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It’s In The Cards , I Say

ROULEZ by Brett Sonnenschein, I thought I’d reprint some of the things the
Editor and Publisher press have been saying about ROULEZ:
Winter 1994
Has anyone ever sat down and thought “It’s a parallel universe of fun and surreal-
Vol. 1 No. 4
about how wonderful the Mille Bornes cards ism with a unifying theme, but one with
Editorial......................1 really are? Think about it.  cards in the which I’m completely unfamiliar. I thought
Balance ......................2 deck ( in the  or  player game),  dif- that Mille Bornes was a made up game until I
Card Interview..........3 ferent faces and  categories. Oh, what won- brought a copy to a party and everyone was
Bornes Exposé..........4 ders they do weave! So few cards but so going, ‘Whoa, a Mille Bornes zine.’”— Jerod
McQueen...................5 many possibilities in them. The stories they Pore, Factsheet Five. Sounds like a great
Ask A.D. Volant.........7 can create every time they are shuffled never party, Jerod!
Deep Space 9 ..........9 cease to amaze me. Do you have a favorite? “Non-trek zine of the month. It’s a rather
Favorite Cards........11 A.D. Volant and I have begun a regular col- bizarre but entertaining quarterly.” —
World Cup ..............11 umn on the staff and readers’ favorite cards. Marilyn Wilkerson, The Picardian. Thanks
I think you’ll find it illuminating and all are Marilyn, maybe someday I’ll be lucky
encouraged to contribute. enough to be mentioned on Mystery Science
By the way, Joe Strummer was in a band Theatre .
called the ers before he joined The Clash. “Talk about focus — a fanzine devoted to
A Mille Bornes reference? one game I’ve seen Brett’s mag and it looks
pretty good. It contains interviews, cartoons,
Mille Bornz in the Hood by Hugh Jasse strategy tips, and fiction, yes, fiction.” —
Rick Polizzi, Spin Again. All game lovers
should check out Spin Again.
“Brett Sonnenschein of Jersey City, NJ is
editor and publisher of Roulez, a quarterly
game newsletter that reviews and publishes
helpful insights into Macintosh computer
games. — Northwestern Perspective. Sigh.
Have we got a fun issue for you. Just pick
up this issue of ROULEZ and watch the win-
ter blues go away. In the next few pages,
Edmond Dujardin goes to Brooklyn, Miles
Bourne meets the scoring cards, the very
long-awaited Steve McQueen article appears
and there’s more Deep Space  and more
rules variants. Reader, you’ve got the green
New rules for RouL.A. in this issue! light, hit the pedal and go!
New Mille Bornes Fiction

Balance Chapter Four:

A Fee Owed in Brooklyn
by Brett Sonnenschein, “Anyone for breakfast?” Ho asked, “I could
Editor and Publisher go for some coffee.”
For some the line between truth and fiction is “I love coffee!” exclaimed Esteban Sanchez.
as clear as the yellow meridian between lanes, “Not for me, thanks.” said Edmond. “I’ve
for others it is blurred and indistinct, like a car heard a woman I used to know is in New
seen through bright headlights. Balance falls in York. I’d like to see her.”
the latter category. By examining the life of “Rekindling an old flame?” asked Oscar.
Mille Bornes inventor Edmond Dujardin “Not exactly,” replied the plucky
through fiction, perhaps we can discover some Frenchman. “She is the mother of my child.
measure of “truth”. Previously, Dujardin was I guess I never told you this story, but in
defeated by Ho Chi Minh in a kick boxing  when I was a kid traveling in Mexico
bout. Together with the Argentine Sanchez with B.Traven, the Soviet NKVD offered me
twins, Oscar and Esteban, they set off for a large sum of money to kill Leon Trotsky.”
Brooklyn so Ho could be repaid a debt, with “Not this story again.” said Esteban rolling
interest. Meanwhile, the Sanchez’s have noticed his eyes.
that a deep, dark secret exists between Edmond “Some people haven’t heard it. I’ll keep it
and Ho. The time is July , the temperature short. I was a crazy kid and I took the
is hot and the forecast is for trouble… money and ran. I wound up in Dallas, Texas
It was dawn when the four men arrived in where I had a brief affair. She became preg-
Brooklyn. A phone call told Ho Chi Minh nant the same time the French government
his contact would be at Ebbett’s Field at asked me home to do a job for the Sûreté. So
noon. Ho met his companions at a gas sta- I gave her my cash and left. We haven’t spo-
tion where Edmond had rented a Studebaker. ken since.”
“I understand, Edmond, understand very
ROULEZ © well. Go and visit.” Ho said.
Editor and Publisher: Brett Sonnenschein Edmond paused. He seemed about to say
Contributing Editors: Miles Bourne, Daniel Kratochvil, Eileen something but then, thinking better, turned
Mullin, Moira O’Keeffe, Buck Stevens, and walked away.
A.D. Volant
When he got to the apartment Edmond
Art: M. Bib, Vincent Brushwater,
found out the woman and her son had
Steve Buccellato
moved months ago. They had left no for-
warding address. Now late for the meeting
Mille Bornes is Parker Brothers’ registered trademark for its French he took a cab back to Brooklyn. His
card game equipment. Rules and game copyright Parker Brothers. thoughts turned to the driver. How long had
ROULEZ is affiliated in no way with Parker Brothers or Kenner it been since Edmond was behind the wheel?
Parker Toys Inc. and the publisher of ROULEZ is solely responsible Too long. Too damn long.
for its content. As soon as Edmond got to the ballpark he
Subscriptions: $. for one issue, $ for four issues. Make checks realized something was wrong. The usually
payable to Brett Sonnenschein. ROULEZ is published quarterly. punctual Ho was nowhere in sight. Then
We accept trades. Send us your zines. Submissions welcome. continued on page 12

Roulez Winter1994 Page 2

“ It’s not easy, Miles, but we manage. ”

Two Cards Who Know The Score

by Miles Bourne, R: So, what’s it like being the scoring card?
contributing editor S: We have a very different Mille Bornes
Recently, ROULEZ fan Dave Gorgos wrote, experience than your hazard or mileage card.
“I’d like to see you interview the Scoring for They are on the front lines every game and
Mille Bornes card. Bet it feels really neglected! get all the glory. We “only” correct errors and
As does its French doppelganger.” After look- confirm speculation. Some may call that
ing up “doppelganger” I set out in search of unimportant, but I believe it was John
the scoring cards. It’s easy enough to find the Milton who said “they also serve those who
safeties and the big mileage cards by reading only stand and wait.”
the society pages or watching A Current R: Do you have any stories about Edmond
Affair but I searched for the scoring cards for Dujardin and the early days of Mille Bornes.?
weeks until I found them both living togeth- M: (smiles) Dujardin…
er in New York’s West Village. R: One day we were running through a
ROULEZ: I’ve met a lot of the Mille Bornes rehearsal game and Driving Ace says he should
cards, but the two of you are the first I’ve met be able to Coup Fourré a flat tire! Edmond
who live together. You must have a lot in exploded. He told Driving Ace it would ruin
common. the game and totally redefine the role of Right
The Score: Indeed. You might say that we of Way and Puncture-proof! Driving Ace just
are birds of a feather. laughed and said he was the biggest name here
La Marque: (nods) and it was his way or the highway.
R: La Marque, did you meet The Score in R: Gosh, what did Dujardin do?
France or after you came to America? S: He looked Driving Ace right in the eye
S: Ah, Miles, I should point out the La and said “I can get Ace Racer at half the
Marque speaks no English. price.” And Mr. Hot Shot Driving Ace
R: Could you translate? palmed his wheel right back in line.
S: Ah, no. I don’t speak French. La Marque R: Great story. Final question, why do you
and I communicate through gestures and our use the French “.” rather than the
mutual love of Mille Bornes. American “,”?
R: That still seems pretty difficult to me. S: It was a tradeoff so I could have the ©
S: It’s not easy, Miles, but we manage. Edmond DUJARDIN  on me.
Roulez Winter1994 Page 3
A Bornes Exposé

The Whole Shocking Story

of a Milles Bornes Precursor
by Brett Sonnenschein seen a copy of Touring, our research indi-
Editor and Publisher cates the game uses a map and real life cities
Since 1992 the staff and readers of Roulez such as Atlanta and San Francisco (these
have made many attempts to discover the cities were added in a later edition). Clearly,
origins of Mille Bornes. Our first issue pre- a low-powered cousin of Mille Bornes. Rest
sented Daniel Kratochvil’s theory that the assured, ROULEZ will continue to follow up
true inventor of Mille Bornes was an on the Touring story as it develops.
unknown Vietnamese portrayed as the What conclusions can be reached? It
bodyguard in the 1989 film God Of strains credulity to believe that a game pub-
Gamblers. Last issue reprinted a letter from lisher such as Edmond Dujardin would be
Arthur Sarfati, the current president of unaware of an in-print game so similar to
Dujardin Games on the history of Mille Mille Bornes. Touring was published at least
Bornes and Dujardin Games. A few months through 1955 in slightly modified editions.
ago, reader Ignatz Topo sent a letter men- Still, a closer look at the cards reveals a dif-
tioning a transatlantic solo flight card game ferent hazard structure than Mille Bornes.
displayed at the San Diego Aerospace The Collision and Puncture cards have the
Museum which he said was “very similar” legend “delay 2 turns”. Though there are
to Mille Bornes. Of course, every issue of remedies there is no evidence of Safety
ROULEZ contains Balance, an allegorical cards or a Touring version of the Coup
look at the origin of Mille Bornes and its Fourré. Perhaps that is what M. Sarfati
rules. Now, comes Touring. meant when he said “The Specificity of the
The game Touring dates from at least 1000 BORNES is in its COUP
August 14, 1906 when a patent was applied FOURRE/coup fourré which no other
for by William Janson Roche and Edward game had invented: a tricky rule which I
F. Bittner of New Bethlehem, PA. Patent am sure you know well…” After all, it is
836,537 was granted three months later. A Mille Bornes and not Touring which has
look at what is probably an early trade ad been a success all over the world. Wallace
by the Wallie Dorr Co. of New York for Matthews once said that Muhammad Ali is
Touring shows cards labeled “Collision”, “3 beloved throughout the world by people of
Miles”, “Out of Gasoline”, “Puncture”, “5 all races without ever having compromised
Miles”, “Mauled In”, “Gasoline”, “Go!”, “1 his principles. I think that we can say the
Mile”, “City Limits”, “10 Miles” and same for Mille Bornes.
“Country”. According to the ad, the game
consisted of 100 cards and retailed for fifty Roulez would like to thank Phil Abrams,
cents. To quote, “Automobile enthusiasts Allan Sonnenschein and Frank Weimann for
will be anxious to play this game, and when their assistance with this article.
the great merit of the game is realized, it
will spread like wildfire, so be prepared, Daniel Kratochvil’s column will return next
Mr. Buyer…” Though ROULEZ has not issue.

Roulez Winter 1994 Page 4

The Incredible But True Story of…

Steve McQueen,
The Best There Ever Was
by Buck Stevens during the film-
Contributing Editor ing of The Great
I was reading a comic book recently in which Escape, and how
an interesting non-sequitur caught my atten- Attenborough
tion. “Steve McQueen was dead,” it read, “and “accidentally”
nothing could save the world now.” Clearly locked Steve in
this is a reference to the world of Mille Bornes the cooler for 
which was changed forever when our patron hours while the
saint died in November of . Thirteen crew broke for
years later, Steve is still considered in most cir- dinner.
cles to have been the greatest Mille Bornes And let’s not
player who ever lived. forget about when Dustin Hoffman baffled
A true champion who was known to be McQueen with his uncanny ability to count
extremely competitive in all aspects of his life, the cards while playing on location for
Steve mastered the game early. Before he Papillion.
indulged his dream on the roads as a profes- Steve got into many a fight due to his interest
sional racer, he was putting down mileage with in the game. One well known incident
a simple deck of cards. Steve once said, involved a group of bikers in a bar in West
“Racing burns like a fever inside me.” Mille Hollywood, who questioned the manhood of
Bornes was the cure. any persons playing a game where the players
Tales of Steve’s Mille Bornes prowess are leg- would yell out “Coup Fourré!” with such glee
end among the Hollywood elite. Mille Bornes (though it is also well known that Steve never
competitions were commonplace on the sets of used any of the French terminology while play-
Steve’s films, and there are no shortage of sto- ing Mille Bornes, afraid of “looking like a wuss”.
ries about heated games and rivalries, some of It is said that he never played any mileage cards
which lasted for years. James Garner, Paul below  mph for the same reason).
Newman and fellow racer Bud Ekins are a But secrecy has always surrounded the most
noted few who met Steve again and again, only infamous of all of Steve’s games. One played in
to be bested as Steve quietly threw hazards in the (then) small Mexican town of Cuernavaca,
their way, claiming victory for himself. while filming John Sturges’ epic western, The
We all remember how Steve took on all com- Magnificent Seven. Those who were there say it
ers in a tournament lasting  straight hours was a down and dirty grudge match, and all of
while filming “Le Mans” in the south of the players refuse to comment on it to this day.
France. ROULEZ’s own A.D. Volant took part To get to the bottom of story, I decided to
on the game. He says, “Mon Dieu! That little interview McQueen himself from beyond the
American was faster than the TGV! I doubt grave. Here’s what I found out…
even the great Edmond Dujardin could have ROULEZ: First off Steve, what’s it like being
beaten him (God rest his soul)!” dead?
Then there’s the story about how he shut out McQueen: It sucks. There’s nothing to do. I
Richard Attenborough for  hands in a row mean, sure there are a lot of interesting dead
continued on the next page

Roulez Winter1994 Page 5

McQueen continues… McQ: No, not really. I grew up around
people to talk to, but none of them can play tough guys. These guys weren’t special. I wasn’t
Mille Bornes worth a damn. afraid of anything while I was alive. Until I got
R: I think Yul Brynner might disagree with the Big “C”, anyhow.
you. So anyway, We’re in this hot little cantina
McQ: Yeah, well Yul was an okay player, but called the Pasada Jacaranda and Eli and Yul are
I would have beat him in no time if he and Eli hitting me with everything they’ve got, but I
Wallach weren’t teaming up on me. One on keep picking up the safeties. The banditos
one, the man would fold like a lawn chair. He were sweating us down, and it was like, really
was a great actor, played a damn good Ramses, working on Yul. I could see my own reflection
but MB just wasn’t his bag. Incidentally, we’ve on his sweaty bald head. It was Yul’s turn and
never played in the hereafter. I think he’s afraid. he smiled as he drew a card. Now, I wasn’t try-
R: What happened on that fateful day in ing to cheat, but I suddenly got a glimpse of
Mexico? his hand in the reflection on his head. It was
McQ: Well, that was quite a day. See, the looking good. He’d just recovered from an
whole cast of The Magnificent Seven was in accident on his last turn and was ready to put
constant competition. We were all pretty much down mileage. His hand was full of ’s, and
newcomers to the big screen, except for Yul, he’d just picked up a red light—the last in the
and we were all fighting for the spotlight. Yul deck, which he immediately dropped on me.
was the only real superstar at the time and he Unfortunately for him, I’d just picked up the
was fighting everyone else, trying to keep us all Right of Way card last turn…
in the background. R: Ah, the most powerful card in all of
R: It was a terrific cast. France.
McQ: Yeah. John put together an all-star McQ: …The very same. So I zapped him!
cast before we were all stars. Me, Jimmy Well, Yul was none too pleased as I picked up
Coburn, Eli Wallach, Bob Vaughn, and Chuck two new cards and hit him with a speed limit,
Bronson were all against Yul. Actually, Bronson rendering his hand of ’s useless. He cursed
was against everyone. That guy was crazy! and stormed over to the bar for a drink. It was
R: So, what happened? Eli’s turn and he had nothing. He discarded an
McQ: Well, we were having a playoff, elimi- End of Limit card, silently steaming. Yul came
nating players as we went along. Sturges, over and stared at him incredulously. I think
Vaughn, Coburn and Bronson were out. John he called him an “asshole”. The banditos
was off getting drunk and trying to pick a fight growled. Yul discarded one of his ’s, and I
with Bronson who was practicing his knife put down a , reaching  and finishing
throwing…not a good idea. I don’t know what the game. I think my total score for that one
happened to Jimmy and Bob. And here was hand was . I almost shut them out, but it
Me, Yul and Eli in the final round, and it was was hard to keep them off the board when
ugly. We’d hired a bunch of Mexican bandits to they were hitting me with every hazard they
play Eli’s henchmen, and they sort of adopted had.
him as one of their own. They surrounded the R: Great win, Steve. But then what?
game and were making things a little uncom- McQ: Eli and the banditos went wild and
fortable for the rest of us. Actually, I don’t really started a huge brawl. I offered to let Eli have a
think Eli was all that good, but these Banditos rematch, “Go ahead and deal,” I said. One of
intimidated the hell out of everyone and I the bandits replied, “Gringo…We deal in
think John and Chuck got scared off. lead!” It almost came to a gun fight, but Eli
R: But not you. calmed them down and we used the “We deal

Roulez Winter 1994 Page 6

More from the opinionated mind of A.D. Volant

Reflections on Racers, Rules,

Realism and RouL.A.
by A.D. Volant
Contributing Editor
Bonjour readers, once again, bonjour! We
A Not you. Sadly, Milan you have won
the battle but lost the war. The player or
team with the highest point total over ,
have so very much to talk about but first, a is the winner. Think of Napoleon’s army
grievous wrong must be righted. In the pre- winning every battle but losing in the end.
vious issue this column contained the phrase Or the Second World War where France
“mon amis”. Bah! I am loathe to even repeat emerged the victor despite some early set-
it. Even the youngest child knows that the backs. There is no feeling so frustrating as to
correct grammar is “mes amis”, as written in win the hand but lose the game. Still, those
issue #1 and throughout the French speaking are the rules and we must play by them. I
world every day. Thanks, “editor”. have always felt if a thread is removed from
And now on to the letters. the shirt we call Mille Bornes, the whole gar-

Q Mr. Volant, Does one throw away a

slice from the corner pizzeria for not
being four-star cuisine? Do you compare the
ment will fall apart. That is why our rules
variants should be used for entertainment
only. They are not true Mille Bornes
plots of Murder, She Wrote to those of Elsewhere…I recently came upon an
Dashiell Hammett? How do the funny pages episode of the new Speed Racer cartoon. Like
stand up against Michelangelo? all Mille Bornes players I revere the original
A level-headed person would not pit these series. What was not to like? The raw talent
things against each other. You — with your and ambition of Speed, the cool profession-
bitter, mean-spirited review of Land Race alism of Racer X, the mechanical ingenuity
(ed. note: See last issue, Ace Racer is a card of Pops, the savvy of Trixie, the exuberance
in the Land Race deck) — did just that. of Sparky, the impish passion of Spritle and
Maybe in France you can get away with of course, lovable Chim-Chim. As I wrote in
shoddy journalism and name calling, but we the French film journal Cahiers du Cinema,
don’t like it here. Speed Racer represents the ideal man while
I am a simple man trying to make an hon- Racer X represents the ideal racer (read Mille
est living at something that I love. What is Bornes player).
wrong with that? So what of this nouveau Racer? The art, if
Cancel my subscription at once. you like that sort of thing, is better. The cars,
(signed) Ace Racer if you like that sort of thing, are better. But I

A I stand by my story. In the future please

refer to me as Monsieur Volant.
feel the delicate chain of relationships that
made up the original Speed Racer family has
been broken. Now Speed and Racer X are
Q OK, here’s a question. I have ,.
She has ,. She gets to , miles.
She wins the hand. But, I get , points,
crime fighting partners. No, mes amis, this is
wrong. A man’s ideal can not co-exist with a
man’s reality. It rings false. The conflict
and finish with ,. She finishes with
between what must be (Racer X) and what
,. Who wins?
“should” be (Speed Racer) is nowhere to be
Milan, Tecumseh, Ontario
continued on the next page

Roulez Winter 1994 Page 7

A.D. Volant continues… # One joker is designated the “Car
seen. Furthermore, the episode I saw had no Jacking” card. The player exchanges seats
race. That is the heart of Speed Racer, the with any player of his or her choice. These
journey of discovery and overcoming obsta- two switch mileage, safeties, hazards and all
cles and what has been gained and what has cards in their hand (i.e. if Player A with 
been lost. One autumn afternoon I found miles carjacked Player B with  miles,
myself standing on a cliff overlooking a fjord Player A would have  miles and Player B
and I thought of Speed Racer. I thought long would have ). The Right of Way may be
and hard as I stared on the waves. Finally, used as a safety but players who have used
night fell and I moved on, but my questions the Right of Way may not carjack. A joker is
remained. Do not travel this road lightly. designated the “Gun” card and may be used
Also, they changed the theme song and to coup fourré.
that was always the best part. Finally, reader M. Bib in San Diego has
Here are some rules variants. sent in a new card! Take it away M. Bib…
Mille Bornes Drag Racing “The Ejector Seat card is a special hazard.
Remove all spare tire, repair, gasoline, speed It is not used in the two player game, because
limit, end of limit and -Mile cards from unlike the other hazards, it is not played on
the deck. Remove the other hazards except one’s opponents but on one’s teammate. In
for one of each. Hands are won with  the event that your teammate has done
miles and games are won with , points. something very stupid, this card literally
Optional rule: Player must play a red light throws him or her out of the game and into
on themselves before their first green light to the road behind. If your opponents are
simulate the starting lights in a drag race. behind you, your teammate will be run over
RouL.A. . with a sickening thud. His or her cards will
Extensive playtesting has revealed a few be picked up by you, doubling the size of
flaws in the original design of RouL.A. (see your hand, then six cards must be discarded.
issue #). Therefore I am presenting an There is no Remedy or Safety. Tough
improved version known as RouL.A. ., a merde.”
variant that simulates driving in Los Angeles.
RouL.A. is played the same as Mille Bornes
with the following exceptions.:
# Remove all Speed Limit and End of
Limit cards from the deck.
# There is no limit to the number of -
mile cards that may be played.
# A player may move for one turn after
being hit with a red light.
# The third Accident is not removed from
the deck in two and three player games.
# One joker is designated the “Rain
Card”. If played, all players are hit with an
Accident and there is a speed limit of 
miles. There is no remedy.
# One joker becomes the “Freeway” card.
Players hit with it may only use  and -
mile cards, and can’t be hit with red lights.

Roulez Fall 1993 Page 8

Mille Bornes meets Deep Space Nine in…

The Challenge of the

Midnight Visitor
by Moira O’Keeffe, presence. It was time to draw a Go card and
Contributing Editor put some miles on the table.
In the last chapter, the crew of Deep Space Lybor fingered his Mille Bornes deck lov-
Nine asked the computer to identify the all- ingly, well aware of the Ferengi’s curious
time best game in the Universe. Naturally, the stare. He had considered asking for Quark’s
answer was Mille Bornes. In what we at assistance with the game, knowing that the
ROULEZ can only call an unlikely plot twist, barman was keen to form business relation-
none of the crew members were familiar with ships in the Gamma Quadrant. Lybor had
the game. Word of the incident spread received reports about Quark’s little adven-
throughout the Station — mostly due to the ture through the wormhole, as well as his
efforts of the Ferengi Quark, who was offering insistent inquiries about the Dominion. He
an undisclosed amount of gold-pressed lat- suppressed a smile. In time, Quark would
inum to the first person to bring him a deck. learn more than he ever wanted to know
The quest for Mille Bornes had nearly become about the Dominion. The game, however,
a station-wide obsession. Even Commander was the one and only priority for today.
Benjamin Sisko was eager to find the game, Sisko ordered a Trillian nectar and tried
and his anxiousness gave him the insomnia to relax. Maybe he’d play a little baseball in
that led him to Quark’s Place in the middle of the holosuites later. He wished something
the night. would happen, some urgent matter that
Someone else was already there. He was would take his mind off the game. He had
called Lybor, and he was a highly placed spent two hours with Dax, O’Brien and
member of the Dominion, the mysterious and Odo, trying to get a Mille Bornes deck, or
deadly Gamma Quadrant organization. rules, or anything about it from the
When Dominion spies informed Lybor of the Starfleet computer system. All searches
situation on DS9, he came through the worm- came up negative, except for one. They’d
hole at once. He had to. For besides his duties asked for information on the inventor of
with the Dominion, Lybor was the Gamma the game, and the computer said, “Files on
Quadrant Mille Bornes Champion.1 the life of Edmond Dujardin are restricted
Lybor knew at once that Commander for security reasons.”
Sisko had entered Quark’s Place. The This caused Odo to stroke his chin,which
changes in the room were subtle: minor was, as always, devoid of stubble, and mut-
shifts in body posture; a general lowering of ter, “Dujardin, eh? That would explain a
voices that was barely perceptible. But lot.”
Lybor’s senses were fine-tuned, and he did “Maybe too much.” replied Dax.
not need to turn around to confirm Sisko’s Quark brought Sisko’s drink. As he set it
1. (For those interested in how Mille Bornes made its on the table, he leaned forward and said in
way to the Gamma Quadrant, please refer to the mem-
oirs of archeologist/adventurer Vash, who brought the
a harsh whisper, “The man at the bar.
game with her when she traveled there with Q. (Q Watch him.”
refused to play after she beat him repeatedly.). continued on the next page

Roulez Winter1994 Page 9

nized the cars and quickly picked up the
Mille Bornes/Deep Space Nine
racing metaphor. “Two hours, then,” he
Crossover continues… said as he stood.
When Quark departed, Sisko casually Quark saw Sisko pick up the cards that
looked around the room. His gaze landed the stranger had been holding.He’d been
on Lybor, who was regarding Sisko with hatching a plot of his own and this was the
glassy orange eyes. Their gaze locked for a opening he’d been looking for. At once, he
moment, then Lybor strode over to Sisko. was beside Lybor and Sisko. “Is that a Mille
He stood seven and a half feet tall and wore Bornes deck? How much do you want for
a flowing black and silver garment. He was it?”
an impressive figure. “Begone, Ferengi,” said Lybor with a
“You want to play Mille Bornes, wave of his hand.
Commander?” Lybor’s voice was as authori- “I’ll give you ten bars of gold pressed lat-
tative as his stature. He carefully set the inum!”
deck on the table. Lybor grabbed Quark by the shoulders
“Who are you?” Sisko resisted the impulse and shoved him backwards. “Do not try my
to grab the deck. Could this be it? Was this patience. The deck is not for sale.”
stranger really in possession of the elusive Quark pulled himself away from Lybor’s
All-Time Best Game in the Universe? “I am grip. “Okay, okay. It’s not for sale. Can I at
Lybor. I am the Champion in the Gamma least get in on a game? You are going to
Quadrant. I will be the Champion on this play?”
side of the wormhole, too.” “The Commander and I are going to play.
Sisko looked at the visitor with respect. You may not join us. One other thing,
“You have Mille Bornes championships in Earthman. We did not discuss the stakes.”
the Gamma Quadrant? Why is it that I Lybor’s orange eyes grew brighter in the
have never heard of the game until today? Is dim light of the bar.
it really from Earth?” Sisko paused. Suddenly a cold fear
Lybor reached into his cavernous robes gripped him. “I did not agree to any
and pulled out a small piece of paper folded stakes,” he said, knowing in his heart that
many times. “These are the rules. You will his desire to play this game would drive
understand that your questions are trivial him to wager almost anything.
once you have begun to play and know the As though he could read the thought,
spirit of the race. You have two hours to Lybor laughed. “You will agree, because you
learn the game. Be back here in that time have no choice.” He spread his arms expan-
and we will play. We will see how you han- sively and gestured around them. “We are
dle a game from your home world, going to play Mille Bornes, Commander,
Earthman.” and the winner’s prize is Deep Space Nine.”
Sisko hesitated. He did not like this Next chapter: A Card Too Far
Lybor’s attitude. Curiosity, so often a strong
trait in great leaders, won out. He reached Deep Space Nine, its characters and situa-
across the table and gingerly picked up the tions are trademarks of Paramount Pictures.
deck and rules sheet. The deck felt good in No rights given or implied.
his hands. He turned it over and flipped
through the cards to examine them. He was
pleased with what he saw. With his knowl-
ege of Twentieth Century history he recog-

Roulez Winter 1994 Page 10

Roulez’s Newest Column

What’s Your Favorite Card ?

by Brett Sonnenschein & A.D. Volant fascinating. Also, I like the fact that Speed
Ah, the excitement of something new! We Limit is one of two cards that can be Coup
can scarcely contain our excitement as we Fourréd by the Right of Way.
begin this column. What will it reveal? What Buck Stevens, contributing editor: My
secrets will become common knowledge? favorite card has to be the Increvable,
Will it change the way we think about Mille because Crevé is the unholy bane of my exis-
Bornes? Will it change the way we see our- tence. It seems I'm never prepared for a
selves? We don’t know. What we do know is Crevé, and it's like a miracle from heaven
that it is a story that has to be told. In the when I get my old pal, Increvable. Plus, he's
oft-quoted words of sportscaster Larry a scientist. Science is your friend.
Merchant, “Will the questions be answered Milan, reader: My favorite card would
or will the answers be questioned?” Let’s find have to be the Deux Cents () card. It
out. allows you to all of a sudden take control.
Last issue A.D. revealed that his favorite But still, it’s only a game.
card was the “lovable rogue” Crevé (flat tire). Neal Sofge, reader: I like the End of Limit
Now it’s Brett’s turn. card best. I guess it’s because I’m a biker.
Brett Sonnenschein: I was going to cop out Vincent Brushwater, contributing artist:
and say that my favorite card is the next one What’s the dinkiest card in the deck? The
but I guess it would have to be the Speed Twenty-Five mile card? That’s my favorite.
Limit. You see, I’m a sucker for the unique What’s your favorite card? A.D. and Brett
and the unusual and the way the Speed would love to hear, and you’ll be published!
Limit can hit a player even when they are Send your responses to ROULEZ,  Grove St.
not moving is something I’ve always found #, Jersey City, NJ 

Mille Bornes World Cup Preview

Recently, in Las Vegas the draw was held Canada’s come from behind victory in the
for the th Mille Bornes World Cup  finals and Gabon’s dramatic but ill-
(MBWC). For the first time the world’s pre- fated run at the title in .
mier Mille Bornes event will be held in the Below are the chances of winning the
United States. Many observers feel the MBWC as expressed in game cards as deter-
home-table advantage will allow the mined by the editors of ROULEZ.
Americans to break the iron grip on the cup Right of Way: France
by French-speaking countries. Driving Ace: U.S.A.
Though it is the largest card game event in Increvable: Canada
the world, the MBWC has largely been Go: Belgium, Germany
ignored by the media in such Mille Bornes  miles: Spain, Switzerland
powerhouses as Great Britain, Germany and  miles: England, Luxembourg, Tunisia
of course, the United States. In fact, many  Miles: Madagascar
casual fans do not even know of the  Miles: Algeria, Netherlands
MBWC’s existence. This is a shame because  Miles: French Guiana
the event has traditionally provided the Stop: Austria
world with some exciting contests including Accident: Mauritius

Roulez Winter1994 Page 11

continued from page 2
“Yeah”, said Genovese. “More than we’re willing to
Balance Chapter Four Continues… part with. So I figure, we stiff Mr. Chi Minh here and
Edmond felt something at his back. He’d felt it turn him in to the feds. We all get big, fat pardons
before. It was a gun. and never worry about the cops again.”
“You’re coming with me, Frenchy. We got your “Not very sporting.” said Oscar.
friends.” “You guys left out the best part,” chuckled Mickey
Edmond was directed to a car where two burly men Cohen. “ I thought of it on the plane over from L.A.
were waiting. A quick drive took them to an ordinary We loaded up your Studebaker with all the cash
looking Park Slope garage. Inside it was anything but Sandals thinks he’s got coming to him. Just to rub it
ordinary. Over twenty of the most notorious gang- in.” The mobsters laughed. Suddenly, Edmond
sters in America were gathered in the room. Frank flashed his trademark crooked grin.
Costello, Vito Genovese, Albert Anastasia, Joe “I say,” Edmond shouted, “You’re not quite smart
Bonanno, Meyer Lansky, Mickey Cohen. Two gun- as a whip, if you think we’ll bow low to you. You’ll
men guarded Ho and the twins. Lansky smiled, bowl a three hundred before you stop us.’”
“Eddie, we had no idea you were involved. We can Responding to Edmond’s signal, the Sanchez twins
work something out. But not for these three.” hurled their bolas at the guards, sending their guns
Edmond sneered. “Ho, what’s going on here?” flying. In the confusion, Edmond, Ho and the twins
“Before World War I when I lived in this country, I jumped into the Studebaker. Edmond hit the gas and
made a deal between some opium smugglers and sent the car through the garage door and into the hot
Lucky Luciano. He promised me a finder’s fee of ten sun, but it was nothing compared to the warmth
percent of everything he, the Five Points Gang and all Edmond felt inside. Once again, he was behind the
American organized crime made until the day I came wheel. It was a glorious day.
to collect, with interest.” Then Ho Chi Minh yelled, “Look out!”
Edmond whistled, “That’s a lot of dead presidents.” Next Chapter: This Joker is Always Wild


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