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July 29th, 2006 Pentru Voi, Timisoara

September-December 2008 Timişoara

„Pentru Voi” Gala Awards 2008

On 3 December 2008 At the event participated the Mayor of Timisoara, Gheorghe
took place the Pen- Ciuhandu, the Consul of Germany, Rolf Maruhn, the Honorific
tru Voi Gala 2008, an Consul of Holland, Marius Popa, representatives of the busi-
annual event organ- ness environment, local public authorities, the newest mem-
ized by Pentru Voi bers of the Romanian Parliament, beneficiaries of Pentru Voi
Foundation on the Foundation and their families, the press etc
International Day of
Persons with Dis- The evening continued with the identification of the top com-
abilities. panies which brought the highest income to the Pentru Voi
Protected Unit. They were awarded for supporting the em-
Most representatively companies from Timisoara, which ployment of persons with intellectual disabilities in 2008: 107
proved to be socially responsible in 2008 concerning the work person at the end of 2008.
engagement of persons with intellectual disabilities, were
offered awards within the Pentru Voi Gala 2008. The event was organized through the support of the local
business community, the friends and collaborators volunteer-
The Great Award of the Pentru Voi Gala 2008 was offered ing at Pentru Voi to
to the multinational company Kromberg & Schubert, for the whom we are especially
highest contribution to the development of the Protected Unit. thankful!

There were offered 5 prizes for social responsibility: “I have always supported
* Creativity in Social Responsibility to Vodafone Romania the activity of “Pentru
* Partnership for social Inclusion to Banu Construct Voi” Foundation and I will
* Exceptional Contribution to the Social Inclusion of the continue to do so”, de-
Persons with Intellectual Disabilities to Building Design and clared the Mayor of Timi-
Subcontrol soara, Mr Gheorghe Ciu-
* Commitment in Social Responsibility to Lisa Draxlmaier handu.
* The Special Award for the Volunteer of the year to Dan Main sponsor:Foundation
Costineanu Vodafone Romania

“Pentru Voi” won the Handinnov Award for Romania!

The 5th Handinnov Laila ONU, the executive director of “Pentru Voi” Foundation
Competition was declared: “We are proud and happy about this success, and
patronaged by the we hope that this will influence decision makers in Romania
French chairman- to disseminate this example and to draw public policies
ship of European which would offer real opportunities in hiring people with in-
Union and in coop- tellectual disabilities”.
eration with Euro-
By implementing the project “Different, but together”, spon-
pean Forum of
sored by the Initiative of Mental Health of the Institute for an
Disabilities and
Open Society we developed a program for the persons with
awarded an organi-
intellectual disabilities.
zation from each of the 27 EU state-members. The award is
given to the organizations which realized models in EU of 86 persons with intellectual disabilities were hired: 33 of
social inclusion in schools, universities, work and social life them on open work market and 53 of them in protected unit
as a rule, of young people with intellectual disabilities. of “Pentru Voi” Foundation.
This project also won this year the great award of the Roma-
Nicoleta Nicolici, self-advocate of Pentru Voi Foundation
received the award at the ceremonies inParis. nian Civil Society Gala.

In December 2008 “Pentru Voi” Foundation cialists working with adults with autism, an advocacy group
started off the project ”Autism does not disap- on social inclusion of adults diagnosed with autism in their
pear at 18!” which aims to develop special- childhood and two support groups for 15 adults with autism
ized support services for persons who were diagnosed and their families. All these activities will contribute to the
with autism in their childhood. The project also aims to development of the social services for persons with intellec-
raise awareness among the General Practitioners (GP’s), tual disabilities in Romania.
psychiatrists, local authorities, and local communities, re-
The project is financially supported by the European Union
garding the persons who were diagnosed with autism in their
and the Romanian Government through PHARE 2006 –
Support for the development of the mental health commu-
The campaign organized within this project intends to pro- nity-based services and deinstitutionalisation of persons with
mote the social inclusion of adults with autism. The project mental illness.
also includes training sessions for the GP’s and for the spe-

Seminar Vocational Training designed for

Establishing Protected Units Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

The seminar “Pentru Voi” Foundation and Romanian-German Foundation

organized by gave the diplomas to the persons with intellectual disabilities
“Pentru Voi” who graduated the trainings of PC operator and building
Foundation on finisher.
30 September at
Their parents, the local media and the representatives of the
Timişoara pur-
two organizations attended the ceremony. 10 of the 20 per-
posed to inform
sons who finalized the trainings are already employed, and
and to train on
for the others we looking for a job; the new qualification gives
the establishing of the protected units and attended to
them more chances to find a job.
public institutions which provide social services for persons
with intellectual disabilities. „It was a challenge to work with these young adults but at the
20 participants, representatives of public institutions for so- end we were amazed by the results of the two months
cial protection from Timisoara, Lugoj, Arad, Gavojdia, Hune- training ”, declared Dan Lazăr on behalf of the Romanian-
doara, attended the seminar. German Foundation Timisoara.

The events were organized within the project “I want and I can work!”, project financially supported by the European Union and the
Romanian Government through PHARE 2006 – Support for the development of the mental health community-based services and
deinstitutionalisation of persons with mental illness.

The Spectrum of Social Services in the Lights of the UN Convention on the

Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Information seminar and work meeting of the DisabNet network

“The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabili- well a number of models of good practice: Art. 19 Community
ties”, adopted by the United Na- living, Art. 24 Education, Art. 26
tions on 13 December 2006 and Habilitation and rehabilitation,
entered into force on 3 May 2008, Art. 27 Employment - supported
marks a paradigm shift in the field employment and protected units.
of disability. The purpose of the The event was organized
seminar was to discuss the impact through the financial support of
of this change on the social ser- EASPD (European Association
vices for the persons with disabili- of Service Providers for Persons
ties. with Disabilities) and Handicap
The following articles were ap- International, within the Experts
proached during the seminary, as Training Regional Program.
The Group Home Cristian
Residential services for adults with severe intellectual disabilities

„Pentru Voi” and Habitat for director of ,,Pentru Voi” Foundation.

Romania started on building of the
The project is possible through the
group home Cristian – a residential
partnership between our Foundation and
service for adults with severe and
the Mayoral Hall of Timisoara & the Local
associate intellectual disabilities. At
Council, and it is financed by The Open
the event participated the Mayor of
Society Mental Health Initiative –
Timişoara, Gheorghe Ciuhandu,
Budapest and „Habitat for Humanity”. The
sponsors of Pentru Voi and
project is also supported by MG Building
volunteers of the project.
Design, SC Subcontrol SRL, Romstal,
,,Every human being has the right to Isover, Baumix, General Beton, Tifel.
dignity and respect. Most throbbing
obstacle the persons with intellectual disabilities have to face The five beneficiaries of the project will have their own room,
is the prejudice of some decision takers from the Social As- will self-administrate themselves, will do shopping, will make
sistance System, who condemn them to isolation and refuse their own decisions, and will initiate relationships. The
to confer them the chance to community living, with their construction, an area of 170mp, is particularly designed for
friends, relatives, neighbors” declared Laila Onu, executive their needs.

Political parties face to face with disability

„Pentru Voi” Foundation, in collaboration with the Institute for all the candidates stated their affirmative vote for the
Public Policies and Inclusion Romania, organized in Novem- Convention, also that they will consult the NGO’s from
ber 2008, the campaign “Political parties face to face with the disability sector (one of the candidates said they will
disability”, an attempt to include the disability in the Parlia- hire a person with intellectual disabilities at their bu-
ment election agenda. reau).
The initiator organizations sent a letter to the three main po- Given that “Pentru Voi” and the Institute for Public Policies
litical parties in Romania to ask them to state their core pri- are promoters of the rights of persons with intellectual dis-
orities on the disability affair. abilities in Romania, we will monitor the reification of the
In Timis County, there were sent 42 letters to the candi- promises made during the election campaign (law initiatives,
dates for Deputy and Senator; only 12 of them replied normative measures etc).
(28% of the candidates answered the three questions
asked in the letters). The feedback was homogeneous: Please see the candidate’s response at


National Conference National Conference for Self New video clips for you
22-23 September 2008, Timişoara Advocates - 3rd Edition
“Pentru Voi” featured within the Pentru
2-3 September, Mamaia
80 local and foreigner specialists Voi Gala 2008 the clip “I have finally
“Pentru Voi” Foundation organized the found a job that suits me!” The video
participated on 22-23 September at the
third edition of the National Conference presents Alin’s story, a person with
National Conference “UN Convention
for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, intellectual disabilities who found a job
on the Rights of Persons with
as self advocates. that suits him, in the same company his
Disabilities in Romania”, organized
The main topics of the Conference “UN mother is working for. During the same
through the financial support of Open
Convention on the Rights of Persons event we presented a video-
Society Mental Health Initiative –
with Disabilities” include the meaning of presentation of our activities in 2008.
Budapest. More info about the event at
the convention, its innovative value and They can be viewed at
the rights of persons with disabilities.ţiaPentruVoi
The Protected Unit: 107 employees and a turnover of 204 403 Euro

Since November 2008, a number of 20 adults with Over the year 2008 „Pentru Voi” managed to hire with
severe intellectual disabilities, from the Day Center contract 107 persons with intellectual disabilities. The
Ladislau Tacsi, have been involved in one of the placements are within the Protected Unit but also on the
activities of the Protected Unit “Pentru Voi” – the open market, and the turnover of the Protected Unit for
selection and the sorting of the plastic bags. 2008 is 204 403 Euro.

The beneficiaries working in this It’s an unexpected success and we are thankful to
group are very proud of what they the collaborators of the Protected Unit but also to
are doing, especially because in the business community who supported us over
December they were paid for the the past year” said Laila Onu, the executive direc-
first time for their work, and also tor of “Pentru Voi”. The profit of the protected unit
because they used the money to go from 2008 will be used to reinvest in the protected
shopping. unit.

The beneficiaries of the Day Center

Study visit to Sweden Ladislau Tácsi contribute to the
cleanliness of Petofi Park

In November 2008, our In September “Pentru Voi” launched a Community Service

colleague Melinda Malonay Work Program based on ecological actions proceeded in the
participated in a study visit Petofi Park. On a weekly base, ten persons with severe in-
to Gotheborg. The purpose tellectual disabilities, accompanied by specialised educators,
collect the garbage dis-
of the visit was to
carded in the park area. In
consolidate our knowledge this way, the beneficiaries
of social services for adults prove that, despite their dis-
with intellectual disabilities: residential services, group homes ability, they care about the
and services for adults with severe intellectual disability. We environment they live in and
thank Inclusion Europe and Elaine Johansson, director of they can be active citizens
Eldorado Centre, Goteborg, for their support. who offer a model of social

Christmas Party 2008 Pentru Voi vă urează...

“Pentru Voi” Foundation organized on 18

December at the Youth House, a Christmas Party
for its beneficiaries. The program included artistic
moments, carols and folk music, followed by a
Christmas sketch and musical moments by the
Children Choir of The Highschool of Art „Ion Vidu”
The same as every year, „Pentru Voi” offered presents
to its beneficiaries and their families.
We are thankful to the Local Council, to the
Prefecture of Timişoara and to our sponsors for
their generosity.

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