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What an awesome busy bee!


Issue 8, 13th June 2013 Issue 6, 16 May 2013

From the Principal

UPCOMING EVENTS School Photos Tuesday 18th June Tuckshop Lunch Day Thursday 27th July Kindy Health Screening Thursday 27th June Next Assembly - Leaders Wednesday 2nd July TERM DATES 2013 Term 2 Monday 6th May to Friday 5th July Term 3 Tuesday 23rd July to Friday 27th September Term 4 Wednesday 16th October Thursday 19th December School Development Days 2013 - (Pupil Free) Term 3 Monday 22nd July Term 4 Monday 14th October Tuesday 15th October

It began at 8am and finished at 10.00pm! Okay, the last 4 hours were celebrating all the great work, but the 10 hours prior to that were action packed hard work. Everyone was so busy the food and coffee had to be delivered to them at the various projects as no one wanted to waste time stopping. Please take the time to have a look up the back, youll notice: Hundreds of new plants A boat for playing in with an amazing jetty Stepping stones through the garden bed Logs secured for balancing along Retaining walls Metres and metres of paving A new shed for chook supplies A mountain of mulch spread out in the garden beds; and A worm farm in location A big thank you to everyone who attended, those that took a lead role on the different projects, and in particular Neil Sivwright our chief organiser who went above and beyond in all his preparations for the day. Neil was also seen back here on the Sunday just finishing off a few things! Thanks Nathan and Shani for your contributions as part of the planning committee and in assisting the day to run as smoothly as it did. WELL DONE EVERYONE, it was a HUGE SUCCESS.

Professional Leaning for the administration team From Wednesday to Friday this week I am at the WA Primary Principals Association Conference. Belinda Baldey (Thursday) and Chris Stone (Friday) will also be attending. If you have any need to make contact with the administration team there will always be someone here on site or you can email me on

Room 1 - Lisa Miller This week we started our Kitchen Garden. We planted iceberg lettuce, silver beet, carrots and snap peas. First we talked about the vegetables, how we were going to plant them and where they go after theyve been grown. Mrs Preston helped us to dig little holes, put the seedlings into the soil and then cover them over. With plenty of water and lots of sun we hope our vegetables will grow so we can cook with them next term.

Room 2 - Liz Smith

An enormous thank you to Jo and her staff at the Black Truffle for making us so welcome on our excursion there as part of our People Who Help Us theme. The chef, Jess, had made little cupcakes and we had the chance to look around a commercial kitchen, see Tom at work and have a look at the produce sold from around the world. In Literacy, the children are learning to be more independent in their writing using known letter sounds to form known words. In maths, we are immersed in measurement.

Room 3 - Bev Lane

We are enjoying having Miss Lawrance in our class as a student teacher. She has to do lots of teaching so while she is here we are having a break from our story scrapbooks. Swapping home readers is still happening of course, so dont forget to send back your little plastic bag of books so we can swap them for some new ones (we send them home on Friday). You should also receive a copy of the little quiz we have on Friday which give you an idea of how your child is going. This weeks photo is of us at Zumba , having a great

Room 4 - Rochelle Reeves Room 4 had a fabulous time at our assembly on Wednesday. We had been practising hard and were very excited. We all remembered our lines and had a lot of fun. We have been learning about the past in our Society and Environment program and C.Y. OConnor, who built the famous Goldfields Pipeline. People have been bringing in very interesting items for news this week as our topic has been Something old. Next week our news topic is Tell us about your favourite grandparent or elderly person. If any grandparents would like to come in and share their stories with the students we would love to meet them.

Room 6 - Chris John

The last few weeks in Room 5 has seen the students dive headlong into the media, studying newspaper articles on a wide range of topics and coming up with some very thoughtful responses to stories that have an impact on their daily lives. The language and structures they encountered enabled them to create their own fictional articles based on the headlines LOCAL STUDENTS SAVE THE DAY (stories included ninjas stealing the school coffee machine, Mr John being saved from a range of attackers and some Super-Students putting out fires) as well as SCHOOL SHOCKED BY DISCOVERY (dinosaur bones in the veggie garden, students with amazing powers and many more). Its been fantastic to see the students begin to engage stories about their world not just when they have to at school but at home because they want to.

Room 7 - Monica Parkes/Brent Snook

In Room 7 we have been looking at a variety of narrative texts such as picture books and poetry to identify how authors use language to position the reader. It has been interesting to see how authors use particular words and phrases that create an impact and position us into seeing the topic from their perspective, and how they also choose language to make us feel emotions such as sympathy, humour and unfairness towards their topic or characters. Our class read aloud for this term is The Happiest Refugee by Anh Do which we are enjoying very much. As part of our Technology and Enterprise and Maths unit the students were required to design and build the boat that Ahn and his family travelled from Vietnam to Malaysia in. The original boat was 9m by 2m and included a pilot house and a hull. The students had to include these parts to the boat and then build it to scale. We were pleased with the effort the students put into the boats and the final products were excellent!

Art - Margie Campbell What a fantastic time we all had at the Fremantle Festival Parade last year. We have made the decision to participate again this year. We were the joint winners last year and of course our aim is to be even bigger and better this year. I would like to give all family members to participate in the process this year. As all the parents will need to come along in the parade to accompany your children then lets all make costumes, t-shirts and dress up! I have been approached by a local artist, Jane Barwell to be out Artist in Residence for the parade preparations. I would like to invite any interested parents who may be able to contribute time, ideas or support to come along to a meeting with Jane on: Thursday June 20th Art Room at North Fremantle Primary. I will bring along the kettle for a cuppa. It would be fantastic to see some of our new parents from the kindy, pre-primary end of the school as well as our regular hard workers and contributors! See you then, or bail me up and give me your ideas if you cannot make it. Margie

School Councillor Report Just a reminder to everyone that North Fremantle is still selling organic eggs. You can order either 6 for $3 or 12 for $6. Please leave your name and payment on the sheet next to the lunch orders box. The eggs will be given to your child in class. Also rooms 5 and 7 will be holding a car wash which will be $5 per car, on the 28th of June to fundraise for our camp in term 4. More information will be coming home next week to let you know what time you can bring your car to school to be washed.

Library News
Just a quick reminder to Parents and Carers that Wednesday is our school library day. I have attached a class timetable on the Library door for your reference. To borrow books children must have a library bag which protects the books increasing the longevity of our precious collection. The borrowing period is for 1 week with the option to renew the book/s for a second week. It would be a great help if you could assist by prompting your child to pack their library bag and book on the day so they do not miss out . Volunteers For any parents or carers who would like to volunteer their precious time we could greatly use your help to cover our new books and get them out on the shelves faster. Please come and see me. Thanks, Kerrin

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