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3128 Dean Court Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 OVERALL (N=403) Hello, may I speak with ____________________?


I'm __________ of Decision Resources, Ltd., a national survey research firm located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We are conducting a survey of residents in your area and would like to ask you a few questions about some important issues facing the area. This is NOT a telemarketing call to sell you anything nor will we ask for a donation. Before we begin, I want to assure you all of your responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. 1. How interested are you in the upcoming November city elections - very interested, somewhat interested, not too interested, or not at all interested? How likely are you to vote in the upcoming November city election almost certain, very likely, 1/2-1/2, not too likely, or not at all likely? VERY INTERESTED.........54% SOMEWHAT INTERESTED.....46% NOT TOO INTEREST..TERMINATE NOT AT ALL INTER..TERMINATE DONT KNOW/REF....TERMINATE ALMOST CERTAIN..........65% VERY LIKELY.............35% 1/2-1/2...........TERMINATE NOT TOO LIKELY....TERMINATE NOT AT ALL LIKELY.TERMINATE DONT KNOW/REF....TERMINATE


Moving on.... 3. Thinking about the environment, do you believe Minneapolis is a healthy place to live? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? STRONGLY YES............16% YES.....................77% NO.......................7% STRONGLY NO..............0% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......0%

In Minneapolis, our electricity comes from Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy supplies our natural gas. Both companies have franchise agreements with the City that help define the rules for maintaining equipment and service. Recently, the Minneapolis City Council updated the citys Climate Action Plan, and is spending $250,000 for an Energy Pathways Study to look at options to increase the use of renewable energy, broaden energy conservation and give residents more options for locally-produced energy. This study will be completed in February 2014, prior to expiration of the Citys current franchise agreements with Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy.


Do you think this Energy Pathways study is a good investment by the Minneapolis City Council? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way?

STRONGLY YES.............8% YES.....................63% NO......................23% STRONGLY NO..............4% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......2%

Some cities in Minnesota operate their own utilities. These cities buy their own energy, fix the wires and pipelines, and respond when there is a power outage or gas leak in a neighborhood. Residents pay their monthly bill to the city, and the city is required to maintain and upgrade equipment as needed. Recently, some Minneapolis City Council members have begun to discuss replacing Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy with a city-owned utility. 5. What is your first reaction to this idea do you think it would be a good idea for the City of Minneapolis to become your utility company for electricity and natural gas? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? STRONGLY YES.............4% YES.....................33% NO......................46% STRONGLY NO.............12% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......6%

According to state law, the City of Minneapolis would be required to pay the fair price for all of Xcel Energys and CenterPoint Energys Minneapolis equipment and operations if it wanted to provide energy as a city service. 6. What is your reaction to that idea would it be a good idea for the city to spend the money needed to buy all of Xcels and CenterPoints electric and natural gas equipment and operations so it can operate a city-owned utility? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? STRONGLY YES.............2% YES.....................36% NO......................44% STRONGLY NO.............15% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......4%

Some experts believe the city would need to pay at least $2 billion dollars to Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy if it wanted to operate a city-owned utility. 7. Does this amount make you much more likely to believe a city-owned utility is a good idea, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely or much less likely to believe this is a good idea? MUCH MORE LIKELY.........1% SOMEWHAT MORE LIKELY....17% SOMEWHAT LESS LIKELY....30% MUCH LESS LIKELY........47% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......5%

On August 1st, the City Council will hold a public hearing to decide if a public referendum should be held in November on the question of creating a city-owned utility and buying all of the equipment and operations of Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy. Supporters say having a referendum like this can provide leverage as the City begins to negotiate new franchise agreements with Xcel and CenterPoint. Opponents say the City is already spending money on its Energy Pathways study, and the City should work cooperatively with Xcel and CenterPoint to meet its energy goals rather than threatening to takeover these utilities.


If the election were held today and a referendum creating a city-owned utility was proposed, would you support or oppose the referendum? (WAIT FOR A RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? Finally, which of the following statements best summarizes your opinion on this issue? A) I am very satisfied with our current utilities. The City should spend less time on energy issues and shift its attention to other concerns; B) I am satisfied the current utilities, but I want to see the City and our utilities work more closely together. Minneapolis should complete its Energy Pathways study, and then sit down with Xcel Energy and Center Point Energy to find ways of working together to achieve our energy goals; OR C) I am not satisfied with our current utilities, and the City of Minneapolis should move quickly to take more control over our energy companies, even if it means buying the companies and operating them as city-owned utilities? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way?

STRONGLY SUPPORT.........3% SUPPORT.................30% OPPOSE..................39% STRONGLY OPPOSE.........25% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......3% STATEMENT A/STRONGLY....18% STATEMENT A.............24% STATEMENT B/STRONGLY....12% STATEMENT B.............31% STATEMENT C/STRONGLY.....3% STATEMENT C..............9% NONE (VOL.)..............2% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......1%


Just a few more questions for demographic purposes.... 10. How long have you lived in the City of Minneapolis? FIVE YEARS OR LESS......10% SIX TO TEN YEARS........19% 11 TO 20 YEARS..........28% OVER TWENTY YEARS.......42% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......0% 18-24....................5% 25-34....................9% 35-44...................21% 45-54...................20% 55-64...................19% 65 AND OVER.............26% REFUSED..................0% REPUBLICAN..............17% DEMOCRAT................65% INDEPENDENCE PARTY.......1% GREEN PARTY..............1% INDEPENDENT (VOL).......14% SOMETHING ELSE (VOL).....1% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.......2%


Which of the following categories contains your present age? (READ CATEGORIES)


Which political party do you consider yourself most closely aligned with?


In politics, do you consider yourself to be a (ROTATE) conservative, a a liberal or a moderate? (IF CONSERVATIVE OR LIBERAL, ASK:) Do you consider yourself very (conservative/liberal)? IF MODERATE, ASK: Do you lean closer to conservative or liberal? Do you own or rent your current residence? Do you have school-age children or pre-schoolers living with you at home? Thinking about your household finances, how would you describe your financial situation, would you say that -A) Your monthly expenses are exceeding your income; B) You are meeting your monthly expenses but are putting aside little or no savings; C) You are managing comfortably while putting some money aside; D) Managing very well? Gender (BY OBSERVATION) Ward (FROM LIST)

VERY CONSERVATIVE........4% CONSERVATIVE............10% MODERATE/CONSERVATIVE...11% MODERATE................40% MODERATE/LIBERAL........15% LIBERAL.................15% VERY LIBERAL.............4% SOMETHING ELSE...........0% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.......1% OWN.....................65% RENT....................35% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......0% YES.....................24% NO......................75% DONT KNOW/REFUSED.......1% STATEMENT A..............6% STATEMENT B.............36% STATEMENT C.............42% STATEMENT D.............15% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.......1%




17. 18.

MALE....................49% FEMALE..................51% ONE......................8% TWO......................8% THREE....................8% FOUR.....................8% FIVE.....................8% SIX......................8% SEVEN....................8% EIGHT....................8% NINE.....................8% TEN......................8% ELEVEN...................8% TWELVE...................8% THIRTEEN.................8%

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