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Listening Guide

In This Guide...
Download Instructions How to Use your Hypnotic World Hypnosis MP3 Getting the most out of your download Designed exclusively for Hypnotic World download users

2009 Hypnotic World. All rights reserved. Hypnotic World is a trademarks. Other trademarks used in this guide are the property of their respective owners. Hypnotic World provides external links as a courtesy and is not responsible for their content.

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Guide Contents
This guide is intended to help you make the most of your Hypnotic World MP3 purchase, so please take a few minutes to read over the tips and advice before relaxing and listening to the audio session(s). The Team

In this Guide:

I. Downloading Your MP3

How to download audio session(s) to your computer and decompress .zip files where required.

II. When and Where to Listen

Choosing the best place to enjoy your hypnosis session.

III. Multiple Listenings

How often to listen to your session, and how multiple listenings can help.

IV. Complimenting Your Session

How using a different session for the same issue can offer reinforcing hypnotic suggestions, and how to access the Complimentary Session Finder if you decide this option is for you.

V. System Requirements & Useful Links

Reference for users without "media player" software pre-installed on their computer.

VI. Further Information

Troubleshooting issues and how to contact Hypnotic World with other enquiries.

VII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to your questions with regards to hypnosis MP3s and hypnotherapy.

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I: Downloading Your MP3

Downloading your hypnosis audio session is a simple process and will be familiar to those well-acquainted with computers and the Internet. If, however, downloading files and listening to MP3s on your computer is new to you, this section should help.

Downloading the MP3

You should receive a receipt email and order fulfilment email upon the completion of your purchase. The latter email will contain a link for each MP3 that you have purchased. For example: -Download URL: order=ordernumber&no=1

To download the .zip file containing the audio MP3, right- click on the link and choose the 'Save Link As...' option (or similar). If a Save... option doesn't come up when you right- click on it, select the link (beginning with http://) and copy it into the Address bar at the top of your web browser window. You may be asked where you want to save the file. Select any folder, such as your Documents folder.

Unzipping the File once Downloaded

Our MP3s are sent to you in zipped format for speed and ease of downloading. You should be able to simply double-click the file ending in '.zip' for it to open, containing the MP3 file. Occasionally our customers do not have the required decompression program installed on their computer. Should you have any problems in unzipping your recording then we recommend that you download 7-Zip at:

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II: When and Where to Listen

For optimum results please endeavour to listen to your recording at approximately the same time of day for a minimum of 30 days. This can be spread out over a period of 5 days per week for 6 weeks or 6 days a week for 5 weeks. Slight variations shouldn t cause a problem with the effectiveness of your treatment plan but please try to be as consistent as possible if you are fully committed to achieving your goals. Please ensure that you listen to your recording in a quiet, comfortable place where you are unlikely to be disturbed. It is fine to listen to these MP3s in bed, however if you are particularly tired then you might fall into a natural sleep. Should this happen every time then try to listen as well at a time when you are less tired so that your conscious mind can also receive the benefit of the suggestions.

When not to listen:

We strongly recommend that you never listen to any hypnotic recording whilst you are driving or at any time when you need to maintain full awakening consciousness. For example, don't listen: Whilst driving a car If operating machinery

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III: Multiple Listenings

If immediate effects are not noticeable:
Some people experience what is termed as d e layed hypnosis that is their unwanted habits may not disappear instantaneously, however once the suggestions are absorbed by the subconscious mind then results should be noticeable in a few days or weeks. Other users may notice improvements

immediately. For example, if your aim is to lose weight then you should notice the effectiveness once you start to eat healthily or exercise more (depending on which recording you selected and the cause of the weight problem).

. ..Every idea we have in our minds becomes true for us and has a tendency to transform itself into action .
Emile Coul - a respected authority on hypnosis on which many of the latter understandings of the miracles of the mind were based upon - in his book 'Self Mastery through conscious Auto suggestion' (1919)

Downloading Multiple Times

Hypnotic World currently allows for multiple downloads of the same MP3 for your own personal use, so if you happen to lose your copy of the file, follow the link provided to you in your order email and simply re-download the file.

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IV: Complimenting Your Session

For extra effectiveness you might consider listening to other Hypnotic World downloads alongside your selected program. As an example there are several different stopping smoking downloads and these could be used on an alternate day basis. However if you are seeking to address different issues which are not related (i.e. fertility issues and sport enhancement) then we would recommend focussing on one issue at a time until you begin to notice improvements in that particular area. Complimentary sessions may appear on the page when your order shows up or you may return to the downloads page and look under the relevant heading:

Addictions Anger Management Body Enhancement Childbirth Children's Issues Confidence Boosters Fears and Phobias

Finance & Business Habits and Disorders Health Loss Memory and Learning Pain Relief Personal Development

Psychic & Paranormal Relationships Sports Improvement Stress and Anxiety Test/Exam Skills Weight Loss

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V: System Requirements & Useful Links

System Requirements
Virtually all modern computers are capable of opening and playing MP3s:

Decompression Software (required only for MP3 downloads ending in .zip)

Most Hypnotic World MP3s are 'compressed' into a file (whose name ends in '.zip') to make downloading quicker and easier. Decompression software is required only to open such 'zip' files, but many modern operating systems have this built- in, including: Windows Vista and newer Mac OS X 10.3 and newer Modern (post-1998) releases of Windows include .zip file decompression, which in older versions are dubbed 'compressed folders' Where .zip decompression is built- in, you may only need to double-click the compressed file to view its contents as a folder (contents are generally 1 .mp3 file). If you are unsure how to decompress your .zip file, consult your operating system's help function, or download the free 7-Zip program, which can decompress .zip files and is supported on many operating systems, at:

MP3 Software:
Many different programs can be used to open the MP3s, and again, these are usually included with your operating system. On Windows: Windows Media Player or iTunes

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On Mac OS: QuickTime or iTunes Other programs such as Real Player can also be used to play decompressed MP3 files at your computer.

Transferring MP3s to a CD:

Windows Media Player and iTunes include functions to 'burn' MP3s to a writeable CD. This enables you to listen to Hypnotic World hypnosis MP3s away from your computer. For example, if you have a CD player in your living room, you will be able to relax and listen to the hypnosis session on your sofa.
Note: 'Burning' (copying) MP3s to a CD required a writeable CD drive and writeable CDs.

For more information on burning MP3s to a CD for your own personal use, consult the help functions on Windows Media Player or iTunes.

Useful Links:
The following links may be useful if you need to download software or update your computer's existing software in order to decompress and playback MP3 files, or have additional queries regarding your download(s):

Zip Decompression Software:

7-Zip (Free):

MP3 Playback Software:

Windows Media Player:



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VI: Further Information

If your download appears incomplete i.e. stops mid-way then it is possible that your internet connection was disturbed during the download process in which case we would recommend that you download it again. Please note that these are large files and it is preferable that you use a broadband connection to avoid interruption.

Troubleshooting Other Issues

Should you experience other issues with your purchase then please send us an email explaining the nature of the problem so that we can look into it further. We are constantly improving the quality of our recordings as new recording technology and hypnosis techniques advance.

Medical Disclaimer
Please remember that Hypnotic World products are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure diseases or medical conditions. Consult your GP for medical advice.

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VII: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of altered awareness during which our subconscious mind is more open and receptive to suggestions that are given. We drift in and out of different levels of awareness many times a day, absorbing information on a subliminal level as well as consciously. Hypnotic World's MP3 downloads will work with your imagination to help you to achieve your goals.

Q. When I am 'under' will I be asleep?

You will be aware of everything that is happening and being said the whole time, however you will be so deeply relaxed that you may find yourself drifting into different levels of awareness. Remember, your subconscious mind is active throughout and it is this that hypnotherapists work with.

Q. Will I remember everything afterwards?

This depends how deep in hypnosis you are, but generally most people do remember either everything or certain parts of the experience. You will find that suggestions which have been given to you in hypnosis will resurface in your conscious, thinking mind after your hypnosis and these will be the thoughts that produce changes in your behavior or way of thinking and feeling.

Q. How do I know I will wake up from hypnosis?

No-one has ever remained in hypnosis indefinitely. Even if you were to stop listening to the MP3/CD halfway through the session, you would still 'come out' of the trance state once rapport between yourself and the the hypnotherapist's voice had been broken.

Q. Are there any side effects from hypnosis?

The only side effects are the beneficial ones of feeling more relaxed afterwards and feeling more positive about whatever it was you sought hypnotherapy for. Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state.

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Q. How does it feel to be hypnotized?

Everyone is different. Some people say that their body feels like a lead weight, others say they feel as though they're floating away. Most people will agree that it's a lovely feeling because they are more relaxed that they have ever been before.

Hypnosis MP3 FAQs:

Q. How do I listen to MP3s?
Once you have ordered an MP3, you'll receive an email with a link, where you can download the hypnosis recording as an MP3 file and listen to it whenever you wish. You can also 'burn' the MP3s onto a CD for your personal use - this will enable you to listen to the hypnosis MP3s at bedtime, for example.

Q. How long do MP3s take to download?

This depends on the speed of your connection. For broadband users, it should take less than ten minutes to download hypnosis MP3s, while retaining the high quality of the recordings. Most recordings are compressed in a 'zip' file for faster and easier downloading.

Q. What software do I need to listen to MP3s?

Virtually all modern computers are capable of playing MP3s. Software such as Windows Media Player, QuickTime or Real Player will enable you to listen to hypnosis MP3s with ease.

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