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"The activity set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large." The management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer. It includes the coordination of four elements called the 4 P's of marketing: (1) Identification, selection and development of a product, (2) Determination of its price, (3) Selection of a distribution channel to reach the customer's place, and (4) Development and implementation of a promotional strategy. For example, new Apple products are developed to include improved applications and systems, are set at different prices depending other Apple on how much capability the are sold. In customer desires, and

are sold in places where



to promote the device,

the company featured its debut at tech events and is highly advertised on the web and on television. Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction. Marketing differs from selling because (in the words of Harvard Business School's retired professor of marketing Theodore C. Levitt) "Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs." In other words, marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for your product as it does developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customers

Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers. Marketing might sometimes be interpreted as the art of selling products, but selling is only a small fraction of marketing. As the term "Marketing" may replace "Advertising" it is the overall strategy and function of promoting a product or service to the customer. The American Marketing Association defines marketing as "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

Features of Marketing
Marketing is undergoing a major change. Inbound marketing and the shift to online is forcing marketers make changes to their marketing infrastructure. This means a reduction in agency design fees and trade publication advertisements in favor of marketing software to boost lead generation and lead management. Marketing Automation tools should be part or a larger inbound marketing tools set. When looking specifically at marketing automation features, marketers should keep these five key features top of mind.

5 Essential Features of a Marketing Automation Platform

1. Click Tracking It may seem simple but one of the core functions of a great marketing automation system is click tracking. As a marketer you need to understand the click-through rate for the links in your marketing automation campaigns. More importantly you need the conversion events attributed to marketing automation campaigns if they triggered the conversion as oppose to another source like direct traffic. 2. Landing Page Tool A way to generate and reconvert leads is critical. The method for doing that today on the web is landing pages. As a marketer you must be able to easily create landing pages. having to depend on an agency or the IT department is not an option. Software that lets you easily create landing pages provides the opportunity for more targeted landing pages. When landing pages are hard to create and expensive it causes general landing pages that have lower conversion rates.

3. Closed Loop Analytics Marketing strategies should be aligned with the entire marketing funnel. Knowing you visitor to lead rate is not enough. You need analytics for your entire marketing funnel from visitor to customer. Make sure that your marketing automation software system integrates with your customer relationship management software (CRM) to ensure that you can tie closed sales deals to marketing campaigns.

4. Behavior-Based Triggers Context is king in an inbound marketing world. So much content exists on the web today that recipients of a marketing message instantly ask themselves What is in it for me?. As a marketer you need to be able to send a targeted email to a lead the second they look at your product page. This is called behavior-based triggering. It uses the actions a lead takes a the trigger to send a specific message and it is critical for increasing conversion rates. 5. Custom Segmentation Behavior-based triggers arent the only way to have contextual communications. As a marketer you understand your target customer and have a significant amount of data about them. You marketing automation system you allow you to segment and organize your leads by any of the data fields that you have. Creating custom list for specific lead nurturing campaigns will help drive stronger lead to customer conversions.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are differing advantages and disadvantages of marketing depending on your chosen medium. But there are also general advantages and disadvantages of marketing across every spectrum.

General Advantages of Marketing

An obvious advantage of marketing is the promotion of your business; getting the recognition and attention of your target audience across a wide ranging or specific market. Going hand-in-hand with this is the enhanced brand recognition. Over time potential customers and members of the public will begin to associate your logo and your brand with your business. Every business needs to spend money to make money. Investing in marketing is no different. The most important advantage of marketing is therefore quite simply improving the businesses profits by boosting sales.

General Disadvantages of Marketing

The first disadvantage of marketing in general is the cost. Adverting and marketing costs money. If you dont do the proper research then you might end up throwing money away. Wasting marketing efforts by targeting the wrong audience using an inappropriate medium would be a serious and costly mistake. So it is important to do your research beforehand and keep your costs to a minimum. As well as the financial cost, marketing your business will require investment of time. Researching the appropriate marketing strategy, designing and writing the adverts, getting them published, dealing with any response. Its important to spend time keeping track of how successful or not your marketing campaign is. A potential disadvantage of marketing here is the risk of time wasted for an unsuccessful campaign. Research shows that people in general have to see a piece of information between 3 and 30 times before it sinks in. So the obvious disadvantage of marketing here is the fact that your marketing campaign will need to be ongoing and consistent. Increasing costs and time spent on it. This is where drip marketing comes in.

Specific Advantages and Disadvantages of Marketing

For specific types of media there may be other advantages and disadvantages of marketing. Each will obviously vary depending on your business, your market and your chosen marketing techniques. Print Advertising Advantages and disadvantages of print marketing are reasonably obvious. Advantages:

Choosing the appropriate magazine or newspaper to advertise and market your business allows you to appeal to a specific audience and demographic. Targeting your adverts at the right audience to maximize its effectiveness.

Often an advantage of marketing via print media is the flexibility. The size, placement and type of advert can be adopted and changed according to your needs.

Another advantage marketing this way is the repeated display of your advert over time. Multiple appearances in various issues of the paper or magazine will improve chances of your brand sticking with the customers and also the results you will see in terms of sales leads. Disadvantages:

Cost can be prohibitive. The bigger the advert the more the cost. Magazines and newspapers with a wider audience generally cost more to advertise in and marketing over time in this manner may be too expensive for some businesses.

Competition in the marketing space may be another disadvantage. You want your advert to stand out, but unless you can afford to pay for a full page spread you will be competing with the other businesses scrambling for attention.

Magazines are often released on a monthly basis, meaning it can take longer for your advert to take hold in a potential customers mind.

Television & Radio Marketing The advantages and disadvantages of marketing via radio or television will clearly be considerably different to those of print. Advantages:

There are many radio and television stations out there. You can appeal to your local audience by using a local radio or television station. You may also run an advert on a specific station with a genre which would suit your business. The variety of radio and television stations makes it easy to appeal to a specific audience.

Your advert may well be repeated throughout the day at specific times, which would allow you to reach the best audience for your marketing.

Radio and television marketing allows for regular repetition of your advert, helping satisfy the law of 29. Disadvantages:

Unless you are targeting a specific audience, you might have to push your advert across a number of radio and television stations to reach everyone you need to.

An obvious disadvantage of radio and television marketing is the temporary nature of the advert. Unlike print, potential customers cannot go back to look for your contact information. So you will need to run the advert many times to get the best effect.

Listeners/viewers may stop paying attention during advert breaks, which are essentially a disturbance to their enjoyment of the show. Direct Mail Marketing Your chosen market might benefit from a direct marketing campaign. Send your adverts, catalogues or product samples straight through your customers letterbox. You could target the right audience by using the electoral register to find the right age, sex and demographic or acquire access to marketing mailing lists.


Direct mail marketing will allow you to target to your specific customer. Personalising your message to have the best possible impact on them.

Unlike other forms of advertising, your marketing will not need to stand out on a page full of other adverts. It will just need to stand out from the pile on the doormat. A brightly coloured, appealing envelope may be all it takes.

This type of marketing allows you target a specific area or locality. Especially important if your business is local. Disadvantages:

Direct mail is often seen as junk mail. So if your marketing doesnt stand out and appeal in just the right way it might find its way straight from the letterbox to the bin.

The law of 29 means you will need to do a direct mailing campaign many times before it has an effect.

You risk annoying your customers by plaguing them with regular junk mail campaigns. Telemarketing Cold-calling and other telemarketing campaigns have their place in business. They can be effective if done correctly. Like the other types of marketing, they have their own advantages and disadvantages. Advantages:

Personal contact with the customer is more effective than something abstract designed to appeal to a multitude of people. It makes the customer feel more important if you can make them think you are only there to help them with their needs.

Results are easy to measure and often a potential customer can be easily led to a sale over the phone. In other words the call to action will be more effective.


Cold-calling, like junk mail, can have an unwanted effect as it has negative connotations. Unwanted calls are often dealt with harshly and you might risk damaging your reputation.

Technology is out there which is being used to block unwanted telemarketing calls. There is also legislation that needs to be abided by (Privacy and Electronic (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.)

Costs may be more expensive than other forms of marketing, depending on your plan.

Marketing Your Business

Weighing up the above advantages and disadvantages of marketing throughout the various mediums will allow you to decide on the best course of action for your business. You might find that using several different techniques will help you get the most out of your marketing campaign. Whatever you choose to do, you will need to carry out some sort of marketing if you hope to succeed in business and make a healthy profit. For more information and useful tips on marketing, sign-up for free access to My Company Warehouse where you can download useful business guides and tools to help you get ahead

Marketing Strategies
The field of marketing strategy considers the total marketing environment and its impacts on a company or product or service. The emphasis is on "an in depth understanding of the market environment, particularly the competitors and customers. A given firm may offer numerous products or services to a marketplace, spanning numerous and sometimes wholly unrelated industries. Accordingly, a plan is required in order to effectively manage such products. Evidently, a company needs to weigh up and ascertain how to utilize its finite resources. The issue of divest, or a ceasing of production, may be made. Each scenario requires a unique marketing strategy. Listed below are some prominent marketing strategy models.

A marketing strategy differs from a marketing tactic in that a strategy looks at the longer term view of the products, goods, or services being marketed. A tactic refers to a shorter term view. Therefore, the mailing of a postcard or sales letter would be a tactic, but a campaign of several postcards, sales letters, or telephone calls would be a strategy.

4 Ps of Marketing

Product - A product is seen as an item that satisfies what a consumer needs or wants. It is a tangible good or an intangible service. Tangible products are those that have an independent physical existence. Every product is subject to a life-cycle including a growth phase followed by a maturity phase and finally an eventual period of decline as sales falls. Marketers must do careful research on how long the life cycle of the product they are marketing is likely to be and focus their attention on different challenges that arise as the product moves through each stage. The marketer must also consider the product mix. Marketers can expand the current product mix by increasing a certain product line's depth or by increasing the number of product lines. Marketers should consider how to position the product, how to exploit the brand, how to exploit the company's resources and how to configure the product mix so that each product complements the other. The marketer must also consider product development strategies.

Price The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. The price is very important as it determines the company's profit and hence, survival. Adjusting the price has a profound impact on the marketing strategy, and depending on the price elasticity of the product, often it will affect the demand and sales as well. The marketer should set a price that complements the other elements of the marketing mix. When setting a price, the marketer must be aware of the customer perceived value for the product. Three basic pricing strategies are: market skimming pricing, market penetration pricing and neutral pricing. The 'reference value' (where the consumer refers to the prices of competing products) and the 'differential value' (the consumer's view of this product's attributes versus the attributes of other products) must be taken into account.

Promotion - represents all of the methods of communication that a marketer may use to provide information to different parties about the product. Promotion comprises elements such as: advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. Advertising covers any communication that is paid for, from cinema commercials, radio and Internet advertisements through print media and billboards. Public relations is where the communication is not directly paid for and includes press releases, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs and events. Word-of-mouth is any apparently informal communication about the product by ordinary individuals, satisfied customers or people specifically engaged to create word of mouth momentum. Sales staff often plays an important role in word of mouth and public relations

Place - refers to providing the product at a place which is convenient for consumers to access. Place is synonymous with distribution. Various strategies such as intensive distribution, selective distribution, exclusive distribution and franchising can be used by the marketer to complement the other aspects of the marketing mix.


Overview of Placements 2011

International College of Financial Planning Ltd, the pioneer in financial services education in India continued its journey, towards being one of the best financial institutions in India, with a successful campus recruitment season that concluded on 15th July 2011. In its sixth year, the institute was able to achieve, what most financial institutions would only dream of. We have been achieving close to 100% placement record since its inception in 2002 is intact as every ICoFPian was placed with best of the companies, desired profiles and most importantly, with deserving compensations and benefits. Best of the companies have been demonstrating the faith in our growing brand equity. Among the praises showered by most of the recruiters visiting our campus, one comment seemed to be common, ICoFPian are conditioned to perform well in this highly impatient Indian financial industry from day one. Moreover our student performance has always been far above the recruiters' expectations and hence they end up making more offers than they anticipate, on our campus.

Top 10 Recruiters

Profile Segmentation

Company Profile

It is one of India's leading educational institutions specializing in financial services education. The organization was established in the year 2002 to initiate an entirely new platform for disseminating Financial Education to the future financial consultants of India. The organization is promoted by the Bajaj Capital Group, a renowned business house in the field of Financial Services in India and a charter member of the Association of Financial Planners of India. Bajaj Capital has played the role of a catalyst in bringing the Financial Planning Certification Program, the CFPCM mark into India The International College of Financial Planning - promoted by the Bajaj Capital Group - is one of India's leading educational institutions specializing in financial services education. ICoFP is an authorized education provider of the Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB), India for the Certified Financial PlannerCM (CFPCM) professional education program in India. The college has trained a student base of more than 7500 students in this short span.

Launch of ICoFP


Post Graduate Diploma in Financial PlanningTM (PGDFPTM) For Meant for people who are looking for a career in Banking, Mutual funds, Wealth Management, Insurance, Equity/Commodity Brokers, Investment Advisory services etc. Mode: Full Time Duration: 10+2 Months

Post Graduate Diploma in Securities Analysis &TradingTM (PGDSATTM) The PGDSATTM is a unique programme which enables you to work as an educated and trained professional in this exciting world of capital markets with all the relevant theoretical and practical knowledge. The course is specially designed for students who are looking for a great career in Capital Markets & Research, Investment Banking, Equity/Commodity Brokers, KPOs, Research Firms, Forex Dealers, Debt Market Dealers. Mode: Full Time Duration: 18+4 Months

Regular Recruiters at ICoFP

International College of Financial Planning Details Courses Offered

Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning (PGDFP Full Time) Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Education Program (Distance Learning) Post Graduate Diploma in Securities Analysis and Trading (PGDSAT Full Time) Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning (PGDFP) + MBA in Financial Planning MBA + Post Graduate Program in Management

Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible to the Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning (PGDFP Full Time), candidates should be Graduates/ MBA/ CA/ ICWA. Students in final year of graduation can also apply, but the Post Graduate Diploma will be awarded only after the candidate completes his/her graduation. In order to be eligible to the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Education Program (Distance Learning) course, the applicants should have passed 12th standard. However, CFPCertification on successful completion of the course will be given to candidates only after they have completed graduation from a recognized college/university (in any discipline). In order to be eligible to the Post Graduate Diploma in Securities Analysis and Trading (PGDSAT Full Time), Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning (PGDFP) + MBA in Financial Planning, MBA + Post Graduate Program in Management courses the candidate must possess a Bachelors Degree (or equivalent qualification), obtained by the candidate must entail a minimum of 3 years of education after completing Higher Secondary School (10 + 2 or equivalent). Candidate applying for their final year exams can also apply subject to furnishing a proof of graduation by 31st October.

Admission Procedure
The application forms for the desired course will be issued in the college itself and the candidate can obtained it by paying DD of the specified amount and submitting all the documents required by the college. Candidates can download the application form from the official website of the college.The candidate has to undergo a rigorous selection procedure comprising of Written Test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. All candidates who have appeared for CAT/ MAT can also apply to ICoFP with their score. Short listed candidates will have to appear only for GD and PI. Group Discussion and personal interview are also integral components of the admissions process. The overall objective is to identify and assess the candidates communication ability, in addition to the overall knowledge of the student.

Facilities and Infrastructure

The College provides its full-time students on enrolment, a student kit containing a bag, a writing pad, a pen and a pencil so that the student does not waste his/her time in marshalling these resources. The College has an inbuilt pantry set-up so that the students can have some refreshment during their stay in the college. The refreshments are available to students on cost basis. The Library of the college has an extensive collection of relevant books covering each and every topic relating to the programs offered by the College. The regular classroom-coaching students are provided with two library tickets each to get the books issued for references. The students are required to adhere to the library policies of the College. The college has an excellent data bank of E-books on varied financial subjects which students can refer to in the computer lab. ICoFP understand how important good accommodation is, so it give you all the information and advice you need to find the right place to live in. ICoFP has tied up with many hostels and PGs. The accommodation office will be happy to assist you in finding a convenient and affordable place to stay during your studies here. The website of the college provides its students with the facility of an online Discussion Forum wherein the students/faculty members can initiate and/or participate in a discussion on the topic of their interest in the field of capital markets. The campus offers excellent catering facilities for breakfast & lunch. A substantial range of snacks and confectionery are also available throughout the day. The coffee shop offers a chance to quickly grab a coffee between classes.

Life @ ICoFP
ICoFPs new batch starts every year in July with an orientation session. It is an opportunity for the incoming students to meet the management of the college along with industry stalwarts. Freshers Party is one of the biggest and most important events on campus. Every year students are welcomed into the ICoFP family with a bash. The ICoFPsFreshers Party happens at a high end and a hip place, selected by the students themselves. Lively music, special performances, scrumptious food and Mr. and Ms. Fresher are some of the highlights of the program. Tarang is ICoFPs intra college annual cultural festival, it is celebrated each year around Diwali. ICoFPs students showcase their talent in this celebration featuring dance, song, mimicry, skits, as well as an incredible fashion show. Sports: International College Premier League ICoFPs annual intra and inter class Cricket Tournament. The series takes place after the first sem exams in January, played at a leading cricket ground. A much awaited event on campus.

International College Badminton League ICoFPs annual intra and inter class Badminton Tournament. The series takes place after the first sem exams in January, played at a leading sports complex. A much awaited event on campus. ICoFP has its annual sports day each year in February. A one day event which comprises of Relay, High Jumps, Long Jumps, Props and Hurdle Races, along with acknowledging all the winners of Cricket and Badminton Tournaments. The show is concluded with a grand March Past by the students. Family Day is a great time to reconnect with family of the students. Great events are planned both on and off campus, with plenty of fun for the whole family. The main aim of the event is to showcase to the parents the 360(put degree sign) development of their child. Lunch by the Lakeis a huge, all-you-can-eat lunch, served by faculty members and administrative staff, a day before the farewell. It happens at an exquisite picnic spot in the city. Students are taken in and out of the city for short trips. This helps in reliving the usual pressure of the studies, gives exposure to the students, adventure activities help build confidence and builds lifetime friendships. Debating competition is held for students to debate on course related and other socially relevant topics. This helps in building confidence and knowledge levels of the students. The College arranges guest lectures by industry stalwarts on current issues and new developments in the capital markets. The college also arranges seminars, conferences, conventions and executive development programs to initiate industry interaction for students. Farewell party is held after a long tenure of hard work, ICoFPs seniors deserve a bash before they move into the Corporate World. Special performances by juniors and staff, Music, Food, Fun Games and Mr. and Ms. ICoFP are the highlights of the show.

Following are the Charter Members promoting CFP Banks

1.American Express 2.Deutsche Bank 3.HSBC 4.ICICI Bank 5.Kotak Bank 6.Standard Chartered Bank

7.Bajaj Capital 8.Birla Sun life Distribution

9.SKP Securities 10.World Gold Council 11.Geojit Financial Services 12.Karvy Consultants Mutual Fund 13.Alliance Capital 14.Cholamandalam Inv. 15.Franklin Templeton 16.HDFC Mutual Fund 17.IL&FS Mutual Fund 18.Principal Group 19.Prudential ICICI AMC 20.Reliance Mutual fund 21.SBI Mutual Fund 22.Tata Mutual Fund 23.Fidelity Investment Insurance 24.Birla Sunlife Insurance 25.ICICI Prudential Life 26.ING Vysya Group- Bank, Insurance, Mutual Fund 27.MetLife 28.SBI Life 29.Tata-AIG Insurance.

The International College of Financial Planning offer an Industry integrated curriculum, directed to make the student productive on job from Day 1. This platform offers you a chance to learn under the able guidance of eminent/ world class faculty comprising of both academicians & industry experts. Upon completion you will enter the industry with multiple certifications inbuilt into the program. At the International College, we offer an inbuilt internship program provides the opportunity to apply classroom learnings to real-world organizations before actually entering the corporate world. The city campus environment that we profess, teaches the students to be a professional not from the day they join the first job, but from the day they join the college! We lay great stress on the overall personality development through involvement in various student clubs (such as the Placements, Research etc.), extracurricular activities & other leadership opportunities. We are proud to offer an access to our very own, dedicated Career Management Center that has been ensuring 100% Placements since the inception of the program & helping the Alumni in their career progression. As a student, you benefit from the unique Mentorship Program: an opportunity to learn under the guidance of Alumni. Students are paired with an alumni (a corporate professional) based on the area of interest. This provides the insights & experience deemed essential to face the corporate realities. As we are promoted by Bajaj Capital Group, naturally we have a deep, industry alignment with the financial services industry. The students who graduate from the International College can look forward to multiple career opportunities across the financial sector and allied industries in business & management consulting, KPOs among many others. You get access to a world class, industry relevant curriculum which is updated every 6 months, where knowledge is imparted via a world class teaching methodology.

Our Mission & Vision

"Our Mission is to become the coveted choice of students as well as Financial Services Industry and to provide best education to the participants to make them world class professionals."

"Our vision encompasses overall development of the professionals who would become the torchbearer of financial planning revolution.

International College of Financial Planning would equip the students with all the requisite theoretical and practical inputs which would help them in taking informed decisions for their customers, create wealth for them and protect their families."

Awards & Accolades

ICOFP has been adjudged the Outstanding B-School, North at the Star News National B-School Awards, February 2011 Specialized EP for Financial Planning courses India Today Aspire Magazine (June 2007) 2nd & 3rd Best Finance Course in India Post Graduate Diploma in Securities Analysis & Trading, Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning TM. India Today Aspire Magazine (June 2008) 2nd & 3rd Best Finance Course in India Post Graduate Diploma in Securities Analysis & Trading, Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning TM. The Week Magazine (May 30, 2009) Best Post Graduate Program in Finance Risk Management Business Sphere Magazine (2008 09) Best Finance College Best Places to Work in India (Top 50 Rank) 2008, 2009 & 2010 Economic Times & Best Places to Work Institute. Parent Company Bajaj Capital Group wins award for whole group.





DrVinod Kumar

Ph.D DBF (CFA), / M.Phil, Reader in commerce department AFP, NCFM Khalsacollege,DU; More than 30 yrs of Modules( AMFI, experience. Dealers, Derivatives, MCX certified) B.Com (Hons), CAIIB (1), Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management, 4 years of experience in SBI, 14 years of Certified Financial experience in UTI Mutual Fund and 4 years Planner, NCFM of teaching experience. Modules (AMFI, Security Market, Derivatives and Debt Markets)

Ms. MadhuSinha

CFP (CM) - Certified Financial Planner FPSB India, B.A.M.S,- Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery Mumbai university, DrShivaniRajanShirsat Amfi certified, IRDA life insurance, NCFM certificate in Capital Markets, Diploma in computer software application, DTP, 3D animation 3D max.

4 years experience in the financial sector, dealing in mutual funds & life insurance, One & half year teaching experience at ICOFP, Teaching core financial planning subjects, corporate trainings & virtual classroom trainings.


Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB), India

The college is an authorized education provider of Financial Planning Standards Board, India (FPSB) for the CFPCMCertification Education Programme. FPSB India is a Professional Membership & Certification organization and part of leading Global Confederation, established by prominent financial service organizations in India. As the Indian affiliate of the Certified Financial PlannerCM Board of Standards, USA (CFPCM Board), FPSB India oversees the administration of the internationally recognized Certified Financial PlannerCM Certification Process in India. FPSB India is dedicated to developing and promoting an industry providing unbiased financial advice to the Indian public and committed to maintaining high standards of technical competence, fair dealing and integrity among its members. Founded in 1985 as a nonprofit professional regulatory organization, Certified Financial PlannerCM Board of Standards Inc. (CFPCM Board) exists to benefit the public by fostering professional standards in personal financial planning so that the public has access to and benefits from competent and ethical financial planning.

Karnataka State Open University (KSOU)

Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) was established on 1st June 1996 with the assent of H.E. Governor of Karnataka as a full fledged University in the academic year 1996 vide Government notification No/EDI/UOV/dated 12th February 1996 (Karnataka State Open University Act 1992). The act was

promulgated with the object to incorporate an Open University at the State level for the introduction and promotion of Open University and Distance Education systems in the education pattern of the State and the country for the Coordination and determination of standard of such systems. Keeping in view the educational needs of our country, in general, and state in particular the policies and programmes have been geared to cater to the needy.

ICoFP has entered in a association with SIES college Mumbai (Topmost college in Mumbai) to conduct Financial Planning and Financial Modeling classes at SIES campus.

ICoFP has been awarded an ISO 9001 QS Swiss Certified Institution.

At ICoFP we believe in delivering quality Always. Our mission is to empower our students with the knowledge which will not only benefit the finance industry but the world at large. This effort of ours is often recognized & praised by the media..


CFP is gaining momentum in India, with variety and complexity of financial products, volatile stock markets the need for a qualified financial advisor is on rise. CFP certification identifies that the certificates using the mark have both academic and practical training and are qualified to provide advice with regard to all aspects of financial planning and have knowledge to be able to create international quality comprehensive financial plan.


International recognition. CFP certification is recognized in 19 countries across the globe. Exams conducted by "NSE (National Stock exchange)". Online, objective type. Promoted & supported by 30 corporate, thus industry initiated. List mentioned below. Classes (optional) held at Andheri (w)


Gain 'First Mover Advantage' of setting standards in Financial Planning .Competency and Credibility building of the Consultants. Flexibility of Distance Learning and hence 'learn while earn'. Exemption from IRDA for 100 hrs of Insurance Training & examination.HNI Focus approach to financial planning. Personal Branding. Demonstrates

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