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Rock Cycle Activity

Lesson plan developed by Erin Cziraki This lesson is a combination/modification of Sugar Rock Cycle from and Rock Cycle Activity from

Overview: This lesson is designed as a group activity in which students explore the steps of the rock cycle using simple, familiar materials. The students must also use what they know about sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks to describe their observations and identify the steps of the cycle. Inquiry Level: 2 Time Needed: One 75 minute class period. Standards: 8-1.7 Use appropriate safety procedures when conducting investigations. 8-3.4 Explain how igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks are interrelated in the rock cycle. Performance Objectives: The students will be able to: explain the interrelationships of the three rock types construct a cause-and-effect model about the forming of a rock based on the process(es) involved interpret a rock cycle diagram compare how rocks can be changed by a particular process identify a rock type based on how it is formed Hook: Show the class pictures of coal and diamonds (found in power point presentation) and ask if anyone knows how they are related or where diamonds come from. Also ask if anyone thinks rocks can change over time and see if anyone has ideas about how. The next slide has pictures of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Have the students make observations about how the rocks are different from each other. This lab is designed to be written as an entry in a lab notebook or journal. The question for this activity is Why are there different kinds of rocks on earth and how are these rocks related? Body of Lesson Plan Concept Exploration: Materials: Goggles 2-4 Candles Matches or a lighter Box of crayons Crayon sharpener

Aluminum foil 4 Large books Sugar cubes Hand lens Pieces of paper 4 small aluminum pie pans Clothes pins, test tube clamp, or other tool to hold a foil boat over a flame Four lab stations will be set up. Two will explore the rock cycle through the use of sugar cubes and two will explore the rock cycle through the use of crayon shavings. A list of procedures for each station is attached below. Print out the procedures page for each station and tape it to the lab table. Have the students copy the procedures into their lab books using their own words. Once they have finished copying the sheet, they will begin the activity. Note: the procedures can be modified based on the maturity and trustworthiness of the class. The procedures currently call for the teacher to handle lighting the candle and heating/melting the sugar and crayon wax. However, if the teacher feels the students can safely handle this part, then the procedures can be modified so the students do this at their lab station. Concept Introduction: Pass out a copy of the rock cycle diagram to each student (attached below). Some of the blanks have been filled in to get the students started. Have the students use their books to fill in the remaining blanks. After they are finished, have them write an example of each step from the activity they just completed. The teacher then spends time reviewing the different types of rocks, how they are formed, and the processes involved in the rock cycle relating back to the diamond question from the beginning of class. Concept Application: The teacher then shows the slides in Rock Cycle Challenge. Each slide either shows a rock with a description of how it was made or simply tells what kind of rock is shown. The students then need to either identify the type of rock or the process that created the rock. Evaluation/Assessment The teacher can have the students quietly write down there answers to the Rock Cycle Challenge in a sheet of paper to turn in for a grade. The students can also be evaluated based on how well they follow the procedures given to them and safety procedures in the lab (especially wearing goggles while observing/working around a flame). Teacher notes: This activity worked really well for demonstrating the rock cycle. It was designed for one class period, but in practice took a little bit longer. The sugar cubes melt much faster if there is only a single layer of foil instead of a double layer. The third slide in the show is a blank rock cycle for the students to fill in. The answers are already entered in the blanks in white font. To show to the class, highlight the text and change to black.

Crayon Station
Materials: Box of crayons Crayon sharpener 2 squares of aluminum foil (approximately 10cm by 10cm) Large book 1 small pie pan Procedures: 1. Place the aluminum squares directly on top of each other. 2. Use the crayon sharpener to create a pile of shavings of crayon wax in the middle of the foil squares. 3. Make sure to use different colors while making your pile. The pile should end up being about 3cm long, 3cm wide, and 1cm thick. 4. Write down some observations about the pile of crayon shavings. How do you think this relates to rocks? 5. Fold the aluminum foil over the pile and make sure the shavings wont fall out. 6. Have someone gently squeeze the foil packet. 7. Open the packet so you can see the shavings again. What happened to the shavings? Write down your observations. What kind of rock do you think this represents? 8. Fold the foil over the shavings again. Place the packet on the floor and put the book on top of it. Have someone stand on the book for about 1 minute. 9. Open the foil packet again so you can see the shavings. Write down your observations. What kind of rock do you think this represents? 10.Place your foil packet in the pie pan and take it to your teacher at the candle station. Be sure to put on the goggles when you get there!!! What happens to the shavings when they are heated over the candle? 11.After the shavings are heated, the teacher will place the packet back in the pie pan. DO NOT TOUCH it because it will be very hot! Cary the packet in the pan back to your lab station and observe the shavings as they cool. 12.After the shavings have cooled, open the foil. What do you see? What kind of rock do you think this represents? 13.If they are not too hot, try to break your shavings into pieces. What do you think this represents?

Sugar Cube Station

Materials: 1 sugar cube Hand lens 2 pieces of paper 2 squares of aluminum foil (about 10cm by 10cm) Small pie pan Large book Procedures: 1. Use the hand lens to look at the sugar cube. Write down your observations. What kind of rock do you think this represents? 2. Place one piece of paper on the floor and put the sugar cube in the center of the paper. Put the other piece of paper on top of the cube. Use the book to break the cube into very small pieces (the smaller, the better). Can you guess what process this might represent? 3. Put the squares of aluminum foil directly on top of each other. Gently pour the sugar into a pile in the center of the foil. How does the broken-up sugar cube relate to rocks? 4. Carefully fold up the sides of the foil so you make a boat and the sugar wont fall out. 5. Place the boat in the pie pan and carry it to your teacher at the candle station. 6. When you get to the candle station, make sure you put on your goggles!! Watch the sugar as it is heated over the candle. Write down what you observe. 7. Your teacher will put your boat back in the pie pan. DO NOT TOUCH it because it will be very hot! Carry your boat in the pie pan back to your lab station. 8. Watch the sugar as it cools. What do you see? 9. Let the sugar cool all the way. What is the sugar like now? What kind of rock do you think it represents? 10. Take the cooled sugar out of the foil and break it into pieces. What process do you think this is? What would you need to do to turn the pieces back into a cube?

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