts on consultations and products. Werner uses dowsing during the session to answer questions from participants.

Enter the code harmonize at www.harmonizeyourspace.com to receive your thank you gift!

Book design, editing and marketing support by Susan Rose www.visiblestrategy.biz Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com

What others say about this work

"I want to thank you for the incredible work you did on my home and on my health. The effect of your Feng Shui work was noticeable the same night. I slept deeper than usual and it has continued until now. Nancy T., Boston, MA "I must say that the place feels so much better. Today was the first time in years that I could sit outside and actually feel a rhythm with the land around me. Can't really explain it, but I bet you know what I mean..." Rocky S., CA I moved the bed in the master bedroom against the other wall away from the underground water you had detected. The first thing I noticed was the dog. As I told you, she had constantly moved around on the other bed all night long. The first night with the new set up, she moved up and slept by my legs for the whole night, snoring very heavily, and did not move once. She has slept very soundly the whole week. I've slept better as well. Ruthann VdP, Lexington, MA "The family has been remarkably better in life outlooks and positivity. Very little fighting and an incredible sense of peace. Thank you again. You have made a difference in our family!" Beau E., Portsmouth, NH

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com

"I think the Feng Shui pendant had a noticeable effect. I used to feel dizzy and somewhat spaced out after even a short time at the computer, but since I am wearing the pendant, I feel great even after several hours of work. The most dramatic effect I noticed came from the Home Harmonizer. At first I had a tremendous amount of discharge through my nose, combined with headaches and general malaise, but after several weeks, my health really improved dramatically. I started to gain weight and now I live like a normal person, without constant sickness. Thank you!" Susan M., Long Island, New York

"We sponsored a Feng Shui seminar at the clinic. Everyone who attended is involved in health care in one capacity or another. It was an incredible day, with everyone excited about their new-found knowledge and the implications it has on their lives. Werner's work has changed my life." Erica Noble, D.C., Noble Chiropractic Clinic, Arundel, ME

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com

Why you need this book!

If you answer YES to any of these following questions you need this book!
If you dont sleep well or wake up around 3am. If you feel constantly overwhelmed and exhausted. If your kids are challenged with focusing at school including concerns in the ADD and ADHD spectrum. If your cat loves your bed or your favorite chair. If there is a history of illness, especially cancer, in the house or in your family.

If any of these are a problem, or if you are confused with contradicting Feng Shui advice from different sources and are frustrated that you are not yet getting the results you should, this book is for you. This book is based on ancient Feng Shui, as well as Western Geomancy. It approaches imbalances in your living environment from an energetic perspective based on modern energy testing, not just on following general Feng Shui principles. Our goal is to identify obstacles on the way, eliminate them and then enhance the Chi to change your home into the supportive living space you wish and deserve.
Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com

For latest News on the topic of Harmonizing Your Space and to stay connected please go to www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com For Feng Shui specific information and to read on the benefits of a Feng Shui Consultation: www.InstituteofFengShui.com For additional scientific information and studies on Geopathic stress and EMFs www.Geopathology.com For simple fast solutions to neutralize Geopathic stress www.Geopathic-Stress-Solutions.com For information on the BioResonance Laser and its capability to reverse EMF damage in water and food www.BioResonanceLaser.com Institute of Feng Shui & Geopathology PO 933 Portland, ME 04104 207-772-7888 werner@InstituteofFengShui.com www.InstituteofFengShui.com

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com

Copyright 2013 by Werner Brandmaier. Self-published in Portland, Maine. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section107 or 108 of the 1967 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author. Images are royalty-free stock photos and as such are not subject to copyright laws.

Suggestions and recommendations are not intended as a substitute for medical care. Our products are energetic tools to support body and mind. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention in any way. If you have a medical condition or question please contact your health care provider promptly.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com

The concept of this eBook developed over the past years. Its publication marks the second of my eBooks, and I wish to acknowledge my many teachers who have helped me find answers to questions related to health, science and subtle energies. I want to thank my wife and my children for their patience. Walking the invisible line between accepted science and new perspectives requires persistence and therefore special understanding and support from the beloved ones. I want to thank my father for introducing me to the world of earth energies and dowsing many decades ago, at a time when these topics were still widely unknown. He would have appreciated this book. I also wish to acknowledge the precious help of writer, editor, intuitive and patient task master Susan Rose in producing this publication and assisting me in reaching out to the world.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


A Dowsers Perspective on Feng Shui ............................. 13 Chapter 1- Invisible Energies ......................................... 19 Feng Shui The Ancient Asian Approach ..................... 19 Geopathology - A Western View .................................. 22 Early Experiments and Studies.................................. 23 Types and Causes of Geopathic stress ...................... 26 Chapter 2 - How to detect Geopathic stress .................. 32 Signs of Nature .............................................................. 32 Dowsing......................................................................... 35 Dowsing instruments ................................................ 36 Bodydowsing ................................................................. 38 Chapter 3 - EMR Electromagnetic Radiation ............... 41 What are the dangers? ................................................. 43 Dirty Electricity on power lines ................................. 43 Microwaves and cellphones ..................................... 44 Field intensities of electronics and appliances ............. 46 What can we do? .......................................................... 47 Chapter 4 Health Challenges: ..................................... 49 Typical Symptoms & Complaints .................................. 50

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The Mechanism behind ................................................ 53 Stress makes us sick and tired .................................. 53 Chapter 5 - Solutions .................................................... 55 Harmonizing Strategies ................................................. 55 5 Steps to Harmonize Your Space ................................. 56 Feng Shui & Geopathology Consultation: ..................... 58 A typical floor plan example ..................................... 58 Main Aspects of a Consultation .................................... 60 Which Feng Shui System has Priority? ...................... 63 What do we need for a Consultation? ...................... 66 Chapter 6: Learn more .................................................. 67 Tips when Searching for a New Home: ......................... 67 10 Ways to Optimize Chi in the Bedroom .................... 69 10 Things to Minimize your Exposure to EMF's ............ 73 The Feng Shui Toolkit - BioResonance Tools ................ 76 Experiences & Feedback ........................................... 80 Chapter 7 - Special Information: ................................... 83 Energetic Structures of a House ................................... 83 The Aura of the house............................................... 83 Split level houses....................................................... 85 Ming Tang ................................................................. 86 Appendix...................................................................... 92

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


BioResonance Tools ...................................................... 92 Home Harmonizer ..................................................... 92 BioResonance PRO pendant ..................................... 98 E-Smog Harmonizer ................................................ 101 Books ........................................................................... 103 About the Author ....................................................... 105 To learn more ............................................................. 106

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


A Dowsers Perspective on Feng Shui

My interest in Feng Shui and then in Geomancy developed during my twenties while I was still a student in Austria, where I was born and raised. My father was a water dowser. I remember accompanying him as a boy when he was dowsing for wells for farms throughout the Austrian countryside. My fathers favorite instruments to find underground water and to determine healthy places for positioning a bed were pendulums and tree branches he cut off fresh each time from a hazelnut bush nearby. At some point in his life his body became so sensitive, that he noticed immediately when sitting down on an underground water vein. He categorically would avoid those spots. Traditions of Geomancy and Dowsing are widely spread in Europe. When Feng Shui became popular about two decades ago, it was mixed immediately with Western traditions of earth divination. In Upper-Austria, the province where I grew up, Feng Shui is so popular today that the government reimburses citizens for the first two hours of a Feng Shui consultation!
Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


My professional education in electrical engineering brought me into the field of high tech medical technology, where I worked for more than a decade. The scientific thinking I was trained in prohibited trusting my intuition for a long time until I learned to integrate the dowsing skills my father had taught me with modern science and concepts of quantum physics. Combining both aspects, rational thinking and relying on my insights, turned out to be the perfect foundation for my future profession that would combine Feng Shui and high-tech engineering in original ways. In 1999 my wife and I moved with our children to America, where Feng Shui was not quite as popular yet. In 2000 I founded the Institute of Feng Shui & Geopathology in Portland, ME, with the goal of introducing German research of earth energies and its impact on cancer and on health in general. When our family was challenged with cancer ourselves, I came to understand that changing our living environment had to be part of the approach if we wanted lasting results. We always were aware that a successful solution had to be much broader than just eradicating a tumor. We have to look at all aspects of life, including our diet, an alkaline cellular milieu, the environment surrounding us and our lifestyle choices.

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One aspect that I discovered to be very, very important in our situation was the neutralization of Geopathic stress and EMFs (electromagnetic fields). We know these draining earth energies are at the heart of cellular chaos and disorganization that interfere with healing our bodies naturally. The search for harmful earth grids and detrimental structures is today an essential part of my work. Only when energy leaks are detected and addressed, can Chi be contained. Only when Geopathic stress is neutralized can additional Chi be anchored properly for long term benefits. While healthful diets and balancing the bodys pH are getting more attention these days, the role of harmful earth energies is still largely unknown here in the US. European earth energy work In Europe, research since the late 1920s has shown clear links between Geopathic stress and all types of cancer. Health challenges from ADD to many chronic issues can be

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


correlated to energetic disturbances in our environment today. This book was written with the goal to make people aware of the importance of subtle earth energies and their effect on our life, on our health and well-being. Centuries ago people were still connected to nature, watched the behavior of animals and plants and instinctively were able to choose better places to live. Today these instincts are lost to most of us. We live in a society where what seems natural now are with hectic life styles, mass food production, and an all pervading technology that overshadows every aspect of our existence. We have lost more than the knowledge: we are losing our health. If you have a chronic health challenge and are not aware that there could be a connection to the subtle energies of your home or workplace, you need to be reading on! If you have a chronic health challenge, this information is for you. If you can even track your problems back to the last move into a new home, you would do well to read on. If you have a history of health issues in your family, certain research shows that it is less likely to be a genetic problem than a problem related to your living environment. My mission Let me explain what you can do to change your circumstances. Let me show you that true Feng Shui means more than just moving furniture or applying a

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Bagua map over your floor plan. First and foremost, we need to provide a stress free space for living and especially for sleeping. If a geopathic (= pathologic, sick making) situation is not changed, all other Feng Shui measures are counteracted and weakened. My mission is to make people aware of these influences and to present solutions to change the overall energy in your home, to truly Harmonize Your Space. Although I prefer to visit a house in question personally, as it allows me an immediate impression of a space and its surroundings, we also are able just as easily to work over distance. Dowsing is not limited to personal presence. We have developed a method where we work with floor plans and a few pictures to tune into a space even it is thousands of miles away. Combining the Asian art of Feng Shui with European techniques of moving energy is the way we operate today. Our clients experience excellent results and are happy with tools which support their lifestyle. Tools for protection

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Westerners often are not comfortable with Chinese items and remedies in their homes and, on top of that, are suspicious of their effectiveness. Using my unique background and the knowledge from High Tech instrumentation, Feng Shui, Geopathology and Engineering we have been able to create a new set of energetic devices which provide higher dimensional informational fields for increased harmony and balance.

After receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback and confirmation from clients and friends, we have followed this path for more than a decade. Our latest set of subtle tools are BioResonance Lasers. Using innovative technology and testing our results scientifically, we have developed tools that use coherent laser light to restructure vibrational information in water and food. I look forward to working with you. In the meantime I hope you enjoy the information in this book.


Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Chapter 1- Invisible Energies

Feng Shui The Ancient Asian Approach
Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is a 5000 year old Chinese art and philosophy describing the energies in an environment and defining how to use these energies for health and wellbeing. Feng Shui literally means wind and water. Wind represents the invisible forces of heaven, water the flow of energy on earth. Man standing upright connects heaven and earth and unites the energies of both worlds. The main principle of Feng Shui is Chi (pronounced chee)- the life force pervading everything. The same way Chinese Medicine describes the flow of Chi along the meridians within the body, FENG SHUI depicts the flow of Chi in the outer world - in a landscape, a house or an office. Through the ages, Feng Shui masters learned how to read these energy patterns and how to increase Chi by orienting buildings in a particular direction. They found ways to design gardens and entrances in beneficial ways to
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lead the Chi moderately through all the rooms of a house to stimulate specific aspects in an individuals life. In eastern societies, Feng Shui was used throughout history - predominantly by emperors to increase their power and influence. Today companies in Europe and the U.S.A. have discovered this ancient knowledge and use it to redesign their headquarters and offices based on the principles of Feng Shui. British Airways built their new offices for 3000 people under the guidance of a Feng Shui Consultant. Corporations like IBM, Siemens, Donald Trump Inc. and the Hyatt Hotel Group, among others, rely on Feng Shui. There are two main streams of Feng Shui in the United States at this time. One group covers the Traditional Schools including Form School, Compass School, Flying Stars, Eight Mansions and others. Form School describes the flow of Chi in relation to structures and forms in a landscape or a building. Compass School is based on the influences of various compass directions in conjunction with aspects of time. Flying Stars, Ming Gua and Eight Mansions are all

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specific systems to calculate the most beneficial influences of space and time. The second, more popular group of Feng Shui in the U.S.A. is based on a contemporary school called Black Hat Sect (BTB-Feng Shui). The founder, Professor Lin Yun, started this school in California in the eighties and created a somehow simplified version of the traditional systems for easier understanding. Many students of Professor Lin Yun have written books and practice and teach his techniques, so the majority of practitioners in the US today follow principles of BTB-Feng Shui. In Europe the Traditional Schools of Feng Shui are most prevalent. They are well established through the influence of many international masters who have come and shared their knowledge over the past two decades.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Geopathology - A Western View

Geopathology is a science that deals with the study of pathologic (sickening, harmful) energies emitted from "geo" (the earth) that interfere with the healthy functioning of cell metabolism in our body. Geopathic stress mainly occurs from natural sources, but can be caused, as well, by man-made electro-magnetic devices and applications.

In Germany, scientists and researchers have studied the effects of harmful subtle earth energies and Geopathic stress zones in nature and their impact on human health and long term chronic challenges for nearly a century.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Early Experiments and Studies

The idea that some spots on the earth were better than others for people to live has been around for thousands of years. In fact, the ancient practice of Feng Shui has a lot more to do with finding an energetically optimal place to build a home than with where to hang wind chimes, place a mirror, or set a pair of porcelain love birds to enhance the "relationship corner". Old European traditions still describe scenarios where a herd of sheep was observed before a house was built. The spot where the sheep bedded down for the night would be the best area, specifically for the master bedroom, as it was free of Geopathic stress. The first notable study in recent history has been conducted by Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, a German aristocrat, in 1929. Freiherr von Pohl conducted an experiment where he dowsed a whole small town, Vilsbiburg, for Geopathic stress. He was accompanied by a policeman to insure that he did not ask questions of the town inhabitants. The results were then taken to the town mayor who compared the results with the town doctors' records of patients with cancer over the

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


previous several years. The results produced a 100% correlation between cancer and Geopathic stress. The experiment was repeated over the next years in larger towns with always the same results - 100% correlation. Naturally, those involved thought they had found a cure for cancer, but unfortunately, WW2 broke out, the academics scattered and the knowledge was lost - for some time. In the 1950's and 60's many specific earth energy structures such as regular cubic grid systems were researched and described in detail. Today we benefit from a broader knowledge of the parameters and disturbing effects of earth grid systems, underground watercourses, earth fault lines and electromagnetic fields. In 1995, a 7 year study with over 8200 patients conducted by the Institute of Geopathology and Naturopathy in Kassel, Germany evaluated the effects of Geopathic stress on people's health. Any medical treatment, be it traditional or alternative, appeared to be significantly prolonged and improvements sometimes were blocked as a result of exposure to Geopathic stress zones. As soon as these structures were avoided or patients were shielded from them, the medical treatment worked better and showed positive results. Ulrike Banis, MD, ND, author of "Geopathic stress - and What You Can Do About It", has integrated the knowledge

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of Geopathic stress into her medical practice with categorical success. From her former stance as a staunch skeptic she now reports, "...but my experience - being a medical professional myself - is that at least 30% of all chronic medical conditions are derived from this cause - or to put it differently, our patients would be, on average, 30% healthier if we manage to find good sleeping places for everyone." Dr. Banis uses dowsing to identify areas of Geopathic stress for her patients. She recommends patients move their sleeping place to an area free of Geopathic stress zones. She then prescribes homeopathic remedies to detox the body of the charge Geopathic stress causes in a person's energy field.

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Types and Causes of Geopathic stress

The basic three types of naturally occurring Geopathic stress are underground watercourses, earth grid systems and geologic anomalies or earth fractures. 1. Underground Water Courses Underground Water Courses (or water veins) emit an energy that is draining our body's bio-energetic field and can be harmful if a person is spending long periods

of time above those areas. It makes no difference how deep the water is down in the earth or how many floors a person lives above ground. Even on the 20th floor of an apartment building the effect can be clearly felt, sometimes even stronger due to the enhancement of iron in reinforced concrete in the ceilings.
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If your bed happens to be right over an under-ground water stream, your sleep will likely be affected. It might take you a long time to fall asleep or you'll toss and turn all night. Waking up between 2 and 3am is typical, too, since Geopathic stress reaches a maximum at this time of the night, especially with full moon. Getting out of bed in the morning then feels impossible. Babies and small children sometimes fall out of their beds, instinctively trying to avoid the geopathic drain. They wake up several times at night or come into their parents' bed. Water veins can be deep down the earth. They vary in size, flow direction, width and intensity. Strength changes during a day and with the moon cycle. Water crossings from water flows in different depths carry the strongest geopathic fields and often are found with serious health issues. Additional irregular appearances with water energies can be found above artesian wells which sometimes harbor water elementals. These are nature bound spirits which are usually quite territorial and often cannot be removed. They use the well as their dwelling. In order to resolve such a situation some kind of arrangement needs to be worked out where all participants accept a common solution.

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2. Geologic Fractures and Fault Lines Geological Fractures are naturally occurring earth fault lines, but can also be caused by blasting or quarrying. These fractures emanate chaotic energy to the surface which then is picked up by living organisms. In general the intensity is less strong than some of the grids. However, width and direction can be quite irregular. Sometimes large areas can be polluted. Very recent discussions about earth fracturing for gas and oil production come to mind. So far there is no knowledge about the possible impact for people living in areas where large underground activity has taken place and what consequences on their health should be expected.

3. Earth Grid Systems Earth Grid Systems consist of straight lines or paths of Geopathic energy. In fact they are more like energetic walls, going deep into the earth, but also reach miles above the surface. They are referred to as "cubic" because they are three-dimensional. For example, the Benker-grid is a 10 x 10 m (about 30 x 30 ft) grid, which means the distance between 2 grid lines is about 30 ft.
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The line itself has a thickness of 8-12 inches. Dimensions and intensities can vary dependent on geographic latitude and the specific location.

Three-dimensional grid systems, typically oriented North-South and East-West Earth grid systems have been studied extensively over the last century. They are often named after their discoverer, the Hartmann-grid after Ernst Hartmann, MD, or the Curry-grid after Manfred Curry, MD). Here are the most important types of earth grids that have been found and documented over the past
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decades. Dowsers locate these lines by using tools that help them respond to the earth energies.

Typical cubic Earth Grid Systems:

2 x 2 Meter Grid (8 x 6 ft.) or Hartmann-Grid first described by Ernst Hartmann, M.D., fits exactly 4 x 5 times into the 10 Meter structure. 10 x 10 Meter Grid (30 x 30 ft.) or Benker-Grid named after Anton Benker, a German dowser from Bavaria. 170 x 170 Meter Grid (550 x 550 ft.) carries a specific energy similar to that of underground watercourses. 250 x 250 Meter Grid (800 x 800 ft.) carries the strongest geopathic fields, around 18 - 24 inches wide. 400 x 400 Meter Grid (1,300 x 1,300 ft.) with secondary lines 100 feet off the sides of the main structure. 3.6 x 3.6 Meter diagonal Grid (12 x 12 ft.) or CurryGrid, named after Manfred Curry, M.D.

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A few morel characteristics interesting to know about earth grids: The intensity within grids is changing over the 24 hour day period, with the maximum around 2:30am. (Thats the reason why people often wake up around 3 am, when they are fully charged up). The orientation of grids adapts to the house energy body. Originally straight along true North, not magnetic North, (with just a small correction), the direction of grid lines changes inside a building if the orientation of the structure is not too far off a major compass direction. Large pieces of metal (like a car in the garage) affect the direction, too. It is important to keep this especially in mind if the master bedroom is above the garage.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Chapter 2 - How to detect Geopathic stress

Signs of Nature
Watch your pets. Cats usually seek out spots on earth lines. In nearly each of my consultations where cats were present, we found their favorite spots precisely on a grid. Make sure your cat's usual napping place is not on your bed! Dogs, on the other hand, always avoid Geopathic stress areas. Farm animals such as horses, cows and especially pigs are very sensitive and show signs of exhaustion and a tendency towards illness when kept in geopathic zones. Observe your garden. Trees with split trunks or knotted bark, as well as holes in a hedge row often are signs of underground water veins or crossing grid lines.

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Ant hills are always set on lines and earth grid crossings. These insects seem to use the grids for orientation. They build their hills along the lines. Therefore, problems with ants cannot easily be resolved without dealing with the grids themselves. In Europe centuries of such awareness have developed through observation. In Bavaria an old custom recommends bringing an ant hill to the spot where a planned house will be sited. If the ants move in youd better stay away!

As nature has a use for everything, a compost heap typically works best on a geopathic zone. Rotting is accelerated on Geopathic stress.

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Ants, termites and moths usually enter a house at a geopathically weak spot. Geopathic lines also can crack asphalt surfaces and then attract ants to follow the line as seen in the picture below.

If you are suspicious and need verification, find a dowser who is familiar with this kind of work. Within the Feng Shui community more and more practitioners integrate dowsing for earth energies in their consultations.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Dowsing is a method to investigate subtle influences on our body which affect our health, such as Geopathic stress or electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Being exposed to a harmful environment disturbs our biofield and is considered one of the causes of "modern" health issues (although "Science" needs some time catching up to this information). When we make important decisions we often sense a gut feeling we have at the very beginning. Looking back later we recognize that we should have followed this intutition in the first place instead of listening to the arguments our rational mind chattered through our head. To simply follow our intuition would often serve us best. Dowsing allows us to tap into that subconscious aspect, and with that connects us to the innate knowledge and wisdom. If we therefore consider dowsing as a method to help us decide what's best for us, for our body, sometimes even for our wallet (by not buying stuff we don't really need), then we should probably bring a dowsing instrument along with us all day; to the gorcery store to see which foods are healthier for us; to choose which brand of vitamin C is

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


most beneficial for us, even to a bookstore to find out if a book is worth buying.

Dowsing instruments
Dowsing instruments by themselves are not magic wands, but are tools that assist the dowser who is tuning into subtle energy fields and their frequency information. The four most common dowsing tools are: 1. Y-shaped rods from trees or bushes, often hazel or willow trees. The traditional forked rod is what my father used to find water in Austria, where he located well sites for many people, home owners in the country side and farmers who were looking for the best place for their well. Modern materials for dowsing rods include wire, plastic rods and even flexible bands which can be bent easily and held under tension like an original tree branch. 2. Pendulums have been widely used since the Egyptians. Pendulums can be made of stone, crystals, and metals, especially brass. A simple pendulum can be made by using a ring or any small heavy object on a string. 3. L-rods in various designs are most popular among water dowsers today and can be made from brass,
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easily bent from coat hangers. They move horizontally and change direction when crossing a field with different polarity or flow. 4. Tensors or "bobbers" are one hand dowsing instruments, popular in Europe because they are very sensitive, precise and fast to work with.

L-rods come in pairs


Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Most people wouldn't be comfortable walking through a store with their pendulum or tensor. We therefore need a way to apply this method in a much more discreet way: BODY DOWSING. Body dowsing uses the response of our body in a simple and quick way to tell us if our body is attracted to or repelled by something. Children are naturals and pick it up very easily. Women are often a bit more sensitive than men, but everybody can do it. It just needs a bit of practice. I recommend to exercise for a while before you start asking general questions. The range of applications is wide: e.g. "Would buying that book help my inner development?" Or at least: "Would I truly enjoy reading it?". Note: The more precise the question, the clearer the answer! Instead of asking: "Should I get this book?" it is better to ask: "Would getting this book be beneficial for my higher good?"

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Here is how it works: Stand straight and relaxed and try to feel your body's subtle movements. (Have the understanding that we stand on two legs only, not at four like a table. Our feet are unconsciously balancing our body all the time.) Now ask a question, so the body would show a clear "Yes" response, e.g. "Show me a Yes" or "Is my name ... (fill in your name)?" If this is a true statement the body will start to move. Usually a "yes confirmation" lets the body slightly fall forward (towards an object, if you're testing something specific), a "no" would make you fall backward, away from it.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


As always, it is much easier to find results for other people or for situations where you are not personally involved. Dowsing for yourself to answer bigger questions can be tricky. If there is any emotional entanglement and bias for the answer, you better call a friend or third person, someone with no interest in the outcome. Don't even tell him/her your question. Just ask them to test for some answers while you go through the different questions in your mind, one at a time. Here are some additional thoughts: Most people's body responds in the way described. Sometimes different results might occur: One can fall backwards for a "yes" and forward for a "no". We call this "switched". Switching can occur when the body is overloaded and extremely stressed or exhausted. Massaging your Kidney-27 points below both your collar bones should reverse that, best combined with slight tapping on head and heart as taught in BODYTALK. It is always recommended drink at least a full glass of water before you start dowsing. Being well hydrated increases conductivity between cells and helps getting connected.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Chapter 3 - EMR Electromagnetic Radiation

Until the twentieth century, the greatest emitter of electro-magnetic radiation was the sun. Within the last 20+ years modern technology caused an exponential increase in frequencies and intensities created around us from all kind of electrical and electronic devices. Who can still spend a day without their phone or computer? Kids believe the end of the world is coming if a blizzard takes out electricity for a day and their video games arent working. Electromagnetic Radiation, also known as Electrosmog, is polluting our living space. For many years modern science has denied the harmful side effects of EMR on cells and their growth. However, due to public concern over the rising numbers of cellphone towers and radar antennas, the issue of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and their potential health risks is receiving more and more attention.

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Organized consumer groups like the Council for Wireless Technology Impacts in California educate the public about the dangers and consequences of excessive exposure to modern technology. Cellphones, cordless phones, computers, TVs and many home appliances such as electric stoves, microwaves, blenders, create multiple high and low frequency fields which disturb our biological systems and the flow of information between cells. Electromagnetic fields occur naturally in the body, too. Cells organize their exchange of nutrients and toxins through the cell wall with miniature electric potentials. Our brain and nervous system communicate through frequencies in the ELF range (extremely low frequencies) as alpha, beta and theta waves. Any strong fields from the outside will affect and derail these natural processes in the body.

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What are the dangers?

Dirty Electricity on power lines
EMF pollution happens in all frequency ranges. In the low freqency range (60 Hz of power lines) reflections on the wire cause high signal spikes and request surge filters to protect electronic equipment such as computers ("Dirty Electricity"). The same distortion, however, runs on the power line in the wall behind a bed or under the desk of the workplace. Few realize that our body is at least as sensitive to these distortions as the electronic components of a computer, only that a biologic body feels permanently under stress and pressure. Chronic fatigue and MS have been tracked in studies to this specific frequency range. The question of the effects of extremely low frequency electro-magnetic radiation was finally addressed in 2001, when the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a branch of the World Health Organization, made the

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decision to classify extremely low frequency EMFs as a "Group 2B agent", a possible human carcinogen.

Microwaves and cellphones

Cellphones and microwave ovens operate in the very same frequency range around 2 GHz (1 Giga Hertz = 1 000 000 000 cycles per second), latest cordless phones for home and office use DECT technology (Digital Enhanced Cordless Technology) up to 6 GHz, and because of the ability to pulse signals emit significantly higher radiation than cellphones. Very few people are aware of that. This is what red blood cells look like after drinking a few sips of water heated up in a microwave oven:

The blood cells show serious signs of stress charges and stick together in long rows (rouleaux formations) significantly reducing their ability to flow easily through small blood vessels. The blood has a reduced capacity of

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transporting oxygen (which makes us tired) and needs higher (blood) pressure to get pumped through the body. Scientific studies around the world clearly show that cellphone radiation disrupts fundamental physiologic and generic functions in brain and blood tissue which may lead to problems, ranging from stress, fatique, anxiety, attention deficit and learning disorders to brain and eye cancer. Children and teenagers are at the highest risk because the radiation from the cellphone penetrates deep into the developing brain. The following pictures from the work of Dr. Om Gandhi show the penetration of cellphones in heads of adults and children. A young childs brain is affected much deeper due to smaller size and thinner and still softer bones. Considering that the brain is still developing, we d ont even know what damage will occur later.

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Most official studies on the effects of cellphones over the past 10 years are officially "inconclusive", although ministries in countries such as France, Finland, Canada, and Russia have urged restrictions on cellphone use by children. In Austria, where decades of research into the harmful effects of EMFs is more widely acknowledged, cellphones are banned from all primary schools. The damaging effects of high frequency electro-magnetic radiation is no longer disputed. The public, for the most part, remains entirely unaware.

Field intensities of electronics and appliances

When we look at field intensities of electromagnetic radiation the National Council on Radiation Protection considers 2 mG (milli Gauss = 0.002 Gauss) as safe. If we compare this with electronics and appliances of our daily life we see that most of them far exceed these limits. Some of the worst culprits are kitchen and personal care products such as hairdryers and blenders - yes, blenders! Few people are aware that their smoothie carries an overdose of EMFs (produced by a powerful electro motor) ruining the intended goal for extra healthy food.

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Because of the extent of the use of wireless technology, in particular, we believe that electromagnetic radiation will be one of the greatest environmental health challenges for the coming generations and children are affected most..

What can we do?

While the main rule with Geopathic stress is to avoid suspicious areas altogether, Electro-smog simply requests distance. Stay away as far as possible. The intensity of EM fields is reduced by the square of the distance. (In twice the distance the field strength is reduced to 1/4th). So take a practical approach: sit back from the TV, don't use a microwave oven, try to keep cell phone towers and power lines from your neighborhood and minimize cell phone and computer use.
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However, even if we agree this is good advice, we all know that realistically this is too often not possible. There is no place to hide any longer. Cellphones work in Indias remote villages sometimes better than in our cities. For the situations where avoidance is not an adequate option, or for those of us who would like as much protection as possible, there are EMF protecting products available. Physically shielding phone cases encapsulate a phone with a conductive surface (like a Faraday cage). They provide a measurable reduction of EMFs although they usually are open at the keypad, the area which is held against the ear. They also pay a price with reduced reception. Unfortunately whenever the phone detects a weak connection to the next tower, it tries even harder to amp up its power, causing maximum EMR in the process. BioResonance tools do not reduce the electro-magnetic fields per se, but take the approach of protecting and strengthening the body's subtle biofield. Advanced informational fields counteract the chaos and stress cells experience from EMFs and increase coherence and communication within the body again. To test the benefits of specific devices we recommend personal energetic testing such as Applied Kinesiology or Bodydowsing. Kids love it!

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Chapter 4 Health Challenges:

Although European research, for more than 80 years, shows convincing evidence that detrimental earth energies affect and diminish a person's health, there is little known about the mechanism in our body of how this happens. Often experienced as general feelings of

discomfort or irritation at first, they soon develop into chronic patterns from insomnia to mood swings and many of those indifferent symptoms which doctors don't have time nor resources to find out where they come from. Remember, discomfort and pain is how the body communicates that something is wrong! They are usually not the cause itself! And taking away the signal does not resolve the problem! Suppressing the symptoms will just

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increase the pressure until the problem insidiously pops out somewhere else. An individual's reaction will depend on the intensity of the geopathic situation, as well as the amount of time spent there. Reactions start often with sleeping problems, lack of concentration, a state of constant exhaustion, allergies, migraines, back pain, etc. Under continued stress, a person might experience more serious illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma and chronic skin diseases. Consequently (over a long period of time), the body's immune system becomes seriously compromised. Then more severe diseases such as cancer can manifest.

Typical Symptoms & Complaints

Here is an (incomplete) list of health challenges associated with Geopathic stress. (summarized from Bachler 1976, Kopschina 1992, Daun & Daun 1995) The realization of these studies is the fact that when Geopathic stress occurs and the sleeping location is changed or shielded properly, health symptoms often disappear by themselves or at least improve significantly. In many cases applied medical treatments show better results as the resistance to the healing process has been removed.

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- ADD/ADHD - All cancers! - Allergies - Angina - Arthritis - Asthma - Insomnia - Stomach and digestion problems - Diarrhea - Back pain - Joint pain - Chronic head ache - Vegetative dystony - Infections - Bronchitis - Panic attacks - Diabetes - Overweight - Neurodermitis - Thyroid problems

- Kidney and bladder diseases - Tinnitus - Blood pressure - Hyperactivity - Bedwetting - Alcoholism - Liver/gall/pancreas problems - Heart and heart rhythm problems - Depression - Hair loss - Increased yeast infections - Colitis - Chronic fatigue syndrome - Multiple sclerosis - Digestive problems

Additional issues specifically related to extensive use of cellphones and computers or living/working in the vicinity of cellphone tower antennas (from Rees/Havas 2009):
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- Sleep disorders, weakness, fatigue - Headache, dizziness - Feeling of discomfort - Difficulty in concentration - Depression, - Memory loss - Visual disruptions - Irritability - Hearing disruption - Skin problems - Cardiovascular - Loss of appetite - Nausea - Attention deficit

- Electro hypersensitivities - Neurological diseases, such as MS - Parkinson (not yet conclusive) - Autism (not yet conclusive) - Immune system disorders - Leukemia in children and grownups - Skin melanoma, - bladder and other cancers

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The Mechanism behind

Stress makes us sick and tired
Stress in general makes the body acidic. In German, when someone is angry or grumpy, we call him "sauer" (sour). Geopathic stress is a specific form of stress caused by geo, the earth itself, our living environment. Still, it has the same acidifying effect on a cellular level. Robert O. Young, PhD, a microbiologist, describes is his books ("Sick and Tired", "The pH Miracle"), that overacidification is THE cause behind every disease. If the milieu of the cell fluid turns acidic, bacteria and yeast will multiply unchecked, which is the initial mechanism for all diseases. We experienced similar results with our own live-blood microscopy tests. The blood of people exposed to Geopathic stress always looks sticky, irregular and chaotic. As soon as the environment changes to a stress free one the cells recover.

Irregular shaped red blood cells after exposure to Geopathic stress.

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Ideal blood with round, strong individual cells after using BioResonance Laser technology

Have you ever wondered, why you feel so good after a chiropractic treatment, but how quickly you need another one? A single call from your cellphone puts your back out of balance again. (We are demonstrating this effect in our seminars and workshops.) Every time a patient lies down at night in a geopathically stressed area, possible improvements from treatments during the day are diminished or at least counteracted. Only if this vicious cycle is interrupted once and for all (by protecting your personal bio-field) the benefits from physical manipulation and balance will hold. The awareness of detrimental environmental energies could play a major role in preventative health and contribute significantly to lower health care costs in the long run.

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Chapter 5 - Solutions
Harmonizing Strategies
In a Feng Shui practice the goal is to improve the living space, to create a comfortable feeling in the house and provide a safe environment for the family. If someone builds a new house it is recommended to contact a practitioner during the planning phase, the earlier the better. In many cases simple measures like a slight adaption of the entrance, moving the doors in a hallway or even shifting the whole house a few feet to one or the other side make a huge difference. If this is considered before the structure is built costs are minimal. In terms of geopathic concerns it is a fact that grids which run through the property slightly change direction and adapt to the house body. Once a foundation is set the final grid outline is set. This means that grid positions in the future house only can be estimated until the structure is set into the ground and then needs to be adapted in a second step.

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STEP 1: Find out if Geopathic stress is an issue in your house. Use dowsing, practice kinesiology or bodydowsing and go through the Geopathic stress questionnaire. You also can hire a dowser or knowledgeable Feng Shui practitioner to consult with. STEP 2: If you find Geopathic stress, AVOID IT BY ALL MEANS: Move the bed. If necessary, sleep in another room. Find a stress free layout for the entire house. STEP 3: REDUCE EMF EXPOSURE: Limit your time on the phone and your childrens playtime on the computer. Keep electronics out of the bedroom. Turn off the wireless router at night. Make sure your electrical installation is up to date and grounding is provided properly. Finally, throw out your microwave! STEP 4: APPLY STANDARD FENG SHUI MEASURES as described in numerous Feng Shui books: Make sure the house has a strong entrance and sits well on the property Fill in missing areas through landscaping if possible.

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Adjust the flow of Chi in the house through changing the arrangement of furniture. Choose the best layout with strong sleeping directions in each bedroom Counteract sharp corners in the house with fabric and designs. Bring in 5-element cures to boost the energy of weak Bagua areas. Neutralize ceiling beams, roof slopes and similar Feng Shui challenges with uplifting features. Boost the Chi with plants, water elements and moving objects (flags, wind chimes, etc.) To choose from the many suggestions I recommend using dowsing, bodydowsing or any other method of energy testing.

STEP 5: If easy changes are NOT POSSIBLE or to further enhance positive measures, use specifically developed devices from our BioResonance series: o SPACE HARMONIZERS to balance and shield an entire building o BIORESONANCE PENDANTS for personal protection o ELECTROSMOG PROTECTORS for support against EMF related stress from electronics o BIORESONANCE LASERS to activate water and food Approaching Feng Shui from an engineering perspective made us realize that many of the traditional Feng Shui measures are imbedded in Asian traditions and did not work that well for us in the West. German research and

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the need for an all including Geopathic stress solution lead to the development of a series of BioResonance tools that help protect and harmonize your dpace today.

Feng Shui & Geopathology Consultation:

Ideally everybody should get involved in regular balancing and clearing of their own house. As the house is a picture and representation of your life is is important to at least be interested in such questions. Changes work best if their need is understood. If we get into more specialized areas such as dowsing the space for beneficial and harmful energies, professional assistance is often appreciated. It reduces the uncertainty of missing practice to trust your own intuition and results.

A typical floor plan example

The picture below shows a typical floor plan with superimposed Geopathic stress caused by a Benker grid (green) and an underground water stream (blue).

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Quick evaluation:
Pos 1: master bed touches the grid only slightly, mostly o.k. Pos 2: child's bed needs attention, badly affected, Pos 3 & 4: living room, chair (3) and sofa (4) should be moved. Pos 5: kitchen is kind of o.k., as the time spent there is limited, avoid the seat on the right bench, if possible.

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Main Aspects of a Consultation

I always start a consultation on the outside by observing the property and the landscape around the house. In work over distance I check the view from above with google earth and ask the client for a few pictures of the surroundings. This helps to determine if there are major obstacles like high buildings, close trees, transformers or masts with cellphone towers. Sometimes people who live at a place for a long time are not aware of such features anymore. From the traditional Feng Shui arena I am pursuing questions like: How are Form School principles manifesting? How is the house oriented on the property? How regular/irregular are house and property shaped? Where is the Ming Tang? Can we detect a good amount of Chi? As soon as the foundation of a building is set, the structure built and closed off with a roof, 70 80% of the Chi available on the land are cut off. The challenge for a good architect is to design the doors and windows in a balanced way to provide some equilibrium between not letting enough energy in (if openings are too small) or having the Chi run out too fast (with huge glass windows and doors).
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We also look out for signs of geopathic zones, dead or crippled trees, fault lines running through the property, a creek or swamp in the vicinity of the house. The next checks concern the house energy body. Any split levels? Is the garage attached or separated, maybe with a connecting breeze way? Where is the well located? Any issues with ants, wasps or other insects? All the answers give us a pretty good picture to start with. We then move towards the house. How strong is the front door? Is it accessible? Is it in use at all or does it looked abandoned? Is the doorbell working, the front lights? I often have the first fun moment when I decide which door to approach. Especially in New England most people use the back door or the garage itself as their main entrance. Nevertheless, the front door is the official mouth for the Chi and has to be kept in good shape. I then sit down with the family and spend a bit time to ask why they hired me, ask questions about sleep patterns and mention possible health aspects of geopathic findings. I explain how I work and what they can expect.
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Ideally the whole family is ready to join, which makes it easier to later execute changes. If they want to I take them all with me on my tour through the house. The main rooms of the house are thoroughly examined for Geopathic stress beginning in the master bedroom, and all grid systems, underground watercourses and earth fault lines are mapped out. Electromagnetic fields - such as from power lines, TV monitors or cell-phones - are discussed and tested for their effects. Additional places where one spends a lot of time, such as a home office or a TV chair are checked.. We pay particular attention to children's bedrooms and playrooms since children react strongly to exposure of these subtle energies. In the explanation of my findings I include Classic Feng Shui principles about orientation of a bed in a room and best sleeping directions.

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Which Feng Shui System has Priority?

There is a clear priority list between several Feng Shui systems we consider: 1. First priority is to make sure Geopathic stress is avoided on places through the house where someone spends more than half hour a day. Depending on age and health of the person this can vary, of course. The vitality of a teenager can take much more abuse than the fragile health of an elderly maybe even sick relative. 2. At this point we usually point out concerns about EMFs and electronics in the house, explain the damage of the microwave on food, the electronic free zone in bedrooms, etc. If we think of the entire energy influence of the house as a large pie, with each system representing a segment of the energy influence, at least half of the pie is considered part of the geopathic/EMF system. If there are draining geopathic and/or EMF stressed areas in the house they need to be addressed at the very beginning of the consultation, otherwise all additional Feng Shui measures are counteracted. Clients might not even get much better and then blame Feng Shui as an ineffective method overall.
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3. Third priority is given to the flow of Chi through the house and through each room. We arrange beds and desks applying the principles of Form School. (Support from the back, avoid sharp corners or straight lines from the door to the window, work around beams or slanted ceilings, and so on.) 4. If there are still choices available for bed positioning, we now choose better sleeping directions for everybody in the family. 5. Now we use the bagua for additional interpretations and areas of concern for the client, career, prosperity, relationships, whatever is requested. I dont want to go into more details on that topic as there are many books written on how to balance and enhance different bagua aspects. We look at the bagua from both traditions, Compass School with its octagonal bagua which includes the compass directions and the more contemporary BTB 3-door bagua which is always used in the same direction when entering a room. In my opinion both systems are valid, however, each representing a relatively smaller segment of the energetic pie. 6. We finally consider the influences of time and compass directions as taught in Flying Stars or Pillars of Destiny. These calculations take some
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time and usually are not part of the first meeting. They can be added separately if requested and again represent a smaller segment of our energy pie. 7. Finally, we also advice the client for clearings, clutter clearing is done best by themselves, space clearing can both be provided by themselves or by us. If we find a ghost problem which blocks progress, sometimes interferes with the sale of a house, we offer services to find out what is going on and then assist the stuck souls on their further path. That, again, is a separate part of services. We believe it is very rare to find an ideal situation where all systems can be maximized. In practice compromises have to be found. Once we orient the bed under a strong wall it might fit with the personal best sleeping directions. In our opinion it is most beneficial to start with what provides the strongest impact, that being a stress free environment. Then we add other systems with the intent of optimizing the space as well as possible. If there is a geopathic situation which cannot be worked around or if there are major imbalances through the house we do discuss the possibility of using energetic devices such as the BioResonance tools. We always test them with a client or teach the client a quick way to test for a beneficial response for themselves.

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What do we need for a Consultation?

Map or sketch of the property Floor plan or sketch of the building, if possible with correct proportions. Magnetic (and True) North direction Your questions why you called us in the first place and your expectations. Some information about the history of the house, the age of the house, health of pre-owners and the reason why the pre-owners sold the house. Birth dates of family members, in case we need them. Any other helpful information about sleeping patterns lifestyle, dietary habits,. In case of working over distance Id like to see some pictures from the land around the house. Imagine you stand outside the front door looking around. I also would like to see a few pictures of the first impression when one walks through the front door, comes into the living room area, the bedrooms or any other area you consider significant.

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Chapter 6: Learn more

Now that your home has better energy, find yourself a nice place to sit and read a little more about harmonizing the energy of the house! Here are a few more concepts that you will want to know about as you become more interested in what good energy can do for you!

Tips when Searching for a New Home:

Try to find a simple, regular shape for your house and property. Squares or rectangles are best, if they are not stretched out too long. Irregular shapes such as L-forms and U-forms create missing areas and should be avoided. Choose natural materials for the building such as wood or brick. Concrete and glass have much weaker overall energy. Make sure there is sufficient distance from neighboring structures. Avoid situations where a swimming pool is too close to the house. If a pool is not at least 15ft from the house, it breaches the aura field, and the natural defense of the building towards energetic challenges is compromised.

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In traditional Feng Shui L- or U-shapes are corrected by completing the missing area with landscaping. Missing corners can be established by placing a tree, lamp post or large rock where a regular form would naturally complete itself. These changes are not always possible if one does not own the place or if the building space is shared by multiple units or apartments. If standard Feng Shui corrections are not possible, consider using energetic tools such as the HOME HARMONIZER. This device automatically balances irregular shapes of a building and even a property. It also holds the space against intruding fields from neighboring units and even fixes the problem with too close swimming pools.

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10 Ways to Optimize Chi in the Bedroom

1. Our absolutely first priority is to make sure the bed is free of Geopathic stress. The best Bagua cannot do any good if Geopathic stress is present. It is just a question of time until the body wears out and illness strikes. 2. Any metal on top of these Geopathic stress zones causes a refraction of geopathic energies across the entire room. These metals can be: metal bed frames, metal furniture, ceiling lamps, TVs, stereos, as well as mirrors.

The reflecting layer at the back of a mirror is made of metal. Therefore, avoid big mirrors in the bedroom!

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3. Always seek a strong position for the bed with good support from behind. We recommend a solid wall behind the bed with no window or empty space there

. 4. Avoid positioning a bed below a window . The energetic support is insufficient and sleep will be restless. If the room is too small to change a bad bed position, use a strong (wooden) headboard, and darken the window with light-blocking curtains at night. Children, being very sensitive energetically, will show immediate reactions in their sleep patterns. 5. The smaller the bathroom the better. Keep the door between bedroom and bathroom closed. Bathroom pipes generally pull the energy downwards to the contrary, a chimney pulls it upwards. Both cases are imbalanced.

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6. Avoid long straight hallways leading directly to the bedroom. They create excess energy and increase restless sleep. 7. TVs, computers, stereos and clock radios generally should be banned from the bedroom. They emanate electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) which disturb rest and recuperation. If TVs and computer monitors are still old tube technology they ought to be unplugged overnight to release high voltage charges. Flat screens are better. 8. Sharp edges of walls and furniture have a cutting effect (Sha Chi) on the human bio-field and therefore should be neutralized (covered) with curtains or plants. 9. Ceiling beams divide the space. A beam positioned down the middle of a bed can create feelings of separation. If the beam is crossing over a persons body,

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their aura functions may be impaired. This eventually contributes to actual health challenges. Ceiling beams should be as invisible as possible. Choose the same paint for the beam as the ceiling to blend the beam in with the background. Avoid dark-stained beams on a white ceiling. 10. Energetic devices such as the Space Harmonizer series for neutralization of disturbing fields (Geopathic stress and EMFs) in the house have been developed to relax the subtle energy body by providing soothing frequency information.

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10 Things to Minimize your Exposure to EMF's

1. CELL PHONE Keep your cell phone (but also any cordless phone) away from your body; use the speakerphone as much as possible; use texting as much as possible. An earplug is better than nothing, although if you carry the phone on your body or the cable, which acts as an antenna, is against your body, the phone still affects you. A blue tooth has considerably lower power, but reaches closer into your ear/brain and is switched on all the time, so it does not really improve the situation. Use an E-SMOG HARMONIZER on your phone. 2. LAND LINES Any phone at home should be a corded phone. DECT standards are the worst as they send out high energy pulse packages constantly, day and night, regardless of usage or not. 3. LAPTOPS Don't use your laptop directly on your lap. Put a pillow (careful with ventilation!) or a board on your lap, better keep it on a table with some distance from your body. Wear a BIORESONANCE PENDANT.

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4. CHILDREN Monitor their time on the computers and video games. Wait until a child gets older before getting them their own cellphone. 5. MODEMS Use a cable modem if possible. If you have a wireless modem, choose one which easily can be shut off at night with just a simple button. 6. BEDROOM Take the TV out of the bedroom, since it continues to emit frequencies for many hours after you turn it off. Stay as far away from it as possible whenever you watch it, wherever it is. Keep any music players and electronic games away from your children's bed, especially from their night table. Use a battery driven alarm clock. Avoid metal bed frames, metal head boards and wire spring mattresses, as they reflect and hold electro-magnetic as well as Geopathic charges. 7. LIGHT BULBS Don't use CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs if possible. They increase EMF pollution on the power signal significantly. Use old light bulbs as long as possible. Choose LED lights as soon as available in proper quality. (They are coming soon!) 8. DRIVING We are sorry to say that hybrids are worse in terms of EMF radiation. Wear one of our EMF balancing
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pendants when you drive - it will help with your focus and attention. 9. KITCHEN DO NOT use a microwave for cooking. It is bad for you and bad for the food; it changes the molecular structure of the food and emits harmful radiation when used. Limit the use of the blender and mixer: both have very high levels of EMFs. 10. WATER Water machines, such as ionizers or distillers pollute the water with EMFs. In many cases community water towers carry batteries of cellphone antennas which significantly affect the energy of the water. Apply BIORESONANCE LASER TECHNOLOGY to clear the water from old charges and restructure it with healthy blueprint information.

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The Feng Shui Toolkit - BioResonance Tools

BioResonance Tools are designed to neutralize Geopathic stress and negative electromagnetic fields. They realign subtle grid structures in buildings and strengthen a persons energy field. Although they have a transformational component built in they were not designed for clearing purposes. Clearing should be done separately, but they help to seal and hold a space after a clearing, so detrimental energies are kept out in the future. Sometimes clearing leaves some kind of vacuum which can pull in negative forces into the vacant space. If biological systems are exposed to any form of stress they lose coherence. Live blood microscopy is a method to visually track energetic changes in the body. Blood cells immediately respond to an energetic change in their environment. On our laser site we show in a number of experiments with live-blood microscopy how energetic changes in water and food immediately affect our blood cells.

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Space Harmonizers
Space Harmonizers neutralize Geopathic stress in an entire building, home or office (Geopathic stress from underground water, fault lines, earth grids such as Hartmann Grid, Curry Grid, Benker Grid, 250 meter and 400 m grid, moon stripes). They reduce EMF related stress from cellphones, computers, all wireless devices, office equipment, transformers, smart meters throughout the house and balance the space in case of typical Feng Shui challenges, such as irregular shapes, split levels, ceiling beams, steep roof slopes, etc. They also protect and hold your space against the intrusive energy from too close neighbors.

BioResonance Pendants
BioResonance Pendants provide personal protection from all forms of Geopathic stress, EMFs and draining energies of other people (energy vampires). In addition they strengthen physical and emotional balance and improve focus and concentration. They can be worn as a necklace but also just carried in a pocket. They protect a persons energy wherever they go. Great to
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wear around computers all day, for support with jetlag on a trip or for athletes of all sports where improved balance and endurance are needed.

E-Smog Harmonizer
E-Smog Harmonizers counteract EMF related stress caused by electronic devices, cellphones, cordless phones, computers, office equipment, TVs, video games, even hairdryers and blenders. Superflat technology allows to slide the E-Smog Harmonizer inside a battery compartment or between the phone and a case. We recommend not to stick it onto the back of the phone if you want to re-use it with the next phone.

BioResonance Lasers
BioResonance Lasers are our latest development. They energize water and food through subtle frequencies embedded in the carrier wave of a coherent laser light. The encoded information fields reverse the energetic damage caused by Geopathic stress and EMFs. A typical application would be the reversal of energetically damaged food from a microwave oven, or
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very similar harm appearing in drinking water when the water bottle was kept on the desk too close to your cellphone or computer. See live-blood microscopy experiments before and after laser application at www.BioResonanceLaser.com. The BioResonance Laser also can be used on the body to balance and energize chakras, to accelerate the bodys own healing capacity and much more. However, as our products are not FDA approved we only can promote the energetic benefits for water and food. As already mentioned we highly recommend to use any form of energy testing such as dowsing, bodydowsing or kinesiology to determine if our products benefit you and which one would work best.

Disclaimer: Our products are energetic tools to support body and

mind. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention in any way. If you have a medical condition or question please contact your health care provider promptly.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Experiences & Feedback

Space Harmonizers The most dramatic effect I noticed came from the Home Harmonizer. At first I had a tremendous amount of discharge through my nose, combined with headaches and general malaise, but after several weeks, my health really improved dramatically. I started to gain weight and now I live like a normal person, without constant sickness. Thank you!" Susan M., Long Island, New York I have my Home Harmonizer up and am wearing my PRO pendant. My husband was away when the harmonizer arrived and got put up - the next morning after his arrival back home he said "gee I don't know why, but I woke up this morning with such a feeling of well-being and I have no anxiety like I do every morning". Joanne H., Quebec, Canada Thank you for sending the Home Harmonizer so quickly. I'm enjoying the new energy in the house - it feels softer, happier, harmonious - more like how I feel when I'm outside or on vacation. My head is calmer and thinking more clearly. My nervous dog is less nervous. Thank you again!!!! Tracy McC., Sacramento, CA

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


BioResonance pendants I think the CHI pendant had a noticeable effect. I used to feel dizzy and somewhat spaced out after even a short time at the computer, but since I am wearing the pendant, I feel great even after several hours of work. Susan M., Long Island, New York I would also like to share that I am very sensitive to energies and that to be near computers or phones makes my head crazy - however wearing my PRO pendant I could actually feel the energy of the computer being pushed back away from me - also since I have been wearing the pendant I have a tremendous feeling of calm and wellbeing. Joanne H, Canada I am so happy I can finally sleep now that I have my PRO pendant! I have several things but yours made a huge difference in front of the computer. Thank you! Anne M., Boston, MA BioResonance Laser The pictures of the live blood cells are fascinating. I love my BioResonance Laser, water has never tasted so good.! Love the instant energy this device provides. I am experimenting with it in many things. Amazing!!! Edward D., New York City, NY
Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


I use the BioResonance PRO Laser in my work with horses with great success. Had to deal with a 12 year old stallion recently who was very jumpy and nervous. He would not let people get close, probably due to an ongoing issue with his lame hind leg. In the past the vet could only treat him under anesthesia. I used the laser to relax his energy field and then for a specific acupuncture treatment. The horse calmed down within minutes and his lame leg was barely noticeable after just one treatment. Daya S., horse specialist, Munich, Germany

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Chapter 7 - Special Information:

Energetic Structures of a House
The Aura of the house
A building has its own aura field or bio-energetic field, which, in fact, is manifested in a double layer of a specific density embracing the entire house like a gigantic bubble. Over the last 20 years, two German scientists, Wilhelm Gerstung and Jens Mehlhase, MD., have described the energy fields of houses and apartment buildings of different sizes and forms:

The house aura is primarily manifested in a double hull. The inner field stands out 4 to 5 feet with an outer layer of about 12 to 15 feet.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


These energy layers hold the energetic imprint of the house beginning with the original intentions of the architect and the builder, the energetic information of the materials which were used, and the energetic influences of the people living in the house both past and present. The aura bubbles protect the house from outside influences as a persons aura protects the body. The simpler the form of a building or property the stronger is the house aura. Unfortunately, creative shapes and over-designed buildings actually weaken the energetic body of the house. Added sun rooms without support from a basement, or towers standing against a house (rather than over it) do more harm than good. The more corners and edges the house aura must accommodate, the more total strength it loses.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Another very common situation is the close proximity of others' living spaces. You can imagine that if a houses energy field extends fifteen feet, the ideal distance between two buildings needs to be a minimum of thirty feet with anything closer creating an overlap of these energy fields. In the case of an apartment a person is literally living, at least partially, in the energy of his neighbors and vice versa!

Split level houses

Split level houses or buildings with half-basements compromise the energetic structure, too. This can manifest in increased feelings of unsteadiness and restlessness and often leads to abandoning parts of the house.

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Ming Tang
Traditional Feng Shui uses Form School principles to describe the ideal situation of a house in a landscape. Four animals symbolically surround the house. The tortoise in form of a round hill provides support from the back. The dragon and tiger represent protection from the left and right. The phoenix allows an open view over whatever lies in front. The area just in front of the house is called MING TANG. Ideally, a water manifestation in the form of a lake, a pond or even a small river magnifies the effect.

Literally, Ming Tang stands for bright pallace, describing an area where Chi is concentrated and held for a house. Water in a perfect element to hold and store energy. The strong appeal of a home with a waterview is, in part, our instinctual recognition of this energetic enhancement.
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If we look at old European castles or country estates we immediately recognize the classic layout with a centered main entrance and supporting wings on both sides. In front of the main entrance there is usually a courtyard or a garden.The garden often consists of elements placed around a major focal point. This point is typically established with circular flower arrangements and a statue or a fountain. Without knowing anything about the laws of Feng Shui, people of these times felt intuitively how to strenghten the energy of a building by integrating strong vibrational elements into the landscape.

A Ming Tang anchors the energy of the house in a courtyard or garden in front of the building. What does the Ming Tang look like? The size of the Ming Tang should match the size of the building it is supporting. This is true for the landscape
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around it, as well. In Chinese literature the Ming Tang should be able to hold a 1000 horses. I very much believe this relates to the emperors home more than to that of a simple citizen. Our homes Ming Tang holds about 1 horses and still feels right for a single family house (it is about 20 to 30 feet in diameter). If we look into more recent European research the shape of a Ming Tang becomes more 3-dimensional. German Feng Shui researchers describe the Ming Tang as a manifestation in the form of a huge energy bubble floating above the ground in front of a building, maybe 20 to 30 feet above the land. This bubble is of spherical shape and has specific bright colors. It might change appearance depending on time and other parameters. As with all energetic structures they can be detected with dowsing tools or observed by clairvoyant people. Why is the Ming Tang important? Beyond the Ming Tang of a house, the surrounding land has an energetic orientation, as well. At early stages of building a home, it is essential for a positive energetic exchange between land and building to orient the house in the direction of the Ming Tang of the property. The house will manifest its own Ming Tang as soon as the outer shell is closed, however, both Ming Tangs should line up and be in tune with each other.

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In more advanced Feng Shui practices such as Flying Stars (horoscope of a house), it is essential to accurately determine the energetic orientation of a building. While this seems obvious in many cases, there are particular corner properties or irregular lots where the direction of the house is unclear. Incorrect recording of these details might lead to a complete misinterpretation of the whole building site.

How can we find the Ming Tang? The first step to find the Ming Tang is through observation of the property. With some experience and sensitivity, the orientation of the lot becomes obvious. If the land slopes down, the Ming Tang is oriented towards the lower part. If the property lies on a lake, the Ming Tang points towards the water.

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Obviously, it is most beneficial if the Ming Tang is situated on the property itself. However, in the case of close proximity to the road, the Ming Tang might float out into the street, being constantly disturbed by ongoing traffic. Smaller Ming Tangs There are several smaller Ming Tangs within and around a house. Besides the main area just outside the entrance, the front porch is another place where energy is focused in a spot. Thats why a proper porch supports the energy of an entrance. Once we enter the house, the entrance room holds a small, inside Ming Tang from where the flow throughout the house is evenly divided in all directions. On the second floor, we can usually detect a Ming Tang at the top of the stairs as a central point for all activities up there. How to strengthen the Ming Tang of our home: Find out where the Ming Tang of the property lays, then open up the house into the same direction. This is where the most energetic support for the house comes from. Avoid straight driveways towards the house. Choose a circular driveway, if possible. Develop landscaping to strengthen the area in front of the main entrance of the house. Round flower formations or a circular stone arrangement with a
Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


water element in the center (bird bath or small fountain) help to accomplish those efforts. Consider a proportionately-sized porch to manifest an additional energetic area in front of your door. Columns add a sense of focus and gravity. Create a strong focus inside the house with a round or oval carpet in the entrance room. Carry on with this principle on each floor.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


BioResonance Tools
Home Harmonizer
The HOME HARMONIZER is an energetic device providing three major functions: 1. It shields a building from Geopathic stress, found above underground waterveins, earth fault lines and in subtle earth grid structures. 2. It strengthens the house aura and is able to balance and improve specific Feng Shui challenges. 3. It generates positive energy for a whole building. The Chinese call this energy chi. We need chi for our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. . The HOME HARMONIZER neutralizes Geopathic stress above underground water courses, artesian wells and springs. It also diffuses detrimental energies above earth fault lines, naturally occuring, or manmade, for example when rock is blasted to set the foundation of a building..
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Most importantly, it deactivates the following negative cubic grid systems: Hartmann grid - (6 1/2 x 8 1/2 ft system) 10 meter system (Benker grid) - (30 ft system) 170 meter system - (550 ft system) 250 meter system - (800 ft system) 400 meter system - (1300 ft system) Curry grid - (diagonal system with about 12 ft side length) The HOME HARMONIZER also dissolves: Moonstripes (irregular appearing diagonal stripes of negative energies which depend on moon phases) Rare structures such as single geopathic areas and vortices and ghost paths which are already blocked outside the house. These energetic pathways are often connected with nearby cemeteries. They create disturbances when crossing the property or going straight through the house. Children typically experience nightmares with such exposures. The HOME HARMONIZER also helps to reduce the effects of electro-smog. Technical radiation has increased dramatically over the past years and, in our opinion, will be a major contributor to energetic pollution in the future. Our lifestyle - with technology (phones, computers, music

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


players, games, microchips in cars and household appliances, Smartmeters etc.) surrounding us at all times, will create massive health problems in the future. For best results in protecting from electro-magnetic stress (EMS) we recommend combining the HOME HARMONIZER with one of our BIORESONANCE PENDANTS and/or our superflat E-SMOG HARMONIZER. Kinesiologic tests show a substantial reduction of the impact of EMS on a persons bio-energetic field. Please note that the electrical parameters do not change, otherwise we would not have any phone reception. The HOME HARMONIZER provides overall positive energies for a whole building. It boosts the chi and balances uneven shapes of single rooms but also for the whole structure including split levels. It stabilizes weak aspects of the BAGUA ("ba" - eight, "gua" trigrams) and, most importantly, holds the space against intrusive overlapping energies from close neighbor units. The aura fields of the building and of the entire property are strengthened.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Here is a detailed list of Feng Shui benefits the HOME HARMONIZER has been programmed for to correct: Irregularly shaped forms of apartments, buildings and properties such as L-shapes, U-shapes and triangular shapes which result in missing parts of the Bagua area and are therefore considered unfortunate. ("Missing areas" in Feng Shui). Missing landscape support from the back of a building or a property. A building oriented so that it is not set parallel to the property lines. Split levels in a house which have a disruptive effect on the energy distribution in the house. Entrances at the small side of an L-shaped or a trapezeshaped property which are seen as a bottleneck for the incoming energy. Swimming pools and ponds that are too big or too close to a building. This creates a weakening in the aura defense field around the house. Wells closer to the house than 15 ft or located inside a basement. Straight paths that lead to the house and accelerate the energy. Straight hallways inside the house have a similar effect. Secret arrows (An Jian), a Chinese term for influences that emanate from building corners, roof ridges, lampposts or any sharp parts of a building pointing
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toward doors and windows. Secret arrows generally open a house for inauspicious energy influences. L-shaped rooms: The best form for a room is a square or a short rectangle. Similarly to irregular- shaped buildings, L-shaped and other non-rectangular rooms are inauspicious. Location of a toilet close to the front door, next to the bed or close to the kitchen stove. Toilets and drain pipes in the house which drain chi down the waste system. Keep bathroom doors closed and toilet lids down. Air-conditioning systems, vent pipes and chimneys which also pull chi out of the house. Slanted roofs pull energy down and especially affect beds and sleeping arrangements under those slants. The effect is intensified when the slant of the roof is more than 30 degrees and the attic has not been completed as living space. Ceiling beams above the bed. Triangular windows.

After installation the energy of a space changes immediately. Due to an energetic shift similar to a detox process some mild side effects (such as strong dreams) may occur. This usually settles within a week or two. In rare cases (with very sensitive people) we sometimes

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


recommend at the beginning to use the HARMONIZER only a few hours a day, slowly increasing the amount of time. Note: The HOME HARMONIZER needs the vertical wallspace behind to function and is deactivated immediately when taken off a wall. There is a small version for a single room called ROOM HARMONIZER. This is used flat on a horizontal surface and covers mainly one room for either studio apartments, but also for hotel rooms on travels, for hospitals (a place where support is needed most) of at work. Due to its different set up it can be placed out of sight on a shelf of even within the drawer of a desk or night stand as long this is kept empty and has at least a square foot of space.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


BioResonance PRO pendant

The BioResonance PRO pendant has been developed to support and protect the body's bio-field against Geopathic stress and EMS (electromagnetic stress). It shields from other peoples energies and carries subtle beneficial frequencies to enhance a number of physical and emotional parameters such as strength and endurance, flexibility, physical and emotional balance, as well as concentration and focus. The BioResonance PRO pendant activates and triggers energetic coherence between and within cells. It provides essential blueprint information for maximum performance of body functions, creating an additional "edge" athletes are looking for when competing. Widely appreciated by all sport disciplines, it also assists yoga practitioners and dancers or just ambitious individuals. Balance tests immediately show significant improvement in stability and strength. Please ask one of our representatives for a personal demonstration. The BioResoanance PRO pendant offers protection from the following challenges:

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Geopathic stress caused by underground waterveins, fault lines and earth grid structures. Geopathic stress is not well known yet in the US, but has been researched in Europe since the late 1920s. It causes subtle energetic drain, wears out the immune system and affects concentration and focus. Electro-Smog (disturbances and stress created by electromagnetic fields EMF's), a major contributor to energetic pollution, and in our rapidly expanding technological environment an increasing stressor 24/7. Exposure to EMFs happens not only in the workplace, but in cars (especially hybrid cars), in most public places and likely at home now, too. Emotional drain from other people ("energy vampires") when one feels overly exhausted after spending time with friends, collegues or clients.

The BioResonanace PRO pendant provides informational subtle frequencies for: Improved physical balance, endurance and flexibility Superior hand-eye coordination, speed and response Enhanced mental focus and concentration Emotional equilibrium, calmness General stress reduction Reducing jet leg with air travels More restful sleep and overall relaxation Energetic support for recovery and self healing Alignment of chakras
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The BioResonance PRO pendant is made of sterling silver. It can be worn as a necklace, but may also be just carried in a pocket close to the body (best within an inch). Please take off at night but keep nearby on a night table as it keeps protecting the biofield for better sleep.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


E-Smog Harmonizer
The E-SMOG HARMONIZER has been developed to protect from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), in the low frequency band (power lines and appliances), as well as the high frequency range from cellphones, computers and all wireless applications. It includes two technologies: 1. Shielding of incoherent components of harmful fields and 2. Transforming remaining chaotic frequencies into a more beneficial vibration.

The E-SMOG HARMONIZER does NOT change the electric signal itself nor block it. Then there would be no reception. Instead it neutralizes the subtle energetic disturbance (incoherent, chaotic frequencies) caused by EMFs in a persons biofield. The E-SMOG HARMONIZER also supports cell communication in general and re-establishes homeostasis. Simple ways to demonstrate the protective effect of the E-SMOG HARMONIZER are Bodydowsing or Applied Kinesiology. Typical applications: Cellphone: Place the E-SMOG HARMONIZER on the back or under the battery cover. (Blackberry and I-Phones have the strongest chaotic fields.) Cordless phones at home operate in the same GigaHz frequency range as cellphones Computers and notebooks Mp3 players, video games Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


TVs and stereos, boom boxes, radio clocks Office equipment: - computers, servers, including the devices of your office collegues. - Fax machine, printer, scanner, router, etc. - Fluorescent lights and transformers of halogen lamps. All wireless devices, routers, indoor antennas, etc. Household appliances - Refrigerator (where we store our organic food) - Electric range, microwave oven - Blenders have the strongest electromagnetic fields! Hair dryers if used on a professional basis. (meaning longer than for a few minutes a day) In case of reducing EMF impact on a bigger scale we recommend to combine the E-SMOG HARMONIZER with other devices of our BioResonance series, e.g. the HOME HARMONIZER for balancing a whole house or the BioResonance PENDANT for personal protection. The new blue BioResonance LASER re-establishes coherence in water and food and reverses the memory of possible EMF damage in the molecular structure of drinking water. The E-SMOG HARMONIZER is made from 24 carat gold for increased strength and comes in superflat technology, so it fits easily in the battery compartment under the cover without sticking it on. This way it can be re-used when changing to a new phone.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Erdstrahlen als Krankheitserreger Gustav Freiherr von Pohl The Complete Feng Shui Health Handbook W. Gerstung and J. Mehlhase Geopathic stress and what you can do about it Ulrike Banis, MD Earth Radiation Kaethe Bachler Discoveries of a Dowser Kaethe Bachler Sleep Well, Be Healthy John Living (with a short overview of Kaethe Bachlers book) Geopathic stress Jane Thurnell-Read Der Wuenschelruten-Report Prof. Dr. Koenig, Prof. Dr. Betz Geopathie Ernst Hartmann, MD Krankheit als Standortproblem Ernst Hartmann, MD Erdstrahlen als Krankheitsursache Andreas Kopschina The Energy Grid Bruce L. Cathie

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


Cellphones and the Dark Deception Caleigh Cooper The Invisible Disease Gunni Nordstrom Cellphones, Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age Dr. George Carlos Public Health SOS Camilla Rees and Magda Havas Cell Towers Blake Levitt

The Diving Hand Christopher Bird The Vivaxis Connection Judy Jacka, ND Hidden Messages in Water Masaru Emoto

The Body Electric Robert O. Becker The BodyTalk System John Weltheim The Quantum Doctor Amit Goswami, PhD Power vs. Force David Hawkins, MD, PhD Sick and Tired, The pH Miracle Robert O. Young, PhD
Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


About the Author

Werner Brandmaier brings decades of professional experience in Engineering, Dowsing, Feng Shui and Advanced Medical Technology to his consulting practice. Ten years ago, his focus and determination propelled him into action as he and his family learned to overcome a major health challenge. Passionate about raising awareness of the impact of Geopathic stress on health, happiness and prosperity, he helps his clients improve their lives through education, the neutralization of harmful earth energies and the application of Feng Shui. Werner is also the developer of a proprietary line of bioresonance tools, space harmonizers and electromagnetic field harmonizers. A native of Austria and second generation dowser with a daily meditation practice, this gentle engineer delights his clients by the depth of his knowledge and the intuitive nature of his consultations. Based in Portland, Maine, Werner speaks and teaches throughout the USA and Europe.

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com


To learn more
For latest News on the topic of Harmonizing Your Space and to stay connected please go to www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com For Feng Shui specific information and to read on the benefits of a Feng Shui Consultation: www.InstituteofFengShui.com For additional scientific information and studies on Geopathic stress and EMFs www.Geopathology.com For simple fast solutions to neutralize Geopathic stress www.Geopathic-Stress-Solutions.com For information on the BioResonance Laser and its capability to reverse EMF damage in water and food www.BioResonanceLaser.com Institute of Feng Shui & Geopathology PO 933 Portland, ME 04104 207-772-7888 werner@InstituteofFengShui.com www.InstituteofFengShui.com

Werner Brandmaier 2013 | www.instituteoffengshui.com

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