The Great Demon

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The Great Demon By deflective

EXT. INN OF THE CLOAK & DAGGER - NIGHT It is a dark night. Clouds hang low and the few gas lights on the street put out more smoke than light. A flickering light is barely visible between the curtains of the Inns attic. There is a low, muffled garbled chanting. INT. ATTIC - CONTINUOUS The chanting is coming from half a dozen robed & cowled figures spaced evenly around the room. Each is lit from below as they stand over a flickering candle. On the floor, a large spiderweb has been carefully traced in chalk and the candles have been set at each point. The chanting has been deepening, growing louder. It would be impressive except that one voice isnt quite keeping up. It trails a syllable or two behind, sometimes cracking or trembling. All members of the chant suddenly drop something onto the candles below and, in a cloud of smoke, the room is lit with a bright pure light for a moment. The chant comes to a resounding climax. at full volume. ALL BUT ONE Arrive! Well, all members but one. A short, thin robed figure is bent over coughing. It is the only sound in the sudden silence. A dry, wracking cough of the long time smoker. The figure is barely able to keep standing. The other members turn to watch him cough. while. It goes on a All members bellow

One of the figures next to him on the web shifts their weight as if to offer assistance, but a tall imposing figure on the other side lifts an arm and they stop. The coughing begins to subside a little. to squeeze out an audible word. BENNY arrive Finally he is able

2. The room is immediately plunged into darkness. All sound, is muted. Gradually an ominous hum grows, accompanied by a shimmering blue light at the center of the web. It coalesces into multifaceted eye that constantly turns, looking everywhere at once. GREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC (inhuman) You have completed the unnamed ritual to summon powers you cannot compreheThe eye stops spinning. GREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC (human & annoyed) Oh, you guys? The imposing robed figure throws back his hood to reveal THOMPSON (late 40s, scowl). THOMPSON Yes, us. GREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC I thought you didnt have enough supporters for this anymore. THOMPSON We have reseiged Benny. GREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC (dissapointed) Really? Benny? The small robed figure sheepishly pushes back his cowl with a supressed cough. BENNY (80s, stooped) looks abashed. Ah, yes. BENNY Sorry.

GREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC Why, Benny? BENNY Well, there was an open vote that included everyone in the House of Spiders and there were a lot of people voting against their own factions. Why, the last time I saw anything like it was back twenty years ago. Or was it thirty? It was soon after the great utensil plague-


THOMPSON Yes, yes. Okay then. has been performed.

The ritual

The Great Demon Arazamethrontoric begrudingly remains silent. THOMPSON (CONT) So by all the powers and arcane forces we compel Thee! Reveal to us that which we desire to know. Serve us no tricks, fowl Demon for we haveGREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC Okay! Fine. Yes. Lets get on with it. THOMPSON Tells us what the wolf faction is planning to do next time House of Spiders meets. GREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC Your own house? You call on me, holder of the greatest secrets of the universe, to find out what votes will be called. In your own house. THOMPSON We compel Thee! Speak DeGREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC Fine! They will attempt to extend their holdings in House Finances. THOMPSON Ha! I knew it! They will not take control so easily. Thompson takes a moment to gloat. BENNY So, how have you been? The room is pointedly silent. THOMPSON What?


BENNY Wasnt talking to you. I havent been to one of these thing-a-majiggers in a while. How have you been Araz? GREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC How... have I been? THOMPSON Oh, do be silent Benny. BENNY We all get a question. And Ive asked mine. GREAT DEMON ARAZAMETHRONTORIC I AM ETERNAL. BENNY Ah, must be nice. Im see the appeal. Wouldnt mind some of it myself, that eternal business.

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