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Sydney A. Held Syd.held@gmail.

com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDU CATION Bachelor of Arts, Communication- PR specialization Minor in Spanish Language and Culture University of Maryland, College Park, MD Overall GPA: 3.6

Anticipated May 2014

RELATED EXPERIEN CE Discovery Communications, Corporate Education Partnerships Intern (CEP) June 2013-Present Support the CEP team in day-to-day sales operations including CRM, proposal drafting and new client prospecting Provide direction for 3rd party vendors through drafting creative briefs Led efforts to organize 10-person intern project, using a $1,000 budget to benefit a local school Hillel, Social Media Intern January 2013- Present Increased parent newsletter opens by 11 percent leading to increased overall viewership Expanded the number of Twitter followers by 15 percent and Facebook fans by 5 percent in four months Helped reach company goal of 2,000 Facebook fans, now the largest of any campus Hillel The University of Maryland, News writing and reporting Teaching Assistant August 2012- December 2012 Graded student quizzes, exercises and edited written work Developed partial lesson plans for each class and invented WordPress blog assignment Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Student blogger January 2012-January 2013 Drafted blog posts of 500 words each, 3 published on website Conference and Visitors Services at UMD, Audit specialist May 2012- August 2012 Input and organized conference guest data for more than one dozen conferences Resolved three guest accommodations conflicts effectively Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA), Communications intern June 2011-August 2011 Updated brochure information of PCAA initiatives for AP style and accuracy RELATED COU RSE W ORK-COM M U N ICATION S/PU BLIC RELATION S News Writing and Reporting Learned new, engaging writing skills in different styles American Culture in the Information Age Blogged 250 words weekly Tweeted 3+ times weekly for class LEADERSH IP & ACTIVITIES Sigma Delta Tau Sorority, Vice President of Philanthropy December 2011-December 2012 Led efforts to raise more than $10,000 in a one-year term to donate to PCAA Organized 8th annual fundraiser and drew 300 guests PRSSA dues-paying member since August 2012 SKILLS Microsoft Office, iWork, InDesign, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Photoshop, Flickr, iMovie,, intermediate level Spanish

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