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Negev, The Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel

ABSTRACT The paper shows the use of Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) in analysis of power system stability, in conditions of small and large disturbances. The system comprises 13 buses, 5 synchronous generators, 15 transmission lines and 9 load centers. The PSAT software runs under Matlab and Simulink environment which offer flexibility and ability of easy simulation and development. Keywords- Transient Stability; small signal stability; power flow; time-domain simulation. paper we try to emphasis the implementations of these three applications with PSAT. The paper is organized as follows: Section II illustrates the power system under investigation; Section III discusses the classification of power system stability; Section IV illustrates the power system performance under small perturbation; Section V illustrates the power system under short circuits faults. Finally, Section VI and VII present conclusions and future work directions. 2. POWER SYSTEM UNDER TEST The synchronous generators in power system can be represented in varying levels of detail depending on the phenomenon being tested and simulated. In addition, a wide range of models exist for various external control components like exciters and governors [3, 4] A classical model is used to analysis the transient stability of a power system without control interventions. This simple model requires a minimum amount of data and can be run under classical software languages. In the classical model, the loads are represented by constant impedances, the transmission network is represented by the [Ybus] (the admittances matrix) and the synchronous machines are represented electrically by a constant voltage source behind transient reactance models as shown in Fig. 1.
m - Constant impedance loads
E 1 1



The liberalization of the electricity market in the world has generated the disassembling of large electrical companies into separated generation, transmission and distribution companies with consequent changes in the operating conditions of electric power systems. The advances in analytical techniques and computer technology have let the implementation of on line security analysis and real time control of large grids to ensure reliable and secure operation of power systems in a deregulated environment. Power system stability has been recognized by utilities engineers as one of the important problem for secure system operation. Historically, many major blackouts caused by power system instability have illustrated the importance of this phenomenon [1]. The PSAT software has been chosen for the simulations calculations and performance, due to some important features that simplifies the developing and analysis process. PSAT is an open source power system analysis toolbox and freely downloadable and has an active forum at the web [2]. Traditionally, the usage in software for simulating and developing power system was done by the utilities. In our days, the liberalization of energy market together with gradually continues growing trend in electrical energy consumption, and the latest blackout events in North America and Europe have extended the use in power systems software to private companies, for engineering applications, economic calculation and contingencies analysis. In this

jx' d1


n - Generator System I

E 2 2

jx' d2


Transmission network


E n n

jx' dn


Reference node


Figure 1. Classical model dynamic multi-machine representation

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IEEEI 2008

The first order differential equations that describe the classical model are given by [8]:
Mi = P
0 Mi


Gen. No 1 2 3 4


Name PRATTS JC COMFD SALEM HBR MYSTIC MILLBURY Xd[pu] 0.1570 0.1360 0.0717 0.0326 0.0280 H[sec] 2.30 10.30 12.72 27.00 Infinite bus


j =1 ji

Ei Ej [ B ij sin( i j )

+ Gij cos( i j )]

(1) Numerical techniques are used to solve the set of differential equations. The rotor angles and the rotor speeds are obtained by numerical integration method [5 - 7]. A typical modern power system is a high-order multivariable dynamic system whose response is influenced by a wide array of devices with different characteristics. Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of a 13-bus power system that comprises 5 synchronous generators to 9 load centers trough 15 transmission lines [8]. The capacity of generator 5 is large and can be consider as an infinite busbar. For a 4th order model of synchronous generators, the overall power system dynamic model will be of order 16 [9].


1-2 1-12 2 -3 2 -5 2-6 2-7 2-9 3-4

LINES DATA R[ohm] 0.92 2.40 0.00 3.10 2.04 2.62 0.98 1.42 2.00 1.18 0.80 0.10 3.50 3.50 1.96 X[ohm] 5.82 8.62 4.00 8.82 14.20 10.94 4.08 9.70 12.36 6.43 1.80 0.40 13.40 13.40 6.10 Qc[MVAR] at 100% voltage 6.9 4.1 0.0 1.0 5.4 1.2 1.8 69.8 1.6 4.5 18.0 3.4 5.2 5.3 2.5




Bus6 Bus2

8-11 9-10

Bus1 Bus12


10-11 10-12


Bus10 Bus11




SLACK reference

P-load [MW]


P-Gen [MW]

Voltage [%]



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

17 140 0 0 90 126 135 250 99 56 56 0

0 20 0 0 0 15 20 90 40 20 20 0

90 0 0 175 0 320 0 350 0 0 0 41.5

Figure 2. 12 bus power system configuration constructed at PSAT [Pavel Omahen]



The system solution was got by running the power flow program with PSAT software [10], which converges shortly. The amplitude voltages at generators buses and the real power at load centers are given while the generated power at the generators buses and the phases at all buses are calculated by the power flow code. The power system data are given in Tables I-III.



99.6 0.16 100.2 -1.84 101.9 2.07 106.7 10.76 99.8 -3.70 102.0 0.17 99.4 -3.61 100.0 -2.90 99.0 -3.10 96.3 -2.50 99.8 -3.00 95.6 0.00

-100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000

100 0 0 200 0 100 0 200 0 0 0 1000

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IEEEI 2008

3. DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION OF POWER SYSTEM STABILITY The classification of power system stability is widely described in [11]. In our simulation we mostly consider the rotor angle stability witch refer to the ability of synchronous generators of an interconnected multi-machines power system to remain in synchronism after being subjected to a disturbance. The system response to different kinds of disturbances, starting from the stability of the operating point trough the system response to a small disturbance such as adding/removing a small part load from the grid to the severe case of short circuit at different places of the electrical grid buses were tested. In this examination process we validate by simulation the reliability of the power system under tests. The reliability could have two meanings, according to the NERC (North American Electric Reliability Council) [12] definitions. The first meaning is Adequacy, which is the ability of the power system to supply the aggregate electric power and energy requirements of the customer at all times, taking into account scheduled and unscheduled out-ages of system components. The second meaning of reliability can be regarded as power system Security which defines as the ability of the power system to withstand sudden disturbances such as electric short circuits or non anticipated loss of system components. The term reliability from the security point of view relates to the determination of the robustness of power system relative to imminent disturbances. Instability of power system can be a phenomenon concerning the active power or reactive power. The phenomenon that connects it to active power is classified as rotor angle stability while the phenomenon connected to the reactive power balance is classified as voltage stability [1314]. In this paper we are concentrated with the first phenomena. 4. SMALL DISTURBANCE ROTOR ANGLE STABILITY In multi-machine power system there is dynamic interactions between the synchronous machines that generate the electrical power. These interactions can be divided to two types, mechanical mode interactions and reactive mode interactions. From stability point of view, the mechanical mode is the most dominant mode witch effect the power system stability. The dynamic behavior of the mechanical mode of synchronous generator is of the second-order whose characteristic equation can be written as:
d 2 ( ) d ( ) + ( D /( M )) + ( K 1 * 377 /( M ) = 0 dt dt

M Inertia coefficient = 2H, seconds D Damping coefficient K1 linearization Constant n= K 1 377 =

1 D / K 1 M 377 2

One form of instability is approached as the damping ratio goes to zero. For conventional ranges of inertia, impedances, and loading values, fdamp will be in a range of 0.5 2 Hz. The change in electromagnetic torque of a synchronous generator following an interruption can be resolved into two components: - Synchronizing torque component, in phase with rotor angle deviation. - Damping torque component, in phase with the speed deviation. Fig. 3 shows the possible locus of torques that contributes to stabilize the synchronous generator.
Locus of positive electromagnetic synchronizing & damping torque

Figure 3. Electromagnetic synchronizing torque and damping torque possible locus

The power system stability of multi-machine power system depends on the existence of both components of torque for each of the synchronous generator. The time dynamic behavior of the rotor will depends at roots of equation (2). The rotor will accelerates or decelerate and the speed will increase or decrease according to the power system mechanical mode eigen values. The power system state space will be convergent to new stable operating point within accepted range, or to a loss of synchronism. In our tested system, we set the dynamic order of the synchronous generator model at the software menu to 4 and we complete the physical characteristic parameters of the synchronous generators as given in Table IV:

(2) (3)

f damp = n 1

Where Moment angle.

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IEEEI 2008


Ra X [pu] [pu]
0.001 0.05 0.001 0.05 0.001 0.05 0.001 0.05

5. LARGE DISTURBANCE ROTOR ANGLE STABILITY As we mention in section III, the ability to assess the robustness of power system relative to imminent disturbances by simulation is an important stage in reliability calculation and estimation of the network to severe disturbances such as short circuit on a transmission line. In this section we will test the dynamic response of the power system in case of short circuit at four points on the grid. case a line 1-2 is faulted In this case line 1-2 is faulted by three-phase to ground short circuit close to bus 1 .The clearing time is 50ms, after that the two breakers at the end of lines 1-2 and 12-1 are opened. Line 12-1 is auto-reclosed after 50ms and line 1-2 remained open due to the differential protection. At this case the fault is close to Generators 1 and 2. case b bus 3 is faulted In this case bus 3 is faulted by short circuit to ground. The clearing time is 50ms, after that the two breakers at the end of lines 3-13 and 3-2 are opened. Line 3-2 is auto-reclosed after 50ms and line 3-13 remained open due to the differential protection [Fig 4].
2 1.5 1 delta (rad) 0.5 0

Xd Xd' Xd'' [pu] [pu] [pu]

0.8 0.1570 0.08 0.816 0.136 0.082 0.43 0.0717 0.043

T'do T''do [s] [s]

8.00 0.04 8.00 0.04 8.00 0.04 8.00 0.04

Xq Xq' Xq''
[pu] [pu] [pu]
0.6 0.25 0.08 0.6 0.3 0.06 0.4 0.20 0.04 0.16 0.1 0.02

T'qo T''qo [s] [s]

0.80 0.02 0.80 0.02 0.80 0.02 0.80 0.02

H D' [s] [pu]

2.30 0.00 10.3 0.0 12.72 0.00 27 0

0.2 0.0326 0.02

The eigen values of the system relate to the power system at the equilibrium operating point without PSS (Power System Stabilizers). It can be shown that the dominant eigen values are those of machine 4 with low damping and close to the imaginary axis. The eigen values frequencies of the mechanical mode are 4.1Hz for machine 2, 2.85Hz for machine 3, and 2.1Hz for machine 1 and 1.4Hz for machine 4. The dynamic behavior to a small perturbation such as small load adding/shedding is shown in Fig 4. It fit the eigen value frequencies.
0.8 0.7 delta [rad] 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Syn 1 Syn 2 Syn 3 Syn 4

4 time (s)


Figure 4. Dynamic response of generators 1 4 to 5MW load reject at bus 3

-0.5 -1 -1.5

Syn 1 Syn 2 Syn 3 Syn 4

The inherent damping is due to the dynamic interactions between the reactive modes of the synchronous generators. The reactive mode which involved the exciter and the voltage regulator has a characteristic equation that can be written in a similar form to the mechanical mode
S 2 + 2 ri ri S + r i 2 = 0

2 time (s)

Figure 5. Generator moment angle oscillations due to bus 3 faulted


case c line 2-9 is faulted In this case line 2-9 is faulted by three-phase to ground short circuit, close to bus 9. The clearing time is 50ms. After that the two breakers at the end of lines 9-8, 2-9 and 9-10 are opened. Lines 9-8 and 9-10 are auto-reclosed after 200ms and line 2-9 remained open due to the differential protection. case d line 8-11 is faulted In this case line 8-11 is faulted by three-phase to ground short circuit, close to bus 11. The clearing time is 50ms. After that the two breakers at the end of lines 8-11 and 2-9 are opened. Line 8-11 is auto-reclosed after 200ms and line 2-9 remained open due to the differential protection.

Where ri is the natural frequency of the reactive mode,

1 + K 3 K 6 K Ai 2ri= K T ' T , 3 doi A i
1 1 1 ri= 2 ( T + K T ' ) ri Ai 3i doi


It can be seen from the ri definition that the natural damping of the power system can be improved by small values of time constant of open circuit generator, T'do. To illustrate this we change the T'do's values that appear in Table IV of all generators to a lower value, from 8 seconds to 3 seconds, and we check again the power system eigen values. The eigen values that represent the mechanical modes are moved to the left, i.e., the damping would increase.

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IEEEI 2008

From the dynamic response of each generator at different faults cases described above, we can indicate the following comments: The dynamics interaction due to the ring structure of the grid improve the stability of the power system, because in all the sever cases the dynamic response would be characterized by big amplitude oscillations but would not dispersal. As the fault is close to a generator, its amplitude dynamic response is bigger. In all cases described above we enforce a short time of fault, 50ms. In longer fault time we estimate that the generators will loss synchronism. Typical ranges of these critical times are around 0.25-0.4 sec. The power system response will be closer to reality as the dynamic order of the generator will be bigger and include the subsystems witch influence the dynamic of the power system such as voltage regulator, reactive mode and governors. Adding power system stabilizer to each generator will improve its dynamics response. 6. FUTURE RESEARCH Future research should address the influence of clearing time to the synchronism loss of the generators involves. Forth more, the influence excitation systems at the power system dynamics and can include the calculation of PSS power system stabilizers and their influence to the power system responses to the different disturbances. A similar research can be implemented at Independent power producer (Ipp) interconnected test performance according to the international standards. 7. CONCLUSIONS In this paper we investigate the impact of different kind of disturbances on the tested system that operating at steady state conditions. We simulate small disturbance by adding small load at bus 3, and we analyze the system reactions. Large disturbances were simulated by forcing short circuits at different buses of the power system. We use the PSAT software for this simulations because it dedicated for research propose and very effective tool under Matlab and Simulink environment. Based on this simulation results, several conclusions can be drawn: The system will react differently for faulted located at different buses that is rather expected. For small disturbances the power system can be simulated by the classical control method such as the state space representation. In this simulation we did not include the excitation system and it will be interesting to add an excitation system to every generator in the system and to analyze the changes of the system responses.

In the new trend of open electric market developing in the world, this analysis process can help in assess the impact of independent power producer plant introduced in an existing power system by simulating feasibility transient initiating events. 8. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to express their thanks to the Nuclear Research Center Negev-NRCN Institute for supporting the research in Power Systems. The authors would like to express their thanks to Dr. Pavel Omachen, Deputy General Manager of the ElectroSlovenija Company for providing the data of the tested system [15]. 9. REFERENCES

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[12] [13]



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IEEEI 2008

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