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The Informer Volume 2, Issue 6

February 2009

World News 1
World News
National News 2
Obama Sets Date to Plane Crash Near
Quebec News 3 End War in Iraq Buffalo
President Obama said the war A small plane crashed into a
Entertainment 4
in Iraq will end in 18 months. house near Buffalo. All 49
Tips to Be Happy 4
After this date, up to 50,000 people on the plane died. Two

Games 4 troops will stay to help keep of three people made it of out
peace. All troops should be of the house alive. Icy condi-
Trivia 4
out by December 2011. tions may have played a role.
Obama explained, “We are
leaving Iraq to its people”. Stress Makes You
Do You Look Older
Have News Soft Drink Made
A study found that stress

to Share? from Cow Urine

makes us age faster. While
genes play a big role, stress
In India, a Hindu group wants
Send it to to launch a soft drink made
also has an impact on aging.
Events such as divorce or job
Vicki Hugli from cow’s urine. Cows are
loss can add years to a face.
seen as sacred in parts of In-
Newsletter Editor
dia. Many Hindus believe cow
at urine to be healing. The urine will be mixed with other

This project made possible through fund-

products that are thought to
ing from a joint IFPCA funding initiative of
the Office of Literacy and Essential Skills fight disease.
and the Direction de l’éducation des
adultes et de l’action communautaire.
National News
Six More Weeks of Some Canadians
Winter - If We’re Pay More for
Lucky! Healthy Food
Folklore holds that if a groundhog The price of healthy food, like fruit
sees its shadow on February 2nd, and vegetables, varies greatly across
winter will last six more weeks. If the country. Some people pay double
no shadow is seen, spring will come to six times more for the same prod-
early. This year, six more weeks uct. There is concern that some Ca-
were predicted. Some may groan, but nadians cannot buy healthy food be-
most Canadians would be lucky to cause of high prices. Some feel these
only have six more week of winter. prices should be more equal.

Snack foods like cookies

and potato chips cost
around the same across

Job Losses on the

A record 129,000 Canadians lost
Failure to Cut their jobs in January. The govern-
Greenhouse Gases ment says this number will rise. The
It has been two years since the gov- Conservative budget is meant to help
ernment made a plan to cut green- Canadians in these tough times. They
house gas emissions in Canada. A new say the plan, which will put finances
report says the $2-billion plan has not back into a deficit, will fuel the
had notable results. It suggests that economy.
Canadians are getting little value for
their money.

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Quebec News
Charest Honoured Pension Giant
by France Loses Billions
President Sark ozy Quebec’s main pension fund manager

awarded Premier Jean lost $39.8 billion last year. This is its

Charest with the biggest loss ever. Premier Charest

French Legion of Hon- called the results “disappointing, but

our. The French presi- not surprising”.

dent encouraged Que-

becers to be united and tolerant.
Charest later said people would have Ski Helmets May
to interpret these words. Become Mandatory
Quebec is thinking about making hel-
mets mandatory for skiers and snow-
Dumont Says boarders. The new law would start
Goodbye next winter. Head injuries could be re-
Mario Dumont announced that he is duced by 60% with the use of helmets.
stepping down as leader of the ADQ.
He is leaving politics all together.
Dumont says he regrets not leading
the party to power. He will start a
new career as a host of a TV news

The ADQ went from 41

seats to 7 seats in the last
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Entertainment Tips to Make Every

The Academy Awards were Day Happy
held on February 27th. Some
of this year’s winners are: Got the winter blues? Here are some tips to
1. Best Film: help make every day happy.
Slumdog Millionaire 1. Listen to upbeat music.
2. Best Actor: 2. Watch comedies that make you laugh.
Sean Penn, Milk
3. Always look at what you have done instead of
3. Best Actress: what you have not done.
Kate Winslet, The Reader
4. Smile often.
4. Best Animated:
5. Be happy for others.
6. Think of solutions, not problems.

“That man is richest

whose pleasures are
-Henry David Thoreau

Games and Trivia

Sudoku Riddle
Fill in the missing numbers so every row, You answer me, although I never ask you ques-
column, and quadrant has the numbers 1 tions. What am I?
through 9.
1. English grammar: “swift” is an adjective.
What is “swiftly”?

2. Find the link: spot – dial – burn.

3. The Beatles come from this city.

4. What is the sixth planet from the sun?

Check answers below.

4. Saturn 3. Liverpool 2. Sun Trivia: 1. An adverb

Riddle: The telephone

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