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(Sponsored by : VASAVI ACADEMY OF EDUCATION Regd.) Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad. (Recognized by A. l.C.T. E.) lbrahimbagh, Hyderabad 500 031. (A.P.)

Prof.R.B.Rajendra Prasad M.Tech(ECE)

Professor Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Email : rbrprasad@rediffrnail. com Phone no: *91 9490791871

I was very glad to learn that my student, Mr.Maramraju Shandilya, is applying for graduate study in your Esteemed University. I am proud to have a student like him under me. I have been teaching him for three semesters in the department of electronics and communications engineering. As a Professor of electronics and communications department, I work with many students and each year I notice only a few students offer a unique perspective and embrace the leaming of the subject. Mr.Shandilya has consistently shown such a strong desire to learn that I simply could not tum down his request for recommendation.

I taught him courses in GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM and supervised him in MAINPROJECT. In these courses, his performance was very good. I rank him among the top llYo of the students that I have taught. He has drawn my attention with his resourceful and innovative ideas. He is a clever sfudent as far as academics are concerned, which is unmistakably seen in the praiseworthy marks that he has incessantly achieved. His project "secret communication through audio for defense applications" was selected as the most ingenious project of the college under electronics and communications category.
He is very disciplined during the lab-work and I was content with his capability to gasp and perceive new concepts. Seeing his experimental skills in laboratory, in my opinion, he has immense research ability.

He is the student who will work very hard towards the fulfillment of any responsibility he undertakes. By helping him procure a graduate program in your college, you will provide him a challenging and lucrative future. This will also arm him with practical information and technological advances, his value in future is ensured. I am sure he would prove an indispensable asset to your institution. Hence, I unconditionally recoillmend him for graduate studies at your university. I wish him good lucf< and success in his future



(Prof. R.B.RAJENDRA PRASAD) h:b h':r\.rErytj."f\ r r.*n 5,ql-. i:;i:n'r',t'C' (itj) a po, j*,s,,,'. ,ta;evi ?elr-r. rf tng .re:-;^g rf '.hr rfef/i^, i', , ,-ri"t_o,,, ,i

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