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To, Barack Obama, President- United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500

Subject: Regarding the letter to you by so-called 65 Indian MPs (Member of Indian Parliament) about US Visa policy on Mr. Narendra Modi, Elected Chief Minister of Gujarat, India.

Dear Obama, As a staunch supporter of strong Indo-America relations on various issues which range from terrorismcounter to economical front, I need to write this letter in wake of a suspicious letter sent to you written by so called 65 Indian MPs demanding ban on VISA granting to Mr. Narendra Modi- An Elected Chief Minister of Gujarat, India. First of all I wish to state that this letter is not authentic; and highly suspicious as many signatories mentioned in the letter has denied in public to sign any such letter. News of this effect has been reported & published by many prestigious & leading media corporations of India. Some online links of same is being given for your ready reference: ( & ( Hence this letter seems to be a deliberate attempt to mislead Obama administration by means of forgery on an issue worth of long term effect regarding Indo- American relationship. This fraud has already been taken into cognizance of law enforcing agencies here in India and police has registered a case regarding same.So in light of above facts- when in India this letter has been declared unauthentic with forged signatures, it is high time for US administration to derecognize any such letter. Secondly I wish to state that this false letter is an example how the issue of granting US visa to Mr Narendra Modi has been & still being tried to influence by all improper & forged means against him. Narendra Modi-VISA issue is of critical importance given the fact that he is one of the strongest Prime Ministerial candidate for upcoming 2014 general elections here in India. It is equally important that EU & other countries have already changed their earlier stand on him on the basis of his innocence proved by long judicial trial and his great work in Gujarat as a Chief Minister; and thus have equally safeguarded their interests on merit basis.

I believe that US administration is wise enough to not let propagandists, cheaters & fraud people hijack a crucial issue affecting Indo-American relations and conclude this issue only on merit of it and in best interests of both countries. And as some first signs, this unauthentic letter should be rejected & derecognized summarily. Thanking You, An Indian citizen & A well-wisher for strong & continued Indo-American relations.

(Abhinav Shankar) New Delhi India

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