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Demand Assessment and Network Analysis for Water Demand Management: A Case Study

Rajat Nirkhe1, S.M. Narulkar2 and Kashfina Kapadia3 _______________________________________________________________________ 1 Graduate Student, S.G.S.I.T.S., Indore 2 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, S.G.S.I.T.S., Indore 3Asst.Professor, Civil Engineering, Prestige Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Indore __________________________________________________________________________ __________ ABSTRACT
The operation of a water supply network is a quite involved task in dynamic scenario of population and land use changes. It becomes difficult for the existing pipe network in an urban area to cater to the need of urban sprawl. The concept of water demand management strategy is required to be applied to the water distribution network operation and management in totality to ensure water availability uniformly without spending much on account of creation of new sources. Present study is aimed at planning for a better water supply by proper demand assessment and network improvement through proper analysis for a service reservoir to generate a method for water management. The developed methods uses field surveys and GIS development for demand analysis, network analysis using EPANET-II software. The results indicate that there is a scope of improvements in the design of network that will cater to the changes in the area.

Prior to the later half of the nineteenth century it was unusual for cities to provide comprehensive water supply service with piped connection to most buildings. The literature contains very little evidence of urban water use patterns for this period. But urban system began expanding to meet the needs of the population, water use levels rose dramatically (Duane, et al 1997). Secondly the health consciousness of the people also increased and safe drinking water supply system became a part and parcel of urban development strategy. In India about 27.75 % of the total population lives in Urban Areas. Due to the out bursting character of the population, there is an enormous pressure on the water supply and sewage disposal systems. Urban areas in developing countries are characterised by poorly maintained and partly developed water distribution systems, often operated under conditions of weak governance. There exist two major problems viz. the structural problems related to the infrastructure and the water management problem. The structural problems pertain to the limitations of the capacity of network and frequently occurring breaches

because of the mechanical problems. The water management problems arise from these failures and people adopt innovative methods to draw water from the system. This increases the amount of water wasted or not paid for, uncertain and uneven supplies etc. In turn the water suppliers income is reduced and opportunities for proper maintenance become rare. The water supply systems are created, operated and maintained by investing a huge sum of money. Due to public pressure and political intervention mostly the supply capacity is increased instead of proper water conservation and management measures in the setup. The major factor is Unaccounted for Water (UFW) which includes leakage in the piped water supply systems and the illegal water connections. Also there are certain other reasons that include improperly designed and executed networks that lead to uneven supply of water in various areas. In recent times, the concept of Water Demand Management has occupied a front seat in urban water supply schemes. Water Demand Management (WDM) is a policy for the water sector that stresses making better use of existing supplies, rather than developing new ones. The term was coined in the

United States in the 1980s, when world energy shortages were in the headlines, regional water scarcity was a growing concern, and the countrys urban infrastructure was beginning to fail (McGranahan G., 2002). The WDM Strategy includes quantification of leakages and apparent losses, water audit and assessment of illegal tapings, improvement of staffing quality and ensure sustainable maintenance in the network, improvement of network elements, demand assessment and promotion of multiple uses of water. In the present day context WDM must be given a top priority. THE PROBLEM AND THE OBJECTIVE OF STUDY Present study is aimed at Demand Assessment and Network Analysis for Water Demand Management of a water stricken city of Central India namely the City of Indore. The estimated population of Indore is around 2 Millions and according to the standards of water requirement (IS 1172 (1993)), 200 l/person per day the gross demand for water comes out to be 400 MLD. Total water supplied to Indore city at present is claimed to be around 180 MLD from all the sources. In the city of Indore water is supplied on alternate day. The actual supplies are far less in comparison to the quantity claimed. The available water is not distributed uniformly over the space resulting into water deficits in certain areas. This is exclusively due to mismanagement at the level of water distribution system. There are no meters in the distribution system so as to record the flow through the network. As regards the increment in the supply to the city is concerned, presently an ambitious project of III Phase of Narmada is getting executed. The Narmada phase III will supply 360 MLD by the year 2013 and 720 MLD by 2028. (Narmada Phase III Report, 2005). Even after pumping in more water into the system, assurance for adequate supply to all is impossible in the present day scenario. This is mainly due to poorly designed and maintained water distribution network that fails to deliver water in adequate quantity to the consumer. The principal objective of the present study is to evolve a methodology to reduce the deficits of water and pressure in the distribution system of one overhead reservoir out of 28 already existing in the city of Indore. Looking to a vast variation in the land-use pattern and the variety of water uses, a heavily stressed overhead tank, the Yeshwant Club Tank situated in the heart of city was chosen for the study.

The Yashwant Club Overhead tank has a total capacity of 3410 Cubic Metres having R.L. of delivery pipe as 576.8 metres. The outlet pipe of the tank has four branches out of which two carry water to bulk consumers. One of the remaining two pipes a 700mm diameter pipe leads towards one sector and a 500 mm diameter pipe supplies water in other sector. The tank receives water twice a day i.e. from 4:00 AM to 6:00 AM in the morning and 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM in the evening. The total area served by the overhead reservoir is around 687400 Sq M. The reservoir serves an estimated population of about 186746 (of which there is a substantial percentage of permanent residential population and a big percentage of temporary/ day time commercial population) and has an estimated demand of 14178.04 Cubic Metre per day (i.e. 14.178 MLD) (Table 1). The area was basically a residential district with elite population. However, today the area is getting converted in to a Commercial Business District of Indore with lots of Malls, shopping complexes, office complexes, hotels and restaurants have come up and are still getting developed on erstwhile residential land. Moreover, the area has 5 big sports facilities as 3 stadia and 3 clubs, The High Court of M.P., Divisional headquarters of LIC of India, Head office of The State Bank of Indore, leading Technical Institute of M.P., and The S.G.S.I.T.S etc. NETWORK MODELLING Network modelling is a system analysis tool that simulates the actual status of the distribution system (Bhave and Gupta, 2005). Lots of softwares have been made available with varying features. The EPANET-2 model developed by the Environmental Protection Agency, USA is quite attractive from the view point of user friendliness. EPANET is a program that performs extended period simulation of hydraulic and water-quality behaviour within pressurised pipe networks. The software provides a fully-equipped, extended period hydraulic analysis package covering all the features of network modelling. The model is used for the present study. ( METHODOLOGY In the present study the main focus lies on only two of the principles of Water Demand Management viz., Development of Database and Network Analysis. The data were collected under the following major heads

Physical Data Regarding Tank and Distribution System Data Regarding Operation of the Water Tank and Network Data Regarding Land-use Land Cover Pattern Data Regarding Population The physical data for the tank and the network was procured from the Narmada Water Supply Project of Indore Municipal Corporation, Indore. The data was updated for unavailable information viz. latest up gradations in the system, the levels of various nodes etc. The whole data was updated and an Auto-CAD Drawing of the distribution network was prepared and digitised for further use. The drawing with position of tank, Valves and junctions etc. is shown in Fig. 1. This drawing was further used as main input as a base map to the EPANET 2 Software for the network analysis. Data for individual connections was also collected from the IT department of Indore Municipal Corporation. The data indicates about 7000 connections in the command area. The data for operation of the system was collected from the officials of Indore Municipal Corporation. The Yeshwant Club tank gets filled up by 50% to 75% of its full capacity. The supply depends upon the availability of water. In a small segment parallel to the railway line there is an evening water supply which is based on the direct trunk mains supply plus the stored water in the tank to a section of the network. There exists a lot of difficulty at the operation level of the tank and the water supply is not sufficient. The demand estimation in an urban area largely depends upon the land use land cover pattern and the residing population. For the purpose of mapping, Google Map Satellite Image was captured and the land-use was ascertained. This was supplemented with field surveys for ground truth verification. The data collected for land use land cover was imposed on digitized AutoCAD Map. For estimation of population and present water supply availability house to house survey was carried out. The same was tallied with the available data pertaining to connections obtained from the Indore Municipal Corporation. However, to link the data for population with the available data of connections was infeasible, but still some sample information tallied is presented in Table 2. A GIS was developed and the land use information was used in GIS preparation, for demand estimation. GIS was used to create a spatial database, for the study area. GIS greatly assisted in various modelling applications like estimation of demand, placing of meters, and finding out land use of the command area. The

GIS mapping of study area has been shown in Fig. 2. The water that can be supplied to the network is the water stored in the Tank. If the water supply is maintained at the level of availability then there is complete exhaustion of the available water and still the demands are unsatisfied. As is stated earlier, the tank filling levels vary and there is no certainty of the levels, the level of demand that can be fulfilled also varies. Table 3 indicates the level of demand satisfaction corresponding to various levels of the filling of water tank. For the network analysis input files comprising of the requisite data were prepared using all the data explained in the previous paragraph. The complete analysis was carried out on three different networks i.e. the existing network, existing network with snapped ties with the trunk mains network, and a divided network by reducing the command area. The demand levels were varied from 10% to 100%. In order to upgrade the system the iterations of analysis were repeated and for each iteration modification in the form of increasing the pipe diameters were carried out. Increasing the pipe diameter was also done to reduce head-loss in the system and to ensure uniform water supply. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The analysis included the inflow-outflow characteristics of the OHT, pressure at the nodes and head-loss in the pipes. The results are quite large and can not be added to the present paper. Since the network analysis was theoretical, and according to the provisions of the EPANET-2 software, the network balancing is done with the creation of negative flows to meet the demand of each node, the additional supply made from the tank is taken as deficit in the supply. It was found out that number of nodes receiving no water (indicated by a negative pressure in the result) increased on increasing the % demand (Table 4). The analysis for nodal pressures showed negative pressure condition for about 60% of the nodes for full network at 100% demand. This condition also persisted with the curtailed network but there was a reduction in the number of nodes showing negative pressure and the value came down to 43%. The inflow outflow characteristic of OHT has been tabulated in Table 5 to Table 7. It is found in the analysis that if the tank is filled even one time a day cannot cater to the entire networks demand. It can only cater 30% to 35% of the demand of the present day network. On the other hand for curtailed network the tank can cater up to 50 % of the present day demand

(Table 8). Thus the filling of the tank should be complete and at least twice to cater 100% of the present demand of the curtailed network. Ideally the tank should receive water 24 by 7 for proper functioning of the network. Table 9 gives the sample results indicating the effect on a few hydraulic properties due to the changes made to the diameter for few pipes. CONCLUSIONS

higher diameter pipe or by providing parallel pipe lines of suitable diameter. GIS of the system needs to be prepared at full scale and be updated from time to time for new strategies for amendments. Installation of meters at various locations was necessary to find out how much water is being consumed in the various sectors of the network. REFERENCES 1. Bureau of Indian Standards, Standard code for Drinking Water Supply Damand (IS 1172 (1993)), BIS, New Delhi. Bhave, P.R. and Gupta, R. (2005). Analysis of Water Distribution Networks, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi McGranahan, G. (2002). Demand-side Water Strategies and the Urban Poor ISBN 1843692317, International Institute for Environment and Development, 3 Endsleigh Street London WC1H 0DD, United Kingdom. MPPHED,(2005). Detailed Project Report on Narmada Project Phase III Submitted to Asian Development Bank. html

It was found the land use pattern of the area is fast changing from residential to commercial. The Present day network is unable to cater to the need of water in the complete command area of Yeshwant Club tank. The command area has to be divided in two portions and another OHT is required to be created on the other side of M.G. Road. Even in the divided command area, the problem of unfulfilled demand exists and the present day policy of filling the tank once in 2 days fails miserably to cater to the demand. The tank is required to be filled 2 times in a day and supply requires to be given to further divided area once in a day. Presently, about 6 tapings are in existence from the trunk mains and are to be cut immediately so that the direct supply through trunk mains may be stopped as this leads to a pressure drop that interferes in filling of Service reservoirs in the downstream end as well as the reservoir itself. The present day network has many links that either requires replacement with a






Table 1 Data of Type of Population and Demand S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Type of Area served Commercial Residential Hospitals Theatres Hotels Schools and colleges Malls Slums Colleges Public Gardens Miscellaneous Total Population 69490 41705 340 3500 1300 17500 8725 6125 5300 32761 185545 Demand (Cum/day) 3589.93 5824.06 139 875 209.8 180 572.625 826.875 355.5 2.7608 1602.489 14178.0398

Table 2 Water Balance Statement for various Filling Levels of Tank S.N. Filling Level of Tank (m) 576.8 576.5 576 575.5 575 574.5 574 573.5 573 572.5 572 Height (m) Vol. of Water (cum) Suuply Cap. (lps) Demand (lps) Deficit (lps) % Supply

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5 4.7 4.2 3.7 3.2 2.7 2.2 1.7 1.2 0.7 0.2

2841.67 2671.167 2387 2102.83 1818.66 1534.5 1250.33 966.16 682 409.2 125.033

789.35278 741.99083 663.05556 584.11944 505.18333 426.25 347.31389 268.37778 189.44444 113.66667 34.731389

2435.87 2435.87 2435.87 2435.87 2435.87 2435.87 2435.87 2435.87 2435.87 2435.87 2435.87

1646.517 1693.879 1772.814 1851.751 1930.687 2009.62 2088.556 2167.492 2246.426 2322.203 2401.139

32.40537 30.46102 27.22048 23.97991 20.73934 17.49888 14.25831 11.01774 7.777281 4.666368 1.425831

Table 3 Number of Nodes with Negative Pressure with % Demand (For Curtailed Network with 198 Nodes) S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % Demand 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 No. of Nodes Negative Pressure 0 0 7 13 17 25 36 47 60 86 with % of Nodes with Negative Pressure 0 0 3.53 6.56 8.58 12.62 18.18 23.73 30.30 43.87

Table 4 Inflow outflow characterises of OHT for varying demand for full network with Trunk Main Connection S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %Demand 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Inflow (Lps) 864.79 864.79 864.79 864.79 864.79 864.79 864.79 864.79 Outflow(Lps) 243.59 487.17 730.76 974.35 1217.94 1461.52 1705.11 1948.7 Deficit (Lps) -621.2 -377.62 -134.03 109.56 353.15 596.73 840.32 1083.91 %Deficit -255.02 -77.513 -18.341 11.2444 28.9957 40.8294 49.2825 55.6222

9 10

90 100

864.79 864.79

2192.28 2435.87

1327.49 1571.08

60.5529 64.4977

Table 5 Inflow outflow characterises of OHT for varying demand for existing network without trunk main connection S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 %Demand 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Inflow (Lps) 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 Outflow(Lps) 238.68 477.35 716.03 954.7 1193.38 1432.06 1670.73 1909.41 2148.08 2386.76 Deficit (Lps) -626.12 -387.45 -148.77 89.9 328.58 567.26 805.93 1044.61 1283.28 1521.96 %Deficit -262.33 -81.167 -20.777 9.41657 27.5336 39.6115 48.2382 54.7085 59.7408 63.7668

Table 6 Inflow outflow characterises of OHT for varying demand for curtailed network S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 %Demand 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Inflow (Lps) 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 864.8 Outflow(Lps) 183.19 366.37 549.55 732.74 915.92 1099.11 1282.29 1465.47 1648.47 1831.84 Deficit (Lps) -681.61 -498.43 -315.25 -132.06 51.12 234.31 417.49 600.67 783.67 967.04 %Deficit -372.08 -136.05 -57.365 -18.023 5.58127 21.3182 32.5582 40.9882 47.5392 52.7906

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