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New Moon

“I can’t believe you are forcing me to do this,” I muttered to my keyboard. I
wanted to write books about crime, mystery and love. But what does Edward
and Bella just have to do?
“But you have to!” Edward whined back at me. Bella just stared at me, giving a
cheesy grin.
“OK. So you really want me to write about how depressed Bella was, when
Stephie just puts ‘October…November…December…January…’ whatever?”
The annoying nod from Bella appeared.
“And you really want me to write about Edward’s journey in Volterra, when
Bella is coming to save him?” Edward’s turn to cheesily nod now.

Why me?!?!?!?!

“Oh boy. Alright.”

1. Gone

The black hole was sucking me in, never daring to let me go. Ba-bump…
ba-pump…Ed-ward...Ed-ward… My heart seemed to be saying between
each beat. My crumpled pillow sagged in the middle, where my head
was. My duvet was placed over me. I didn’t need to do anything
anymore, Charlie did everything for me. A guy in a white coat seemed to
check my eyes and mainly all my senses too; never checking my heart.
Never checking the sound that it was shouting.
“Nothing’s changed, Doc. She still keeps screaming at night, thrashing
about, like she is running or something,” I heard a familiar voice. Was it
Charlie? Jacob? Edward? Edward...
“Edward?!” I shouted.
“No, it’s your Dad, Bells,” I heard a muffled sound. My heart, still
beating his name, sank to the bottom of my stomach. Slowly, I closed my

“Bells, school!” I sniffed. Why should I bother? Even though I failed to

see the point, I got up and grabbed my bag and sloped down the stairs.
“Bells, you need to get changed,” Charlie huffed silently, ushering me
back up the stairs. I’m sure he hated seeing me undressed and down to the
bare minimum, but I was lacking the motive. Why should I make an
effort to look pretty, when the reason of my existence was gone?
“He’s gone,” I sighed, starting to feel my body pulling outwards, as if my
spirit had had enough, no longer wanting to be in my body. Trying to
search... Edward...
Charlie now drove me in his car, as I didn’t want to drive my truck. I was
sure that Edward’s smell would be gone from there, but his presence
would still be around, smiling. Sure, the last few days went horribly, but
there were other times. How was I supposed to know that he no longer
loved me? I knew I was no longer good for him. As Charlie indicated
right, I found the pulse painful. Tick-tock... Tick-tock... Ed-ward... Ed-
Another fit, another day.
“Hey Bella,” A girl voice called out to me. Was it Angela? Jessica? Alice?
Alice... Why had she gone with him? Did she put her foot down and say
“No, she needs me.” Did Edward refuse to listen?
“OK, are you going to reply?” I finally realised that Alice wouldn’t say
that. Would she? I turned my head, and saw Jessica. The only thing was, I
could see Alice’s face.
“Alice?” I whispered, smiling. I hugged her tightly.
“No, I’m Jessica. Your friend?” She started to pull me away, giving
strange glares.
“Alice is gone...”
“What happened to the Cullens anyway?” She spoke as it was a passing
Another collapse, another day.

“You’re going to have to collect her, Chief Swan. She won’t listen to
anyone,” the screaming that seemed to be coming from my mouth
stopped suddenly.
“Take…me…home…he…could…be…waiting!” I breathed. What if he
was in my room already? What if he was about to say “I guess she
couldn’t wait for me”. I suddenly rose, and started to run. Suddenly, thick
restrainers were placed on my arms. Who could have such a strong grip?
Charlie wasn’t here yet. Emmet?!
“Emmet!” I screamed, happy at once, “Emmet, get Edward back, please!”
I groaned, not turning round.
“I’m not Emmet, Bella.” I heard a disappointing voice behind me. I
sagged to the ground. It seemed like only a few minutes, when Charlie
strode into the office. I was still crumpled onto the floor. Since when was
the floor so wet and damp?
“Come on, Bells,” he sighed, lifting me into his arms. He couldn’t care
for me, he wasn’t a doctor. He couldn’t heal the hole that Edward tore out
of me. Or was he a doctor?
“Carlisle?” I whispered.
“No, your Dad, Bells,” he shook his head. I sighed in defeat. How could I
live like this, every single would be being a not? Every single miracle
being a nightmare? How could I still be breathing, when my breath
belonged to someone who was gone?
I was surprised at how quickly Charlie drove home. Did he know
“Edward’s back, isn’t he?!” I shouted, running out of the car and into the
house. I rushed upstairs, looking at my open window. Then, I glanced at
my rocking chair. Where was he? Where was he? I sank down onto my
knees, and prayed. I prayed that he would return. I prayed that this was all
just a horrible dream that I would be out of soon.
“Bella, let’s get you into bed,” Charlie whispered from behind me,
scooping me back into his arms and placing me in bed. How could he
leave me? I realised, that I was asking both Edward and Charlie. My eyes
drooped down.
“Tell me if Edward comes in through the window,” I whimpered, holding
Charlie’s hand for my life.
“Why would he come through the window?” He asked suddenly. I just
shrugged. I was tired, yes; but for completely different reasons. I was
tired of waiting for him; I was tired of holding onto the hope that he
would change his mind.
“Oh my God, what are you doing here?” I heard a faint whisper from my
bed. I must have been dreaming again.
“Shh, you’ll wake her,” another voice spoke. This voice was like silk, but
rough. As if his sheet of paper was cut through and torn apart.
“You better get out of here, Edward, unless you are coming back,” the
voice by me warned. Edward?! Edward?! I opened my eyes, smiling.
“Edward?” I shouted.
“Bella, it’s only me,” Charlie muttered to me, forcing me back down. I
closed my eyes once more.
“That was close,” the voice sighed.
“Get out,” Charlie warned.
“Not yet, Mr Swan. I need to ask you something,” The voice sighed. “I
have to go, I know. I have moved away, but I’m not sure how long I can
take it without her. I can’t bear it already,” the angelic voice raised up. “I
need to ask you. If I do come back, tell her that I’m not best for her. Make
her like someone like… Mike Newton,” the voice snarled. “But please,
for me. For Bella.”
“Of course, Edward,” Charlie whispered.
“Thankyou,” The angel sighed. No, no, don’t go away… Please…
Suddenly, a pair of cold lips was on my forehead.
“Edward?” I moaned, suddenly rising out of my bed. No one was there,
but Charlie. I cried myself to sleep, even though it was only the
My angel, my Edward. He was so much clearer in dreams, so much more
“Edward?” I sighed happily. He embraced me, loved me, his body so cold
yet his heart so warm.
“Goodbye,” he whispered, carrying his voice into the trees.
I was then alone. No, alone would be better than this. It was like I was the
only thing in this universe. No stars, no moon, no nothing.
I did wake up; eventually. As always, I thought the dream was real. I
thought that yes, he was there. But I wouldn’t give up hope. I knew
Edward, didn’t I? I knew he would come back. I just had to wait. Maybe,
even though he is a vampire, he got lost along the way? Something could
have happened. What about vampire traffic… No, that would be stupid…
The light bulb then flickered on. Both in my mind, and in my room.
“Bells, time for breakfast,” Charlie sighed, staring at me as I quickly got
to my feet. This would work, wouldn’t it?! Slowly, I got to the window.
“Edward!” I shouted, “I’m over here!” The rain was no match for my
voice, it echoed and echoed. Finally, I knew my deed; if this could drive
him away, could it drive him back, like reverse psychology?
“Bella, what are you doing?” I heard a muffled noise in the background.
This was it… I was going to do it… I lifted my wrist and placed it near a
splinter in the window’s wood.
“Bella, you either get away from there or talk to me,” A concerned
muffling ordered. But I had done it. The skin was ripped, and the smell
burnt my nose; that must have been a good sign.
“Come back, Edward!” I yelled from the window, raising my arm.
“Oh my God!” Charlie then grabbed me and held me tightly. Without a
second to breathe, we were in the car.
“No, Dad, I need to wait for him to smell it,” I murmured. OK, maybe
this wasn’t the best idea. I was starting to feel faint.
“Why would the smell bring him back, Bella? That was insanely stupid!”
Charlie shouted from the front. My eyes were starting to blur.
“What happened?” I suddenly heard the voice again.
“She thought blood could bring you back. I guess you saw my speeding.
Hey, how did you get in here?” Charlie talked to my forbidden miracle.
“Bella?” The voice croaked next to me.
“Edward?” I asked slowly, smiling slightly.
“Stay with me, Bella,” He moaned. I opened my glossy eyes and saw
something take his shirt off. I then felt a tight grip over my wrist.
“I will always stay with you,” I shouted out, trying to grab him. What
could I grab, so that he couldn’t escape again?
“Bella, talk to me!” I heard the angel once more.
“I will always want to talk to you,” I cried, clutching my un-hurt hand
onto his skin; it was cold.

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