Vessel, BS5500 Cat-3, Is Followed. The Chamber Is Designed As A Pressure Vessel

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The objective of this report is to design a vacuum chamber, of internal diameter of 3000 mm and of 8 m length, which will be used for the casting of propellant. With the fabrication of this chamber, the existing casting facility will be amplified for larger diameter motor casings, as in existing design internal diameter of chamber is 2000 mm and length is up to 7.7 m. The basic design of existing and new vacuum chamber is same. For the mechanical design of vacuum chamber, British Standard for Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessel, BS5500 Cat-3, is followed. The chamber is designed as a pressure vessel subjected to external pressure in steady static condition using factor of safety as 1.5.

This report presents the design of Propellant Casting Chamber. The design is based on external pressure as the main load and on design temperature. The design of following components are presented in this report, 1. Main cylindrical shell 2. Cylindrical Jacket 3. End Blocking Rings 4. Intermediate Blocking Ring 5. Flanges 6. Flange Cover 7. Gasket 8. Elliptical End 9. Bottom End 10. Nozzle and Branches 1. Jacket Side 2. Shell Side 11. Insulation The size of the following components is estimated as no reference for calculation was available. 1. Locking lugs 2. Joining ring on dished end 3. Joining ring on shell 4. Baffles This chamber is designed keeping in view that pumps of same capacity, as are being used with the existing chamber, will also be used with new chamber.


In our case the main cylindrical shell is under vacuum condition and is surrounded with hot water jacket working under some pressure. Design Temp (C) Main Cylindrical Shell Cylindrical Jacket 100 100 2 Design Pressure (N/mm ) -1 mm of Hg 0.3101 N/mm 2

Design stress:
According to BS 5500 the design stress (f) limits irrespective of the orientation of the main welded seam is given by For austenitic steel under design temp T f=120*(450/ (400+T) here, f=120*(450/ (400+100)) f=108 N/mm 2

The test pressure for hydraulic test shall not be less than the standard pressure as follows. 2 p=0.31 N/mm P (test pressure) = 1.5p t= 2 P =0.465 N/mm t This pressure will test the inner vessel or shell externally; also the jacket dimensions will be kept so as to withstand this pressure without any damage.

For the given design condition of temperature and stress BS5500 recommends following materials: BS1501 316 S16 for Shell, Heads , jacket, cladding and joint flanges which have minimum tensile strength up to 520 N/mm2 & minimum value of yield strength up to 262 N/mm2 and have design strength of 152 N/mm2 at 100C BS970 304 S15 for Blocking Rings which have

BS1501 304 S15 for joint flanges which have minimum tensile strength up to 510 N/mm2 & minimum value of yield strength up to 247 N/mm2 and have design strength of 143 N/mm2 at 100C BS4882 GrB8 for external bolting, which has design strength value of 106 N/mm2 at 100C for all diameter bolts is used as a Gasket material, has outstanding resistance to heat and a lower out gassing rate is used outside of jacket to maintain system temperature. It is resilient, light weight, fibrous and wool like. It is thermally very efficient and provides resistance up to 1100C. Here it will be used in the form of blanket. for nozzle flanges, on the head and on the shell and jacket side, as referred by API for nozzle neck, on the head and on the shell and jacket side , as referred by API



ASTM A182 304 ASTM A312 304


Main Cylindrical Shells:

We have divided each 4000 mm segment into 3 parts i.e. two segments of length 1300 mm and one segment of 1400 mm. Calculation has been done on minimum length segment.

D (Inside shell Diameter) i L (Vessel unsupported Length) e (shell thickness) R (shell mean radius) mean S (stress factor) C (corrosion allowance)

=3000 mm =1000 mm =12 mm including corrosion allowances =1508 mm =1.1 =0

External pressure check on cylindrical Shell: Pressure at which the mean circumferential stress in a cylindrical shell, midway between stiffeners reaches yield point of material is given by P = sfe/R (1- G) y mean (for no stiffeners =0)

G=2(SinhL/2. CosL/2 + SinL/2. CoshL/2) (SinhL+ SinL) 2 P = 0.942 N/mm y Elastic instability pressure for the collapse of a cylindrical shell is given by P =Ee/ R


To calculate (Mean elastic circumferential strain) we have to calculate following factors to get the value of from graph: 2R mean /e = 252 L/2 R mean = 0.3306

So since,

= 0.001
P m = 1.554 N/mm 2

K= P / P m y K=1.65


K=1.977 = 0.495

Allowable pressure p p all all =* P y 2





It means that for 12mm thickness of shell with 1000mm unsupported length; our design is within safe limit.

Jacket Cylindrical Shell:

Here we are considering jacketed vessel, which is confined entirely for cylindrical shell only. For Air side (shell side): Air film temperature will be average of the temperature between the shell wall and air atmospheric temperature. 0 Shell wall temperature = 99.5 c 0 Atmospheric temperature =32 c Properties of air at film temp (T ): f 0 T = T +T /2= 99.5+32/2=66 c f s 3 =0.998Kg/ m 0 C =1.009KJ/Kg c p 5 =2.07*10 Kg/m.s 6 2 =20.76*10 m /sec 0 k=0.03003W/m c P =0.697 r Now Grashoff No for air is 3 2 G =g (T -T ) / r s

3 6 2 =9.81(1/66)(99.5-32)(3) /(20.76*10 ) (=1/T ) f =6.327*10 Here 0.25 D /L > 35/(G ) i r For vertical cylinders Nusselt no for free convection is N = [0.825+0.387(R ) u a & Rayleigh No. R = GrPr=4.413*10 a So, N =846.4 u So convective heat transfer coefficient for air is 20 h =k* N /D=8.472N/m c a u For this condition required heat load for air Q= DLh (T -T )=43436.61W a s 11 1/6 /(1+(0.492/ P ) r 9/16 8/27 2 ) ] 11


Properties of water at average bulk temp: Bulk temperature of water is the average temperature between Border temperature of shell wall & actual temperature of water: 0 T = 100+99.5/2=99.75 c bulk 3 =958.29 kg/m -6 =277.5*10 Kg/m.s P =1.724 r 0 C =4.22 KJ/Kg c p 0 k=0.679 W/m c For annulus space flow R =Vx/ e Where x is that annulus space through which water flows.

3 Using pump flow rate of 8m /hr velocity of water is calculated. Q=AV Here Here 2 2 8/3600=/4(3.098 -3.032 )V V=0.00699m/sec R =1593.77>10,000 e

So, flow in annulus space is laminar Using relation given in CENJEL'S Heat Transfer For laminar flow in annulus space at D /D =1 i o Nusselt No is N =4.86 u Heat transfer coef. for annulus space is h = N K/D w u h =4.86*0.697/0.066 w 20 h =51.32w/ m . c w 0 Also facing fouling factor of water in annular space is (from J.P Holman at 100 c) 20 =0.0002 m . c /W f So, Conduction heat transfer coef. for shell wall =d ln(d /d )/2K o o i =3.032ln(3.032/3)/2*16.1 -4 0 =9.99*10 m c/W Over all heat transfer coefficient: -4 1/U =1/h +9.99*10 +1/h + a w f -4 =1/8.472+9.99*10 +1/51.32+0.0002 20 U= 7.208W/ m . c Jacket wall conduction resistance. = d ln(d /d )/2K o o i = 3.112 ln(3.112/3.098)/2*16.1 0 =0.000436 m c/W

Over all heat transfer for insulation 1/U=1/51.32+0.0002+0.000436 U=49.69W/mc Heat transfer from jacket Q=UADT=49.693.112*8*0.5 =1943W For insulation 1943=2 *8(100-32)/[ln(d /3.112)/0.05986+1/d *7.5] o o =7.5ln (d /3.112)+0.05986/d =0.7892 o o d =3168mm o This is the minimum diameter required for insulation. So insulation thickness =32mm is adequate for insulation. Minimum thickness of the jacket considering only design pressure is, t = (p*D/2f-p) +c j t = (0.3101*3098/(2*108-0.3101))+0 j t = 4.454 mm j It means that for 7mm thickness of shell with 1300mm unsupported length, our design is safe. Insulation Thickness:In order to calculate the thickness of insulation we have to find out heating load in different areas of the vessel.

End Blocking Ring:

To join each shell and type-1 jacket segments we use square shaped blocking ring: Inside Dia of Jacket (D) Outside dia of Vessel (D ) o = 3098 mm = 3032 mm

Minimum thickness of blocking ring is given by t = 0.433(D-D )(p/f) b o t = 1.5314 mm b So the required Size of Blocking ring is: Outer dia.= 3098mm Inner dia = 3034 mm (b/c we have given 1mm space b/w shell and ring for welding) Thickness = 32mm

Intermediate Blocking Ring:

We use the same dimensions of above blocking ring but in this blocking ring holes are present for the passage of water to pass it in to other segments of the jacket. PCD for holes = 3098+3032/2=3066 mm No of holes = 25 Dia of hole = 16 mm

Top Head
Selection of Elliptical Head: BS refers elliptical and torrispherical heads for given size of cylinder.

Dished end thickness due to external pressure:

We select the thickness of dish end 7mm & checking its adequacy as follows: Dish Thickness (t ) = 7mm d Corrosion allowance =0 Spherical radius of dome(R) = 2411 mm External pressure check on dished end 1. Pressure at which the membrane stress in a spherical shell reaches the yield point of material P = 2*s*f*t /R yss d = 2*1.1*108*7/2411 2 = 0.6898 N/ mm 2. Elastic instability pressure for the collapse of a spherical shell 2 2 P = 1.21*E* t /R e d 2 2 = 1.21*195846.2*7 /2411 2 = 1.997 N/mm Now K =P /P = 2.895 e yss


K=2.895 = 0.285

can be calculated from graph


3. Allowable External Pressure p =Delta * P all yss 2 = 0.19659 > 0.00013 N/ mm So 7mm thickness is adequate for dished end. Here we are selecting Semi elliptical head. For outer dia of dome = 3014mm, the standard dimensions with respect to above calculations and vessel diameter are as follows: Knuckle radius S (Straight length) f Spherical radius = 464 mm = 150 mm Thickness = 2411mm

= 7 mm

Flange with full faced gasket (b/w cylindrical shell):

For the connection of domed end and cylindrical shell, flange with full-faced gasket is selected to ensure leak proof joint. Outer dia of flange Inner dia of blocking ring Outside dia of gasket Bolt circle dia Bolt nominal design stress at design temp Bolt nominal design stress at atm.temp. Nominal design strength for flange material at design temperature (operating conditions) A=3338mm B=3034mm G =3338mm o C =3258mm S =106N/mm b S =126N/mm a 2

2 2

S =143 N/ mm fo

Gasket/joint contact surf. unit seating load Bolt dia Bolt hole dia Effective gasket contact width under pressure 1. Hydrostatic end force on area inside of flange 2 H = 0.785*P*B d 3 = 289.04x10 N

Y =1.4N/mm d =20mm b d =22mm 2b=5m

2. Radial distance from bolt circle to circle on which H acts d h = 0.5(C-B) d = 112mm 3. Total hydrostatic end force 2 H = 0.785(C-d) *P = 328811.25N 4. Hydrostatic end force due to pressure on flange face H = H-H t d = 39771.25N 5. Radial distance from bolt circle to the circle on which H acts t h = {(C+d+2b)-B}/4 where 2b=5mm t = 62.75mm 6. Diameter at location of gasket load reaction H G = C-(d+2b) = 3231mm 7. Compression load on gasket to ensure tight joint H = 2b * 3.14 * G * m *p p = 2029.068N 8. Radial distance from bolt circle to the circle on which H acts p h = (d+2b)/2 p = 13.5mm 9. Radial distance from bolt circle to the circle on which H acts r

h = {Go-(C+d)}/4 + d/2 r = 25.5mm 10. Balancing reaction force acting outside bolt circle in opposition to moment due to H , H & H d p t 11. H = (H * h + H * h + H * h ) / h r d d t t p p r = 1368133.036 N M=H *h r r 6 = 29.633* 10 N-m 13. Minimum required bolt load for operating condition W = H + H + H m1 p r = 1698973.3 N 14. Basic gasket seating width effective under initial tightening up bo = G -C o = 80mm 15. Min. required bolt load for gasket seating W = 12.56 *C*y*vbo m2 = 512405.45N 16. Total required x-sectional area of bolts Taken as larger of the value of W /S = 16028.05 & m1 b W /S = 4066.709 m2 a So, A m = 16028.05 mm


Selection of bolts: Here we are selecting M20 bolts. From bolt standards root mean area for M20 bolts is Root area = 245 mm

Min no. of bolts = (Am/Root area) = 66 Selected no. of bolts (n)= 90 Bolt c.f pitch (P) = 3.142*C/n = 113.74mm Min. Flange thk. Due to internal pressure: 17. t = [6M /{S (3.14C-n*d)}] f fo = 12.27mm

Min. Flange thk. Due to bolt pitching: 18. t = [(P-2d ) * (m+0.5) * (E/200000) f b gasket factor (m) = 1 t = 18.34mm f 0.25 ]/6 (refer to BS5500)

Use 25.4mm thick plate for flange. Flange flat cover thickness (ef): In cover calculation D=C above e = [cD(p/ S )] f fo c (constant for Blind flange with full faced gasket )=0.42 e = 22.88mm f Use 60mm thick plate for cover.

Branches and Nozzle: Jacket side:

Branch outer dia (D bo ) =73.0mm

Thickness of branch due to pressure loading only is B = p D /2f+p t bo = 0.1047mm BS provides 3.9mm as min thickness for 73 mm dia branch, so

Thickness of branch wall (t ) = 4.55 mm for pipe corroded with 12.5% deduction for mill a tolerance which corresponds to 73 dia pipe of schedule 40. Required shell thickness excluding corrosion allowance A=3.98125mm t = 7-0=7mm j Compensation requirement check for welded branch: To find area X: d=opening bore without branch t =4.55 a d= D

-2* t bo a d=73-2*4.55 d=63.9mm X= (d/2)*A X= (63.9/2)*3.98125 =127.20 mm

To find are Y: N=2.5*t =11.375 a S= t +75=7+75=82mm j Neglecting weld area Y= (t -A)* S+ (t - B )*N*f/f j a t = (7-3.98125)*82+ (4.55-0.1047)*11.375 = 298.09 mm

Since area Y > area X so jacket side nozzle do not require any compensation.

Shell side:
Shell material =BS Branch outer dia =273mm Thickness of branch due to pressure loading only is B = p D /2f+p t bo = 0.3914mm BS provides 9.3mm as min thickness for 273 mm dia branch, so

Thickness of branch wall = 8.1375 mm for pipe corroded with 12.5% deduction for mill tolerance which corresponds to 273 dia pipe of schedule 40. Required shell thickness excluding corrosion allowance A=7.1203mm t = 7-0=7mm j Compensation requirement check for welded branch: To find area X: d=opening bore without branch t =8.1375 a d= D

-2* t bo a d=273-2*8.1375 d=256.72mm X= (d/2)*A X= (256.72/2)* 7.1203 =913.97 mm

To find are Y: N=2.5*t =20.34 a S= t +75=7+75=82mm j Neglecting weld area Y= (t -A)* S+ (t - B )*N*f/f j a t = (7-7.1203)*82+ (8.1375-0.3914)* 20.34 = 147.69 mm

Since area X > Y so shell side nozzle require any compensation. So For reinforcement boundaries (L) L= 0.25r Where r = inside radius of hole L= 0.25*136.5 L = 34.125 mm So reinforcement boundaries should not be greater than 34.125 mm & we select 15 mm reinforcement ring for opening which is sufficient to reinforce our nozzle boundary.

To enhance turbulence of water in jacketed area and also to regulate flow, we selected spiral baffle in the annulus space, on the outer surface of cylindrical shell. The dimension of baffle is Inner diameter of baffle plate Thickness of Baffle Width of baffle = 3032mm = 3mm = 27mm

Since we have divided each 4000mm segment of jacket into three further parts so each 1300mm length segment of jacket contains clockwise 7 equal turns of baffles. We select Flat plate of Stainless Steel as a baffle material, which has a good resistance against corrosion, and high strength material.

C = Specific heat p E=Modulus of Elasticity f =Design stress k= thermal conductivity p= Required pressure (inside jacket) Pr = Prandtal no R = Spherical radius of dome s=Material stress factor T=Design temperature X= Area from figure in Appendix-F of BS5500 Y= Area from figure in Appendix-F of BS5500 = Density = dynamic viscosity = kinematic viscosity


Maximum stress in cylinder is longitudinal and on the inside surface adjacent to head and is given by S=I*(p*D/2e) Where
I=0.5+[C1*a^3-C2*a+3b^1.5+C4*a*b+C5*b/a] /[C6*a^3+C1*a+C8/a+C9/b^0.5+C10*a^2/b^0.5]

refer to BS 5500

Thickness of cylinder = 16mm Thickness of end plate (e) = ? Mean dia of cylinder (D) = 3016 mm a = e /e b=D /e p mean The minimum thickness of shell due to pressure loading e( = 4.313mm cylo) also e( = pD/2f = 4.316mm cylo) p/f = 0.00286



= 3.707 ~ 4

using graph between p/f and c from BS standard value of constant c at e/e(cylo) = 4 is c = 0.57 SO, e = 0.57*3016*v0.00286 = 91.9mm ~ 92mm p so thickness of bottom plate(e ) is = 92 mm p here SO a=92/16=5.75 b=3016/16=188.5 I=9.843 S = 9.843*0.3101*3016/2/16 = 287.20 N/ mm < 2.7f So, stresses in the cylinder are not controlling.

2 E 195846.2 N/mm Corrosion Allowance 0 mm While keeping the same no of strakes, its thickness and length is adjusted to reduce the no. of joint flanges, in shell from 4 to 3.

Unfired fusion welded pressure vessel means a container for the containment of internal or external pressure which may be obtained from an external source or by the application of heat from a direct or indirect source or any combination thereof but excluding.

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