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44 ______ Bornes (classic card game)

ROULEZ by Brett Sonnenschein,
Editor and Publisher
Bornes phrases are popping up in everyday
speech, “Me and some friends who play
Spring 1994
Mojo Nixon said Elvis is everywhere but I Mille Bornes also bowl,” he writes, “and last
No. 5
say it’s Mille Bornes. It seems as if everyone summer named our team ‘Coup Fourré.’ On
is talking about Mille Bornes. On March our score sheets we would write things like
Balance ......................2 23rd, the New York Times crossword puzzle ‘Right of Way’ when we got a few strikes in
Card Interview..........3 contained the clue for 44 across, “____ a row, or ‘Out of Gas’ when we messed up.”
Kratochvil...................4 Bornes (classic card game).” You didn’t have Ken and his friends also “say ‘coup’ or ‘you
Ask A.D. Volant.........5 to know that morels are mushrooms (44 got couped’ when we beat them in a game
Touring ......................7 down) or that the Pirates won the 1979 of anything we play or catch them in a lie,
Favorite Cards ..........8 World Series (38 down) to know the etc.” And don’t forget, in popular culture
Deep Space 9 ..........9 answer is “Mille.” That’s recognition. when the youth of America sneezes, the rest
World Cup ..............11 But there’s more to this than the elite of the world catches a cold.
world of the Times. According to reader Ken Speaking of things that make people sick,
Kempf of Mountainside, New Jersey, Mille I’d like to make an appeal to Parker Brothers
to quit using the so-called
Mille Bornes Cards as Kids by Vincent Brushwater “art” on their Mille Bornes
cards and return to the origi-
nal designs. In order to find
one of these beauties, ROULEZ
readers must lurk in antique
stores or even go to France
itself! These cards are real
treasures from the snail on
the 25-mile card to the but-
terfly on the 200-mile card.
Some of my favorites are the
Rude Boy on the Essence and
Panne d’ Essence and the
puffs of air on the Crevé!
What do you say, Parker
I think we have a fine issue
for you. Readers, keep your
eyes on the road and your
Oui, mon fils, you are a little miracle but you are an accident too! hands upon the wheel.
New Mille Bornes Fiction

Balance Chapter Five:

Rules of the Road
by Brett Sonnenschein, “Not so fast, Edmond, look out! Nails on
Editor and Publisher the road.” Ho said.
A poet named Keats defined truth as beauty Dujardin gave a sidelong glance and a hint
and vice versa. He knew that just as a mole can of his trademark crooked grin. The car con-
be a “beauty mark,” a falsehood can create a tinued accelerating and went though the
larger truth. Fans of Cindy Crawford, Madonna nails unscathed.
and Oliver Stone know this too. The point is; “Dios mio, Edmond. How?” Esteban
only through fiction can we discover the true choked.
story of Mille Bornes. That’s where Balance “I see you did not forget the puncture-
comes in. In the last chapter, Edmond Dujardin, proof tires. Excellent planning.” Ho Chi
future inventor of Mille Bornes, could not find a Minh chimed in from the back seat.
mystery woman and her son in The Bronx, and “Michelins.” Edmond said. “The finest
Ho Chi Minh and the Argentine Sanchez twins tires in the world.”
tried to collect a debt, with interest, but were Oscar slapped Edmond on the shoulder.
captured by the mob. However, Dujardin, as is “Their hazards could not stop you, my
his wont, has pulled off a daring rescue. Will amigo. You spit in the face of their attempt to
they escape Brooklyn with the mob’s fortune? stop you. It reminds me of a counterthrust
Who is Dujardin’s mystery woman? And what is in fencing, what is that word you French
the deep, dark, secret between Ho and have for it?”
Dujardin? Let’s cut to the chase… Edmond ignored the question, “I know
Dujardin pumped the gas and the what you mean. Ernest Hemingway told me
Studebaker flew from the garage. Esteban he got the same feeling going over the speed
laughed, “So much for those clowns.” limit in his ambulance during World War I.”
Ho Chi Minh smiled, “I was reminded of
ROULEZ ©1994 the feeling of avoiding an accident because
Editor and Publisher: Brett Sonnenschein one is a skilled driver.”
Contributing Editors: Miles Bourne, Daniel Kratochvil, Moira “What about running out of gas,” Esteban
O’Keeffe, Buck Stevens, A.D. Volant said, “and finding a gas station two blocks
Art: Vincent Brushwater, Steve Buccellato away?”
“Sort of,” Edmond said, “but not quite.
Hey, Ho, where’s the Williamsburg Bridge?”
Mille Bornes is Parker Brothers’ registered trademark for its “Turn left at the next light and go straight.
French card game equipment. Rules and game copyright Parker It is right past Peter Lugar’s.”
Brothers. ROULEZ is affiliated in no way with Parker Brothers or “Peter Lugar’s!” Esteban and Oscar said in
Kenner Parker Toys Inc. and the publisher of ROULEZ is solely unison. Oscar continued, “That’s the most
responsible for its content. famous steak house in the world. I’ve want-
Subscriptions: $1.50 for one issue, $5 for four issues. Make checks ed to go there for years to compare it to the
payable to Brett Sonnenschein. ROULEZ is published quarterly. steak in Argentina.”
We accept trades. Send us your zines. Submissions welcome. “I could go for a steak.” Esteban said.
“I think it would be fun to run a newspaper.” – Charles Foster Kane. continued on page 12

Roulez Spring 1994 Page 2

“ I’d end limits even if it meant being a hazard. ”

No Limit on This Card’s Attitude

by Miles Bourne, R: End, I wish you’d slow down a little. Are
Contributing editor we really going that fast?
I like to pretend the Mille Bornes cards are E: Smooth ride, eh? Just re-friggin-lax, Miles.
real people and I can talk to them. Having Don’t forget, I can’t be stopped by the cops,
never interviewed a remedy I sought out the by definition! Anyway, I have the toughest job
End of Limit card. We went for a ride in his of any of the remedies. The others have a 2-
vintage Lamborghini. to-1 or 3-to-1 ratio of remedies to hazards. I
Roulez: End, what drives you? only have a 3-to-2 or 2-to-1 ratio. I bust my
End of Limit: I dunno, Miles. I’m just a free ass trying to shut down that Speed Limit and
spirit, I guess. My motto is, “Rules were I think I’m entitled to let of a little steam
meant to be broken.” Know what I’m saying? now and then. OK?
R: I guess. It sounds like being End of Limit R: I’m sorry.
is more important to you than being a E: And who gets all the glory? Right-O-
Remedy. Freakin’-Way. Nobody talks about the End
E: Yeah, I’d end limits even if it meant being of Limit. It’s always “Right of Way this” and
a hazard. I can’t stand restrictions of any “Right of Way that.” Or my favorite, “I
kind. I’m a sort of “Born Free” kind of guy. would have won, but I couldn’t get a stink-
R: How does your attitude reflect your rela- ing End of Limit.” Like I don’t really count.
tionship with the other cards? Like people have a right to an End of Limit
E: They got their jobs and I got mine. Speed card. That burns me up.
Limit and I are a bit outside the game, R: You sound sort of bitter.
know what I’m saying? A player… E: (sighs) No, you just caught me on a bad
R: Excuse me, End, would you mind slow- day. I just feel caught in a rut. I don’t know
ing down a bit? if I really make a difference in the world.
E: I can handle this car. Like I was saying, a R: But you’re a Mille Bornes card! Do you
player can be hit with a Speed Limit at any know how many people wish they were you?
time, even when they’re not moving. This E: (smiles) Thanks, man, it’s fans like you
creates a little game outside the game you that keep me going. Hey, if I hurry we
which, if I may say, is a big part of making can catch sunset at the spot where James
Mille Bornes so exciting, don’t you agree? Dean died.

Roulez Spring 1994 Page 3

Grist For the Symbolism Mill

On The Symbolism Of Mille Bornes

by Daniel Kratochvil, M.A., Base for High Culture in America” (in
Contributing Editor Rethinking Popular Culture Chandra Mukerji
Having dispatched with what has been and Michael Schudson, eds.) The central
deemed by my esteemed editor the neces- argument of his essay is as follows:
sary preliminaries for the proper study of the The distinction between high and popular cul-
ture, in its American version, emerged in the
topic at hand,1 the symbolism of the physical period between 1850 and 1900 out of the efforts
art of Mille Bornes shall now be addressed. of urban elites to build organizational forms that,
Part I: Consumption of the Fine Arts first, isolated high culture and, second, differen-
tiated it from popular culture (p. 374).
The consumption or demand, side of the
What is of greater importance than merely
fine arts is analyzed at length by Pierre
the means of appropriation is the target of
Bourdieu in Distinction, a work which
the appropriations. Michael Baxandall, in
begins with the statement that there is a
Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century
“specific logic” to the “economy of cultural
Italy , provides an example of this in his
goods.” He states that, in order to adequate-
account of the movement away from an
ly study culture, one must:
Establish the conditions in which the con- emphasis upon the materials used in paint-
sumers of cultural goods, and their taste for ings (e.g., certain colors such as gold and
them, are produced, and at the same time to aquamarine) towards an emphasis upon the
describe the different ways of appropriating
such of these objects as are regarded at a partic- skill used (e.g., a large amount of time spent
ular moment as art, and the social conditions on a particular work - preferably by the
of the constitution of the mode of appropria- master himself and not by his apprentices).
tion that is considered legitimate (p. 1).
He writes:
These can be rephrased into the general The general shift away from gilt splendour
requirements that one must account not must have had very complex and discrete
only for the acquirement of tastes at the sources indeed - a frightening social mobility
with its problem of dissociating oneself from
macrolevel of the group — i.e.,the hierar- the flashy new rich...the inhibition [of this
chical arrangements of both social status type of splendour] is not part of a comprehen-
and the fine arts — but also at the level of sive shift away from popular opulence was
selective (p. 15).
the individual. In order to accomplish the
Bourdieu, in the work cited, notes that the
first of these, one must consider the means
targets are those things that the other classes
of appropriating an item or phenomenon
have not (and preferably cannot) claim for
by a particular class. This is best illustrated
themselves. He states that
by the process by which the highest classes Whereas the working classes, reduced to
claim or create for themselves phenomena “essential” goods and virtues, demand clean-
as a means of distinguishing themselves ness and practicality, the middle classes, rela-
tively freer from necessity, look for a warm,
from the classes below them. A historical
‘cosy’, comfortable or neat interior, or a fash-
example of this process is offered by Paul ionable and original garment. These are values
DiMaggio in his essay, “Cultural which the privileged classes relegate to second
Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth Century rank because they have long been theirs
and…which no longer have to be claimed or
Boston: The Creation of an Organizational which, because they have become common-
1. A selection that was intended for inclusion in the last place and lost their distinctive value, no longer
issue, an analysis of the first two volumes of The Works can be claimed (p. 247).
of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke was canceled. More Symbolism Next Issue!

Roulez Winter 1994 Page 4

More From The Mille Bornes Answer Man

Elvis! The Sucker

Was A Driving Ace!
by A.D. Volant, At any rate, we were soon in Las Vegas,
Contributing Editor and at the hotel. It was an eerie sight. An
I know what you’re thinking. The Mille entire casino deserted except for three lone
Bornes World Cup is covered on Page 11, figures around a blackjack table. McQueen
now on to the questions. and Elvis were talking about sports cars

Q Does A.D. know Elvis?

Sandra M. Taylor, Madison, WI
while Newman sat in silence. Clearly, he was
uneasy. You see, around that time there was
a lot of talk around Hollywood, none by
A Ah, Elvis Aron Presley, a king, not just of
Rock and Roll but of Mille Bornes. My
favorite Elvis story is the one about his game
Paul Newman himself you understand, he
was and is a gentleman, that he had taken
over from Steve McQueen as the world’s best
with Paul Newman and Steve McQueen
Mille Bornes player. It put a lot of pressure on
(Ed.’s note: for more on Steve McQueen see
Paul but luckily he has been able to channel
issue 4, “Steve McQueen, The Best There
that into his acting. You have seen The Sting
Ever Was” by Buck Stevens).
and The Verdict, no?
It was 1970 and after years of talking
It had been agreed the winner would be
about it, these three were finally getting
the first to win twenty games. Elvis won the
together. Newman insisted I be the dealer
first four. McQueen and Newman were
and Elvis and McQueen agreed. They flew
unnerved. The steady almost cocky
me in from the Mille Bornes World Cup in
McQueen was unsure of his strategy and the
Brussels. I got on a brand new 747 at dawn.
artful and precise Newman was clearly flus-
I was the only passenger. To preserve the
tered. Slowly, the two actors climbed back
secrecy of the game I was not told my desti-
but it seemed no matter what strategy
nation. Elvis had told me he wanted to play
McQueen and Newman tried, they could
in Hawaii, Newman wanted New York and
not stop Presley or figure him out. As the
McQueen wanted California. To my surprise
night wore on his lead grew. Eventually the
the plane landed in Hong Kong. Sacre bleu!
score stood at Presley: 16, McQueen: 10 and
Bruce Lee walked onto the plane. But I
Newman: 7. Then everything changed.
should not have been surprised, Lee loved
McQueen had been cooling his heels for
Mille Bornes and used to play often with
over half the deck after being crevéd twice
McQueen and James Coburn. Lee informed
by Newman, and Presley couldn’t end his
me a site had been chosen, the old MGM
speed limit. Newman looked like a lock to
Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. The three players
win the hand and the game. Then Elvis dis-
had paid to have the entire casino shut down
carded a spare tire. I saw McQueen’s eye-
so they could play in peace. Even I was
brows shoot up the tiniest fraction. I
wouldn’t noticed it if hadn’t of been looking
Later, the plane picked up the other two
in his direction. What was McQueen up to?
guests, Bill Bixby, a close friend of Elvis and
After Newman took the game it was
Joanne Woodward, the Academy Award
McQueen who was playing like a new man.
winning actress and wife of Paul Newman. continued on the next page

Roulez Spring 1994 Page 5

A.D. Volant continues… instinct. Could Presley have beaten
When the dust cleared it was Presley: 19, McQueen? Both are dead so we will never
McQueen: 18 and Newman: 12. With his know but following is a rules variant simu-
back to the wall McQueen won the next lating these conditions.
hand. The tension was almost palatable. Elvis Presley Mille Bornes is played with
Presley coughing sounded like thunder, my at least four decks. They are mixed together.
shuffling was like an elephant stampede. I Before dealing, the player to the dealer’s
prepared to deal but McQueen grabbed my right sticks a joker in the deck and all cards
arm. “Wait,” he said. I’m sure he used his below the joker are out of play for that hand.
normal tone of voice but it sounded like a At least 100 cards must be in play. The game
shout. Even Bruce Lee jumped. is played as usual. More than one player may
“Let’s make it winner take all on this one Coup Fourré with the same safety. The four
hand, let Paul back into it. And we’ll double safety bonus only applies to playing four dif-
the stakes.” Everyone agreed. These were not ferent safeties.
boys but men. And finally, we have a rules variant from
The game was close and on the final hand Mille Bornes fan, Sophia Deveraux.
whoever got to 700 first would be the win- “I often play Mille Bornes at the espresso
ner. Presley had 425 miles and played a 200. bar of the local art theater. During a long
A smart move considering he had a 75 in run of Wages of Fear, we developed an inter-
his hand. Next came McQueen. He looked at esting rules variant that I would like to share
his cards. He had played 575 miles. He had a with you.
25, a 100, a 200 and two remedies. He also “The dealer of any particular hand can
had the Right of Way. Newman had 500. A declare the hand a “Hand of Fear.” One
200 could win the game. But McQueen real- joker is designated the Nitroglycerine Card.
ized they had all been played so he held This card may not be discarded or played at
onto his Right of Way. McQueen played the any time before the end of the hand. If you
25. Newman hit McQueen with a Speed get it, you:
Limit.  explode (out of the game) if hit with
Coup Fourré. an Accident card.
McQueen put down his hundred. He was  may not play a 200 mile card.
the champ. As the three got up to congratu-  get 1,000 extra points if you make it
late each other Newman asked McQueen to the end of the hand.
how he figured out Elvis’ crazy strategy. “Note that the 1,000 points is for anyone
McQueen stuck his finger at Presley. who makes it to the end of the hand with the
“This guy doesn’t count cards. He’s got no Nitro card, and in no way affects the point
idea how many hazards are left to be played. total for the winner of the hand. We don’t
I figured it out when he threw out a spare usually play the whole game with the nitro
five minutes after all the flats were played.” card. Generally “Hand of Fear” is played in
I think Paul Newman’s jaw hit the casino the second hand of a three person game or
floor. the third hand of a two person game. But we
Elvis flashed his trademark crooked sneer. stand by our motto, ‘Dealer’s Choice’ in this
“I just play by instinct.” and all other games. Do you know of any
At that moment I wondered who would other rules variants based on French film?”
be the best Mille Bornes player in the world I do not, Sophia, but perhaps one of our
if the players did not know how many haz- readers out there know of some (Mileage
ards were in the deck. A game of pure 451 or The Four Hundred Points?).

Roulez Spring 1994 Page 6

“This Roulez, it is fun, and I am indeed having fun typing.”

Touring: The Controversy

Still Continues Again
by Brett Sonnenschein, Let us suppose that Edmond Dujardin did
Editor and Publisher know about Touring — and it is only a sup-
Last issue, ROULEZ published an article on position — is looks that he made some-
Touring, a card game eerily similar to Mille thing different out of it. Do you know of
Bornes, that dates from 1906. My article was many innovations that do not look like a
based on what may be described as the previous existing product?
“Lucy Skeleton” of Mille Bornes research, a This ROULEZ, it is fun, and I am indeed
trade advertisement showing many similar having fun typing.
cards. The reaction has been swift and furi- Very best regards,
ous. No less a figure than Arthur Sarfati, the (signed) Arthur Sarfati
head of Dujardin International, was moved ROULEZ always enjoys getting mail from M.
to write ROULEZ. His letter follows. Sarfati and we particularly enjoy knowing
Dear Brett: that he is not blurred by prejudice and, like
But here is a piece of thought for you the ROULEZ staff, only seeks the truth and a
and your readers, because I remember good game of Mille Bornes. Sadly, that’s not
reading something about Touring in your the case with everyone. I’ve received a lot of
last issue. negative mail from my expose of the con-
No doubt Touring was edited previous to nections between Mille Bornes and its pre-
Mille Bornes/1000 Bornes, and so, was the cursor, Touring. What follows is typical.
1000 B a copy of Touring? Honestly, I don’t Dear Son:
know and I wasn’t there to know. I do know I cannot express my shame and disap-
however (because I have written documents pointment upon learning the truth behind
relating it) that Mr. Edmond Dujardin and your beloved ROULEZ. I must wonder what
Mr. Parker (Edward, if I recall well, he was other lies you have told me through the
president of the Parker Brothers toy compa- years. Did you really use the tuition money
ny, to my knowledge) did meet and discuss! for school? Was it really your younger
The result was a 25 years duly signed agree- brother who broke the TV set? Doubts, so
ment whichby Parker paid a royalty to many doubts. Thank God your grandfather
Dujardin on their sales in US (and other has not lived to see how that sweet baby
countries I believe) on the 1000 B sales, and turned out.
Dujardin paid a small royalty to Parker on Also, your worship of that master of fraud
their French sales. My present company paid and deceit, M. Dujardin, has sickened all of
the last two or three years of these 25. I us in the family. You have often called me a
believe Parker still pays the Dujardin family. chauvinist but what good has come to
I assume that if Mille Bornes = Touring, humanity from the French?
these two gentlemen were fools wheas (sic) As a father I guess I will always love you,
I have learned that they were shrewd busi- but don’t call because I’ll be tied up for the
nessmen who linked themselves for at least next six or seven years.
25 years! Therefore, there was something in Sadly,
1000 Bornes that was not in Touring. (signed) Dad

Roulez Spring 1994 Page 7

The Excitement Continues…

What’s Your Favorite Card ?

by Brett Sonnenschein & the French score and guide cards in ’62
A.D. Volant seems oddly petty: “The cards in French are
In this month’s column we notice a trend included only because this game originated
towards the bigger, more powerful cards. in France.”
The Right of Way and 200 mile card have My favorite card comes from the original
moved to the front of pack. Why? We’ll let 1962 American edition — the Essence card.
the participants speak for themselves. It shows a refrigerator sized blue and white
Annemarie Succop, Seattle WA: I would say gas pump, a lime colored-sedan sporting
Right of Way for two reasons, a) it’s cool to lime-colored ta-da marks denoting total
be a firetruck and b) you get to dodge Stop automotive refreshment and a mysterious
and Speed Limit, two of the most annoying black hatted red dot driver, this card is the
cards there are. It seems like Right of Way quintessence of essence.(Ed.’s note: these
wouldn’t help much but then in actual play cards can still be found on the current
it’s so amazing. French deck.)
Moira O’Keeffe, Jersey City NJ: It’s the mid- David Wohl, San Diego CA: The 200-mile
point of a tight hand, early in the game. You card. I like speed.
play a low card—say, a 25 or 50 mile card— The Standings So Far
to bring your mileage up to 500. Everyone Card Votes
is neck and neck, so no one pays you much 200-mile 3
mind. Then, on your next turn, you slap Right of Way 2
down that 200 mile card you’ve been hold- Crevé! 1
ing, and snatch victory from your stunned End of Limit 1
opponents. No extension—your unexpected Essence 1
play gives you a psychological edge for the Increvable 1
next hand. I love that feeling. And it’s the Speed Limit 1
powerhouse 200 mile card that makes it 25-mile 1
possible. What’s your favorite Mille Bornes card?
Sandra M. Taylor, Madison WI: My We’d like to know, and your answer will be
favorite card is the Right of Way card, the published in ROULEZ! If you love seeing your
most powerful card in the deck. “Power has name in print as much as A.D. and Brett do,
always been my god,” Larry Taylor, editor of it’ll make your day.
World Domination Review.
Vic Perry, Albuquerque, NM: Looking over
the beautiful 1962 edition of the game that
I recently bought for my wife (who intro-
duced me to the game several years back) I
noticed a couple of things. There are two
scorecards in English and one in French,
and the identical ratio applies to the guide
cards. I guess things have been evened up
since then (possibly to avoid further inter-
national incidents). Parker Brothers’ note on

Roulez Spring 1994 Page 8

The exciting conclusion of our Mille Bornes/Deep Space Nine crossover…

Delayed Actions
by Moira O’Keeffe, vision with an Orb. You will not lose. And I
Contributing Editor know something else, too. You want to play,
Commander Benjamin Sisko fingered the more than anything you’ve wanted since
cards in his hand and peered over them at coming to DS9. You will compete, no matter
Lybor, his imposing rival from the Gamma what your regulations say.”
quadrant. He hesitated a moment too long Sisko felt heat creep across his face as all eyes
and Judge Renora, who’d come from Bajor to turned towards him. Bareil’s words were true.
serve as dealer, banged on the table loudly. Sisko looked around at his senior staff. Dax,
“Discard,” she said. who’d joined a Klingon vigilante murder;
Lybor had come through the wormhole and Kira, who’d almost abandoned her uniform
demanded a game of Mille Bornes with Sisko, more times than they could count; O’Brien,
and then suggested a “small” wager on the who’d helped the Tosk escape; Odo, who’d
game: control of DS9! When Lybor’s insis- released members of the Cardassian under-
tence escalated to physical threats, Odo locked ground and never hid the fact that he operated
him up and all thought the matter was over. by his own ethics; and even Bashir, who spent
But they were wrong. Five orange warships far too much time with a known Cardassian
shaped like Pez candy appeared from the spy. It seemed that out here, in the deep reach-
wormhole and an attack team boarded the sta- es of space, rules and regulations were not
tion. Dominion warriors freed Lybor and then binding. Sisko felt torn between his own
demonstrated their psycho-pyronic technique desires and the uniform he’d sworn to uphold.
on the Klingon restaurant in the Promenade. The Vedic saw his hesitation. “We want you
No one was killed but almost nothing to play. Your victory is the only way to protect
remained of that fine establishment. The Bajor from future attacks from the Dominion.
Dominion threatened to give the same treat- The prophets guide us now. You must meet
ment to the rest of the station if Sisko did not Lybor’s challenge. The Bajoran government
agree to play Mille Bornes. has decided to not assist in any evacuation of
The commander was stunned when the the station. Play Mille Bornes, Commander.”
Bajoran government demanded that Sisko The Vedic signed off.
actually play the game. Vedic Bareil’s serene And now, Sisko felt rage at the Dominion
face filled the monitor in Ops. representatives and the Bajorans for getting
“We can’t afford to loose the station now, him into this game. But mostly he was angry
Commander. We must assert to those on the with himself. Everyone knew that Lybor could
other side of the wormhole that we are confi- win the game with the next hand, and Quark’s
dent. This card game seems to be how they place was eerily quiet as the players and spec-
measure our strength.” Vedic Bareil seemed to tators watched Renora shuffle. The only sound
be almost amused as he spoke, a reaction that was that of Quark’s voice, whispering fervent-
Sisko found very inappropriate indeed. ly with the Dominion elite. No doubt trying
“Have you considered, Vedic, that I may lose to ensure the fate of his bar, should Sisko lose.
the game? And with it, Federation control of Or perhaps Quark had plans of his own.
the station? And win or lose, the Federation But, oh! What a game! Sisko drummed his
will not allow this insanity!” fingers on the tabletop anxiously. If he could
The Vedic smiled knowingly. “I have had a continued on the next page

Roulez Spring 1994 Page 9

Mille Bornes/DS9 Continues… be cleaned up.
just score a couple of coup foureés and hold Sisko’s new resolve was like magic. On the
off Lybor for this one hand, he’d be back in next hand, he was dealt the Right of Way card
the race. He’d play as many hazards as he and got to coup foureé immediately when
could right away and go for the shut-out. Lybor, in what is perhaps the pettiest move in
Renora started to deal, and Jake squeezed his all of Mille Bornes, hit him with a Speed Limit
father’s arm. before either of them had played any miles.
“You can take him, Dad.” Sisko’s playing was fast and cruel - he shut
Odo pushed his way through the crowd Lybor out that hand and put himself back in
before the deal. He asked to speak with Sisko the game. As Renora began to shuffle, Lybor
privately, and the two of them left the bar and nervously wiped the bluish sweat from his
went to Odo’s office, stepping over the rubble brow. The other members of the Dominion
and squirming gagh on the way. began ordering the free drinks that Quark had
“I’ve contacted the Federation,” said Odo. promised them when it seemed that the
Sisko remained silent and Odo continued, “I Dominion would be the new owners of DS9.
didn’t think your game was going terribly Rom began to blubber. Jake and the gang were
well, and so I called the Federation. We can’t all beaming.
let the Dominion have this station!” Sisko was expressionless. This would be the
Sisko flinched at Odo’s lack of confidence in last hand no matter what. Renora passed him
his Mille Bornes abilities. “I have no intention the deck. He cut high, for luck.
of losing,” he said in his sternest voice. Sisko’s victory was swift and complete. He
“Nevertheless,” continued Odo, “you are decimated Lybor and became the Mille Bornes
losing at the moment. The Federation is send- champ. In retribution, the Dominion crew
ing the Enterprise to intervene. Captain Picard cleaned up the Promenade while Sisko and
says you are to hold off your loss as long as Lybor held the first formal meeting between
possible, until they arrive.” the Federation and the Dominion. By the time
“Picard.” Sisko felt bile rising in his throat. Picard’s shuttle docked, there was an enthusi-
He’d tried to overcome his hatred of Jean-Luc astic party at Quark’s. Odo met the Picard at
Picard, for he knew rationally that Picard was the docking bay, and took him to the
not responsible for his wife Jennifer’s death, Commander’s table.
but at the mention of the name, Sisko’s burn- Sisko stood and said simply, “Captain, wel-
ing hate lit like a supernova. come to DS9.”
Odo regarded his commander coolly. “You Picard nodded a greeting. “Commander. I
know the man.” Sisko nodded in reply, not see the crisis that your security chief warned
trusting himself to speak. “He seemed sur- us about has past.”
prised that you had gotten involved in this sit- Sisko felt strange. He kept expecting his
uation with the Dominion. He said that you anger and hatred for Picard to rise to the sur-
did not seem to be a gambling man.” face, but as he looked at the Captain he felt
“I wasn’t, until I came here,” said Sisko. He none of these things. Perhaps, he thought to
started back towards Quark’s. himself, a time comes to make peace. “I’m
As he walked back to the table, stepping sorry you made the journey for nothing,
over Klingon rubble, Sisko made a decision. Captain Picard,” said Sisko. “I’d like to make it
He would not let Picard, his hated enemy, see worth your while, though. Please join my
him in this state of weakness. He made a vow table, and I’ll show you a charming card game
that before the Enterprise reached DS9, Lybor that I’ve just encountered.”
would be defeated and the Promenade would

Roulez Spring 1994 Page 10

Mille Bornes World Cup Results
A Rocky Road for France, U.S. and
Brits, But The Trip Isn’t Over Yet
The opening round of the 9th Mille Citerne D’Essence Division: The
Bornes World Cup produced its share of Canadians romped over this weak field
surprises. Here’s a recap. only being really threatened by Algeria.
Vehicule Prioritaire Division: Who is One highlight was a hand in which the
Ulla Remmerswaal? This mystery woman Germans scored 1,825 points but still lost
led Holland to a 3-0 record and a shock- to Canada. (Canada 3-0, Algeria 1-2,
ing defeat of France. The French made it Germany 1-2, Austria 1-2)
into the quarterfinals by virtue of a final As Du Volant Division: England looked
game defeat of Spain that had had ROULEZ unstoppable until Belgium’s 5,000 to 100
editor A.D. Volant moved to tears. victory in two hands. Is England’s spirit
(Holland 3-0, France 1-2, Tunisia 1-2, broken? We’ll find out in the quarterfi-
Spain 1-2) nals. Don’t forget, the Belgians always
Increvable Division: The Americans, save their best for last. (Belgium 2-1,
playing on their home tables, survived an England 2-1, French Guiana 1-2,
upset by Luxembourg to win the divi- Madagascar 1-2)
sion. The hi-octane American offense Quarterfinal Schedule (best 2 out of 3):
devastated the Swiss 6,700-1,500 with Bullitt Bracket: Canada vs. Algeria,
two shutouts to make the quarterfinals Belgium vs. Switzerland.
(USA 2-1, Switzerland 2-1, Luxembourg Papillon Bracket: Holland vs. France,
2-1, Mauritius 0-3) USA vs. England.

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Roulez Spring 1994 Page 11

continued from page 2
Unable to find a satisfactory French wine Edmond
Balance Chapter Five Continues… drank beers with Ho and the twins. He only picked at
“I haven’t had a Peter Lugar’s steak in forty years.” the tomato and onions and creamed spinach, nor did
Ho said. “I’ll never forget it.” he pay much attention to the stories about life on the
“There’s no time.” Edmond said. “The whole New Pampas or Ho’s work with the O.S.S. during World
York mob is out to get us. We have to get to the ship.” War II.
Esteban leaned forward. “Remember, Edmond At a lull in the conversation Esteban said “Edmond,
when I indulged your dream? Your dream of recreat- is there a deep, dark secret between you and Ho or
ing the thrill of the road? Well, this is my dream. what?”
When I was young I wanted to be a great rancher on “Yeah,” said Oscar “And what about that woman
the Pampas, then I just wanted to own a few cows and her kid in The Bronx?”
and now, Edmond, now I just want a steak. What do Before anyone could utter a response, the steaks
you say, Edmond? Just one steak, maybe some pota- came and Edmond gladly noted the looks of delight
toes. Please, indulge my dream.” on the faces of his companions. Deep down, he had
Edmond rolled his eyes. “I guess it can’t hurt. I wanted to come here as well.
mean, who would look for us there?” They went to “What a big steak.” Oscar said.
the restaurant. But just as the waiter began to place the upside-
“Man, oh Manischevitz,” Ho said. “Look at these down saucers on the table to hold the steak platters, a
prices. Edmond, could you spot me? Remember, I man stepped between the expectant diners and their
have no property.” steaks. He had a gun.
“By the way, Edmond,” Oscar said. “all I have is “My name is Joey Gallo,” He said. “And if any of
Argentine currency.” you clowns makes a move you’ll find out why they
“I can’t believe I’m running from the mob with a call me Crazy Joe.”
bunch of deadbeats.” Edmond said. Next Chapter: Eden is Just a Four-Letter Word.


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