Expedition Into The Undercity BR5

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Expedition into the Undercity BR5 July 683

Corvus and Cerialis watched as their warriors formed up, finally the combined forces of the Tungrians and LegioIX would be put to good use. This was just an exploratory mission, the two chieftains hoped to learn much about the tunnels under the ruins on Broughton Isle, and also about the strengths of the Merfolk who inhabited them. For many weeks now the Merfolk had not been seen and this made the two chieftains nervous of what the creatures could be planning. They still had no real idea of numbers or how strong the position under the isle was. The forces had split to move down the two reopened entrances to the tunnel system, and the chieftains hoped the weeks of training had been put to good use. The men began their descent, and Corvus and Cerialis separated to join their men. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Corvus moved toward the head of his force, and already teams of engineers were rushing past to clear blockages in the tunnels ahead. His men were split into smaller groups who would explore each new tunnel whilst remaining in contact with their comrades. The main tunnels were wide enough for five men to stand abreast, whilst the side tunnels were wide enough for three. His men were making good progress, and as they moved deeper into the complex Corvus could see piles of stone and wood where the engineers had cleared passageways. Reports were coming back to Corvus of deep pools in some of the side chambers, with signs of movement around them in the last few hours. His men were much more alert now, and armed teams stayed near the pools to ensure no surprise attack could come. Groups of archers jogged past Corvus for support in case of attack. After what seemed like hours reports of contact with the men of Cerialis force came in. They had found none of the creatures either, but

plenty of the deep pools with tracks moving in and out of them. Corvus carried on deeper into the tunnel system, and his men reported news of a great temple like structure. There were apparently large statues of fish and of men and of combinations of the two. A raised platform stood in the middle of the temple with a deep pool in its center. The water was clear, and the light of the torches caught something in its depths. ------------------------------------------------------------------------Cerialis looked at the map his men were creating. As they moved through the tunnels they constantly reported back with updated news on what was being discovered, and Cerialis officers were sketching it all onto a large hide. The tunnels seemed to follow an organized pattern, and there were small complexes coming off each tunnel, almost like single storey buildings. All of them were empty, and had been for some time, but he was definitely getting the impression of a vast complex that may have been for accommodation or some other purpose. His men had made contact with those of Corvus, which calmed Cerialis a little. He was pleased that there had been no incident so far, but the longer it went without any the more he feared they were looking in the wrong place. The pools worried him, they showed signs of movement out as well as in, it was not single Merfolk, but large groups that were leaving these tracks. Once out into the tunnels the tracks were lost, so he had no idea which way they had gone. His men reported a grim site found near the center of the undercity. An altar made of bones, covered with dried blood and rotting flesh. Judging by the remains scattered around the alter Cerialis deduced that it had been here for many years and was still being used for its rituals. He ordered his men to destroy the abomination and give the dead some peace. His men were reporting that the complex was now explored. In all there were forty four of the deep pools in his mapped area, and many staircases that led up to sealed exits from the tunnels. This explained how the creatures could move around so much, but gave no clue as to their numbers or where they were.

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