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Information measures, peculiar information about techniques, to increase qualification of the staff. Legal regulation and economic measurement are only resolved at national level. But local governmental units are responsible for the additional legal regulation, economic measure for their regional area. Economic measure is less effective than the legal regulation. But the economic measure is more effective than informational measure and requires an economic push to implement the project. In the case of our county's situation, it is appropriate to take measures of investment aid instead of the economic measure. Informational measure gives its efficiency when an implement doesn't know the saving measures, which has more economic efficiency. But it depends on the quality of information and its importance. So it is difficult to evaluate its efficiency in advance. It is important to establish energy management procedure to reduce the energy consumption and conduct a research on energy saving. Beggar industries shall be charged with responsibilities to determine the organizations, which should be involved in research, and to implement non-cost and less cost measure, to conduct the research in energy 3-5 years in accordance with in official resolution. Due to introducing in energy management schema, there's a post of the energy manager and the suitable environmental should be formed to register and control the energy consumption.
Sustainable controlling at the all steps of energy

KORUS 2001
CONCLUSION To quality the governmental organizations structure of rights and responsibilities and to implement the energy saving policy of Mongolia: 1. To make a law about the energy utilization improvement, develop and implement the national energy saving policy and evaluate regularly. 2. To create the financial and economic mechanism for the energy saving 3. To establish an energy saving fund and determine a trend of its usage. 4. To fix taxation on energy effectiveness and environment. 5 . To establish governmental procedure to select a specialist a group, a company which conducts the specialized research on energy saving and rights confirmation. 6. To charge with responsibilities to determine the organizations to be involved in the research in 34 years and to take the energy saving measures 7. To establish a leading management organization and to post a legal person who is responsible to implement energy saving program in Mongolian area 8. To render an economical assistance for the research of energy saving and its measures, to encourage energy saving by the price rate and taxation mechanism.

consumption and having a measurement and information system is important which show direct eficiency. It needs to approve energy saving law with new view as soon as possible. It is appropriate to involve complex issues such as governmental policy to save energy, governmental organizations responsibilities and rights, governmental management base of saving energy, controlling system of energy sources effective utilization from the side of the government energy consumption calculation, standardizing of energy saving, mechanism of energy saving (stimulation, remission, economic responsibility), International cooperation, preparation of the specialists in the law. The government policy should be based on following principles: To prefer the effective use of energy resources To make standard on the energy efficiency specifications of the equipment, material and the means of transmission, regulation. To increase energy generator, supplier, consumers interest to use the energy resource effectively To encourage the equipment and import which save fuel and energy.
0-7803-7008-2/01/$10.000 2 0 0 1 IEEE

R. Davaanyam (Energyauthority), Z.Shagdar (Energyauthority), D. Sodnomdorj (Mongolian Technical University) Symposium direction: Electronics a n d Electrotechnology
Calculation of reactive power generated in 110 kV and higher voltage networks are necessary in every . power system. Total length of 220 kV High Voltage Transmission lines of the Central Energy system of Mongolia is over 1700 km, and total length of 110 kV HVT lines around 2500 km. Because Mongolia is a large country and density of population is very low to provide electricity supply for customers scattered on the territory of Mongolia we need to build long 110,220 kV overhead transmission lines. Therefore, 110, 220 kV network cannot normally operate without specially installed reactors which consuming reactive power.
Electronics and Electrotechnology

KORUS 2001
For consumption of reactive power generated in high voltage network and for preventing exceeding of voltage level in the Central Energy system of Mongolia we using 9 reactors with each capacity of 20 MVAr installed on 6 largest substation. Analysis of daily load curve of Central Energy system shows that operation of shunt reactors needs during low demand hours, but during peak demand hours their use is not necessary. Preliminary studies show that some reactors were not in operation over 5000 hours per year. But reactors are generating pure reactive current and tripping capability of this current of circuit breakers is very poor, Therefore, it is impossible to switch on or off shunt reactors any time we want. When 20 MVAr shunt reactor is off line consumption current of this reactor flows through high voltage line and transformer/ autotransformer so it's preventing from power losses. It means, if it was available to switch off all power systems shunt reactors then operation of them not necessary we could reduce a huge amount of power losses. Unfortunately, as mentioned above it is impossible to switch off shunt reactors at any time and during power systems operation there are many condition then operation of shunt reactors is required. These are reasons why shut reactors usually always in operation.

It is possible to reduce power losses causing by shunt reactors installed in our country if we could replace them with shunt reactors capable to change their power consumption depending of power system condition. During the period of establishment of our power system (1980-1990) controlled shunt reactors were using only in Western countries so that time was not even idea about controlled shunt reactors. Since 1997 Russia started production of this type reactor giving us an opportunity to use controlled shunt reactors by lower price then western same reactors. Use of controlled shunt reactors in Mongolia could have a lot of advantages. Will be available to reduce power and energy losses down to minimum, reduce voltage oscillations on substations and provide better quality electricity to customers, improve power system stability and operation of automatic accessories etc. Using EDSA software made in USA we have calculated state condition of Central Energy system using data measured during winter maximum demand period. Results of calculation were compared with result of measurements to check authentic of this calculation. Final conclusion shows that use of controlled shunt reactors in Mongolian power system is technically and economically efficient.

0-7803-7008-2/01/$10.00 0 2 0 0 1 IEEE

Electronics and Electrotechnology

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