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Wednesday, July 10, 2013 The Beloved Disciple

To endure the cross is not a tragedy; it is the suffering which is the fruit of an exclusive allegiance to Jesus Christ. When it comes it is not an accident, but a necessity. ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship 1. A Portrait from the Gospel of John 1. The Gospel of John has _____ portraits of Ideal Disciples in unlikely places. i. The _________ woman. The _______ with the dying son, The blind _______, and the _______ disciple 2. The Beloved Disciple 1. We see him several times with a very _______ relationship with Christ which is in ________ to that of ________. i. At the table _______on/next to Jesus having things revealed ii. At the _______, being _______ as a brother 2. The next time we see him is at the ______ of Jesus. i. His intimacy shows through ________ the way to Jesus ii. Peters impetuous _______ to enter the tomb. iii. Seeing the _______ cloth folded leads to ______ belief. (20:8) 3. The final time is on the _______ after Jesus had risen while the disciples are fishing. i. Peter recognizes only ______ the beloved disciple recognized Jesus. ii. The calling of the disciples to be fishers of men is not in Johns account iii. Peter pulls in the _______ net of 153 fish, Continues to show off to gain _____. 3. Follow me 1. Interestingly John did not record Peters feelings of remorse for his _______. (v.18:27) 2. Peter had previously (V.13:37) made the claim to lay down his life for Christ although he failed above- yet he ______ was trying to out do the other disciples. Christ questions him _______ times. 3. Peter finds his _______ in the words ______ me despite all others challenges. .What if I want him to remain until I come? Ideally, faithful disciples stay true to the end. This is the model of discipleship-there can be no other. To be Jesuss closest friend, to obey his commands, to follow him to Golgotha, to see with eyes of faith, to believe when others doubt, to serve him until he comes back, this is the disciple whom Jesus loves. Most of us, however, look more like Peter than the ideal disciple. We find ourselves at his table, yet we are not close enough to him to know what troubles his heart. We boast, in the company of other Christians, of our devotion to him. We deny him, in the company of unbelievers, trying to escape the shame of the cross. Too often we cant make sense of what we see, blind to the signs of Gods resurrection power. Then when we gather with other disciples around the fire of his glorious company, we compete for his favor, wondering if he notices that we love him more than these. Finally, when others seem to enjoy a more favorable journey, we question the justice of God. And so Jesus turns to us, just as he did to Peter and commands, Follow me. Follow me to the celebration of my death. Follow me to the cross of my humiliation. Follow me to the empty grave of faith. Follow me until I come again. Follow me. This is the path taken by the ideal disciple. This is the destiny of every true believer. This is the one whom Jesus loves. ~Dr. Rodney Reeves A Genuine Faith Questions 1. Do you view suffering as a fruit? DO you view it as a necessity? 2. Where is Christ currently calling you? Are you hesitant or resistant? Is it what you expected? 3. Are you one who wants to follow or who does follow? Are you the one whom Jesus loves?

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