Teacher S Guide What S Up 1 WUsampleTB1

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Teachers Guide

Introduction Planificacin anual Students Book Contents Teachers Notes
Welcome to Whats up? ______________________________________________ 14 Unit 1: A new start __________________________________________________ 16 Unit 2: People ______________________________________________________ 25 Unit 3: Special days _________________________________________________ 34 Break Time A _______________________________________________________ 43 Unit 4: Animals _____________________________________________________ 45 Unit 5: About town __________________________________________________ 54 Unit 6: Holidays ____________________________________________________ 63 Break Time B _______________________________________________________ 72 4 6 12

Workbook: Answer key & Audioscript Extra Practice: Answer key

74 83

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Whats Up? is a four-year English course specifically written for teenage students. The material and design is clear, relevant, up-to-date and motivating. The main aim of Whats Up? is to help students learn English in meaningful, communicative contexts and to provide them with a clear understanding of the language.

Listening and Speaking

The Listening and Speaking section is a two-page spread. There are two short listening texts related to the theme of the unit. One might be a monologue, the other a dialogue; one formal, the other informal. The colourful illustration sets the context for the first listening and introduces some key vocabulary. The comprehension exercises develop the students confidence and ability to understand the speech of native English speakers from different Englishspeaking regions and countries. Speaking activities lead on naturally from the listening activities. These activities may be done in pairs, groups or as a whole class, depending on the teachers preference. The section always includes an A / B pairwork activity which is located at the back of the Students Book.

Students Book
The Students Book contains six units based on stimulating, varied topics. They have ten pages organised into the following sections:

Lead-in page
This page introduces the theme of the unit through colourful photos and questions related to the theme of the unit. The aim is to stimulate interest in the topic, discuss relevant ideas and revise some basic vocabulary. The page also lists the main objectives of the unit, among which is the task that students will be doing at the end of each unit.

An entire page is devoted to developing writing skills right from level 1. Micro skills, such as punctuation, spelling, organisation, linkers, etc. are developed from the start. Writing tasks are carefully guided and cover a wide range of texts, both formal and informal. A model text is always provided. Writing rule boxes give useful guidelines on how to write each type of text.

Vocabulary and Reading

This two-page section includes the presentation and practice of the key vocabulary and a reading text linked to the topic of the unit. The vocabulary section introduces one or two sets of words or phrases. Varied exercises and activities allow students to practise the words through meaningful spoken and written activities. The texts are varied and interesting and cover a wide variety of text types including magazine articles, narratives and personal experiences. Different types of comprehension exercises, vocabulary work and discussion activities help students obtain a full understanding of each text.

Final task
At the end of each unit students put together all they have learnt in an achievable task. These tasks have numerous advantages: They are a goal in themselves - at the beginning of each unit students learn the main goal of the unit so that they can work towards it. They elicit the language taught in each unit and revise language from previous units. They provide an opportunity for students to use English in a meaningful context. They include models that students can use as a guide. They allow students to work at their own level of linguistic competence. They give all students the opportunity to finish each unit with a sense of fulfillment - of having achieved a goal.

This two-page section provides simple grammatical presentations and practice. The grammar points are clearly presented in boxes and cross-referenced to the Grammar Reference (where students can find a more detailed explanation of the grammar point). The boxes are followed by written and oral exercises designed to help students practise the forms in a guided way which is personally relevant to them. After practising at sentence level, the target structures are frequently contextualised in dialogues and short narratives. The vocabulary used in the grammar activities recycles language from the Vocabulary and Reading sections of the unit and from previous units.

The last page of each Students Book unit offers students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learnt and reflect on their progress. This section does not have specific notes for each unit. The following are a few general guidelines as to how to approach it: Tell students that this section will help them evaluate their progress. Go over the six tasks and the examples with the class. Clarify any doubts and give a few more examples if necessary.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Encourage students to write five items for each of the tasks and to use different pronouns, verbs, nouns, etc, to add variety to their answers. Circulate as students write to monitor their work. Have students rate their work according to how well they think they did. Tell them they can write from 1 to 5 ticks on the scale below each task. Circulate to help students rate their work. Then have students rate their overall work by adding up the total number of ticks they got and writing them on the scale at the bottom of the page. Call on six students to come to the board. Each student writes on the board his/her answers to one of the tasks. Discuss the answers with the class, make any necessary corrections and clarify any doubts. Have students reflect on how much they have learnt. Students who didnt do as well as expected reflect on how they can improve. Tell them to decide what they need to revise or practise more. Ask them to flick through the Students Book, Workbook and Extra Practice book pages to find sections / activities that can help them reinforce the areas they are weaker at. Ask them to write the relevant pages at the bottom of their self-assessment sheet. Circulate and have students show you the pages they have selected. Advise them as necessary.

The Workbook section has the same structure as the Students Book and includes further practice of vocabulary, reading, grammar, listening and writing. As with the Students Book, the skills and language points are integrated and personalised. Although all the Workbook activities are suitable for self-study, many of them can be used for extra material in the class. The Workbook units consist of the following pages: Page 1 and 2: Vocabulary and Reading Page 3 and 4: Grammar and Listening Page 5: Writing Page 6: Self-check The Workbook also features a listening comprehension section that gives students a new opportunity to practise their listening skills. Teachers can assign these listening exercises as homework for correction in the classroom as all students have their own copy of the Workbook audio CD in their books. You will find the audioscript and the answer key to these exercises at the back of this Guide (page 74).

Extra Practice book

This book helps students understand, reinforce and practise the grammar and vocabulary taught in each Students Book unit. It presents grammar in clear charts with simple explanations and examples and useful Remember! and Be careful! notes. It provides numerous practice opportunities in a wide variety of controlled exercises that will help students acquire the new structures.

Break Time
There are two Break Time sections, each appearing after units 3 and 6. The purpose of these sections is to allow students to enjoy English as they play games and listen to songs. They are an opportunity for further practice and for extension as well. The Break Time section that appears after the first three units features a Puzzle Time page and a song by a well-known band. The Break Time section that appears at the end of the Students Book features a Play Snakes and Ladders page and another well-known song. The Puzzle Time page includes word games that revise the language from preceding units. The Play Snakes and Ladders page features a board game that revises all the language taught in the book. The songs are accompanied by a wide variety of activities aimed at helping students explore the language used in the song and understand its message.

Quick Check
The Quick Check features clear grammar charts and examples of the main language covered in the Students Book. Students will find it an invaluable tool for permanent reference.

Teachers Resource Bank

This book is an invaluable tool for teachers. It features a test for every unit in Whats Up? and factsheets to accompany the three Penguin readers suggested for each level of Whats Up?. It also includes a mid-book revision test and an end-of-book revision test. The material presented in the Teachers Resource Bank is photocopiable and ready for classroom use.

Pronunciation activities are integrated into every unit in either the vocabulary or speaking sections. These focus on sounds, stress and intonation.

Pairwork activities
Whats Up? units include pairwork activities that provide opportunities for students to engage in interesting speaking activities. Pairs are asked to open their books at different pages of their Students Book so that they can exchange the information they find. These activities will enable students to use English in meaningful contexts and revise the language they learnt.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Planificacin anual
Contenidos Gramaticales
Pronunciacin de he / she. Entonacin de preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Formas fuertes y dbiles.

Unidad temtica Fonolgicos


Tareas comunicativas y de aprendizaje

Unit 1
Preguntas abiertas con el verbo to be. Preposiciones de tiempo: in, at, on. Pronombres demostrativos: this, that. Artculo indefinido: a, an. Pronombres personales. Adjetivos posesivos.

Materias escolares.

Hora digital y hora reloj.

A New Start

Horarios escolares.

Presente simple del verbo to be en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

El alumno dentro de su comunidad educativa.

Informacin personal: nombre, edad, origen.

Ttulos: Mr., Mrs., Ms.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Adjetivos calificativos: friendly, happy, nice, cool, modern, fantastic.


Palabras interrogativas: What? When? Where? Who? What time? How old?

Nmeros ordinales.

Instrucciones ulicas.

Elaboracin grupal de redes conceptuales en base a tormenta de ideas sobre vocabulario escolar. Asociacin de estos items lexicales con su representacin grfica. Intercambio dialgico sobre horarios escolares. Discusin oral sobre distintos tipos de escuelas. Descripcin oral de fotos de una escuela. Lectura de un texto de una escuela con el fin de identificar informacin especfica. Lectura de oraciones en voz alta atendiendo al ritmo y acentuacin correctos, utilizando las formas fuertes y dbiles convenientemente. Redaccin paralela de informacin sobre escuelas. Completamiento de blancos en textos escritos. Asociacin de preguntas con sus correspondientes respuestas. Formulacin individual de preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Escucha de un texto para identificar informacin especfica. Juego de roles. Redaccin paralela de un texto brindando informacin personal.

Tarea final

Elaboracin de una pgina web, atendiendo a la presentacin de contenidos, a los elementos formales y al uso de recursos grficos y audiovisuales de soporte.

Unidad temtica Gramaticales

Artculo indefinido: a, an Plurales regulares e irregulares de sustantivos. Entonacin de preguntas cerradas. Entonacin de preguntas abiertas. Patrones de acentuacin y ritmo. Identificacin de foco. Palabra interrogativa: How many...? Caso posesivo. Orden de adjetivos. Have got / Has got en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. There is / There are en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. Preguntas abiertas con There is / There are. Preposiciones de lugar: at, in, on, opposite, next to, near, between. Conectores: - adicin: and - oposicin: but - propsito: because Pronunciacin de Hes / Theyve.

Contenidos Fonolgicos


Tareas comunicativas y de aprendizaje

Unit 2

Miembros de la familia.


El alumno y su entorno familiar, sus amigos y vecinos.

Estados de la vida: baby, child, teenager, adult, middle-aged, pensioner.

Tipos de vivienda: house, block of flats.

Zonas donde se habita: in the suburbs, in the countryside, in the city / town.

Adjetivos que describen personas: kind, unkind, generous, mean, quiet, noisy, tall, short, old, young, thin, fat, friendly, unfriendly, good-looking, ugly.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Tarea final

Asociacin de los nuevos tems lexicales con las imgenes que los representan. Toma de conciencia de las diferentes connotaciones de los adjetivos descriptivos presentados. Asociacin de tems lexicales de significados opuestos. Intercambio dialgico sobre rboles genealgicos. Lectura de notas sobre diferentes viviendas con el fin de identificar informacin especfica. Escucha para reproduccin oral de oraciones con Ive / Hes. Descripcin oral de la informacin presentada en un cuadro. Intercambio de preguntas y respuestas cerradas sobre posesiones. Produccin guiada de oraciones expresando nocin de existencia. Intercambio dialgico sobre las caractersticas de una vivienda. Identificacin de las preposiciones de lugar en oraciones. Produccin escrita y oral de oraciones utilizando las preposiciones identificadas. Escucha de un texto para identificar informacin especfica. Identificacin del foco del mensaje oral. Intercambio dialgico sobre caractersticas de personas conocidas. Identificacin de conectores en un texto escrito. Redaccin paralela de un texto usando conectores.

Redaccin de un informe basado en una encuesta.

Planificacin anual
Contenidos Gramaticales
Pronunciacin de la s en la tercera persona singular. Entonacin de preguntas abiertas. Patrones de acentuacin y ritmo.

Unidad temtica Fonolgicos


Tareas comunicativas y de aprendizaje

Unit 3

Vocabulario relacionado con las rutinas diarias.

Special Days
Adverbios de frecuencia: never, sometimes, often, usually, always. Conectores secuenciales: before, after, First, Then, After that, Finally.

Meses del ao.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide Actividades ldicas de integracin.

El alumno y las tradiciones de su comunidad y su familia.

Celebraciones y festivales mundialmente famosos.

Tiempo presente simple en su forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa para describir hbitos y rutinas.

Tarea final

Redaccin de un email en el que se describe un da especial.

Asociacin de los nuevos tems lexicales con las imgenes que los representan. Tormenta de ideas para identificar conocimiento previo de los alumnos. Descripcin oral de rutinas diarias. Conexin secuencial de acciones cotidianas en forma oral. Lectura de un texto para identificar informacin especfica sobre una celebracin. Redaccin de oraciones relacionadas con el contenido del texto. Identificacin de formas gramaticales correctas. Completamiento de un texto con las formas correctas de verbos en el tiempo presente simple. Escucha de un texto para identificar las distintas pronunciaciones de la s final de la tercera persona singular de verbos en tiempo presente simple. Sistematizacin de la estructura del tiempo presente simple por medio de un cuadro. Identificacin de los adverbios de frecuencia y su significado. Uso de adverbios de frecuencia para describir rutinas. Reordenamiento de palabras para formar oraciones con adverbios de frecuencia. Produccin oral y escrita de oraciones utilizando adverbios de frecuencia y el tiempo presente simple. Escucha de un texto para identificar informacin especfica sobre rutinas. Relato oral de costumbres personales. Identificacin del sujeto en oraciones escritas. Toma de conciencia sobre el uso de las maysculas. Toma de conciencia sobre el uso de la puntuacin y los conectores secuenciales. Seleccin simple de conectores secuenciales. Ordenamiento secuencial de actividades cotidianas. Toma de conciencia de la organizacin del discurso para describir acciones realizadas durante un da. Redaccin descriptiva de un da tpico.

Break Time A

Unidad temtica Gramaticales

Pronunciacin de does / doesnt. Entonacin de preguntas cerradas. Entonacin de preguntas abiertas. Patrones de acentuacin y ritmo.

Contenidos Fonolgicos


Tareas comunicativas y de aprendizaje

Unit 4
Can para expresar posibilidad. Must para expresar obligacin y mustnt para expresar prohibicin. Preguntas cerradas. Preguntas abiertas con: Where, When, What, What time, How many.


Nombres de diferentes animales salvajes, de granja y mascotas.

El alumno y su conciencia ecolgica.

Partes del cuerpo de animales.

Tiempo presente simple en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

Verbos que permiten describir lo que los animales hacen: hide, sting, hibernate, migrate, hunt, bite, build, lay.

Adjetivos que permiten describir animales: aggressive, friendly, intelligent, clean, dirty, dangerous, poisonous, slow, fast, quiet, noisy, solitary.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Tarea final

Diseo de un afiche sobre animales en peligro de extincin.

Asociacin de los nuevos tems lexicales con las imgenes que los representan. Asociacin de acciones con los nuevos tems lexicales presentados. Categorizacin de los nuevos tems lexicales. Produccin oral de los nombres de animales presentados. Descubrimiento del significado de nuevos verbos para describir acciones de los animales a travs del contexto de uso. Toma de conciencia de las diferentes connotaciones de los adjetivos descriptivos presentados. Seleccin simple de adjetivos descriptivos. Lectura de un artculo de revista para identificar informacin especfica. Intercambio de preguntas y respuestas cerradas utilizando el tiempo presente simple. Completamiento de preguntas abiertas con las palabras interrogativas correspondientes. Escucha de oraciones para identificar y reproducir la correcta pronunciacin de does / doesnt. Redaccin de preguntas y respuestas cerradas en base a la informacin de un cuadro. Completamiento de oraciones en un intercambio dialgico escrito. Sistematizacin del uso de can / must por medio de un cuadro. Escucha de un texto para identificar informacin especfica. Seleccin simple de can / must. Completamiento de un texto con can / must. Discusin oral sobre caractersticas de animales presentados en imgenes. Escucha de un texto para corregir informacin escrita. Intercambios dialgicos sobre caractersticas de diversos animales. Escucha de un texto con el fin de identificar el animal descripto. Redaccin de preguntas abiertas y cerradas para identificar caractersticas de diversos animales. Toma de conciencia sobre el uso del punto final, la coma y los signos de exclamacin e interrogacin. Puntuacin y capitalizacin de textos escritos. Redaccin de mensajes utilizando los signos de puntuacin aprendidos. Lectura de un afiche sobre animales en peligro de extincin con el fin de completar un cuadro con informacin especfica.

Planificacin anual
Contenidos Gramaticales
Tiempo presente continuo en su forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

Unidad temtica Fonolgicos


Tareas comunicativas y de aprendizaje

Unit 5

About Town
Contraste entre el tiempo presente simple y el tiempo presente continuo. Pronunciacin de - ing. Entonacin de preguntas abiertas. Patrones de acentuacin y ritmo. Lets, What about? y Why dont you / we? para expresar sugerencias. Sustantivos contables e incontables. Some, any, a lot. Can para expresar ofrecimientos y pedidos.

Vocabulario relacionado con edificios y espacios pblicos de una poblacin.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

El alumno y la comunidad en la que se integra.

Vocabulario relacionado con actividades que se desarrollan en los distintos espacios de una poblacin.

Toma de conciencia sobre la existencia de diferencias entre pronunciacin de acento americano y acento britnico.


Tarea final

Elaboracin de un dilogo para organizar una salida.

Asociacin de los nuevos tems lexicales con las imgenes que los representan. Asociacin de objetos con lugares donde se pueden comprar. Discusin oral sobre horarios de comercio en Gran Bretaa y el pas de origen de los alumnos. Juego de memoria describiendo un mapa de una zona de una poblacin. Escucha para identificar lugares en un mapa. Lectura de un artculo de una revista para identificar informacin especfica. Descubrimiento del significados de nuevos tems lexicales a travs del contexto de uso. Discusin oral sobre centros de compras. Sistematizacin de la estructura del tiempo presente continuo por medio de un cuadro. Intercambio de preguntas abiertas utilizando el tiempo presente continuo. Completamiento de un intercambio dialgico telefnico escrito. Lectura de oraciones en voz alta atendiendo al ritmo y acentuacin correctos, utilizando las formas fuertes y dbiles convenientemente. Reordenamiento de palabras para formular preguntas. Intercambio oral de preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Categorizacin de sustantivos contables e incontables. Toma de conciencia del uso de a, an, some, any. Ejercicio de seleccin simple.

Unidad temtica Gramaticales Fonolgicos



Tareas comunicativas y de aprendizaje

Unit 6

Medios de transporte.

El tiempo pasado simple de verbos regulares e irregulares en su forma afirmativa y negativa. Expresiones que denotan tiempo pasado: yesterday (morning), last (week), (a month) ago. Patrones de acentuacin y ritmo. Entonacin de preguntas abiertas y cerradas.

Vocabulario relacionado con actividades en tiempo de vacaciones.

El verbo to be en tiempo pasado en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

Pronunciacin de la desinencia -ed en los verbos regulares en el tiempo pasado simple.

El alumno y sus actividades de tiempo libre. Excursiones y campamentos.

Continentes y pases del mundo.

Vocabulario relacionado con la compra y venta de pasajes en distintos medios de transporte.

Actividades ldicas de integracin.

Vocabulario relacionado con las caractersticas topogrficas de zonas geogrficas de inters turstico.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Tarea final

Descripcin de una experiencia fantstica o terrible.

Interpretacin de smbolos topogrficos de un mapa. Identificacin de continentes y ocanos en un mapa. Discusin sobre lugares preferidos de los alumnos. Asociacin de los nuevos tems lexicales con las imgenes que los representan. Intercambios dialgicos sobre modos de viajar de los alumnos. Asociacin de conos con actividades tpicas de vacaciones. Narracin oral de rutinas de vacaciones. Lectura de un diario de viaje para obtener informacin especfica. Categorizacin de tems lexicales relacionados con experiencias vacacionales. Comparacin oral de la informacin en el texto ledo y caractersticas del propio pas. Sistematizacin de la estructura del pasado simple del verbo to be en un cuadro. Completamiento de oraciones con diferentes formas del pasado simple del verbo to be. Ordenamiento de expresiones de tiempo pasado en orden cronolgico. Intercambio oral de preguntas cerradas con el pasado simple el verbo to be. Sistematizacin de la estructura del pasado simple de verbos regulares e irregulares en un cuadro. Completamiento de oraciones con las diferentes formas de los verbos regulares e irregulares en tiempo pasado simple. Redaccin paralela de una postal con descripcin de vacaciones.

Break Time B

Welcome to Whats Up?

Students Book pages 4, 5 and 6

1 a) Read Jennys text aloud. Ask a few comprehension

questions, for example, Who says this? How old is she? Where is she from? Whats her favourite food?

4 a) Have students study the ordinal numbers in the list.

Point out: eleventh and twelfth that ordinal numbers 13th to 19th end in teenth twentieth and thirtieth that numbers 21st to 29th are a combination of 20 + ordinal numbers 1st to 9th that numbers 31st to 39th are a combination of 30 + ordinal numbers 1st to 9th

b) Ask students to look back at the text to nd the

Check answers as a class. ANSWERS
2. 3. 4. 5. April Australia 8th CD 6. sunny 7. jeans 8. pizza

eight items. You may want to ask students to work in pairs.

b) Have students write the numbers individually and

compare answers with a partner. Check answers as a class. ANSWERS

2 a)

Before students listen, point out that letters in the same colour have the same sound.

a. fourteenth b. thirty second c. twenty fourth

d. twenty seventh e. thirty first

Play CD track 2. Pause after each set of letters for students to repeat them. Play the CD again. Students say the whole alphabet as they listen.

5 a) Have students put the months in order individually.

Check answers as a class. ANSWERS
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. February March April May June July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December

b) Have students practise saying the letters in pairs.

Walk around and provide help as needed.

c) Have students practise spelling Jennys surname

and their own surname in pairs. Walk around and provide help as needed.

Remind students that in English ordinal numbers are used, among other things, for saying dates. Give an example: September the tenth. Read the ordinal numbers aloud and have students repeat after you. Point out that except for the rst three (rst, second and third) all the other ordinal numbers in the list end in th. To pronounce this sound properly tell students to place their tongue between their upper and lower teeth as they release air.

b) Explain that the date is written 15th March but it is said March the fteenth or the fteenth of March.
Have students write the date individually and then call on a student to say todays date.

Have students complete and number the days individually. Check answers as a class. ANSWERS
a. 2 (Tuesday), b. 4 (Thursday), c. 7 (Sunday), d. 3 (Wednesday), e. 6 (Saturday), f. 5 (Friday), g.1 (Monday)

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Welcome to Whats Up?

Have students match the pictures to the words individually. Check answers as a class. ANSWERS
2. a, 3. e, 4. f, 5. d, 6. c


Clarify the task: Each student has to guess three countries. For each country they can ask what any four letters are. Then they guess the word. As students do the activity, walk around to monitor their work. ANSWERS

Have students nd the words individually. Point out that the arrows indicate the directions in which the words are written. Check answers by asking students to say the words they found. Draw three columns on the board titled Things to eat, Objects and Things to wear and write the items in the correct columns as students say the words they found. ANSWERS


Have students use the references to copy the text on a sheet of paper and complete it with information about themselves. To nish the activity, call on several students and have them share information about themselves with the class. Encourage them to speak to the class. Discourage them from reading the text they wrote.


Pairwork. This is a reading comprehension and vocabulary activity, in which students work in pairs. Students ask each other questions to which their partner answers Yes or No; this question leads on to further questions and answers, and students continue taking turns until they reach the nal instructions of the game, which they have to follow in order to complete the questionnaire.

9 a) Read

the countries and continents aloud and have students repeat chorally. You may want to brainstorm other countries students know in English and write them on the board.

b) As students ask and answer questions in pairs,

walk around to monitor their work. You may want to round off by writing the following on the board and having the whole class guess the country: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----(Answer: Switzerland)


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


A new start
Write the core word school on the board. Recap any vocabulary that students know already, encouraging them to add words to make a wordweb of vocabulary related to the word school.
classrooms computer room art room toilets gym canteen music room teachers room playground teachers students coordinators

Students Book page 7

Communication Use school timetables. Ask and tell the time. Introduce oneself and engage in a conversation about the secondary school. Write about a classmate. Grammar Present simple of to be in the affirmative, negative and question forms. Ask and answer questions using question words. Prepositions of time: in, at, on. Demonstrative pronouns. Vocabulary School subjects. School and classes. The time. Pronunciation He / she. Intonation of questions. Final task Write about yourself and your school for a website about schools around the world.


science lab

Students read the sentences to themselves, in silence. Make sure they all understand them, ask whether they have any queries and, if possible, let other students solve them. Several students read the sentences aloud. Pairwork. Draw the following chart on the board:
In the UK Age In Argentina

Study the unit goals with the students and clarify any doubts. Then read the nal task that students will be doing at the end of the unit. Make sure students understand what the task is about. You may want to have students go to page 15 to have a look at the task. Point out that in this unit they will be learning the language they need to carry out this task.

School day Number of lessons Uniform

Students talk about schools in their country. To nish the activity, write on the board: Schools in Argentina. As you get feedback from students and write their ideas in the chart, make any necessary corrections. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
In Argentina students start secondary school / ESB 1/ EGB 3 at years old. The school day is from to . There is a lunch break at . Most students take lunch at school. There are usually lessons per day. Students wear uniforms in some schools.

Read the words aloud and ask students to repeat them carefully. Say These are photographs of places in a school. Hold up your book, point at photograph A and ask Whats this? (the canteen). Do the same with the other pictures. ANSWERS
A. canteen B. science lab C. computer room D. library

Linked activities
Vocabulary, Extra Practice book, page 5

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Students Book page 8

1 a) Students write the letters a to j in their notebooks

and assign a subject to each teacher. Remind students that names of subjects are written with a capital letter.

Students match the times to the clocks individually. To check answers, call on different students to read out a time each. Explain that, because of the inuence of digital watches, nowadays there is a tendency to read out the gures displayed on the watch face: thirteen forty-ve, etc., instead of using the traditional method. ANSWERS
A. 3, B. 2, C. 1, D. 6, E. 4, F. 5

/pii/ stands for Physical Education. Students match the subjects to the teachers individually. To check answers, read the subjects and have students call out the letters. ANSWERS
A. Music B. Geography C. PE D. Science E. French F. English G. History H. ICT I. Maths J. Art

b) Read the subjects aloud. Point out that PE

Pairwork. Students look at the timetable for Monday and practise asking questions using What time ? Make sure students dont put at in front of What time ? ANSWERS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What What What What What What What time time time time time time time is is is is is is is ICT? At nine oclock. English? At ten oclock. the break? At half past ten. Science? At eleven oclock. History? At quarter to twelve. lunch? At one oclock. PE? At two oclock.

Remind students that Ms /mz/ is used in front of womens surnames and Mr / mst/ in front of mens surnames. In Argentina, students refer to their teachers as Ms or Mr followed by rst names. This is not used in the UK but it is an accepted use in our country.

5 2
Pairwork. Students answer the questions in pairs. To check answers, ask one pair to complete the sentences on the board. To nish the activity, call on volunteers to read out their answers. To help students, write the rst part of each of the two answers on the board: 1. My favourite subjects are 2. We do

Individually and then in pairs. Demonstrate the exercise by reading the example with the help of a student. Ask two or three pairs to read out their examples.

Ask students to identify the meaning of the word joke. Then ask two students to act out this joke. Repeat it correctly after them, if necessary. Stress the /u/ in MOOsic.

Linked activities
Workbook section, Students Book, page 76 Vocabulary, Extra Practice book, page 5


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Students Book page 9
This section helps students with their ability to predict the content of a text from the visual clues accompanying it and from the title, and to read a text in depth and extract detailed information from it. Students look at the photos and say what they see. Ask what they think the text is about (a school in Africa) and who wrote it (a student from that school). POSSIBLE ANSWERS
Picture 1 I can see many girls. I can see uniforms. Picture 2 I can see I can see I can see I can see I can see

Read the example with a student. Ask several students to read one answer each aloud. ANSWERS
2. In Uganda lots of children dont go to secondary school. 3. In the Nature Club they plant flowers. 4. There is a lot of space around the school. 5. The school is modern. 6. They do experiments in the science lab.

a classroom. students. a teacher. uniforms. desks.

Pairwork. Write two column headings Mengo School and My school on the board. Students work in pairs to nd the differences. Ask them to write at least four sentences under each column. To nish the activity, call on volunteers to share their sentences with the class. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
Mengo School Its in Uganda, Africa. Students have 10 hours of school. Students work very hard. Few children go to secondary school. Students have five subjects. Students wear a uniform. My School Its in _____, Argentina. We have _____ hours of school. We (dont) work very hard. Most children go to the secondary school. We have _____ subjects. We (dont) wear a uniform.

Read the text aloud or have students read it individually. Students write down their answers. Ask several students to read one answer each aloud. Repeat their answers correctly if the pronunciation, rhythm or intonation need correcting. Ask the rest of the class for the correct answer if the answer given is incorrect. Conrm the correct answers. ANSWERS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In Uganda, Africa. Ten hours. Five. They plant flowers in the school garden. Yes, there is a computer room with Internet. Yes, they do; they love it.

Linked activities
Workbook section, Students Book, page 77 Fast Finishers Activities, Extra Practice book, page II

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Students Book pages 10 and 11

Pronounce the consonants of he and she without any vowels, exaggerating and lengthening them a little: /h/, //. Ask students to repeat them. Play CD track 3. 1st listening, with pauses. Students repeat, tapping the rhythm softly on their desks. Repeat and tap the rhythm with them. 2nd listening: students repeat. Tap the rhythm with one hand on top of the other.

Verb to be
Students study the afrmative and negative forms of to be in the grammar box and ll in the blanks. Elicit from them that these are contracted forms. Explain that these are the most commonly used forms in spoken English, especially after pronouns. Write two contrasting examples on the board: Shes Vivian. Her school is new. Get students to deduce the fact that the negative is formed by adding not to the afrmative. Then ask students to read the Questions column and ll in the blanks. Elicit from them that the question form is constructed by changing the order, subject-verb, to verb-subject, and that it cannot be contracted. Remind them that only one question mark is used in English, and that it goes at the end of the sentence. Students read the Short answers column and ll in the blanks. Explain that, unlike in Spanish, in addition to Yes / No, in English you repeat the subject and the auxiliary verb in the reply. Point out the use of the comma after Yes / No. Explain that the afrmative answer isnt contracted, but the negative is. If necessary, point out that when replying to the question Am I ? and Are you ?, the pronoun changes. Write an example on the board: A: Are you Argentinian? B: Yes, I am. Refer students to Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice book, p. 2.

2 3

Play CD track 4, with pauses. Students repeat the sentences. Individual work. Ask two students to read their answers aloud. Correct the intonation, pronunciation and rhythm, if necessary, using your hand to show rising intonations in questions and falling intonations in replies, and tapping the rhythm on the desk. ANSWERS
1. b, 2. e, 3. a, 4. d, 5. c, 6. f

Pairwork. Students take turns asking and answering the questions to each other. Then they write down the answers. Ask one pair to read out their questions and answers. Correct the intonation, pronunciation and rhythm, if necessary, using your hand to show rising intonation in questions and falling intonation in replies, and tapping the rhythm on the desk.

1 a) Remind students to use contractions after

pronouns and full forms after nouns. Students complete the exercise individually. To check answers, call on students to read out a sentence each. If necessary, write the answers on the board. ANSWERS
1. is, 2. m, 3. m, 4. is, 5. is, 6. s, 7. re

Example: 1. Is your school big? Yes, it is.

2. Is your best friend clever? Yes, (s)he is. / No, (s)he isnt. 3. Is your English teacher a man? Yes, he is. / No, she isnt. 4. Are the PE classes in the gym? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 5. Is the Maths class in the science lab? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 6. Are you thirteen? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.

b) Remind students to use contractions where

possible. Students complete the exercise individually. To check answers, call on students to read out a sentence each. If necessary, write the answers on the board. ANSWERS
1. is, 2. isnt, 3. s, 4. isnt, 5. s, 6. s, 7. is, 8. are, 9. isnt


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Read out the question words and clarify any doubts. If necessary, translate each question word into Spanish. Students then complete the exercise. Ask a student to read out his/her answers. Conrm the correct answers and enlist the help of the rest of the class if any are incorrect. Refer students to Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice book, p. 2. ANSWERS
A. Where? B. When? C. Who? D. How old? E. What? F. What time?

Individual work. Explain that, in speech, the is used in front of the ordinal numbers in dates, but is not used when writing them. To help clarify, write on the board: Write: 20th June / Say: on the 20th of June. To check answers, have students read out the message. ANSWERS
1. In, 2. at, 3. in, 4. on, 5. at

Individual work. Before students write the questions, encourage them to choose an appropriate question word for each underlined part. Ask several students to read out their questions and answers. Watch out for the change of person in replies to questions in the rst person. ANSWERS
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where is our school? What time is lunch? How old is your mum? When is your birthday? What is your favourite subject?

Individual work. Students read the questions and complete the answers with the correct preposition. Check their answers. ANSWERS
1. In, 2. At, 3. On, 4. In

Demonstrative pronouns
Remind students that demonstrative pronouns are used to indicate the position of things (near or far) with respect to the speaker. To exemplify, identify different objects in the classroom as you point at them. For example: This is a book. That is a window, etc. Refer students to Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice book, p. 2.

Prepositions of time
Write on the board: __ Monday __ March __ 20th March __ 10 oclock __ the morning __ spring

Pairwork. This exercise allows students to practise their speaking skills whilst using demonstrative pronouns.

Students read the phrases on the board and complete them with the right preposition (on Monday, in March, on 20th March, at 10 oclock, in the morning, in spring). As a class, students work out the rules. Write them on the board: on + days of the week / dates in + months / seasons / the morning / the afternoon at + times / midnight / midday Refer students to Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice book, p. 2.

Linked activities
Workbook section, Students Book, pages 78 and 79 Grammar Reference and Grammar Practice, Extra Practice book, pages 2, 3 and 4

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Listening and Speaking

Students Book pages 12 and 13

3 a)

The purpose of this exercise is to activate some of the school-related vocabulary the students know, and teach them some new words. Students briey describe the picture. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
Its an English street. Imran and Jenny are in the picture. They are at school. A car is on the road.

Read the questions with the students and make sure they understand them all and repeat them correctly after you. Play CD track 6.

1st listening: students mark the questions they hear. One student reads aloud the questions he/she has heard and the rest of the class correct them, if necessary. 2nd listening, with pauses: students correct any mistakes and repeat the questions correctly. ANSWERS
2. 5. 6. 4. Whats your name? Where are you from? Do you like the school? Whats your favourite subject?


Play CD track 5. 1 listening, without pauses: ask where this scene takes place, whom the lady is talking to and what she is talking about. 2nd listening, with pauses: students complete the table in their notebooks. One student reads his/her answers aloud. Conrm the correct answers. 3rd listening: if any answers are incorrect, play the tape a third time so that students can correct the mistakes, pausing where necessary to conrm the right answer. ANSWERS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Maths classroom 10.30 gym 11.00 Science 7. science lab 8. 12.30 9. 1.15 10. ICT 11. library

Read out the sentences with the students b) and make sure they understand them. Play CD track 7, stopping where appropriate for students to decide their answers. Ask them to turn the false sentences into true ones. If necessary, play the dialogue again to check uncertain answers. ANSWERS
1. T 2. F (Pakistan) 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F (English and PE)


CD TRACKS 6 and 7



Hello everyone. My names Ms Harris and Im your class teacher. This is your timetable for today. Please listen carefully. At quarter past nine you have Maths with Mr Lewis in your classroom. Then, at half past ten you have PE with Ms Hope in the gym. Break is at eleven oclock in the playground. Then, at half past eleven you have Science with Ms Dee in the science lab. Lunch is at half past twelve. At quarter past one you have ICT with Mr Miles in the computer room. Then, at quarter to three you have study time in the library. At half past three you go home. Now, are there any questions?

Hi, my names Jenny. Are you a new student? Yes, I am. JENNY: Me too. Whats your name? IMRAN: Imran. JENNY: Where are you from? IMRAN: Im from Manchester but my parents are from Pakistan. And you? JENNY: Im from Australia. IMRAN: Australia! Wow! Do you like the school? JENNY: Yes, its great. The people are really friendly. I like the gym. Its fantastic! What about you? IMRAN: I like the school too, especially the computer room. JENNY: So ICT is your favourite subject? IMRAN: Yes, it is. Whats your favourite subject? JENNY: I like English and PE. Hey, its nine oclock! Time for Geography class. Come on. Lets go.


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Listening and Speaking

In pairs, students read the conversation and complete it with information about themselves. Then, they practise the conversation twice each student practises both roles. To nish the activity, have two or three pairs act their dialogue out to the class.

Explain to students how the activity works, demonstrating with one student and answering his/her rst question. In pairs, students do the activity suggested on pages 71 (Student A) and 73 (Student B). Go round the class, listening to the dialogues and offering help where necessary. ANSWERS
First round 1. A: Where are the people? B: They are in the library. 2. A: Whats on the boys desk? B: A computer. 3. A: Whats on the wall? B: A clock. 4. A: Whats the girls name? B: Her name is Susi. 5. A: Whats the time? B: Its half past twelve. Second round 1. B: Where are the people? A: They are in class. 2. B: Whats on the wall? A: A map of the UK. 3. B: Whats on the desk? A: A pencil, a rubber and a ruler. 4. B: Whats the boys name? A: His name is William. 5. B: Whats the time? A: Its quarter to three.

5 a) Students read the instructions for the exercise.

Play CD track 8.

Make sure everyone understands what they need to do. Ask students to do the exercise.

1st listening: to correct the exercise. 2nd listening: students listen to the mini-dialogues and repeat them. ANSWERS
1. b, 2. c, 3. e, 4. f, 5. a, 6. d

1. A: Whats this in English? B: Shelf. 2. A: How do you spell penguin? B: P-E-N-G-U-I-N. 3. A: Pablo, its 10.30! B: Im sorry Im late. 4. A: Whats the answer? B: I dont know. 5. A: Can I go to the toilet, please? B: Yes, but be quick! 6. A: What page is the exercise on? B: Page 32.


Linked activities c) Ask students to practise the mini-dialogues in pairs.

Workbook section, Students Book, page 79 Vocabulary, Extra Practice book, page 5

Write the expressions students say on the board, enlisting their help. Practise them with the class. Ask students to write them down in their exercise books. Get students to practise using these expressions regularly in class from now on. You can also ask students to write them down on strips of card (and illustrate them) and then put them up on the classroom walls. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
Can you lend me a pencil? Im sorry. I dont understand. Can you say that again? Is this right? Can you repeat that please? I dont know what to do. Can I finish this exercise at home?

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Students Book page 14

Writing rule
Ask students to read the rule in the box, taking note of the examples. Point out that an is used before a vowel sound, and a before a consonant sound. To check comprehension, write on the board: __ school __ idea __ email __ classroom

Ask three students to read one sentence each. Conrm the correct answers and ask the class to help correct any mistakes. ANSWERS
1. 2. 3. 4. a my Our my 5. 6. 7. 8. her a a an

Ask students to read out the nouns using the correct article in each case (a school, an idea, an email, a classroom). Refer students to Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice book, p. 2.

4 a) Ask two students to read the information and the

text aloud. Dont interrupt them to correct mistakes; wait until they have nished reading before making corrections and, if necessary, ask students to repeat after you.

Individual work. Ask students to write down the relevant indenite articles. Correct the exercise aloud with the help of the class. Explain, that h is not always mute in English, and that u is not always pronounced as a vowel. When the h is not mute (history) and the u is not vocalic (university), a is used instead of an, as these sounds at the beginning of a word are consonant sounds. ANSWERS
1. a, 2. a, 3. an, 4. an, 5. a, 6. an, 7. a, 8. an

b) Students complete the table with personal

information about their partner. Ask two students each to read out the information about their partner.

Students write a text about their partners, using the information provided and the text of the previous exercise as models. Remind them to write it in the third person. To nish, you can call on different students to read out their texts.

Linked activities
Workbook section, Students Book, page 80 Fast Finishers Activities, Extra Practice book, page II

Writing rule
Read out the rule in the box. Give more examples. You can say: This is our classroom. This is my desk. These are your books., etc. Refer students to Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice book, p. 2.

Copy the activity on the board. Then ask a student to link the words. Read them aloud and ask students to repeat them after you. ANSWERS
1. c, 2. d, 3. e, 4. f, 5. a, 6. g, 7. b


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Final task
Students Book page 15
Ask students to scan the website for the answers to questions 1 and 2. Point out that they shouldnt read the text at this stage. They should focus their attention on titles and buttons to click on. Then call on volunteers to share their answers to the questions with the class. To check comprehension of the parts of the website, ask: What should you click on to learn more about the World Schools Website? (About WSW). Who posted the text on the screen? (Karen Capri from Argentina). What is the text about? (Her school). What should you click on to ask Karen a question? (Ask a question). What should you click on to send information about you? (About ME). What should you click on to visit other recommended websites? (Links). POSSIBLE ANSWERS
1. World School Website (WSW) 2. Read about students from around the world. Ask questions to other students. Post information about our family, school, hobbies, town, house, etc. Play games in English. Visit links. 3. Yes. The website connects students from different countries. Students can learn from other students lives.

Clarify the task: Point out that the World Schools Website is an imaginary website but that similar websites can be found on the Internet. Students should imagine that the website exists and that they are interested in posting a message about their own school on it. Students choose the topics that they are going to write about and make notes in the last column of the chart in exercise 2. If students want to include information about other topics, they can make notes about them on a separate sheet of paper. Walk around the class providing help as needed as students write their notes.

Have students write their message in class or as a homework assignment. Encourage students to include a photograph or drawing of themselves. Ask students to submit their work for correction and then write a nal draft. Students can share their message by reading them out to the class or pinning them up in the classroom notice board.

Linked activities

Students read the text individually and tick the information in the chart. Check the answers as a class. As you check the answers, encourage students to support their choices. For example: 1. Name. Yes. Her name is Karen Capri. 2. Age. Yes. Shes 13 years old. 3. Town or country. Yes. Shes from Rosario, in Argentina. 4. Name of school. Yes. Marino School. 5. Favourite places in the school. Yes. The science lab, the computer room and the playground., etc.

Vocabulary, Extra Practice book, page 5 Self-assessment, Students Book, page 16 Self-check, Students Book, page 81 Unit Test, Teachers Resource Bank, pages 2 and 3

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Students Book page 17

Communication Describe students family, home, neighbours and the people they know. Grammar Have got in affirmative and negative statements. There is / There are. Prepositions of place. Vocabulary The family. Adjectives to describe a persons personality. Possessive s. Pronunciation Hes / Theyve. Stress pattern in question clauses. Final task Take a survey about your family and neighbours. Write a report based on your partners survey.

A. A teenager (He is about 14 years old.) B. Two pensioners (They are about 70 years old.) C. A middle-aged couple (They are about 40 years old.) D. A baby (He/she is about eight months old.)

Allow students time to match the descriptions with the photos individually. To check answers, read the descriptions aloud and call on different students to say who they describe. ANSWERS
1. The middle-aged woman 2. The baby 3. The baby 4. The middle-aged woman 5. The middle-aged couple 6. The pensioners

Study the unit goals with the students and clarify any doubts. Then read the task that the students will be doing at the end of the unit. Have students go to page 25 to have a look at the nal task. Make sure students understand what the task is about. Point out that in this unit they will be learning the language they need to carry out this task.

Linked activities
Vocabulary, Extra Practice book, page 9

Draw an outline of the photographs on the board and label the photographs as indicated below:


Have students identify the people in the photographs and have a guess at their ages. Students use the outline on the board to say their answers. Example: A is a teenager. He is about 14 years old. If necessary, teach the use of about to give approximate estimates. Clarify any doubts students might have about the vocabulary in the exercise. You may want to explain that the word teenager comes from the ending teen of the words for numbers 13 to 19. The word teenager can be used for boys and girls. Tell students that they can also say a teenage boy or a teenage girl.


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Students Book page 18

Adjectives of personality
Read the examples out loud. Explain that adjectives of personality can be used on their own after the verb to be (He is generous.) or before a noun (Hes a generous man.). As a class, encourage students to say other adjectives of personality they know and use them in simple sentences.

1 a) Read the words aloud and have students repeat

them chorally. Place emphasis on the pronunciation of the phoneme // in father, mother, brother, grandmother and grandfather. Explain that words that have no gender can refer to both men and women. Point out the example (parents). Because of literal translation, students may translate padres as *fathers. Explain that the correct form is parents. Along the same lines, explain that *brothers is not used to refer both to brothers and sisters together, and that the correct word is siblings. Point out that siblings is a formal word. The informal equivalent of my siblings is my brothers and sisters. Have students circle the words that have no gender and check answers by having students read them aloud. ANSWERS
grandchildren, grandparents, cousin

Students read and complete the table. Then copy the table on the board. Ask some students to complete it. Some students may include quiet and serious in the column with the positive terms, as these words reect values required in the school environment. ANSWERS
Positive: kind, generous, funny, friendly. Negative: horrible, unkind, noisy. Neutral: quiet, serious.

b) Have students match the remaining words

uncle, aunt brother, sister son, daughter father, mother

according to the family relationship they refer to. Point out the example (grandfather, grandmother).

Before students do the exercise, have them identify the adjectives that describe personality and the ones that describe physical appearance. Students match the adjectives to their opposites individually. Then they compare their answers with a partner. You may want to explain that good-looking means beautiful. Beautiful is mostly used for describing women. Good-looking can be used for both men and women. ANSWERS
1. d, 2. g, 3. f, 4. a, 5. c, 6. e, 7. b, 8. h

Write a new example on the board: My mothers father. Point out the s after mother to indicate possession. Warn students not to say: the father of my mother.

6 a) Focus students attention on the question in the

Do the rst item as a class. Ask Whos your aunts son? Then have students write their answers individually. ANSWERS
2. My sister. 3. My father. 4. My aunt. 5. My cousin. 6. My grandfather.

example Whats your sister like? Explain that we use this question to ask about a persons physical appearance or personality. Point out that the word like at the end of the sentence is not related to the verb to like. Encourage students to learn this question as a structure. Circulate as students ask and answer questions in pairs. To nish the activity, call on a volunteer to draw his/her family tree on the board and have the class ask him/her questions about the people in his/her family.

b) Ask some students to read their answers aloud.

Make any necessary corrections.

Read the example aloud. Draw students attention to the possessive s after Jenny. Circulate as students practise in pairs. To nish the activity, ask the question Who is (name of person in Jennys family) ? until you have covered all the people in her family. Have a different student answer each question.

Linked activities
Workbook section, Students Book, page 82 Vocabulary, Extra Practice book, page 9

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Students Book page 19

Ask students to look at the photographs and to try to guess the subject of the reading text (different homes). Explain the difference in meaning between house (a building for living in, usually built on one or two levels) and home (the place where you live a house, a at, a farm, etc). Then have students identify the different homes in the photos. Then ask: Who lives in the countryside? (David). Who lives in a city? (Michael). Who lives in the suburbs? (Lucy). Clarify any doubt students might have about the meaning of countryside, city and suburbs. ANSWERS
A. a block of flats, B. a farm, C. a house

Follow the same procedure as the one in the previous exercise, but when the students read the text the second time, ask them to focus on the information in more detail. Ask them to read the text aloud, then discuss the key sentences with them. ANSWERS
1. David 2. Michael 3. Lucy 4. Michael 5. David 6. Michael

Use this exercise to get students to organise the new vocabulary in categories in their notebooks and not in random order. ANSWERS

This exercise can be used to develop strategies for searching a text for information. Before reading the texts, ask students to read the statements in this exercise. Make sure they understand them properly. Explain that you dont need to know all the words in a text beforehand in order to understand it; the important thing is to know what information to look for. Students read the text and answer the questions. When correcting, ask students to read the specic words in the text on which they based their answers. ANSWERS
1. Seven people (mother, father, grandmother and four children). 2. Because a lot of people come to work on the farm. 3. In the suburbs. 4. No, its quiet. 5. In a big city. 6. No, he doesnt know anyone really well in the block.

a. people Text 1: family, Mum, Dad, children, aunt, uncle, friends. Text 2: people, children, friends. Text 3: neighbours, concierge, friends. b. adjectives Text 1: near. Text 2: young, bored, quiet, safe. Text 3: big, nice, unfriendly.

To help students, write on the board: I like _________ best. Its _________. Have students use the sentences on the board to answer the questions in the exercise. Give an example: I like Davids home best. Its a farm in the countryside. Its a quiet place. To nish the activity, call on different students to say which home they like best. Encourage them to explain their choice.

Linked activities
Workbook section, Students Book, page 83 Fast Finishers Activities, Extra Practice book, page III Optional extra reading, The adventures of Tom Sawyer, Teachers Resource Bank, page 20


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Students Book pages 20 and 21

Verb have got

Students study the afrmative and negative forms of have got and ll in the blanks. Elicit from them that these are contracted forms. Explain that these are the most commonly used forms in spoken English, especially after pronouns. Make sure students dont confuse the short form of has in the third person with the short form of the verb to be with which they are already familiar, and so may interpret hes got as *he is got instead of he has got. Focus students attention on the change in word order in questions, and the fact that got isnt used in short answers. Then have students ll in the blanks. To provide practice of the afrmative, negative and interrogative forms of have got, play a game as a class. Ask nine students to come up to the board and give them each a card with parts of the sentence written very clearly on it (using different colours, for example) to show to the rest of the class. Example of words to be written in a set of cards: SHE / HAS / HASNT / GOT / A NEW BICYCLE / YES / NO / . / ? Say Afrmative sentence! Students stand in the correct order to form an afrmative sentence. Point out that only some students will have to participate. Do the same for negative sentence, question, afrmative short answer and negative short answer. Refer students to Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practice book, p. 6.

Choral repetition followed by individual repetitions. Play CD track 10. Place emphasis on the pronunciation and intonation of the verb forms. In a second round of repetitions, work can also be done on other sounds that pose difculties, such as the liquid /s/ or the consonant group /kt/, as in strict.

Students write the sentences individually. To check answers, call on different students to read their sentences aloud. ANSWERS
Ben Ben hasnt got a lot of friends. Ben has got a pet. Ben hasnt got kind neighbours. Sally Sally Sally Sally Sally Sally hasnt got a big family. has got a small house. has got a lot of friends. hasnt got a pet. has got kind neighbours.

As students ask and answer questions in pairs, encourage them to combine the subjects with the objects to form funny sentences with unlikely meanings (Has your aunt got a pet gorilla?). For further practice, students play a game as a class. Teams can be formed in rows, in the order in which the students are sitting. One row invents subjects and the next row invents objects, and so on according to the number of rows there are. Then the students in each row form questions with the students in the next row. Students write the questions down. To nish the activity, have students from different groups share some of the questions they formed.

Spanish-speaking students have problems with the phonemes /z/ and /v/, and also, in general, when it comes to forming closed syllables (i.e. ones that end in a consonant instead of a vowel). Play CD track 9 and have students listen. Point out the /z/ sound (not /s/) in Hes got. Also point out the friction (vibration) in the /v/ sound in Theyve got. Tell students that to produce the /v/ sound properly, their upper teeth should gently touch their lower lip as they release air. Produce the sound and have students listen to the vibration. Play the track again and have students repeat. You may want to point out that the s in Its got is pronounced /s/ (not /z/).

This joke is a play on words which sound similar: tulips (with the rst syllable mispronounced slightly) sounds the same as two lips. This type of wordplay with the different meanings of homophones (or near homophones) is a very common basis for jokes in English.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


There is / There are
Students study the afrmative and negative forms of there is and there are and ll in the blanks. Elicit from students the use of there is for singular nouns and there are for plural nouns. Draw students attention to a lot of and many after there are. Point out that it is very common to use these words in sentences and questions with there are. Tell students that the full forms there is not and there are not are very rarely used in spoken English. Have students study the questions and short answers. Draw students attention to the change in word order in questions. Point out the contracted forms in the negative short answers. Refer students to Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practice book, p. 6.

Prepositions of place
Read the sentences aloud and draw students attention to the prepositions. Clarify any doubts students might have about their meaning or use. You may want to explain that: The prepositions at, in and on in I live at 782 Preston Street, in a house / at, in a town / city, in the suburbs / countryside, on the third oor, on the corner, on a farm are collocations and they have to be learnt. The prepositions opposite, next to, near and between have different meanings. Make a simple drawing on the board to clarify their meaning, for example:

Before students start, remind them to use contracted forms in negative sentences. To check answers, call on students to read the sentences aloud. For more practice, ask students to turn the afrmative sentences into negative sentences or questions, and the questions into afrmative sentences, etc. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. There is an American family in my street. There isnt a doctor in her town. There is a bank next to the school. Are there many cars in your street? There isnt a garage in their block. Are there many tourists in your town? There are a lot of shops near my house.

Elicit from students that: D is opposite B. B is between A and C. A is next to B. E is near C and D. Refer students to Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practice book, p. 7.

After students have identied the prepositions in the sentences, point out that the prepositions will determine the information students can write in each blank. To check answers, call on students to read their sentences aloud.


Have students read the dialogue and complete each blank with an afrmative, negative or interrogative form of there is or there are. To check answers, call on two students to read out the dialogue. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
1. 2. 3. 4. Is there there is are there There are 5. is there 6. there isnt 7. there is

1. Our 2. opposite 3. at

4. in 5. in 6. next to

Linked activities
Workbook section, Students Book, pages 84 and 85 Grammar Reference and Grammar Practice, Extra Practice book, pages 6, 7 and 8


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Listening and Speaking

Students Book pages 22 and 23

1 a) Get students to look at the picture and identify the

people in it. To check answers, say the letters and have students say the answers. ANSWERS
A. a shopkeeper B. a teenage boy C. a tourist D. a young man E. a teenage girl F. pensioners

b) Write on the board:

Theres ________. He/Shes got __________. Shes _________. Encourage students to use the sentence beginnings on the board to talk about the people in the picture. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
Theres a man in a shop. Hes the shopkeeper. Theres a teenage boy. Hes about 12 years old. Theres an old woman. Shes a pensioner. Shes got a dog. Its very friendly. Theres a teenage girl. Shes about 13 years old. Theres a young man. Hes tall and friendly.

This is a more intensive listening exercise. Before students listen, have them read the 11 sentences and the possible answers. Encourage students to listen for the information they need. Play CD track 12 and pause after the rst speaker. Students answer the questions 1, 2, 3 and 4. Have students listen again if necessary. Then play the CD again and pause after the second speaker to allow students time to answer the questions 5, 6 and 7. To nish, play the CD again and pause after the third speaker to allow students time to answer the questions 8, 9, 10 and 11. ANSWERS
1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. b, 9. a, 10. b, 11. b


CD TRACKS 11 and 12

1. Im from Italy. This is my first time in England. I really like it. There are lots of green parks and beautiful gardens. The people are very quiet compared to Italy, but theyre friendly. Even the weathers not bad. Look! Its sunny today. The only thing I dont like much is the food. I prefer Italian food. 2. Hello. Im Mr Khan. Ive got the shop on the corner so I know everybody in this street. There are a lot of nice people around here. They all come here to buy food, sweets, newspapers, fruit. I sell lots of different things and I open from eight until midnight. Look, thats Mrs Miles with her daughter Susan. And thats Mr and Mrs Parks with their friendly dog. 3. Mr and Mrs Parks live on the corner at number 10. We live next door at number 8. Theyre both pensioners. I think theyre about seventy. Theyve got four noisy grandchildren who visit them at weekends. And theyve got a small dog who is very friendly but jumps up at you. They like walking in the park with their dog.

Play CD track 11. The rst time students listen to the track, just ask them to identify the people. To avoid confusion, warn them that the three people who are talking give information about the others. Ask them to write down who each of them is talking about. ANSWERS
1. the tourist 2. the shopkeeper 3. the teenage girl

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Listening and Speaking

Tell students that they are going to listen to questions about the tourist, the shopkeeper (Mr Khan) and the pensioners (the Parks) and answer the questions using short answers. To remind students of short answers have them look back at pages 10, 20 and 21 and focus their attention on the Short answers column. Play CD track 13. Tell students that the rst four questions are about the tourist. Pause after each question to allow students time to write down their answer. Have students conrm each answer by listening to the short answer on the CD. Then say that questions 5 and 6 are about the man at the shop and follow the same procedure. To nish, say that questions 7 to 9 are about the Parks and follow the same procedure. To check answers as a class, look at the audioscript and read the questions aloud. Call on volunteers to answer them. If necessary, write the answers on the board. AUDIOSCRIPT

Explain that in every question there is a word that carries the main stress. This word is related to the information we want to nd out. Play CD track 14. Students listen and repeat.

Play CD track 15 and have students underline the words that carry the main stress. Then play the CD again. Practise choral and individual repetitions with students, tapping the correct rhythm on the desk. ANSWERS
1. Whats her name? 2. Wheres he from? 3. Where are they from? 4. How old are you? 5. Whats she like? 6. Are they nice?

6 a) The teacher practises this dialogue with a student

to demonstrate the correct pronunciation and then students practise in pairs. Set up a chain drill. Student A asks Student B; Student B answers and asks Student C, and so on.


1. A: Is she from France? B: No, she isnt. 2. A: Is it her first time in England? B: Yes, it is. 3. A: Are there many parks and gardens in England? B: Yes, there are. 4. A: Are the people in England horrible? B: No, they arent. 5. A: Is Mr Khan a doctor? B: No, he isnt. 6. A: Are there a lot of things in Mr Khans shop? B: Yes, there are. 7. A: Are Mr and Mrs Parks young? B: No, they arent. 8. A: Have they got four grandchildren? B: Yes, they have. 9. A: Is Mr and Mrs Parks dog big? B: No, it isnt.

b) Students replace the underlined words and

practise the dialogue again. Insist on correct pronunciation and emphasis in the sentence.

Practise this dialogue with a student to demonstrate the correct pronunciation; then get students to act out their dialogues in pairs or in a chain, correcting their pronunciation if necessary.

Linked activities
Workbook section, Students Book, page 85


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

Students Book page 24

Writing rule
Have students study the rules for forming plurals and the examples in the box. You may want to explain the rules further: a) Nouns that end in a consonant plus y form the plural with ies: copy copies, y ies In nouns that end in a vowel plus y, the plural form is s: boy boys b) Some nouns ending in f form the plural with ves: half halves, loaf loaves, shelf shelves, thief thieves, wolf wolves, wife wives c) Nouns ending in s, z, x, sh or ch form the plural with es: box boxes, match matches, bush bushes d) Irregular plurals do not follow a rule. They have to be learnt: foot feet, tooth teeth, mouse mice, grandchild grandchildren, person people Note: persons is also possible, but it is very formal. Refer students to Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practice book, p. 7.

Have students choose the conjunctions individually. As you check answers, have students explain their choices by identifying the extra information, the contrasting information or the reason in each case. This activity can be extended in various ways. If you want to do more work on a particular conjunction, for example because, write two sets of clauses on the board, in columns, that can be linked together by their sense but that are arranged in jumbled order, and ask the students to join them up. For example: 1. Im happy. 2. I like music. 3. I dont like him. ANSWERS
1. because 2. and 3. because 4. But 5. because

a. He is unfriendly. b. Its fun. c. Today is my birthday.

Controlled practice. Students choose the options in italics and write down in their notebooks their personal details as if they were lling out a form. It is important to get them to write out the complete text and not just ll in the blank spaces, as the aim is to get students to grasp the language in it. To correct the exercise, copy the text on the board and ask students what they have written in the blank spaces.

This is a practice exercise about how to form the plural of nouns. Ask students to look at the examples and infer the morphological rules. Conrm correct answers and correct any mistakes, then ask students to write the plurals. ANSWERS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. neighbours parents babies cities leaves 6. knives 7. kisses 8. dishes 9. women 10. children

Linked activities
Workbook section, Students Book, page 86 Fast Finishers Activities, Extra Practice book, page III

Writing rule
Students read the explanations and the examples. Ask them for some more examples to ensure they understand the use of the conjunctions. Refer students to Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practice book, p. 7.

Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide


Final task
Students Book page 25

Tell students that they are going to take a survey and ask: Where can we nd surveys? Do you or your parents ever take surveys? What are they about? Do you like them? Why/Why not? Then ask students to scan the survey to nd out what it is about. Elicit key words from students (people, homes, family, pets, streets, neighbours). Before students take the survey, tell them that they can write any appropriate information in other: _______. Students take the survey individually.

Read the model report aloud. Ask: How many paragraphs does the report have? (three). What is the rst paragraph about? (My friends family). What is the second paragraph about? (the place where he/she lives). What is the third paragraph about? (My friends neighbours). Before students write their report: Encourage them to divide their report into three paragraphs. Remind them that the sentences in each paragraph should contain related information. Encourage them to use and, but and because to connect ideas. Remind them of the use of the third person singular. Write on the board: He/She lives He/She likes Students write their report. Have them submit their reports for correction and then write a nal draft. You may want to nish the activity by reading a few reports aloud. The class have to guess who each report refers to. (The student who wrote the report should not be allowed to give the answer.)

Clarify the task: Students work in pairs. They exchange books and they each read their partners survey individually. Then they think about questions they might want to ask their partner to nd out more about their partners survey and be able to write a complete report. You may want to ask students to write a few questions down. Walk around the room and provide help with the questions as needed. Then students take turns asking each other questions. Remind students that they should write notes about their partners answers because they will need them to write their report.

Linked activities
Vocabulary, Extra Practice book, page 9 Self-assessment, Students Book, page 26 Self-check, Students Book, page 87 Unit Test, Teachers Resource Bank, pages 4 and 5


Whats up? 1 Teachers Guide

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