Impassioned Recriminations

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Impassioned Recriminations Author: Sarah Feedback: Yes Please! Send to Now let me clarify... NO FLAMES PLEASE!

I don't mind if you don't like, but please only give constructive criticism on how can I make it better, tell me!! Pairing: Buffy/Angel(us) Summary: Spoilers for everything up to and including ATS Episode 5 (Life of The Party) and BTVS Finale Disclaimer: Would I be writing fanfic if I owned them???? Rating: NC17 Distribution: Will be archived at Sempiternal Beloved ( )and if they want it Dark Secrets, Trouble With Goodbye and In The Arms of An Angel. Anyone else I operate an Ask and Then take policy. AN1: This is my response after watching Life of The Party. I know that Joss is evil but he goes waaay too far sometimes!!! AN2: I hate the character of Eve, she is a child dressed in a business suit in my eyes and there will be lots of bashing of her character. If your one of the very few people who like her, delete this email right now!!!!!!! Chapter 1 Piss off you ponce! Just because you got your rocks off doesnt mean you can suddenly start telling me what to do. Snarled Spike, turning his back to Angel as he started to walk away. Spike! Angel managed to grind out, his face contorting in anger at the younger vampires insolence. I have called Giles and a slayer is on the way to help us with this demon. You know as well as I that this isnt the most welcoming place for slayers. Do the words evil law firm help make it clearer for you. I need you to keep an eye on whomever they send just to make sure no-one tries to hurt them. Help them like you tell me you helped Buffy all those years. A grin formed on Spikes face as an idea formed in his head of how he could piss Angel off even more than his presence already did. So you want me to shag their brains out then? Sorry mate but having a little bit of a no touching problem at the moment. Spike said, laughter flowing from his mouth as Angel morphed into his vampire visage at the images that spike had managed to conjure up in his head. The idea of Spike touching Buffy automatically filled Angel with a rage so uncontrollable that he couldnt stop his demon from coming forth. The pictures he had tried so hard to block from his mind since his last visit to Sunnydale started filling his head, tormenting him with what he could not have. Clasping his hand on the corner of his desk, he effortlessly flung it across the room, the sound reverberating throughout the building, as his anger at Spike took over all of his rational thoughts. Spike backed away slowly from the snarling vampire, knowing inside that he couldnt touch him, but not wanting to put it to the test. As Angel came towards him, his fists clenched, he felt a moments panic, as he recognised the look in his eyes as being that of pure Angelus. It wasnt possible for it to be him, but the shiver of fear running down Spikes back told him that perhaps he had pushed Angel a little bit too far. Look mate, all Im saying is..... began Spike, trying to placate the demon in front of him. Shut up Spike! You know, the moment they told me how to kill you permanently I should have finished you off right away. Instead of letting you hang around her giving me crap while I made up my mind. But you know what? I just made my mind up. Say bye bye Spikey!! growled Angel as he stalked towards the door, intent on retrieving the amulet to finish the job properly. Now hang on mate. I was only winding you up! Theres no need to get nasty about it, Spike said hastily, knowing now that he had indeed pushed Angel that little bit too far and that he was in the frame of mind to carry out his threat. As Angel reached the door and put his hand on the handle, Spike blurted out What will Buffy say if you kill me?. An evil grin twisted Angels lips as turned around to face Spike and replied, She will only know what I tell

her. Such a shame that you decided not to stick around. Hey Spike! But its murder!! shouted Spike, fear starting to claw at his stomach as he realised that Angel had every intention of carrying out his threat and there was nothing he could do to stop him. Angel walked towards Spike, a wide grin spreading over his ridged face, his fangs fully extended, as his eyes met Spikes. Youre already dead Spikey. That means Im just getting rid of a piece of trash that should have been dealt with a long time ago. You may have convinced Buffy not to dust you, but your charms will not work on me!! They remained locked in a glare that contained all of the pent up animosity that had built up over the centuries since Spike had been turned, and become an unwitting thorn in Angel and Angelus side. On Spikes part he hated Angel more than anything for being the one reason why Buffy could never love him. Her heart and soul belonged to one man and it was not him, and for that reason he envied and loathed Angel evenly. A soft feminine voice broke them from their trance, both their heads turning towards the intruder at the same time. What a surprise. I should have known you two wouldnt be getting along. I mean. You couldnt even get along when you were both evil. Why would you be now??. Buffy said, as her eyes took in the overturned desk and Angel in full vamp face. Ello love. Bloody good timing. Peaches was about to kill me! yelled Spike, a smile on his face as he ran towards Buffy, knowing Angel wouldnt dare make good on his threat while she was around. Buffy, whispered Angel, the usual mix of love and sadness contained in the words. His face slowly changing back to the beautiful man she knew and loved, her presence instantly calming him, even though Spike was hovering around her like some lovesick puppy. Angelus pushed forward images of what he had done to puppies in the past, making Angel simultaneously cringe and smile. Hey. So how are things going? asked Buffy, as she stared down at her shoes, the awkwardness of the situation she was in finally permeating her brain. Good. Things are good. Spike and I were just having a short discussion. Werent we Spike?, replied Angel, wondering why she was there. Not that he was complaining, but did this mean she was finally baked. Shaking his head, he smiled as he realised he had unwittingly fallen into her euphemism, although the ready to be eaten part did give him lots of ideas. No, we were bloody not! Angel was about to kill me!! yelled Spike, feeling braver now that the slayer was there, knowing she would not let Angel harm him. Boys, boys, boys! Calm down. As good as it is to see you both, whats this about a demon that can only be killed by a slayer? asked Buffy, wanting to get the business over with before they started arguing again. Right. Business. I take it Giles sent you here to help out then? questioned Angel in a business like tone as he searched on the floor for his phone, which had been thrown across the room with the large wooden desk. Yeah. Faith has disappeared somewhere with Robin, and the new slayers are too inexperienced to deal with this, so Giles called me. Sorry to disappoint you! murmured Buffy, realising once again that Angel had the power to hurt her with just a few words. Angel picked up the phone and after checking that it was undamaged dialled through to Wesleys office. Hey Wes. Could you gather everyone and come up to my office. Ill explain when you get here. He said into the phone, before replacing the receiver and turning to look at Buffy again. His eyes registered the sight of Spike, gently moving his hand over her face, not able to touch her due to his non corporeal state, but trying none the less. In turn, Buffy was looking into his eyes, a glimmer of a smile forming on her lips as she permitted the invisible caress.

Angel cleared his throat loudly, as he took an unneeded breath to try and calm the anger rising through him at what he was seeing. They both turned towards him, Spike smirking as he sensed the frustration Angel was feeling. Sorry to interrupt your moment but the gang will be up here shortly and then Wesley can explain everything he knows about this demon, and the easiest way for you to kill it, blurted out Angel, jealousy colouring his tone as he realised that she did indeed care for Spike. Good. Willow is on her way here now. She shouldnt be too long. We have some ideas about how to sort out Spikes small problem. Answered Buffy, confused over how Angel was acting towards her. Well at least someone besides Dru finally agrees its small! sniggered Angel, unable to resist the opportunity to belittle Spike in front of Buffy as he tried to ignore the implication of her words. Hey! Thats not true and Im gonna prove it to you right now!yelled Spike, his hands finding the fastenings of his trousers and starting to undo them. Spike! Dont you dare! said Buffy, the threat in her voice making Spike pause in his movements. Im gonna prove that the wankers bloody well wrong. Im all man me, unlike that pansy ass. Shouted Spike, his face reddening from the insult. Spike. You dont need to prove anything to me. Remember! soothed Buffy, wondering what in the hell had gotten into Angel to make him act like this. Angel growled as once again he was reminded that Spike had been fucking the only woman he had ever loved. It went against every vampire code there was and a lot of human ones, as technically Spike was his family and he had touched the woman that Angel had marked as his. If they were both soulless angel would have every right to torture and then dust Spike for his act of betrayal. As it was, it was unlikely his soul would stop him from carrying out the dust part anyway. Luckily at the same moment as Angel started walking towards Spike again, the door opened and Wesley, Fred, Gunn and Lorne walked in, chattering amongst themselves as they talked about the possible reasons Angel could have for summoning them. All conversation stopped however, as they each felt the tension in the room along with the barely restrained violence emitting from Angels taut form all seemingly to do with the young woman standing between the two men. The over turned desk also gave some indication as to the mood of the trio standing before them. Wesley found his power of speech first and walked up to Buffy, putting his arms around her to envelop her in a warm hug as he said, Hello Buffy. How are you? We didnt expect to see you today. His face was turned towards Angel, a questioning look in his expression as he realised that Angel was barely keeping his temper about something that had happened. Most probably to do with Spike he surmised, knowing that the blonde had made it his job to wind Angel up and normally quite successfully. Im good thanks Wesley. Hows it going? By the way, love the new look. If you had looked this good when you were my watcher, I might have actually listened to you!, laughed Buffy, grateful for the distraction from the pissing contest that seemed to be going on between Angel and Spike. Uhhm thank you Buffy, stammered Wesley, as his face flushed from the compliment he was sure was in there somewhere. Angel growled low in his throat, causing everyone to look at him anxiously. Wesley touching her had pushed him to his limit, but the words she had spoken had awakened every bit of jealousy within him. Tempering down his emotions, he told himself that she was not interested in Wesley, plus Wesley was in love with Fred anyway. Angelus couldnt resist whispering to him though that Spike was her mortal enemy and she had slept with him. Another growl penetrated the room, as Wesley quickly backed away from Buffy, silently wishing the others luck with their greetings. Several minutes passed as everyone looked on warily unsure whether to greet Buffy or not. Finally Gunn seized his courage and stepped towards the tiny blonde, making sure he moved slowly so as not to upset

the vampire that was currently glaring at him. Hi! Im Gunn and you must be the famous slayer I have heard so much about. You dont look that tough., stated Gunn, holding his hand out for her to shake as disbelief filled his eyes that this small creature could possibly battle demons and vampires. Buffy smirked, knowing exactly what he was thinking and accepted his hand, applying the faintest hint of pressure while she shook it, that gradually increased until she saw him wince, letting him know without words just how strong she really was. Gunn withdrew his hand that was starting to throb, and nodded his head in appreciation of her show of strength. He hoped she would have time to train with him while she was here so he could see just how good she really was. A..a.and Im F..fred!The small brunette said, holding her hand out for Buffy to take. Its really good to finally meet you. Willow told me lots about you last time she was here and Spike talks about you all the time. I cant believe the things they said you have done and you died!! Buffy cringed slightly as the last word left Freds mouth, her hand automatically retracting from the warm clasp as memories overtook her of what the year had been like after they brought her back. Angel moved over to her quickly and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back into his chest as he whispered soothing words to her, in an attempt to stave off the flood of tears he could tell were threatening to be released. Fred inwardly cursed herself for upsetting the woman in front of her, as usual her mouth had been ahead of her brain and she had managed to say the worst thing possible. I..I..Im sorry. I didnt mean it like that. I just meant that everyone was so sad when you d..., I mean when it happened and then so happy when you came back. Please someone shut me up! Fred finally managed to whimper out, as Lorne put a reassuring arm around her. Its ok Fred. Really! Just some not pleasant memories from that time. So how long have you worked with Angel? asked Buffy, leaning further back into Angels embrace, his solid body reassuring her that everything was alright and that desperate time was long behind her. A..about 2 and a half years now since he rescued me from Pylea. I love working with everyone, they are the greatest.gushed Fred, her love and admiration for everyone present shining through in her words. They are! stated Buffy, as she tilted her head upwards to look deep into Angels eyes, that simple action making all of his jealousy disperse from his being as he realised again just how much he loved this woman. And Im Lorne. I should let you know that Im a good demon. I dont hurt or kill anyone. Just thought I should make sure your clear on that. Lorne rambled, concerned that Buffy would not realise he was harmless to humans and kill him. Hi Lorne. Its ok. Angel has told me all about you. I didnt believe that you were completely green though. But now I have seen you with my own two eyes Im shocked. Believe me when I say it takes a lot to shock me nowadays. Are you really green ALL over? enquired Buffy, curiosity making her forget her green eyed lover who was currently holding onto her. As his hold of her tightened considerably after that comment, making it difficult for her to breathe, Lorne quickly surmised the situation and moved further away from the couple before answering. Angelcakes dont kill me for answering her question! Shes only curious. Yes I am green all over. But not as green as Angels eyes at the moment. Angel loosened his hold on her, as her realised her question was just part of the inquisitive nature he loved about her. Placing a kiss on the top of her head, he moved them backwards until he could collapse down on the couch with Buffy sitting comfortably on his lap. He flashed a look of triumph at Spike. Wes, could you tell Buffy everything she needs to know on how to kill the Quinter demon. I dont want any nasty surprises when she faces it. Angel requested, as his hand tenderly stroked her bare arm that was

fully revealed by the simple sun dress she was wearing. Certainly. The demon likes to live in the sewers, feeding on homeless people who venture down there seeking shelter. It also likes to cause chaos and when it occasionally ventures above ground, it will go to heavily populated buildings and maim any human it comes across, not kill but just severely injure. It does this not for food purposes but for pleasure. The Quinter demons like nothing more than the smell of fear, and when they go on a rampage like that there are generally dozens of casualties. The only way to kill them is beheading, but you must be especially careful of its claws as the talons contain a venom which will render you paralysed for approximately 8 hours. The demon would then... Wesley said, before abruptly stopping as Eve walked into the room. Well, if it isnt the slayer! purred Eve, her face showing disgust at the picture before her. Buffy felt Angel stiffen behind her as the young woman entered, the only thought going through her mind was that this person looked like a girl paying dress up in her Mums work clothes. What do you want Eve? snarled Angel, the venom in his voice alerting Buffy to the fact that something was very wrong with this situation. I just wanted to see the famous slayer. Is that so wrong? Eve retorted, a malicious smile forming on her face at the effect she knew her next words would have. Depends on why you are interested! stated Angel, concern starting to build as he wondered why she wanted to meet Buffy. I just wondered what she had that could make you lose your soul, that I dont have. After all we spent most of last night having sex behind that couch, but your still here. No Angelus in sight. Oops. Shouldnt I have said anything? crooned Eve, a wide grin on her face as she saw shock register over Buffys features before turning to anger. Chapter 2 Buffy could not believe what she had just heard. Angel? Her Angel? Had sex with this child like bitch last night!!! Pulling away from his body, to stand up on shaky legs, she looked down at him, hoping that he would tell her it was a lie, that he had not been anywhere near her. His down turned face gave her the answer she needed, as he refused to meet her eyes, and guilt flashed across his face before being replaced by his stoic mask. "Look sweetcheeks, it was all my fault", started Lorne before Buffy interrupted him. "Why? Did you push her and she fell on it?" yelled Buffy, all semblance of control leaving her as she realised that everyone in the room knew what had happened. "It was magic that caused them to know! It wouldn't have happened otherwise. 'Right Angelcakes?" tried Lorne, remorse for what he had inadvertently caused the previous night re awakening within him. Angel couldn't find the words to even try and explain what had happened between himself and Eve to Buffy. Anything he said would be taken the wrong way. Plus, why did he have to explain anything anyway. She was the one who had been fucking his soulless grand childe not too long ago, without even considering how he would feel about it. He started to feel the now familiar anger at her betrayal brewing up inside of him again, not helped by the fact that Spike was openly grinning at his predicament. Evilly, Angelus pushed forward images of Buffy and Spike in the midst of their passion to the front of his mind, causing him to lose the little self control he had left. Glaring at Spike, he decided that the first thing he would take care of after Buffy left was the annoying younger vampire. Unfortunately for him he couldn't torture Spike for days or even better weeks, like he wanted to, but putting an end to his sorry existence would at least placate him slightly. That decision made, he turned towards Buffy wondering how exactly to deal with her illogical fury towards him. She was the one who left him, after muttering something about cookies and baking, and while it

seemed that it was all well and good for her to have sex with other people, why was he not supposed to? It was about time they got whatever was going on with them sorted out once and for all, and now was as good a time as any in his mind. "What Buffy? Am I not supposed to have a life? It's all well and good for you to fuck Spike for months when he was still soulless, but I'm not allowed to have sex with anyone!" Angel roared, not noticing the way all of the AI crew and Eve backed hurriedly away from the force of his rage. Only Buffy and Spike remained motionless, set in their places as they faced the onslaught of his ire. "So its truth time now is it? Fine lets do this Angel. Its about time we both said all of the stuff we have bottled up inside over the years. Where do you want to start? The moment you left me, or the moment you fell in love with Cordelia?" shouted Buffy, not able to believe that this was the man she loved with everything she had. "CORDELIA???????????? You fell in love with bleeding Cordelia? Were you really that desperate for a shag? Even Eve is a better choice than her and she's evil!!" cried out Spike, laughter spilling from his lips as he remembered the self-centred brunette, wondering how Angel could ever prefer that to Buffy. "So what if I fell in love with Cordelia! We went through a lot together over the years and feelings developed between us. Am I not allowed to move on with my life like you did?" Angel defended himself from Buffy and Spikes words, knowing deep down that he was not, and had not ever been in love with Cordelia. The only explanation he could find was that the close friendship and feelings of love he felt for her as a friend had somehow become misunderstood by him, mostly thanks to Lorne and Fred's meddling and talk of kyerumption, whatever the hell that was! "All the reasons you gave me when you walked away apply to her as well if they were even the truth. Doesn't she deserve? Now what was it? Ah! That's it. Something outside of demons and darkness. Someone who can take her into the light and give her children. I won't even bother saying the make love' part of your little speech as its clearly obvious that you can do that with everyone apart from me!" snorted Buffy, hurt showing on her face as she repeated the words he had said to her that night in the sewer when he irreversibly broke her heart. "What about you then Buffy? Don't make yourself out to be the innocent party here. You didn't even wait five minutes after I left before jumping into bed with the first cute guy who smiled at you. Oh! I know all about it. Spike very kindly rubbed it in my face while he was having me tortured for the Gem of Amara. It made me see just how much you missed me and still thought about me!" sneered Angel, his own disgust at his actions the previous night with Eve clouding his judgement. No-one in the room saw her move, only Angel falling backwards, reeling from the punch Buffy had just cracked his jaw with as she stood over his prone body, her mouth set in a grim line of determination before she turned towards Spike. "Hey! I was evil at the time. Just remember that. Im all soul having and ghostly now. Gave my life to save the world and all that!", moaned Spike, recognising the look in her eyes from previous beatings he had suffered at her hands, and not wanting to go there again. Buffy realised that Spike could wait, her present argument was with Angel and if he wanted to get his grievances in so would she. "You bastard! You left me. I did exactly what you said you wanted for me. Its not my fault Spike gave you his own twisted version of events. What about you and Darla? Or is that none of my business either?" Wesley, Fred, Gunn and Lorne stood there motionless unable to make themselves move towards the fighting pair. Self preservation at the forefront of each of their minds. Lorne could not believe the power of the emotions emitting from the warring vampire and slayer. They were truly the embodiment of two star crossed lovers. The fact that they were both predestined to destroy each other played no part in their feelings and desires for the other, that much was clearly apparent. If anything it only intensified the love they shared as they struggled to fight the internal battle against their own very nature. The electricity crackling between them as they argued could have powered the whole of Los Angeles and

Lorne instantly regretted pushing Angel towards Cordelia. How wrong Fred and he had been with their talk about kyerumption. The champion he was to find happiness and love with and fight side by side with was now standing right in front of them, fury charging her emotions as they played out their entire history to the unwilling spectators. Lorne realised this was something that had to happen, in order for them to move past what had occurred between them before, and enable them to move in with their lives, together. "Time and time again you have left me. You just walk away without looking back, never wondering what my life is like without you in it. I ask you to stay, but you still leave, never saying goodbye to me. If you would only say that, just once, maybe I could finally move on with my life, instead of just waiting for you to come back again. But that would be too easy wouldn't it, and nowhere near as much fun for you. Don't you dare stand there.. Or rather lie there, and complain about what I have done when you risked your soul to fuck your sire once more!" shouted Buffy, unable to believe that he had the nerve to act like the wronged husband after everything he had done. And that was another thing that had yet to be addressed, she thought morosely. Wesley and Gunn let out startled gasps at the same time, as this new piece of information was revealed to them. Neither had thought that Angel's obsession with his sire when she had been brought back had gone that far. He had in fact told Cordelia after his epiphany that he had not slept with her, and now it appeared that he had been lying to them all along. Angel had purposefully risked his soul, thereby unleashing Angelus on the world and had not even bothered to tell them. Fred just stood there, watching the argument that was taking place in front of her, not really understanding what was going on but sensing that it was going to get worse before it got better, Angel flipped up onto his feet, purposefully ignoring his shocked friends and began stalking towards Buffy, feeling a perverse sense of pride that she did not back away from his advance as anyone else would have in her situation. Just as he reached her though, Spikes jubilant voice broke the silence stealing his attention. "Oh Peaches. This is just priceless. You and Darla? Again? Bet she weren't that pleased with you after you staked her. But then again she did always like a good hard poke'!" laughed Spike, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively at his last comment. "Spike! Shut up!" Buffy and Angel yelled in unison, their eyes nearly meeting for a second before quickly darting away again. "I left you for your own good. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to walk away from you? You were the only person I had loved in over 200 years. The only thing that made me keep on walking was the memory of the first piece of sense bleach boy ever made in his sorry existence!" "Hey! I bloody well take offence at that. I make lots of sense and what do you mean sorry existence?", grumbled Spike, quickly trying to remember all of the little comments he had made to Angel about Buffy when they all lived in Sunnydale. Angel ignored Spikes outburst, his eyes searching for Buffys as he gently moved his hand under her chin and tilted her face towards his, needing to see her reaction to what he was about to say. "You're *not* friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood... blood screaming inside you to work its will". He waited a heartbeat for that to sink in before continuing. "For once Spike was right, and you admitted that when you broke up with me later that night. It wasn't safe for us to be around each other. I'm weak Buffy, and you are all I have ever wanted. Our love for each other would have destroyed us both. Christ, you risked your life to save mine when Faith poisoned me! With no thought of what would have happened if you had died and wasn't there to help defeat the mayor. I made you reckless, and I couldn't carry on putting you in more danger than your being the slayer already did". Angel's voice had grown harder throughout his long speech, seeing by the stubborn set of her jaw that she wasn't going to listen to anything he had to say. "So to keep me out of danger, you left me in Sunnydale. Alone. To die!! Oh the plan worked just great Angel!" ranted Buffy, her green eyes sparkling with anger at the casual way he had just attempted to justify his past actions. All the hurt he had caused her over the years was coming to the fore and she was powerless against it. "Yeah mate. At least I was bloody well there. I never left!!" Spike said triumphantly, revelling in the fact that he could get a few shots in against Angel. He might even draw blood if he was lucky.

"Spikes right Angel. He was there for me. He never left me for my own good. What a laugh that is. My own good? It might have been better if you had asked me what I wanted, instead of telling me what was going to happen. But no! Why ask me? I'm just a child. God, you didn't even ask me before you had the day that you were human turned back so it never existed". Loud gasps again filled the room, as the meaning of Buffy's words fully registered within the occupants minds. Wesley was the first to speak, ignoring the warning look on Angels face as he asked "Could you please repeat that Buffy. I dont think I heard you correctly". Buffy smiled bitterly as she realised that no-one knew what had happened, with the exception of her and Angel. Locking her blazing eyes with Angels before she spoke, she attempted to tamp down the resentfulness inside of her before speaking, but failed miserably. "The short version is Angel fought a demon. Their blood mixed. He became human. We were together. He decided he didn't like not having superpowers and went to the Powers That Be and had the day taken away. Once again showing how much he didn't want this 'freak show'! Anything to add Angel honey!" she asked sarcasm dripping from each word, daring him to deny it had ever happened. "I did that for you! The Oracles said you would die. Do you remember what the Mohra demon said Buffy? Do you? Together we are powerful. Alone, you are dead. I couldn't stand by and let you die", yelled Angel, pain flickering over his face as he remembered the devastation on Willow's face as she told Angel of Buffy's death. "But you did Angel. I called you to ask for your help fighting Glory. But you were too busy saving Cordelia from being a princess to help the woman you supposedly love fight a hell god. That should have made me realise that you weren't worth my love but stupidly, even after they brought me back all I wanted was you. And once again you turned your back on me and walked away when I needed you most. I begged you to help me when we met at the cabin, I couldn't deal with this world, but you had more important things to do. I was ripped out of heaven by my friends and left to try and find some semblance of who I was, and you couldn't even find the time in your diary to help me". cried out Buffy, tears were rolling down her face at the memory of how alone she had felt as he had driven away. She had lain on the bed at the cabin for hours, trying to make herself feel some kind of emotion, the normal overwhelming sorrow that filled her after a meeting with Angel was non existent. "Hey guys. Whats up? Whoa!" said Willow, coming to an abrupt halt as soon as she saw the crying slayer and the enraged vampire facing off in the room. All of the other occupants were huddled on the sidelines trying to make themselves invisible as they watched the battle of wills taking place. The only exception was Spike, who was gleefully standing beside Buffy, enjoying the show. The aura of pain and hurt emanating from the couple made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as she wished she had caught a later flight. Xander pushed past Willows frozen form, eager to see what was happening. At his first glance of Angel and Buffy, he quietly muttered "Here we go again!" So low that only the vampires in the room could hear him and Willow, who immediately punched him on the arm in an attempt to quieten him. "So what have we here? Dead boy and Captain Peroxide. What joy! My life is now complete", uttered Xander, ignoring the angry glares that both vampires shot him. "Great. The idiots here!" moaned Spike, irritated at the distraction. He was waiting for the inevitable moment that Buffy and Angel came to blows, knowing that it was him she would turn to afterwards, especially if Red could fix his little problem. The ghostly one! Nothing wrong with me anywhere else, he thought grimly. Would be an interesting night! "Who are you calling an idiot blondie? And what did you do to make Buffy cry?" demanded Xander, upset by the sight of Buffy's tears. "For once I'm innocent. Ask Peaches. He's shown that he still has a way with the women! He got some last night in fact." cruelly taunted Spike, joy rising inside him at the angry look on Angels face. It quickly turned to concern though, as Buffy appeared to get more distressed, before her back stiffened, and wiping the tears away with the back of her hand she fought to regain her composure once more.

"Youre not helping here Spike. Besides youre just jealous that at this moment in time its unlikely you will be getting any ever again. You need a body to do that". spat out Angel, the blonde vampire seeming to shrink back at his words. "Boys, boys, boys. Or rather, corpses, corpses, corpses seems to be more accurate on this occasion. Can't you just play nice for once?" asked Xander, trying to contain his amusement as he received two identical glares in return. As an afterthought he added, "And who on earth would be stupid enough to have sex with Dead boy?" Angel growled at Xander, as Spike roared with laughter at his grand-sire's expense. Buffy turned an icy look on the two vampires, instantly shutting them up, before turning the same look on Xander. Realising his mistake he quickly averted his gaze and stared at his shoes, wishing the ground would swallow him up. "That would be me". Eve said, as she slowly sashayed forwards from her place against the far wall, where she had managed to stay unnoticed during the fierce argument between Angel and Buffy. "Is she evil?" Xander asked, as he backed quickly away from the approaching female. "Cause just so you know, my friend here is the slayer and she will kick your ass if you touch me". "Always hiding behind Buffy arent you Xander? Would she still protect you if she knew your dirty little secret?" crooned Eve as she came to a stop in front of Buffy. "Buffy knows all of my secrets. Including things I wish Anya had really kept to herself". Xander replied, his brain quickly ticking over what she could mean. "What about 'Willow says kick his ass'? Does that ring any bells?" she purred, a large grin emerging on her face as she anticipated the misery she was about to inflict on the unwitting slayer and her friends. Chapter 3

Xander gulped loudly, his back stiffening automatically as a petrified look passed over his face. He quickly turned his head downwards to look at the floor, as he shuffled his feet nervously. He hoped that she was just bluffing and studiously ignored the curious glances being directed at him. "What's she talking about Xander?" demanded Willow, curious about why Xander was acting like he was about to be lynched. It wasn't like him to be so... well... quiet! "Hasn't he told you? That's too bad Xander. Guess I'll have to fill them in". Crooned Eve, as a smile twitched at the corners of her mouth. "If it's about when I went to fight Angelus, Eve, been there done that! Got the T shirt, baseball cap and the little key thingy," retorted Buffy, her insides tingling with dread at the idea of rehashing that part of her past. "You always respond with one of your little quips when you're nervous, don't you slayer? Even when you're entering the fight of your life you have to joke around about it. But that's not what I want to talk about. Not right now, anyway! I only want to tell you that Xander lied to you when he met you outside of the mansion, and has been lying ever since. What Willow told him..." Eve said, before being cut off abruptly by Xander. "She said to tell you she was trying the curse again Buff, and to try and stall. I'm not sorry I didn't tell you. You have always been blind when it comes to Angel. All I could think of was the hurt he had caused everyone. He killed Jenny and terrorized you! He needed to die and I knew you wouldn't kill him if there was even the slightest chance Willow's spell would work. So I lied to you", blurted out Xander, hanging his head in shame as he waited for the anger that was sure to follow. "YOU WHAT????????????????????" screeched Willow, her heart pounding wildly as she shook her head, completely confounded that the boy she had known all her life could intentionally cause so much pain. Buffy just stood there, her eyes wide open, lips parted as her brain registered the implications of what Xander had done to her. No! Not just to her, to Angel as well. Images started flowing into her mind, unbidden

as she was forced to once again remember the most painful moment of her life; when she condemned the man she loved to hell. Her own death was nothing compared to that. Flashback Buffy raised her sword to dispatch Angelus, but stopped herself when he suddenly gasped loudly and groaned in pain. His eyes glowed bright red for an instant before returning to their normal dark brown. Angel looked up at her just before he collapsed to the floor, crying. Buffy stared down at him, still holding her sword rose behind her. Angel raised himself back up, his eyes heavy with tears, and looked deep into her eyes. "Buffy?" he questioned softly. He sobbed before asking, "What's going on?" Buffy looked at him, confused but not yet ready to lower the sword. He looks around a bit before getting to his feet. "Where are we? I-I don't remember". Finally Buffy realizes that the curse has worked, and she slowly lowers her sword. "Angel?" she asked in a low questioning tone. Not able to believe that it was really him. "You're hurt," he said seeing the wound on her arm for the first time. Buffy looked down at her wound and felt his gentle touch on her arm. She looked back up at him and stepped closer. He embraced her tightly, as if he would never let her go. "Oh, Buffy... God". She still wasn't completely sure that it was true, but accepted the hug, relishing the feel of him against her once more. "I... I feel like I haven't seen you in months". Whispered Angel, his arms tightening around her. Finally she accepted it. Angel was back. She closed her eyes and breathed out a deep sigh. "Oh, my God, everything's so muddled. I..." He held her even more closely. "Oh... " He sighs deeply and kisses her on the shoulder. "Oh, Buffy... " He whispers as she cries into his shoulder and hugs him back. Behind him Acathla lets out a low rumble. Buffy opened her eyes and stares in shock as Acathla's face contorts and the swirling vortex to Hell opens, small at first, but growing steadily in size and emanating a deep, red glow. Buffy lets go of Angel and looks up into his face. "What's happening? " A confused expression crossing his features as she moves away from him. "Shh. Don't worry about it". She whispered reassuringly. She brushed her fingers over his lips and across his cheek, memorizing every touch. She laid her hand gently on his cheek and kissed him softly. Angel returned the kiss, and it quickly became more passionate as behind them the vortex continues to grow. Buffy breaks off the kiss and looks deeply into Angel's eyes. " I love you". She whispers. "I love you". He whispers as she touches his lips with her fingers again. "Close your eyes". She nods reassuringly, and he closes his eyes trusting her as he always does. She struggled not to cry as she kissed him again gently before stepping back and raising her sword. Quickly, before she could hesitate she thrust the sword into his chest, pinning him to Acathla. His eyes whipped open

in surprise and pain, as a bright light started to emanate from the sword. Buffy stepped away from him. He reaches out to her and looks down at the sword thrust completely through him. He looks at her imploringly, completely bewildered by this turn of events. She can only stare at the sword protruding from his chest, and slowly steps further back. "Buffy..." Behind him the power of the sword begins to swirl into the vortex. Buffy steps further back, keeping her eyes on the sword in his chest and not his face. The vortex has enlarged and the two energies begin to interact. Angel continues to hold out his hand to Buffy, even as the vortex finally meets him and it suddenly closes into Acathla's mouth without so much as a spark, taking him with it. Buffy stares at the stone demon for a long moment, a light of awareness dawning in her eyes as she truly realizes what she has done, what she has lost. She begins to sob, her heart breaking. Taking a step forwards, she feels all of her strength leave her and falls to the ground, bringing her knees up to her chest and hugging herself as she cries uncontrollably for her lost love. End Flashback Blinking back the tears that were falling unimpeded from her eyes, she turned to face Xander, her fists clenched at her sides as a fire started to burn inside of her. "That's not the real reason is it Xander? No. It was jealousy. Simple really. You always hated Angel, no matter how much he helped us. Helped me! Oh, I know all about the snide little comments you used to make, and I regret that I never stopped you. You just couldn't stand that I could prefer him to you? Could you? What's funny about all this, is that you never once thought I would find out what you did!" "Buffy. I..." Xander started to say, before Buffy interrupted him. "Do you want to know how it felt when I sent Angel to hell Xander? Huh! It tore away a piece of my heart, the piece that could love someone unconditionally. The piece that could love someone so much you would die for them. Don't think because I died for Dawn that I got that part of me back, because I didn't. That was my selfishness wanting it all to be over with. No more fighting or struggling to get along in a world that I was never meant to be a part of. You killed me that day Xander! Unintentionally, I know, but you still did. The moment I sent Angel to hell I lost everything. My love, my life and the last piece of my innocence I had left". She slowly stalked towards him, noting with grim satisfaction through her fast flowing tears, that he had started to tremble from the sheer force of the anger she was directing at him. Buffy had completely forgotten about the other people standing in the room, all her senses attuned to Xander, and Xander only. Willow was crying softly as she realized for the first time how much heartache her friend had suffered after Acathla, and just how much she had failed her as a friend. Instead of comforting her and helping her grieve properly, she had judged her and tried to make her forget about Angel and move on. It had been obvious to anyone who saw the two of them together how much she loved him, and him her. They had all tried to ignore the pain she must have been feeling when Angelus returned; instead blaming Buffy for everything that ultimately ensued. The knowledge of Buffy going willingly to her death was yet another surprise for Willow, in a day already filled with too many revelations. It tugged at what little was left of her heart as she finally realized that Buffy did not trust her or anyone else any longer, knowing that the people she was supposed to be able to tell anything to would be judgmental about every decision she made. Willow thought back to when Buffy's relationship with Spike was first revealed and the way they had all behaved towards her, immediately attacking her for her choices rather than being understanding about how much pain she was in. Even when he reappeared with a soul, Buffy was the only person to show him any kindness while the rest of them simply put up with him, no matter how much he helped them. It was all too reminiscent of Angel in a way for Willow's liking. Wesley had put an arm around Willow and pulled her into his embrace in an attempt to comfort her when she started weeping, while Gunn and Fred stood there looking completely baffled by the way events were unfolding, neither of them knowing the full story of what had happened in Sunnydale all of those years ago. Spike was in full vamp face; anger at the suffering the boy had caused Buffy clouding his mind to everything else as he wished venomously that he were corporeal so he could kill the little runt once and for all. Soul or no soul!

The instigator of the drama was sitting quietly on the leather sofa, silently watching the scene play out in front of her, enjoying the devastation she had caused as she pondered what she would spend her bonus from the Senior Partners on. It was bound to be five figures after all. A reward for permanently managing to break up the Scooby gang and keeping Buffy away from Angel long enough for the firms plans to come into fruition. Thank god for Lorne's spell at the Halloween Party. That little mishap had given her the perfect ammunition to destroy Angel and Buffy forever. Leaning back on his desk, Angel just stood there motionless, his brain slowly digesting everything that was being admitted to as his heart once again broke for the pain he had brought into Buffy's life. He could not condemn the boy for the time he spent in hell, as far as he was concerned it was what he had richly deserved for all the torment he had caused throughout his lifetime or rather unlifetime. What he could condemn him for though, was every bit of hurt he had inflicted on the woman he loved, and would always love, with every fiber of his being. His soul was screaming at the injustice, that she, the person who had given everything, including her life for this sorry world, was continuously vilified for the choices she made if they did not meet her friends approval. His demon was also raging; desperately trying to free itself from the confines it was trapped in, getting nearer to the surface with every word that Buffy spoke, needing to seek justice for the woman it had wanted desperately all those years ago. The age-old saying of If I can't have you no-one will' had never been truer in Angelus' eyes when he decided to suck the world into hell, rather than let Buffy be with someone else. Buffy's soft voice broke into his thoughts, as she continued talking to Xander as if they were alone in the room together, her tone the same as when she was about to pounce on her prey. "Do you want to know how I would dream about him every night while I was gone, and even after I came back? Do you want to know the strangest thing about it? Even in my dreams, I knew the truth; I knew that I had killed the only man I will ever love with all my heart and soul. I tried to escape what I had done, but no matter how fast I ran the truth always caught up with me. I hate you for this. If you had given me the message I might have been able to stall Angelus for long enough that he wouldn't have had a chance to open Acathla before Willow's spell worked. We will now never know. But know this Xander. I will never ever forgive you for what you did. Meanwhile, I hope this gives you a small hint of how much I despise you". As the final word left her mouth, her fist connected solidly with his jaw, sending him spinning to the ground, where he lay unmoving as pain spread through his skull before the darkness mercifully overtook him. The adrenaline left her body the second she hit Xander, her head drooping as the knowledge of what had taken place all those years before sunk in, and she realized just how great an impact it had made on her future. Angel moved swiftly to her side, catching her, as her legs buckled and she started to fall to the ground. His strong arms held her tightly to him, as violent sobs started wracking her body and she cried unintelligible words into his chest. He never released his hold on her, even when she started pounding her fists on his chest in a futile display of fighting the torment that was careening through her body and soul. Silent tears slowly rolled down his face as he realized fully, for the first time, just how much damage he had done to this woman, his woman. His hand gently caressed her hair, tangling itself in the golden locks as he tried to soothe her hurt, while he also tried to calm down the demon inside that was waiting impatiently to be unleashed on Xander Harris. Angel had to admit even while his mind was crying out at Buffy's distress that Angelus had a great imagination for torture and he was sure he could find it in himself to put a few of the ideas into practice on Harris. He had been waiting for years to get even with the boy for all of the little comments he had directed at Buffy over their relationship, and he knew without a doubt that at this moment in time, after what she had just learned, she would not raise a finger to stop him. The whole room was deathly silent as everyone's attention was riveted on the sight of the Slayer crying her heart out in a Vampires arms. The tender way he was holding her displaying to everyone that the love between the two had not died over time. It had in fact grown stronger than ever through the trials of their separation. No-one noticed the look that passed between Spike and Eve, a silent conversation taking place in their midst, before they seemed to reach an agreement, only indicated by a slight nod of their heads. Two perfectly matched smiles lit their faces momentarily before being replaced by their usual masks.

Chapter 4 "Lorne!" yelled Fred, as the green skinned demon fell to the floor clutching his head. The flashes of the past were entering his mind way too fast and he was not able to cope with the intense emotions flying around the room. The slayer was emitting a deep hurt that was so painful it was literally screaming out to him and seeping into every pore of his flesh. Images were running through his mind of what had happened in her life and his heart was aching for the fragile creature before him. She may be one of the most feared warriors ever to exist, but she was still a human woman who loved and needed to be loved in turn. The memories were getting faster now and he felt like his head was going to explode from the sheer power of them, unconsciousness overtook him slowly, granting him a blessed relief from the intense pain. Buffy pulled herself out of Angel's arms at the sound of Fred yelling and turned towards where Lorne lay unconscious on the floor. She stared blindly through her tears as the LA gang ran towards him. Gunn gently shook his inert form, as they waited impatiently for a response. Long minutes passed as the group stood there waiting for Lorne to rouse and make one of his normal jokes, but the demon lay there motionless. "We should take him up to his apartment and monitor him while we wait for him to regain consciousness". Wesley stated, concern tingeing his tone as he decided that someone had to take control of the situation, and it looked like it would have to be him. "It is likely that the emotions in this room were too much for him and this was his body's way of protecting him from the worst of the onslaught. Someone should stay with him and make sure he is all right when he wakes up". "I will", piped up Fred, anxious to be helping Lorne and also wanting to get as far away from the fighting that was bound to start all over again now that the slayer had recovered her composure. Her eyes moved to sweep over the prone body of Xander, who was still lying on the floor exactly where he fell, and showing no sign of coming to any time soon. A shudder of revulsion went through her body at the way the boy had betrayed Angel and his friends. He deserved everything he got, she thought. Gunn and Wesley picked up Lorne, with Fred paying careful attention to make sure that his head was not knocked or jolted as they slowly carried him out of the office, with Fred leading the way. Wesley looked back once, as he debated whether it was a wise idea to leave the remaining people alone in the room together, but a soft moan from Lorne quickly made up his mind for him. The door swung shut behind the fang gang and Spike's voice filled the room. "So, what are you going to do with Popeye over there? I'm personally in favor of showing him just how I got the name Spike. Any one got any railroad spikes handy?" he inquired, an evil grin crossing his features as he walked towards the boy. Willow moved to stand in front of Xander, blocking Spike's progress. She may be annoyed at Xander, actually furious was more the word, but she would not stand by and let Spike harm him in a twisted display of his love for Buffy. "No Spike. Leave him alone. I will deal with him later", she said in a calm tone, remembering suddenly that Spike could not harm anything in his current situation as the streaks of black started to color her hair and tiny veins became visible on her face. Taking a deep breath, Willow attempted to calm herself, remembering how Xander had used his love for her to help her fight against the darkness that had threatened to consume her before. She owed him a chance to explain his actions, and he had better have a really good explanation, she thought to herself grimly. "Besides it's not like you can hurt him anyway. Your all talk and no touch!" Spike glanced down at himself and realized that he had forgotten his slight disability "Bollocks" he yelled, as he clenched his fists in annoyance. "Okay guys. Stop it. We should be going to kill the Quitter demon. After all that's what I'm supposed to be here for, right?" blurted out Buffy, hoping to distract Willow from her obvious anger, even though she would like nothing more at that moment than to see Xander die in front of her for what he had done. She was not however, willing to risk Willow turning to the dark arts again as fighting her best friend, once in a lifetime was more than enough. "I think you mean Quinter demon", laughed Eve, her eyes sparkling with amusement at Buffy's mispronunciation. "I know what I meant!" snarled Buffy; still highly aware of how much damage Eve had caused so far. At the first opportunity she was determined to find out just who or what she was and how she came into

possession of her information about the gang. "So your ready to pound the big bad, pet?" laughed Spike, his lips twisting into a leer as his eyes trailed up and down her body. "I thought we already had this conversation about size Spike", replied Angel, his eyebrows rising in mock innocence as jealousy throbbed through his veins. His first instinct being to protect the woman he loved with all his heart and soul from anything else that could harm her. Especially Spike! "Can't you two play nicely, just this once?" asked Buffy, irritation brewing within her as she ignored Spikes blatant innuendo. Angel and Spike were openly glaring at each other and the last thing she wanted to deal with right now was two jealous vampires getting into a pissing contest. "Where do I find this demon and what do I need to kill it?" "I'll show you where he is hiding and any sword will do", answered Angel, feeling slightly ashamed of his behavior in light of the recent revelations about the past. He strode towards the door with the others following quietly behind. "Got somewhere I can change?" asked Buffy, as walked out of the room... ******************************************************************** "So here we are; in a sewer again. The story of my life!" muttered Buffy, as her nose crinkled reflexively from the sour smell that was permeating her nostrils and causing her throat to gag. She was overwhelmed with the sudden need for a shower, not just to wipe away the Eau de sewer', although that would be nice, but to wash away all of the pain and hurt Xander's admission had caused. She was walking several paces ahead of the others, her mind still whirling from the revelations that had taken place in Angel's office. Her heart was completely numb, too much had happened in such a short time. She could only take so much before her mind and heart shut down, something she had learned to do after they brought her back from heaven. It was so easy to slip back into that place where nothing could hurt her and right now she welcomed the silence. Angel was worried. Ever since they had left his office after Buffy had disappeared to get changed, Buffy had not uttered a single word apart from the soft muttering about sewers, which he could clearly hear. Normally her complaints would have made a soft smile appear on his face, but not this time. His demon was yelling loudly to be set free so he could personally deal with the traitors who had hurt her. His list was endless and not surprisingly Xander was in the top spot. Angel had endured over a century of listening to his demon raving on about how unfair it was that he was imprisoned by the soul but right now he was angrier than ever before and for a different reason. Angelus wanted to be released so he could comfort Buffy, in a way that Angel never could again. "So Peaches! How much further is this demon because some of us do have other plans for this century. I know you want to spend as much time as possible around Buffy but do you really have to give us the scenic tour of the sewers. How about a nice walk in the park or moonlit stroll on the beach? They usually go down with the women. However I happen to know that Buff gets quite excited in cemeteries as well". Spike jibed, as he slowly drew his tongue out and ran it across his lower lip. Buffy turned her body around slightly, allowing Spike to see the cold glare she was focusing on him. Her eyes were as cold and devoid of life as when she had first been brought back from what they all had believed was hell. The resemblance sent a chill down Spike's spine as he recalled all the things that she had done, and that she had let him do to her during that time. Could all the revelations of the day have been too much for her. If that was case everything was going to plan and she would soon be back in his arms where she belonged. "The Quinter should be just..........................." Angel's words trailed off as the demon in question launched itself towards Buffy from its hiding place above them. Buffy grimaced in pain as the demons claws embedded themselves in the flesh of her shoulder and its downward momentum pushed her back towards the ground. Ignoring the pain shooting through her shoulder, she wrenched herself away just before they hit the floor, chunks of her skin remaining on the long talons. Rolling to the side, she quickly flipped back up onto her feet, immediately positioning herself in a fighting stance as she tried to locate where the sword had fallen. Her opponent righted it self and came at

her, arms hitting outwards, striking her where she least expected it, drawing blood time and time again. Buffy's usual defense was useless, the scaly protective barrier of the demons skin rendering it immune to the battery of blows she began to rain on its body as its claws sank again and again into her flesh. Angel ran into the battle the minute the demons claws entered her skin, but was quickly swatted away by just the flick of an arm. As he lay on the ground, his head spinning from where it made contact with the wall, he could hear the others scrambling around for the sword as Buffy continued to fight the demon. Getting to his feet, he saw Buffy hurled back against the far wall, the noise vibrating around the enclosed space as the Quinter approached her going in for the kill. As he raised his arm to swipe his talons along the exposed space of her neck, Angel grabbed its arm and threw him away from her unmoving form, knocking him through Spikes ghostly form in the process. "Hey mate! Watch where you throw things. Just because I don't have a body doesn't mean i don't have feelings", hollered Spike, indignation running across his features, just before Angel charged through him after the demon. "Shut up Spikey! You can't feel' anything," Angel said as he quickly glanced towards Buffy, making sure his meaning was doubly clear. Willow ran over to Buffy's side and shook her, attempting to rouse her from her stupor, relief washed over her features as the slayers eyes opened, before she pushed herself back up off of the ground determined to enter the fray again. "Any idea where that sword went yet Wesley?" asked Buffy, as she watched Angel successfully hold the demon away from her, while evading its sharp claws. "Catch" shouted the ex watcher, as he tossed the sword to where she was standing. Amazement graced his features as she caught it in one hand and holding it aloft stormed over to where Angel was trying to contain the demon. As if by silent communication Angel moved aside, once more swerving his body out of the way as the demons arm flashed past him, missing him by mere inches. Buffy's upraised arm slashed past, offering the demon no mercy as she sliced its head off without pausing for breath. Spinning around to face Angel, she tried to fathom the strange look on his face, but was unable to interpret it before he quickly turned away to glance at Wes who was looking at her with something akin to concern. "What they are worried about Luv is that when those claws went into you, you should have been unable to move for a very long time. Right fella's? So why are you still moving Buffy?" Spike said quietly, concern softening his features for a moment before his usual mask inscrutable mask fell back into place. "I don't feel any different. Maybe it doesn't affect slayers?" questioned Buffy, anxiously glancing around the sewer tunnel looking for a way out of the conversation. "Every book I have consulted states that it does in fact affect slayers. That was why I explicitly warned you about the risk of paralysis earlier on today in Angel's office." answered Wesley, wariness creeping into his voice as he tried to figure out the reason that she would not have been effected by the venom. Even Angel had been immobilized by it the first time they fought this particular demon which was why he had made such an effort to avoid the claws this time. Angel had moved closer to Buffy while she was talking to Wesley, and started to gently pull her torn coat from her shoulders intending to examine her injuries to ascertain how bad they were. Buffy felt Angel peeling her jacket from her, revealing her tiny tank top, but couldn't make herself turn to look at him as she already knew what he was going to find, and the excuses she would have to make for it. As her shoulders were bared to his gaze, Angel gulped in an unnecessary breath as he realized that her skin was as perfect as ever, the only sign she had been injured in any way was the still drying blood, which was calling to him seductively. Angelus was certainly not helping as he pushed forward memories of the last time he had tasted her unique essence, the sweet aroma of it and the way it had sent sparks of desire washing through his system, leading to the most powerful orgasm he had ever experienced from the bite alone. He knew she had felt the same, from the way she had clawed at his shoulders and moaned his name in the throes of her passion, something he had not heard from her since her fateful 17th birthday The ambrosia of her arousal had tipped him over the edge as she had convulsed beneath him and her delicious life's blood trickled down his throat. Angel closed his mind off from Angelus, the memories threatening to

overwhelm him, his face having already slipped into his vampire visage as he reminisced. "Buffy", murmured Angel, his voice barely a whisper, as he tried frantically to control the urge to throw her on the floor and make love to her right there and then, restating his claim over her for all to see. Especially Spike! His mind was telling him that it was impossible, that there was no way they could be together like that, but his rising ardor and Angelus were demanding that he take action now. Grasping onto the little selfcontrol that he still possessed Angel moved a step away from her flushed body, his mind trying to think of reasons why she had healed so quickly. Unable to form a logical answer for it, he decided the quickest way would be to simply ask her and try to interpret what he was sure would be an evasive reply. "What has happened to you? Why have you healed so quickly?" he demanded, his eyes blazing golden, as he watched her squirm as she tried to think of an answer he would accept. "Erm... Giles says it's because of my age that I just have accelerated healing...", she rolled her eyes heavenward in question, her forehead scrunching in confusion, "which is even more accelerated because of the me being older thing. Ya know." " Buffy garbled, her mind desperately trying to think of a plausible explanation for what they had just seen without giving away her secret. "Really! I have never heard of that occurring previously Buffy, but I will definitely spend some time researching it. This is a most interesting development that could have some impact for all the new slayers out there", murmured Wesley, his mind already planning which books he would need to read through in his efforts to obtain more information. "That doesn't explain why the venom didn't affect you. Even with accelerated healing it should have had some impact on your system. Why are you lying Buffy?" groaned Angel, his frustration rising at her feeling the need to lie to him. He could remember a time when she was the only person he confided in, as they snuggled together in his bed after patrol and she told him all her worries for the future. "I'm not lying Angel. It's the truth", stated Buffy lowering her eyes to the floor to avoid his ardent gaze, knowing inside that she would crumble under the intensity and the truth would come tumbling out. Spike watched the interplay between the two silently, his brain registering the fact that Buffy was desperately trying to hide something from the others. He inwardly smiled as he determined that this secret could obviously be of help to him in his and Eve's plans for the couple. "Guys, I hate to say this but could we continue this somewhere a little less stinky. This sewer reeks, and the dead demon is not exactly making it any nicer. Sorry about the interrupting thing but this really isn't the time or the place", Willow interrupted, positive that Buffy was hiding something from them and that now was definitely not the time or the place for the truth to come out. Ignoring the combined glares from Angel and Spike, Willow grabbed Buffy's hand and started pulling her along in the direction they had come from. ******************************************************** They walked into Wolfram and Hart, the groups separated by an invisible wall as Willow and Buffy entered first, closely followed by Spike. Angel and Wesley were quietly talking as they walked behind them, so intent on their conversation that they did not see Lorne slowly approaching the group, Fred loyally by his side. "Angelcakes. How did it go? Is the nasty demon dead?" enquired Lorne his eyes remaining unwavering on the petite slayer. "Yeah. He sorta lost his head!" remarked Angel, while desperately trying to think of a way to get the truth out of Buffy. It was obvious that she was lying to him and the others, but the big question was why? Lorne stared at Buffy, trying to comprehend what he knew had happened to her as their eyes locked. Her beauty was obvious to anyone looking at her, but the truth of what she was would devastate everyone who cared about her when they found out. Should he press the issue and force her to tell them or not. The witch would be destroyed when she found out what she had done, but they needed to know. It would affect everyone for generations to come and couldn't be hidden forever. Soon it would be apparent to all and he was intrigued about how she felt about the changes

"So Buffy, don't you think it's time you told him?" Lorne asked, hearing her intake of breath at his announcement. TBC...

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