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INSTRUCTORS NAMES: Chef Harlan (ext. 29832) Chef Risner (ext. 29831) Chef Rayl (ext. 33101) Rock Bridge Kitchen: 214-3139 Rock Bridge Main Office: 214-3100 or ext. 33101 Career Center Kitchen: 214-3158 Career Center Main Office: 214-3800 Culinary ext. 29172 Bakeshop ext. 29171 Classroom 170A 29170 Classroom 170B 29198 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Welcome to the world of professional cooking. All classes in the CACC Culinary Arts Program are set in a very fast paced environment with a steep learning curve. Success requires committed students willing to fully engage the classes as a profession. With the completion of a sequence of classes you will have the skills necessary to obtain a certificate with the American Culinary Federation as a Certified Culinarian. Throughout the sequence you can also become nationally certified in sanitation with the ServSafe certification. We explore every facet of the fundamentals of culinary arts, as well as learn the vital practice of quality food preparation. Culinary Arts 1 is offered to 10th & 11th grade students. A prerequisite of a C average is required to continue to advanced courses. Students that complete this class receive 2 credits. COURSE COMPETENCIES: 1. Students will gain knowledge of the career/educational opportunities available to them. 2. Students will demonstrate the personal and social responsibility skills needed to obtain and retain employment. 3. Students will be introduced to the food service and hospitality industry. 4. Students will learn the vital importance and proper applications of sanitation and safety standards. 5. Students will learn proper procedures for purchasing and receiving quality products. 6. Students will learn to identify various products by appearance and taste. 7. Students will learn various methods of food preparation for a variety of products. 8. Students will learn to not only comprehend a recipe but convert yields, interpret cooking methods/techniques, and become proficient at recipe analysis. 9. Students will continue to develop interpersonal skills by utilizing teamwork and exhibiting leadership in all aspects of the kitchen. 10. Students will display the ability to effectively manage their time in the kitchen and classroom. CULINARY MISSION AND GOALS: The mission of the culinary arts program is to develop students competencies and abilities to practice effectively in an entry-level position as a cook, pastry cook, or foodservice management trainee with an emphasis of a lifelong continuation of learning and advancement in the culinary arts field. Goal 1: At least 30% of the graduates who have completed an advanced culinary class will attend college or be employed in a job related to the field of Culinary Arts. Goal 2: At least 80% of Culinary 1 Students will obtain 80% or better in written, practical, and professionalism accumulative exams.
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Conference Period: 4th Block (CACC) 1st Block (CACC) 4th Block (CACC/RBHS)

Goal 3: Increase enrollment and retention in advanced classes. Goal 4: Students will improve their academic skills A) Mathematical a. Recipe Conversion b. Bakers Percentages B) Literacy a. Recipe Development b. Research Papers C) Assessment a. Written Exams b. Practical Exams c. Workplace/Career Readiness Goal 5: Maintain and update facilities and equipment to meet or exceed industry standards. Goal 6: At least 80% of students will meet or exceed national standard on technical skills attainment assessment. COURSE OUTLINE: First Semester: Syllabus/Kitchen Protocol Foundations of Food Service Equipment Sanitation Knife Skills Stocks/Conversions Taste Unit (Herbs and Spices) Poultry Beef, Pork, Lamb and Game Fish and Seafood Vegetable Cookery Starches (Potatoes, Rice, Beans, Whole Grains and Pasta) Resume/Career Unit Second Semester: Soups Cooking Methods (dry) Cooking Methods (moist) Sauces Eggs (warm emulsified sauces) Breakfast Global Village Food Philosophy Chef Research Paper Appetizers and Garde Manger Salads (dressings and cold emulsified sauces) Sandwiches Baking and Pastry TEXTBOOKS, RESOURCE MATERIALS, MEDIA SUPPORT: The Art and Science of Culinary Preparation, and The Professional Chef, 7th edition, along with a Classroom Resource Library consisting of computer software, culinary and industry magazines, cookbooks, videos, and instructor handouts. SUPPLY LIST/DEADLINES: You will be expected to get the following supplies for class: o #2 Pencils, black or blue ink pen in class - DAILY o Permanent marker in class - DAILY o 3-Ring Binder: This will be worth 10 points when brought in. - DAILY DUE AUG 24th o Loose-leaf Notebook Paper
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Calculator (cell phones may not be used as calculator) Minimum 1 Gallon (128oz) Bleach: Worth 10 points when brought in. DUE AUG 24th Ponytail Holder or hairnet for any hair that touches the back of the collar. Black or checked pants by week 4 of school (pants must be approved by instructor). o Approved pants order forms are DUE AUG 24th Heavy duty non-slip black close toed work shoes by week 4 of school (shoes must be approved by chef instructor). You will be issued 1 chef coat at the beginning of the year and a total of 2 chef hats (one each semester). Additional hats may be purchased for $2 in the Career Center vending machine. Coats should be laundered frequently for sanitation purposes; there will be weekly coat checks. Lost, damaged or soiled coats will be a cost of $25.00.

CLASSROOM AND KITCHEN PROTOCOL When the bell rings students will be in their seats with: Uniform (chef coat, hat, hair restrained, and kitchen appropriate shoes), 3 ring binder, pen or pencil, and marker.

Cell phones, mp3 players and other electronics are not permitted in the classroom or kitchen during class. Items that are out will be held by teacher, assistant principal or assistant director until the end of school day. If you need to get in contact with your student during class, contact the school or kitchen (refer to top of syllabus for numbers)
Students who leave class before being dismissed will be counted absent. Students are not allowed to leave the kitchen until all kitchen duties are checked off by the Chef or Sous Chef. The kitchen is a team; you will need to help others with more extensive jobs to be completed in a timely manner.

CAREER CENTER EXPECTATIONS All Career Center classes strive to prepare students for adult life by teaching skills and behaviors that will be valued in the workplace. The following expectations are stressed and graded in all Career Center classes. Your instructor will review these, provide instruction in all areas and answer any questions. Attendance Be here on time each day, prepared to work, dressed appropriately Respect Use appropriate language, be honest and truthful, be respectful of peers and adults, Safety Follow safety rules and procedures, keep work area orderly Responsibility Complete work on time, follow directions, use resources to answer questions, ask for help when needed, contribute to class discussion Quality Show determination to complete tasks, be consistent in quality, focus on the task at hand Team Work as a productive team member in a variety of roles, communicate in a sensitive way Grading Scale: A ................94 - 100 A-.................90 - 93 B+ ................87 - 89 B ..................83 - 86 B- .................80 - 82 C+ ..............77 - 79 C ........... 73 - 76 C- .......... 70 - 72 D+ ......... 67 - 69 D ........... 63 - 66 D- .......... 60 - 62 F ............ 59 - 00

Please save all your tests to study; your final is 1/7 of your semester grade. GRADING SYSTEM: Attendance is very important in this class. This class simulates a work environment; therefore your daily participation is a vital part of your grade. The grading system is as follows: Daily Lab Work, Journal and Quizzes 10% Semester Exam 14% Tests, Homework and Reports 38% CACC Expectations (4 times a semester) 38% (lowest score dropped) End-of-Course testing - When a student has taken three (3) credits of a Career Center program, they will take the industry-based end-of-course exam, NOCTI, which will account for 10% of the final exam grade.
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ATTENDANCE Students are expected to be in class daily and to be engaged in the learning process. Regular attendance is essential for success in school and in life. Research shows that students with 95% or above attendance are more successful academically by earning better grades and performing better on college entrance exams. Our attendance goal for all students is 95% or better. A portion of the class grade is based on Career Center Expectations, which includes attendance and participation in class, lab, shop, or worksites. Absences, except those for a school-sponsored activity, may affect a students grade. MAKE-UP WORK The following is the Culinary Arts Department policy on make-up work. Any work missed is automatically entered as a zero in e-schools. Students are responsible for contacting chef on missed work/deadlines. Excused (Parent Excused, Excused, Medical, Field Trips) and Verified Absences All missed work may be made up at full credit. It is the students responsibility to initiate contact with the teacher to get make up work. Work must be made up in a timely fashion, within the same number of days as the absence (e.g. absent 2 days, work made up in 2 days). Participation points are lost due to absence. Students may possibly make up lab time by working in the classroom/shop/lab outside of class time or through alternate assignments determined by the instructor. However, in some classes experiences are limited and opportunities to repeat them are not available. Suspension (ISS, OSS) Missed work may be made up at partial credit, 50%. It is the students responsibility to initiate contact with the teacher to get make up work. Work must be made up in a timely fashion, generally within the same number of days as the absence (e.g. absent 2 days, work made up in 2 days). Instructors may expect students to make up work during suspension and submit upon returning to school. Participation points will be lost due to absence.

Truancy Participation points may not be made up. Students may be permitted to take exams or turn in homework for 50% of the grade.
RETURN POLICY FOR SECOND SEMESTER Students who are performing below average, or who are failing the semester are subject to removal from the program at semester. A student/parent conference will be held prior to the end of the semester with the appropriate individuals present and alternatives will be discussed. PREREQUISITE FOR ADVANCED COURSES To be eligible to take advanced courses, a student must meet the prerequisites for the course in which he/she wishes to enroll. Prerequisites vary by course, but generally include a minimum grade and satisfactory performance on attendance and Career Center Expectations. See individual course descriptions for specific prerequisite information. If the curriculum for a prerequisite course is modified in any way, a pass/fail grade is issued. Pass/fail grades do not satisfy the grade requirement to take advanced courses.

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COLLEGE CREDIT Articulation Credit Students may earn college credit for Career Center classes through the Articulation process. College credit awarded through Articulation gives the student a jump-start into a technical degree program by allowing the student to by-pass certain entry-level classes at the college level for which the student has already mastered the coursework. Articulated college credit is free and is transcripted after the student 1) completes the high school course and 2) enrolls and completes the required number of credit hours at the institution awarding the credit. Eligibility: Grade of 80% or better in this class for the year Attendance of 95% or better in this class for the year Institutions: Johnson and Wales and Art Institutes ARTICULATION AGREEMENTS: upon completion of Culinary Arts 1 and 2. (Must have C average for high school, B average for culinary classes) Johnson and Wales University - 15 credit hours Art Institute of Colorado - 12 credit hours Art Institute of Chicago - 13 credit hours Art Institute of Atlanta - 8 credit hours ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The integrity of the academic program and the evaluation of each students achievement are of primary concern to educational institutions. Cheating on an educational exercise not only reflects dishonesty on the part of the student, but also diminishes the value of the work done by his/her classmates. Students who cheat or plagiarize (using anothers words, ideas or writing as ones own) shall be subject to the following: referral to the assistant director; parent/guardian contacted; a zero recorded for the exercise; possible detention and/or suspension; and/or removal from the course with a grade of F recorded on the transcript. STUDENT SERVICES Student services are available to help students succeed in their technical classes. Students in technical programs are eligible for extra assistance by asking for help or by having their teacher refer them to the Student Services team. There are literacy specialist, a math specialist, counselors and resource personnel who will help students in classrooms, by appointment and/or before and after school with problems they are having in their technical classes. An employment specialist is available to students who are looking for part-time or full-time jobs. In addition, persons knowledgeable about financial aid for post high school training/education are available, as well as persons who can help students assess their vocational strengths and preferences in order to make more informed career choices.

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INSTRUCTORS PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND Chef Harlan, Phone: 214-3158 or ext.29832 B.S. Professional Management Studies Culinary Institute of America Associates Degree in Culinary Arts Culinary Institute of America Internship Commanders Palace, New Orleans, LA Food Editor, Inside Columbia Magazine Chef Risner, Phone: 214-3800 ext. 29831 Associates of Culinary Arts Newbury College, Brookline, MA Pastry Chef- Sophias, Addisons, Columbia, MO Executive Chef/Pastry Chef/Owner- le Petit Bouchon, Columbia, MO Pastry Chef - Brasserie T, Chicago, IL Pastry Chef - Rialto, Cambridge, MA Catering Manager - Milk St. Caf, Boston, MA Phone: 214-3139 or ext. 33101 Associates Culinary Arts Scottsdale Culinary Institute, Scottsdale, AZ Bachelors of Science Hotel Restaurant Administration Missouri State University, Springfield, MO Executive Chef Illini Country Club, Springfield, IL Kitchen Manager Houlihans, Kansas City, MO

Chef Rayl

STUDENT YOUTH ORGANIZATION SkillsUSA American Culinary Federation Jr. Culinary Chapter SCHOLARSHIPS: Martha A. Rayl Memorial Scholarship Joyce A. Walls Memorial Scholarship Missouri Restaurant Association SkillsUSA (awarded from school and competitions) DISCRIMINATION POLICY As a political subdivision, employer, recipient of federal funds, and an education institution, the Board of Education is prohibited from, and hereby declares a policy against, engaging in unlawful discrimination. This includes harassment and creating a hostile environment on the basis if race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, sexual orientation, or use of leave protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act, in its programs, activities, and with regard to employment. The Board of Education is an equal opportunity employer. COMPUTER USE The use of any Columbia Public School computer is a privilege, not a right. Users of computers are obligated to conform to district and individual school policies and directions given by a staff member. Using the CPS facilities to access information carried by the Internet or other such information services must be for academic work assigned by a teacher. Depending on the nature of the situation, students who violate this regulation shall be subject to disciplinary action, or as the case is with any other property of the CPS, be held responsible for the cost of repair, replacement or maintenance of any damaged equipment or materials. The school may have a student assigned to an alternative educational program.

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