Neo Planeswalker

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Description A Neo-Planeswalker is a being that is one in a million to carry the planeswalker spark. Though not omnipotent as the pre rift planeswalker they gain a boost in magical and physical prowess and the namesake ability of being able to travel through the blind eternities to other planes in the multiverse inherently. Each Neo-Planeswalker is attuned to one of the 5 colors of mana chosen when awakened. Through a significant and life altering event such as near death experience the latent planeswalker spark is ignited awakening them to their true potential. Remains the same as base creature. outsider As base creature As base creature As base creature As base creature As base creature As base creature As base creature Planes shift- a neo-planeswalker is capable of stepping into the blind eternities and using it to bridge the gap between planes. To safely do this a planeswalker must be at or close to full health and pass a DC 15 concentration check the concentration check will increase in difficulty with lower than half health and if there are any significant distractions. Furthermore they can only control their planes walk if they have been to that plane, have access to significant knowledge of the plane, or are in contact with an artifact or person from that plane, otherwise they will travel to a random plane and will have to make a planes walk skill check to land on a non fatal plane. The planeswalker can planes shift a total of their wisdom modifier per day. Enhanced arcana- due to the magical nature of a neo-planeswalkers spark they become more proficient in magical casting. Gaining their wisdom as a bonus to their spells per day, if Mana based they stack wisdom modifier gaining Mana, and they stack wisdom modifier on to any spell saving throw. Mana color bonding- a neo-planeswalker upon birth tends to be bonded to a specific color of Mana. This is only increased when their spark is ignited giving them a an amount of spell like abilities = to 1/3 HD and at a max level of 1/3 HD corresponding to the color of mana they choose and at their HD for caster level that they can use up to their key magical ability modifier per day. For red and blue mana the planeswalker would pull their spell like abilities from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, for white mana the planeswalker would pull from the positive parts of the cleric/paladin spell list, for green mana the planeswalker would pull from the druid/ranger spell list, for black mana the planeswalker will only pull from the necromancy school and from the dark parts of the cleric/paladin spell list. Ability scores Feats Alignment Level adjustment Weakness

Creation Size Type Hit dice Speed Armor class Attacks Full attack Damage Special attacks Special Qualities

As base creature Any +2 Opposing Mana weakness- due to a planeswalkers bonding with a specific color of Mana they become more susceptible to spells that would be aligned with they mana color opposite giving them a -1 to saves against opposing mana spells and receiving 1.5 times damage from opposing mana spells.

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