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IP, IP_4 Finds the intersection points of two 2D lines or polylines =IP(Line1, Line2, Optional Coordinate, Optional Point

no) "Line1" and "Line 2" are ranges listing the XY coordinates for the two lines If the ranges for Line1 or Line2 have more than 2 columns, the data in that range is assumed to be ar "Coordinate" specifies the ordinate required, 1 = X, 2 = Y "Point No" specifies which intersection point is required If "Point No" is not provided IP returns an n x 2 array, where n is the number of intersection points. If "Coordinate" is not provided IP returns a 1 x 2 array if "Point no" is provided, or an n x 2 array if not If "Line2" is a single point IP returns intersection points for a line through this point and parallel to the =IP_4(Line1X, Line1Y, Line2X, Line2Y, Optional Coordinate, Optional Point no) For IP_4 the X and Y ranges for both lines are entered separately, allowing non-adjacent ranges to be If the ranges for Line1 or Line2 have more than 1 column, the data in that range is assumed to be arr

Line1 x 13 12.51056516 11.09016994 8.877852523 3 3 -0.090169944 -2.877852523 -5.090169944 -6.510565163 -7 -6.510565163 -5.090169944 -2.877852523 -0.090169944 3 6.090169944 8.877852523 11.09016994 12.51056516 13 y 5 8.090169944 10.87785252 13.09016994 17 15 14.51056516 13.09016994 10.87785252 8.090169944 5 1.909830056 -0.877852523 -3.090169944 -4.510565163 -5 -4 -3.090169944 -0.877852523 1.909830056 5





0 -10 -5 -5 0



Line2 (range name LineB) 13 6 -4 -5 -4 6 -7 16 5 16 Point No X Y IP in Segment No. Line1 Line2

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6





INSIDE Finds if a specified point is inside a closed polyline =INSIDE(Polyline, Point) #VALUE! #VALUE!

nge is assumed to be arranged row-wise.

of intersection points. , or an n x 2 array if not. point and parallel to the X axis if XY = 1, or the Y axis if XY = 2 Point no) n-adjacent ranges to be used. ge is assumed to be arranged row-wise.



Column C Column C

0 0 -5 5 10 15



IPLC Finds the intersection points of a 2D line and a circle =IPLC(Line, CircleXY ,Radius) X Y Line 4 3 100 6 Circle centre Radius dx,dy 3 8 m 96 3 0.03125 c 2.875 8

Intersection Points X IP1 #VALUE! IP2 #VALUE!


Check distance from circle centre and line parameters Dist m c IP1 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! IP2 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

IPCC Finds the intersection points of two circles =IPCC(Circle1XY, Radius1, Circle2XY, Radius2) X Y Radius Circle 1 Circle 2 3 5 8 7 5 3

Intersection Points X IP1 #VALUE! IP2 #VALUE!


Check distance from circle centre and line parameters Circ1 Circ2 IP1 #VALUE! #VALUE! IP2 #VALUE! #VALUE!

IPSSS, IPSS IPSSS finds the 3D intersection points of three spheres IPSS finds the location and radius of the intersection circle of two spheres,

and the polar coordinate angles of the line connecting the two cenrtres =IPSSS(Sphere1XYZR, Sphere2XYZR, Sphere3XYZR) X Y Z R Sphere1 Sphere2 Sphere3 1 5 2 2 3 4 3 -1 9 5 6 7

Intersection points IP1 #VALUE! IP2 #VALUE!



Check distance from IP's to circle centres Sphere1 Sphere2 Sphere3 IP1 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! IP2 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! =IPSS(Sphere1XYZR, Sphere2XYZR) Distance from centre sphere1 to centre intersection circle, radius intersection circle, and angle of line connecting sphere centres in XY plane and perpendicular plane (radians) Dist; Theta1 Radius; Theta2 Length #VALUE! #VALUE! Angle #VALUE! #VALUE! Check distance from circle to sphere centres Sphere1 Sphere2 #VALUE! #VALUE! Check angle of line connecting centres Theta1 Theta2 #VALUE! #VALUE!

Four functions to find the 3D Centre and radius of a circle or circular arc ArcCenP3, ArcCenT2IP, ArcCenTP, ArcCenRP, ArcCenP3 finds the centre and radius of an arc specified by any 3 points on the arc Point 2 must lie between Points 1 and 3 ArcCenT2IP finds the centre and radius of an arc specified by 2 tangent points and the i If the tangent points are not equidistant from the intersection point the further point is moved alo If either of the tangent points are adjusted the revised 3D coordinates are returned in the second together with the point number (1 or 2) of the adjusted point. ArcCenTP finds the centre and radius of an arc specified by 1 tangent point, 1 other poi ArcCenRP finds the centre and radius of an arc specified by 1 point on the circle, 1 othe

For all four functions points are specified as a single row range with 2 or 3 columns If Point 1 is specified with 2 coordinates the problem is treated as 2D, and any Z values specified If Point 1 is specified with 3 coordinates the other two points must also be specified as a 3 column

=ArcCenP3(Point1, Point2, Point3 ) X Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 1 4 8 X #VALUE! Y 2 3 5 Y #VALUE! Z 3 5 6 Z #VALUE! R #VALUE!

Check distance from points to circle centre R Point 1 #VALUE! Point 2 #VALUE! Point 3 #VALUE!

=ArcCenT2IP(TP1, TP2, IP) X TP 1 TP 2 IP 1 8 4.219 Y 2 5 2.781 5.875 0 X Y Z #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Adjusted pt #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Check distance from tangent points to circle centre R Point 1 #VALUE! Point 2 #VALUE! Adjusted Pt #VALUE! #VALUE! =ArcCenTP(TP1, TP2, Pt2) X Y Z R #VALUE! #VALUE! Z 3 6

TP1 TP2 Pt2




Check distance from tangent points to circle centre R TP1 #VALUE! Pt2 #VALUE!


Pt1 RP1 Pt2

Check distance from tangent points to circle centre R TP1 #VALUE! Pt2 #VALUE! B E Procedure: From input coordinates find: Direction cosines of AB Direction cosines of AC Cos BAC (from Cosine Rule) Sin BAC (Case 1 and 3) Calculate R: Case 1: AE / Sin BAC Case 2: AD / Cos BAC Case 3: AD / Sin BAC Case 4: AD / Cos BAC Find direction cosines of line parallel to line from a known point to centre: Case 1: DC Case 2: BD Case 3: DC A


Case 1, Three points , ArcCenP3

Case 2, Two tan points and IP, ArcCenT2IP

Case 4: AB Project from known point to circle centre: Case 1: Point E, mid point of AB Case 2: Point D, mid point of AC Case 3: Point A Case 4: Point A


on circle, plane (radians)

points on the arc

ngent points and the intersection point of the tangents rther point is moved along the tangent line. returned in the second row of the array output,

ent point, 1 other point on the tangent line, and 1 other point on the circle t on the circle, 1 other point on a radial line through that point, and 1 other point on the circle columns any Z values specified for the other two points are ignored. specified as a 3 column range.

=ArcCenP3(Point1, Point2, Point3 ) Chord components DX DY AB 3 BC AC Direction Cosines AB AC cosBAC AD CD D Direction Cosines CD sinBAC R E Cen 4 7 i 0.8017837257 0.8551861105 0.9795347227 8.0178372574 1.6475089421 7.4285714286 i 0.3468439878 0.201275252 11.3838528304

DZ 1 2 3

L 2 3.74165739 1 4.58257569 3 8.18535277

j 0.2672612419 0.3665083331

k 0.5345224838 0.3665083331

1.6475089421 4.1428571429


j k 0.5202659817 -0.7803989726

1.8708286934 11.2290741053 0 6.3947368421 8.3421052632 -4.7631578947



Case 2, Two tangent points and IP, ArcCenT2IP

Case 3, Tangent Line and one other point, ArcCenTP

Case 4, Radial Line and one other point, ArcCenRP

er point on the circle

PDIST Finds the perpendicular distance to the closest segment of a polyline =PDist(Line,Points) "Line" is a range listing the XY coordinates for the polyline "Points" is a range listing the XY coordinates for one or more points PDist returns an n x 3 array where n is the number of rows in the "points" range: Col1 = perpendicular distance from the point to the line. Cols 2 and 3 = X and Y components of the perpendicular distance. Enter as an array formula to return the whole array 15 Line x 13 12.510565 11.09017 8.8778525 3 3 -0.09017 -2.877853 -5.09017 -6.510565 -7 -6.510565 -5.09017 -2.877853 -0.09017 3 6 8.8778525 11.09017 12.510565 13 Points 4.8 4.5 -8 5 9 15 15 10 2 4 y 5 8.0901699 10.877853 12.9 13 14 14.510565 13.09017 10.877853 8.0901699 5 1.9098301 -0.877853 -3.09017 -4.510565 -3 0 -3.09017 -0.877853 1.9098301 5



0 -10 -5 0 5









Perpendicular Lines 1 4.8 15 #VALUE! #VALUE! 2 4.5 15 #VALUE! #VALUE! -8 10 #VALUE! #VALUE! 5 2 #VALUE! #VALUE! 9 4 #VALUE! #VALUE!



0 0 5 10 15




lar Lines

MaxDIST Finds the maximum distance between any two points =MaxDist(XRange, Yrange) MaxDist returns an 1 x 3 array: Col1 = maximum distance between any two points in the list. Cols 2 and 3 = Row numbers of the two points Enter as an array formula to return the whole array

Line x 13 12.510565 11.09017 8.8778525 3 3 -0.09017 -2.877853 -5.09017 -6.510565 -7 -6.510565 -5.09017 -2.877853 -0.09017 3 6 8.8778525 11.09017 12.510565 13 y 5 8.1923 10.877 12.9 13 14 14.510565 13.09017 10.877853 8.0901699 5 1.9098301 -0.877853 -3.09017 -4.510565 -3 0 -3.09017 -0.877853 1.9098301 5

Max Dist Row 1 Row 2 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

RtoP, PtoR Converts rectangular to polar coordinates and polar to rectangular =RtoP(Rectangular Coordinate range, Origin, Coordinate number) =PtoR(Polar Coordinate range, Origin, Coordinate number) Coordinate number 1 2 3 Rectangular X Y Z Polar R Theta1 Theta2 Theta1 = angle in XY plane Theta2 = angle in perpendicular plane Where an origin is given the origin is moved to the coordinates specified X 13 12.510565 11.09017 8.8778525 3 3 -0.09017 -2.877853 -5.09017 -6.510565 -7 -6.510565 -5.09017 -2.877853 -0.09017 3 6.0901699 8.8778525 11.09017 12.510565 13 Y 5 8.0901699437 10.877852523 13.090169944 17 15 14.510565163 13.090169944 10.877852523 8.0901699437 5 1.9098300563 -0.877852523 -3.090169944 -4.510565163 -5 -4 -3.090169944 -0.877852523 1.9098300563 5 R #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! theta1 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

Rotate Rotates 2D or 3D rectangular axes about any axis Rotate(Rectangular Coordinate range, Rotation in radians, Axis, Optional Coordinate Number) Axis or Coordinate number 1 2 3 X Y Z Rotate coordinates in XY plane about Z axis: Rotation 0.7853981634 Axis 3 X Y X Y 1.000 1.000 #VALUE! #VALUE! -1.000 1.000 #VALUE! #VALUE! -1.000 -1.000 #VALUE! #VALUE!





Rotate 3D coordinates about 3 axes: Rotation Axis X 1.000 -1.000 -1.000 1.000 1.000 -1.000 -1.000 1.000 Y 1.000 1.000 -1.000 -1.000 1.000 1.000 -1.000 -1.000 Z 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 X








ordinate Number)

-0.7853982 3 X Y #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!














Find the intersection point of 2 lines in 3D space IP3D(Line1XYZ, Line2XYZ) Intersection point of 2 line segments specified by XYZ coordinates of ends Line1XYZ 2x3 range with coordinates of line1 Line2XYZ 2x3 range with coordinates of line2 Example Enter points in the XY plane, then rotate both lines to generate intersecting lines X Y Z X Y -1.000 -2.000 0.000 -1.000 3.000 End 1 3.000 1.000 0.000 2.000 -2.000 End 2


0.5 radians about axis no

Line 1 A B



Line 2 C D


Method 1 IP3D Function: X ### Y ### Z #VALUE!

Method 2 1. Find IP of lines projected onto each plane through the origin using IP function X Y Z XY Plane: #VALUE! #VALUE! XZ Plane #VALUE! #VALUE! YZ Plane #VALUE! #VALUE! Two IP's found? IP's equal? Lines intersect? Intersection point FALSE TRUE X ### FALSE FALSE


Z ###

Method 3 1. Find IP of lines projected onto each plane through the origin using spreadsheet calc m1 c1 m2 c2 X Y XY Plane: #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

XZ Plane YZ Plane



Two IP's found? IP's equal? Lines intersect? Intersection point IP within segment 1? IP within segment 2?


12.000 10.000

XY Plane

0.000 0.000

8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000

Line 1


0.000 0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.800 2.000 2.200 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0.000 0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.800 2.000 2.200 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000
Line 1 Line 1

XZ Plane

ng IP function

YZ Plane

ng spreadsheet calc Z

8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0.000 0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.800 2.000 2.200
Line 1



Line 1


Line 1


Line 1

Line 1


Intersection of Planes and Related Functions Example Enter three points to X A B C Rotation 1 Rotation 2

define a plane, then rotate planes through different angles to genera Y Z -1.000 6.000 2.000 -2.000 -5.000 3.000 5.000 -2.000 -1.000 0.5 radians about axis no -0.25 radians about axis no 2 3

PDist3D(PlaneXYZ, PointXYZ, Out) Perpendicular distance of a point from a plane PlaneXYZ3x3 range with coordinates of 3 non-colinear points in the plane PointXYZ 1x3 range with coordinates of point Out Optional output index: Out = 1: Return perpendicular distance from point to plane Out = 2: Return coordinates of perpendicular point on plane Out > 2: Return both in 2 x 3 array Plane A B C Point Distance Perp. Point Check distance X #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Y #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Z #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!




PlaneCoeff(PlaneXYZ) Coefficients, a, b, c, d, of a plane defined by 3 points; where ax + by + cz +d = 0 PlaneXYZ3x3 range with coordinates of 3 non-colinear points in the plane Plane A B C Coefficients Check X #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! a #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Y #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! b #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Z #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! c #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!


IPPlaneLine(PlaneXYZ, LineXYZ) Intersection point of a line and a plane PlaneXYZ3x3 range with coordinates of 3 non-colinear points in the plane LineXYZ 2x3 range with coordinates of line ends Line A B IP X 2.000 -2.000 #VALUE! Y 2.000 0.000 #VALUE! Z 2.000 0.000 #VALUE!

IPPlanePlane(Plane1XYZ, Plane2XYZ) Intersection line of two planes Plane1XYZ 3x3 range with coordinates of 3 non-colinear points in the plane Plane2XYZ 3x3 range with coordinates of 3 non-colinear points in the plane Plane 1 A B C Plane 2 A B C X #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Y #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Z #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Z #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!


PView(PlotXYZ, ViewPoint, Target, XoY) Perspective projection of 3D lines PlotXYZ 3D coordinates of lines to be plotted Viewpoint 3D coordinates of viewpoint Target Optional 3D cordinates of target, default = centroid of Plotxyz points XoY Optional X over Y ratio for plot; default = 1.5, enter 0 for no scaling

Plane 1 Plane 2 Intersecti on

Plane 1 Plane 2 Intersecti on

Viewpoint Target




nt angles to generate intersecting planes

+ cz +d = 0


PView(PlotXYZ, ViewPoint, Target) Perspective projection of 3D lines PlotXYZ 3D coordinates of lines to be plotted Viewpoint 3D coordinates of viewpoint Target Optional 3D cordinates of target, default = centroid of Plotxyz points XoY Optional X over Y ratio for plot; default = 1.5, enter 0 for no scaling

Output: XY coordinates of the 3D lines projected onto a plane perpendicular to the view l If XoY is omitted or non-zero, coordinates of a boundary frame are added to the o Example View distance View angle to Z axis View angle to XZ plane 20 m 45 degrees 360 degrees

Viewpoint16.6421 1.5 16.1421 -2.70526 0.7854 2 Target 2.5 1.5 2 -2.96706 0 1 3D Model coordinates PView output X Y Z X 0 0 4 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.00 3.00 4.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! 5 3 4.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! 5 0 4.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! 4 0 4.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! 4 2 4.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! 3 2 4.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! 3 0 4.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!


0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5.00 5 5.00 0.08 0 0.15708 0.31416 0.47124 0.62832 0.7854 0.94248 1.09956 1.25664 1.41372 1.5708 1.72788 1.88496 2.04204 2.19911 2.35619 2.51327 2.67035 2.82743 2.98451 3.14159 3.29867 3.45575 3.61283 3.76991 3.92699 4.08407 4.24115 4.39823 4.55531 4.71239 4.86947 5.02655 5.18363 5.34071 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

0 0 3 3 3 3 0 0.00 3 3.00 1.5 1.50197 1.50777 1.51712 1.52955 1.54443 1.561 1.57838 1.59561 1.6117 1.62566 1.63653 1.64342 1.64556 1.64233 1.63329 1.61818 1.59699 1.5699 1.53735 1.5 1.45872 1.41457 1.36878 1.32273 1.27786 1.23567 1.19769 1.16536 1.14006 1.12301 1.11524 1.11756 1.13051 1.15434

4.00 0 0 4 0 0 0 4.00 4 0.00 2 2.01241 2.0239 2.03359 2.04067 2.04443 2.04432 2.03994 2.03107 2.01769 2 1.97838 1.9534 1.92583 1.89659 1.86671 1.83734 1.80966 1.78488 1.76418 1.74867 1.73936 1.73707 1.74248 1.75601 1.77786 1.80796 1.84596 1.89127 1.94299 2 2.06094 2.12426 2.18827 2.25114




5.49779 5.65487 5.81195 5.96903 6.12611 6.28319 6.44026 6.59734 6.75442 6.9115 7.06858 7.22566 7.38274 7.53982 7.6969 7.85398 8.01106 8.16814 8.32522 8.4823 8.63938 8.79646 8.95354 9.11062 9.2677 9.42478 9.58186 9.73894 9.89602 10.0531 10.2102 10.3673 10.5243 10.6814 10.8385 10.9956 11.1527 11.3097 11.4668 11.6239 11.781 11.9381 12.0951 12.2522 12.4093 12.5664

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

1.189 1.23409 1.28891 1.35244 1.42333 1.5 1.5806 1.6631 1.74532 1.825 1.89986 1.96765 2.02625 2.07366 2.10817 2.12832 2.13299 2.12147 2.09343 2.04899 1.98872 1.91363 1.82519 1.72523 1.61598 1.5 1.38009 1.25924 1.14058 1.02728 0.92243 0.82902 0.74982 0.68731 0.6436 0.62035 0.61877 0.6395 0.68264 0.74769 0.83357 0.93864 1.06071 1.19711 1.3447 1.5

2.311 2.36599 2.41428 2.45415 2.48405 2.50265 2.50888 2.50196 2.48146 2.44732 2.39986 2.33977 2.26814 2.18639 2.09632 2 1.89974 1.79807 1.69763 1.60114 1.51128 1.43068 1.36179 1.30682 1.26771 1.24602 1.24289 1.25902 1.29461 1.34935 1.42243 1.5125 1.61776 1.73594 1.86436 2 2.13957 2.27959 2.41647 2.54659 2.66643 2.77265 2.86215 2.9322 2.98052 3.00531




12.7235 12.8805 13.0376 13.1947 13.3518 13.5088 13.6659 13.823 13.9801 14.1372 14.2942 14.4513 14.6084 14.7655 14.9226 15.0796 15.2367 15.3938 15.5509 15.708 15.865 16.0221 16.1792 16.3363 16.4934 16.6504 16.8075 16.9646 17.1217 17.2788 17.4358 17.5929 17.75

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

1.65923 1.81842 1.97352 2.12045 2.25529 2.37431 2.47411 2.55172 2.60464 2.63097 2.62946 2.59952 2.54129 2.45564 2.34415 2.20909 2.05339 1.88056 1.69462 1.5 1.30145 1.10391 0.91238 0.73182 0.56699 0.42236 0.30195 0.20926 0.14713 0.1177 0.12231 0.16145 0.23477

3.00534 2.98001 2.92933 2.85398 2.75529 2.63522 2.49634 2.34172 2.17496 2 1.82111 1.64274 1.46943 1.30569 1.15585 1.02402 0.91392 0.82877 0.77125 0.74336 0.74642 0.78096 0.84674 0.94269 1.06699 1.21705 1.38956 1.58061 1.78573 2 2.21821 2.43492 2.64467




yz points

ndicular to the view line. me are added to the output array

1 1 1

0 1 1

0 0 1






200 #DIV/0! #VALUE!

200 #DIV/0!

100 #DIV/0!

interp interp2 loginterp loginterp2 quadinterp interpa


=interp(tablerange, value, column no) =interp2(tablerange, row value, column val) =loginterp(tablerange, value, column no) =loginterp2(tablerange, row value, column val) =quadinterp(tablerange, value, column no) =interp(tablerange, RowValueRange, column no)
45 40 35 f(x) = 1.1545226131x + 18.0075376884 R = 0.8186776863

30 Notes Tablerange includes the lookup value column and row for all functions (shaded yellow) For interp, quadinterp, and interpa lookup values may be25 in ascending or descending order For interp2, loginterp, and loginterp2 lookup values must 20 be in ascending order To return all values for interpa enter as an array function (cntrl-shift-enter) 15

Age Days 1 3 10 30 100 365 1095 3650 10951 50 0.19 0.3 0.48 0.75 0.97 1.16 1.26 1.29 1.29

K1 Shrinkage, Arid Thickness, mm 100 200 0.09 0.03 0.13 0.05 0.24 0.08 0.48 0.19 0.73 0.38 0.91 0.59 1.05 0.75 1.1 0.83 1.1 0.86


400 5 0 0 0.01 4 0.03 0.05 0.13 0.3 0.43 0.54 0.58

Age Column Thickness

6 8 10

Interpa row values 12 14 16 18 20 22 Age

1.4 1.2 1 0.8 Y-Axis 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 10 100 X-Axis1000 10000 100000

Linear interpolation 2 way linear interpolation Log interpolation 2 way log interpolation Quadratic interpolation Linear interpolation of a range of values

31x + 18.0075376884 3

Column L Linear (Column L)

yVal 6 7 9 15 21 20 28 31 38 40

yellow) nding order

6 7 9 15 21

20 28 31 38 40

160 3 For 1D interpolation 250 For 2D interpolation

14 16 18 20 22

pa row values

160 161 162 163 164 165

xVal trendline forecast interpolate Hand-Calc

10 29.5528 29.5528 #ADDIN? 32.1667 #VALUE!

Disclaimer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License may be obtained from: The Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

Copyright 2005-2011 Interactive Design Services Pty Ltd. all rights reserved
Revision History Current Version Rev Date 1.00 1-Jun-05 1.01 14-Dec-05 1.02 23-Dec-06 1.03 18-Jul-07 1.04 25-Aug-07 1.05 16-Sep-07 1.06 10-Aug-08 1.07 6-Jan-09 1.08 14-Feb-09 1.09 24-Feb-09 1.10 4/7/2009 1.11 7/16/2009 1.12 7/18/2009 1.13 7/19/2009 1.14 7/19/2009 2.01 8/18/2009 2.02 11/27/2010 By DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ DAJ 2.06 31-Mar-11 Description

First release Interp modified for X values in descending order IP modified to use arrays in place of ranges IP modified to allow array output Quadinterp added IPLC, IPCC, IPSS, IPSSS added. INSIDE added, IPax separated from IP Sign of rotation about Y axis corrected in Rotate. PDist added PDist modified for duplicate points IP_4 function added IPSSS corrected for revised Rotate ArcCenT2IP and ArcCenP3 added Minor changes to code, no change to results ArcCenP3_2 added ArcCenP3 replaced with ArcCenP3_2, ArcCenTP and ArcCenRP a MaxDist fucntion added

2.03 12/7/2010 DAJ 2.04 12/19/2010 DAJ 2.05 3/18/2011 DAJ 2.06 3/31/2011 DAJ 2.07 11/4/2011 DAJ

Interpolation functions re-written, notes and interpa example added Quadinterp corrected for a point in the final segment 3D IP functions added (IPPlaneLine, IP3D, PDist3D) More 3D Functions (PlaneCoeff, IPPlanePLane, PView, RotateM) PlaneCoeff fixed for use with IPPlaneLine (PlaneXYZ passed by va

all rights reserved

ending order

ted in Rotate.

_2, ArcCenTP and ArcCenRP added

otes and interpa example added he final segment e, IP3D, PDist3D) PlanePLane, PView, RotateM) neLine (PlaneXYZ passed by value)

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