BESM Anime d20 House Rules

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BESM Anime d20 house rules compilation (Note: Rules with an * are proposals that have yet to be implemented)

Maximum Ability Scores: Level: Maximum Scores: 1-9 all 18 10-19 all 24 1-19 all 24 20-29 all 30 30-39 all 50, one score at 40 40+ one score at 40, all others at 50; the five scores at 50 have six batches of +5 each to apply to their maximums for example: 80 50 50 50 50 40 70 60 50 50 50 40 60 55 55 55 55 40 60 60 60 50 50 40 or any other combination (note that the sixth score must remain limited at 40, and cannot be increased) for each 10 above 40, three additional +5 batches are awarded, and may be used to increase any maximum(s); note that the characters must have one score whose maximum is less than or equal to their level no attribute maximum can exceed 40 + the characters level; for example, suppose a level 49 character has the following attribute maximums: 80 50 50 50 50 40 The following are examples of acceptable allocations of maximum bonuses at level 50 for this character: 90 55 50 50 50 40 80 55 50 50 50 50 80 65 50 50 50 40 The following, however, would be an unacceptable allocation of maximum bonuses at level 50 for this character: 95 50 50 50 50 40 With the GMs approval (for example, if one character wants to have an incredibly exceptional attribute and the GM allows it), any of these limitations can be changed or removed. The GM may also allocate additional batches of maximum ability score increases as they see fit, and/or impose other restrictions on ability score maximums. Ability scores of up to 30 are priced as normal. Improving ability scores above 30 costs 1 CP per point of ability score, not 1 CP per two points as it does for ability scores up to 30. Characters still gain +1 to one ability score every 4 levels; if all of a characters abilities are at their maximums, the GM may

allow them to retain the point for later use once the maximums increase, give them 1 CP instead of the ability point, or take some other action. Maximum Attribute Ranks: No character may have an attribute of rank greater than half their level (rounded down). Exceptions: Characters may only have ranks in Extra Attacks equal to one-tenth of their level (rounded down). A characters Base Attack Bonus (including modifications from the Attack Combat Mastery attribute) may not exceed their level. Skills: Characters may not have more ranks in a skill than their Level + 3 for class skills, or (Level + 3)/2 in the case of cross-class skills, except at GMs discretion. Feats: Characters may not take a particular feat more times than half their level (rounded down), including any instances of that feat they gain as bonus feats. Epic-Level Characters: Whenever a character at ECL 20 or above gains a level, they gain the following benefits: New skill points as though they had gained a level in their previous class A new hit die as though they had gained a level in their previous class +1 Base Attack at even-numbered levels +1 to all Base Saves (Fortitude, Reflex and Will) at odd-numbered levels +10 Character Points Characters also gain one feat every 3 levels and +1 to one ability score every 4 levels, as normal (but see Feats and Maximum Ability Scores, above). GMs are encouraged to prevent players from taking epic levels in classes they did not have levels in previously simply to gain a better hit die, more skill points or a better set of class skills. In most cases, epic characters should continue to improve on the abilities they had, rather than gaining new ones simply for in-game benefits.

Additionally, at GMs discretion, epic characters (characters that have an ECL of 21 or higher) no longer automatically fail attack rolls, saving throws, or other similar checks if they roll a natural 1, nor do they automatically pass if they roll a natural 20. Instead, treat a natural 1 as a result of -10, and a natural 20 as a result of 30. (Note that although this makes a natural 1 somewhat more detrimental than a natural 20 is beneficial, using -10 and 30 as the values for these two rolls greatly simplifies the math involved. GMs may change these values if they wish.) The Most Important Thing to Remember: The GM may (and, if they feel it will be beneficial to the campaign, should) override, change, add or remove any of these rules and, in fact, any rules in the system whatsoever. Ultimately speaking, it is the GMs campaign, and they may shape it how they wish. However, GMs should take note; although players cannot have a campaign without a GM, nor can a GM have a campaign without players.

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