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ISumber 155 December 1979


Time is running out on the offer of a good friend of GBM to match every dollar given to this ministry between now and the first of the year. He will
qive a total of $15,000 - IF you, and other friends will qive together, another $15,000. THUS FAR, WE HAVE RECEIVED JUST OVER $10,000-ONLY $5,000 MORE TO GO TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS

Many of you have given, and we are grateful. If you can help us reach the goal of $15,000, please send your gift today. Any amount will be appreciated and in fact will double in value to this ministry. The total of $30,000 will help us catch up all back radio time bills, and start the new year with the "slate clean" regarding our financial obligations.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. It means so much - to us, to the

broadcasters who faithfully prepare hundreds of programs yearly, and to

those who hear of Christ via radio.

We hope to announce that the goal has been reached and the challenge met, in the next issue of LISTEN, in February.

Ijzougfit gzsat [ig^t and lj[s.6,6,ing

to ifzE UJOZu actms,

^fiat Jligfit ^LnE in oux (xioxtci today! <cA4ay you% ^(i%i6,tma (jE (jxiyfitEnsd (jy f2ZEncs,
fiCanJi. at ^ofi.l! S'ioaclcating <::A4iLon

Directly Speaking . . . TIMING

As Herman discovered, timing is all important in life. HERMAN radios. These small, battery powered models have short wave bands. You see
reaches other nations for Christ.

When you think about it, there is an appropriate time for just about everything, from birth to dea(h. The farmer must plow, sow, cultivate and harvest, at the proper time. The

them everywhere in foreign countries, even in the smallest, poorest, most

remote comers of the world.

merchant nfiust display and promote his goods at the right time. Even the
hunter and fisherman knows there is a proper lime for both activities.

People have more time to listen to radio, because in many of these foreign countries, television is reserved for the very rich. Many others cannot read, so Ihey depend upon radio for news, information, and through Christian radio - in

Timely treatment of illness can lead to recovery, and timely advice can lead
to solution of thorny problems.

The comedian depends upon timing for laughter just as the politician seeks proper liming for speeches and pronouncements. God said, "There is a time for everylhing, and a season for every activity
under heaven." (Ecc. 3:1)

I personally sat in Poland in July, and heard our GBM-ponsored Polish language program from Monte Carlo. I also visited a nurriber of churches
located in various parts of that communist country, to preach, and saw First
hand the effects of consistent radio broadcasts.

2. The time Is right to take advantage of Broadcast opportunities which

are. now greater than ever before. Some of the large Christian broadcasting stations have increased their ability and power to reach out with strong radio signals. We purchase lime from these stations, and enable our missionaries and allied Christian workers on foreign fields, to increase their outreach by radio. More missionaries are realizing the value of radio broadcasting to their mis

When Peter. James and John accompanied Jesus to Ihe mountaintop where He was transfigured, it was with excitement Peter said. "Lord, it is good for us to be here..." In other words he was saying. "The liming is just right!" As we approach the new year, I believe the timing is just right for the world wide ministry of Gospel Broadcasting Mission. This mission is needed now.
more than ever!

'1'd say you picKetfa bad time to fireyour coolc"

And Ihere are a number of important reasons: 1. The time is right to reach more people in more places around the world
with Radio Broadcasts.

There are more radios available to people in more places than ever before, and at reasonable prices. China and Japan are flooding the world markets with

sion field. Several long-time missionaries have told me radio is the only way to reach the millions of people in the country they serve, Seme of these countries may one day be closed to missionaries, but they cannot close the door on radio signals which carry the message of Jesus. 3. The time Is right to encourage the use of Radio because it effectively

Take China for example. The attitude o( China is changing toward religion. Gary Anderson, missionary to Hong Kong, recently told me that China no longer persecutes the Church. They have an official policy of tolerance on religion. The Bible is no longer being repressed either. In fact, the Chinese government is now sponsoring a newly revised "union" translation of the Bible. Bob Bowman. President of Far East Broadcasting Company (many of our programs aie placed on FEBC stations) attributes the changing attitudes in China to two things: "What we're seeing now is the result of generations of work by faithful mis sionaries and nee^ly 30 years of seed planting by gospel broadcasts...we must continue to take maximum advantage of this present, critical moment to reach men and women on the Chinese Mainland with the gospel of Jesus Christ." GBM is currently developing Chinese language broadcasts which, Lord will ing. will be aired during 1980. into China and Taiwan. There are a number of other programs also being planned. * Radio is not intended to take the place of missionaries. But. when there arc not enough missionaries to go around, or enough mission dollars to finance world evangelizing, then radio helps spread the Word. And it is effective! Therefore, the time Is right for you to give your best gift to help the work of GBM. If you've been thinking, waiting, holding back - NOW IS THE TIME. Timing is important- Your gift, given today, will never be more important to the continued growth and success of Gospel Broadcasting Mission.

Bell & Grace r/torna.-i. W^pato.

Letters From Friends

"I remember well when Waller and Mainie Cotile founded GBM. but

Wasliinglon. Bcrl is t<fcovcring

Irnm .i ticarl nU.ick. <ind Is do

can't remember when I first sent money for Ihe broadcasts. The 'why' goes far back into my childhood where I attended Sunday School and
Church at our little Christian Church In Anselmo, Mebraska.

Would You Like To Visit Jerusalem?

Mr. & Mrs. Bill McClure and Mr. & Mrs,

ing ocry well. He and Grace hace represented GSM in the tiorihwesl (or many years.


Our class in Sunday School received the paper 'Girlhood Days' ond
there was a story one time written by Gertrude iHorse telling about their life in Tibet. Then and there 1 fell in love with that brave family...When


LaVeme and Lois Morse were forced to leave Burma my heisrt ached (or the Lisu, Kachin and Rawang people, and I was then able to help in a very srrkall way in broadcasting lime...

Dennis Slaughter plan to visit Israel in the fall of 1980. and take a group with them. If you would like to be included in this tour group,
write for more details.

GBM is doing wonderful work in getting (he very interesting stories

told by the missionaries (o their readers...may God coniinuc to bless





McClurc in Poland enrtier this

and use you in His service."

Hazel Scott. Dunsmiur, California

Mr, Slaughter is minister of Valley View

Christian Church, Dallas. Texas. Mr. McClure is director of GBM and has
been to Israel twice belore.

year. Bro. George helps pro duce Ihe Polish language broad cast sponsored by GBM.

"The records I have available only go back to 1968, so I'm not positive about the time we started supporting

GBM regularly, I do know it was in Ihe early 1960's. At that time it was decided that the church at Eagle Lake
would start a Faith Promise program to enhance our mission program. We warned to become involved in ail fields of mission services. We decided to regularly support a Bible Col lege. a Children's Home, an African missionary, a missionary lo India, a missionary to the Philippines, and a mis
sionary to South America.

Thank you for your prayers on behalf of C.W. McClure. who recently suffered a heart attack in Southern Caiifornia. He is much better now, and is back home and active once again as an Elder in the Community Christian Church, San Juan Capistrano. He is the father of our GBM Director.

We realized that since we could nol help support missionaries in all pans of the world we would become regular supporters of GBM which could reach many places where our missionaries could not go. We felt that GBM was able to really make our mission program one which was world-wide. We thank God for those who have gone to the foreign fields and we thank Him also lor GB>\ which sends the


In Lowing Memory Of:

Memorial Gifts
When you share a Memorial Gift GBM
will send a beautiful card to the bereaved
(Please Print Full Narne>

precious Word of life lo many places In the world where it would not otherwise be heard.
Keep up the Good Work',"

of our broadcasters in Seoul, informed us that the program has been dropped due to a schedule change by the station there. We are searching for another station, and expect to be on again in ihe near future. This program has been blessed with success, according to Bro. Chae. At least seven young men are now in Bible College in Seoul, studying for the ministry, as

Wilmar Auringer, Missionary Chairman

Church of Christ. Eagle Lake. Minnesota

family in your name. Your gift will aid the preaching of Christ on radio around the

Given By:

"We first met Walter and Mainie Coble at Lake James Christian Service Camp back about 1948 or 1949,

They were quite an Impressive couple al that time. In 1953 or 1954. we met them again at the Missionary Rally
at Michigan City, Indiana. At that time they had started the mission. From that time on we received the news let ter (Listen) regularly. I was always amazed at how much they were able lo do with tho money that came in. For

a result of the program. Please pray that we will soon be on again. Speakers on the program include Bro. Chae, Bro. Paul Kim, and Bro. Gordon Patten supplies a speaker from Seoul
Bible Institute.

In Memory Of;

Given By:
Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Richardson

(Address) -

quite a few years we were not able to help them as we would have liked, but we continued to pray for the work. I
was thrilled as I read of the opening of a new broadcast, first one place then another. It reminded me of how new

born congregations of God's people grow,,. We were saddened to hear of the passing of Mainie. But, it was a time of rejoicing for her. Theirs was a labor of
love, and they spent themselves for the cause of Christ. So, also have the ones who took over when Walter and
Mainie were no longer able to carry the load...

Mr. Lunkim writes from India: "The Lord uses Ihis program so

Mainie Coble

Mr. & Mrs.

Dick Greene

wonderfully that many have confessed their sins and eventual ly accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is our earnest prayer that this program be continued...' We're happy to report that this program will continue in the Kuki dialect of Northeastern India. Recently the Traders Point Chris tian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, included this broadcast in their Faith Promise Rally, and are giving a large share of the
monthly cost.

May the Lord continue to guide and bless you as you reach out into new fields."
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hough. Mooreland, Indiana

L.C. Emerick

Mrs. L.C. Emerick

Mrs. Frances Fishbtirn

W. Harold Fishburn

Ira ErRobinkin
"As you may notice, my gift this time Is smaller than those in the past. The reason Is that I have retired and our
income is drastically reduced. However. 1have requested the Missions Committee to consider GBM in the church

George \VotIey .

' Mrs. Ruth Robinson lAr.&IAts.'

Charles Weaver

missionsprogram, and I'm certainthe Elders will approve, so this should be of helpto your wonderful work,
God bless all of you, and your service to our God and Savior,"
Christian friends in Winter Park, Rorida

Currenl GBM Director. Bill McClure arid family.

Former CBM Director. Cloyd Chrislman and his wife. Helen.

"Dear Friends of GBM. "Dear Friends of GBM.

Helen and I would like to let you know that we still have a genuine love for the ministry of Gospel Broadcasting Mission. We pray for continued growth and success in this world wide
radio outreach.

Thank you so much for your continuing interest and sup port of the GBM ministry. This work means so much to so many, and has a long history of commitment and dedication to

Your interest and support is vital, so please share in every way possible to keep this labor of love going strong.

My family and 1 can assure you that we will continue to serve the cause of world-wide evangelism through GBM as long as the Lord gives us direction and strength. During this season of love and joy, and of giving and shar ing, we wish the very best for you and your loved ones.

May the Lord bless you richly during this Holiday Season, and every day throughout the Mew Year as you serve Him.
With Christian Love and Concern.

1980 promises to be a great year. Together, we can reach around the world with the message of life in Jesus. Bill & Lorene McClure & family"

Cloyd & Helen Christman"


GOSPEL BROADCASTING MISSION Publication Office Box 51 Onalaska, Wl 54650


Onalaska. Wl 54650

December 1979

No. 155

fJSPS 314-840

USTEti is published bi-monthly in February. April, June. August. October and December by Gospel Broadcasting Mission.
Box 5 i. Onalaska, Wl 54650. Second Class

postage paid at Onalaska. Wl.

Box 51. Onalaska, WJ 54650



Bill McClure
JoAntie McAlister

Lorene McClure

Ralph Atchison, Ray Jewell. Bob McKinney

Harold Niles. Dean Uhls



Number 154

October 1979





A good friend of Gospel Broadcasting Mission has pledged that he will match every dollar given to the ministry of GBM betv^een now and the end of the year. He will give up to a total of $15,000 IF all our other friends and
supporters will give together a like amount.

Believe me, we need the full amount, too. Since June our gift income has been about '/2 the amount needed to keep the ministry on track, reaching the

world for Christ by radio. We're running well behind last year's income, yet,
we have more broadcasts and more expenses this year.

While we don't want to take unfair advantage of our Christian friend, we do want to take full advantage of his kind offer. I think it would be poor Christian stewardship if we didn't.

His reason for giving this challenge-type gift is because he knows we need the full $30,000 to catch up pressing past-due radio bills, and to meet our present obligations. He also wants to encourage others to share their very best gift NOW, while it is really needed.
PLEASE HELP CIS match this offer, and receive the full amount! Every

dollar you give over the next eight or nine weeks will double in its value to
Gospel Broadcasting Mission.

And in this day, it's not often we have a chance to double the value of the
missionary dollar.

We'll be looking for your gift to help with this special effort to double our
dollars for GBM.

GBM Director/Bill McClure


History Of The Work In Poland

by Jerzy Saceivicz
The first man to pioneer and share the Church of Christ message in Poland was Bro. Jaroshevich. He was converted to Christ while in the United States in 1911. In 1916, he graduated from Johnson Bible College, Kimberlln Heights, Ten nessee, and received a Master of Arts degree. In 1921, he
returned to Poland from the United States.

Polish women arc used lo long hours of hard u>ork. Thvy

ollvn u'o/fr rkfht beside Iheir husbands in Ihc Held (o feed
theii Itinulics.

The second pioneer of the work in Poland was Bro.

Bukovich. He was converted to Christ in 1916 in the United

States, and he came back to Poland in 1921. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. The third pioneer in the Church of Christ in Poland is myself. Jerzy Sacewicz. 1was converted in 1919 in Russia, in the city of Kaluga near Moscow. In 1920, I was baptized into Christ by an Evangelical Christian pastor.
In 1921, 1 came to Poland from Russia.

So, there were three men involved at the beginning. Two

returned from the United States, and one from Russia, and

together we organized a Mission Center in Kobryn, now in

Russia. Before the war this district was in Poland.

Seven persons, myself, Dr. Jaroshevich, Bro. Bukovich, Bro. Gregory Bajko (father of Paul Bajko), Pauveluh, Bro. Vladisouk,
a White Russian minister, and Bro. Mikon Jakoniuk, established
the first Churches of Christ in Poland.

Dr. Jarosevich is alive, living in the United States on the east coast. In the first seven years, 1921-1928, thirty congregations
were organized.
Before the war there were a total of 85 Church of Christ. At

WAG 4575

the present time, I estimate there are at least 70 churches in Russia in the section that was Poland. They meet in Russia under the name the Union of Evangelical Baptists And Chris

The Polish Fial is produced in Poland, and cosls about one year's salary. After paying lor the car. it may take up lo five years lor delivery.

Fifteen of those original churches are still in Poland, plus ten more for a total of 25 registered churches in Poland, and 70 churches in the Soviet Union in the area previously belonging to

I am to visit the churches in the Soviet Union. Two years ago I visited eleven churches in the Ukrain. I speak the Russian language. 1 was visiting in Russia, and there is a very good broadcasting work in the Russian language. Every day, from
somewhere in the world, the radio broadcasts the Word into

Russia, and everywhere, people are listening. It is a very good


NOTE: QBM currently sponsors the Polish language programs prepared and produced by Paul Bajko, George Bajenski, and Boleslaw Winnik, and the Russian language programs prepared by John Huk and Charles Branum. In addition to the 25 registered churches in Poland there are many preaching points and mission stations where new churches are being formed. Please pray for Christians behind the Iron Curtain.

Two Christian sisters and their daughters. Parents arc the same ihc world over, and love their children ever} though life
is dillicull.


One Who Gives What She Can

"In the Fall of 1960, my husband and 1 went to Caledonia, Ohio, to visit friends. We arrived in the evening on Saturday night and went to visit our friends at the hardware store. As we were leaving, a man greeted us at the door asking where the
Church of Christ was. I told him I didn't know, but a man here in

the store could tell him. We went on our way, and the next day
we went to Church.

"During the morning services, Mr. & Mrs. Coble (founders of GBM) were asked to tell their story. This was the man we had helped find the Church the night before. They told of their work of broadcasting the Word around the world. "When tt e services were over and the story had been told and the needs brought to our minds, 1went to the front of the church and talked to Mrs. Coble. She asked me to sign the list so i could get their paper. This I did and have received the paper
ever since.

"My husband and 1gave as we felt we could during the next six years and all the time we were interested in this great work
for the Lord. In October of 1966 I was left a widow. Four

ian man helps lo producc our radio programs by recording gosfx-l music in language in Warsaiu.

tragedies came into my life in seven weeks, heedless to say, 1 was numb. I read all 1could find on ways to help the church, and the Cobles paper, Listen, was an inspiration to me. So, 1 kept giving as I could. "As I stop to recall the many, many lives this work for Christ has touched, I can only say Thank you, Lord, for helping us to do your will in this great work of broadcasting the Word!"
Vernal Fosher

iviemorial Gifts
When you wish to remember a loved one, a special friend, or a family member in an unusual but entirely fitting manner, why not give a Memorial Gift in their name? When you give to the world-wide ministry of Gospel Broadcasting Mission in another's name, you advance the preaching of the Word of God to millions. Upon receipt of your gift, we will send a beautiful card to the bereaved family in your name. You will also receive a card, together with your tax-exempt receipt. Thank You for
sharing in the name of a friend.


In Loving Memory Of;

a common sight throughout Poland. Lines lor lood. lurnilurv. jus! about

(Please Print Full Name)

Given By:



Send Cards To:




les and Ivia Phipps during a recent uisit lo Wisconsin. Bro. Phipps has proEnglish language broadcast in Europe lor many years loilh GBM. sionary Broadcaster. Charles Phipps. spcakirig lo a church gioup about his r Christ in Europe.





A True Story From Poland

by A Friend in Poland

"One time we went to a village where we could not reach by car or horse and buggy. We had to walk. Those people had writ
ten and asked us for Bibles and other Christian literature, and

we wanted to go and see them and to testify to them. "It was a time when people were in the field, and all day we were waiting at their door for them to come so we could deliver what we brought. "After they came, we greeted them and asked if they listened gladly to the broadcast, and do others listen too? "Instead of answering us, they brought out an old tape recorder. They pressed the button and showed us how they take turns. When the broadcast is on and everybody is in the field working, one person stays home and when the program comes on, he records it so that after they come home, they can all
listen to it too.

Mr. Waller Coble together with his lale wife. Mainic. started CBM in 1952. He will soon lye 90 years nl age. and retired Irom GBM in 1966.

* Long-time friend of GBM, Beri Thomas, continues to make good pro gress recovering from his recent heart attack. Please continue to pray
for him.

"Then I asked them whether those programs have an in fluence on their everyday life, and whether they have influence
on their spiritual life.

"They have told that their family is very musical, in that fami ly, they make instruments themselves and the people invite them to play at the weddings. And they said when they started to listen to the programs they came to understand that God re quires something else and their lives have changed-completely. "They used their instruments to play songs to the glory of God. They refused the invitations to play at the weddings, in spite of the fact that it was bringing them a very good income-it was almost their entire living. "1 asked them whether they still regularly attended the Roman Catholic church? They answered 'Yes'. Then, I asked
whether they see the difference between the tradition and the living Word as proclaimed on our broadcasts over radio. "Their answer was very encouraging to me. because they

* C.W. "Mac" McClure, GBM Director Bill McClure's father, suffered a

heart attack in Los Angeles recently, and is recovering now at home. Please remember him in prayer. * Our Korean language broadcast needs prayer just now as we attempt to work out a problem with the station regarding billing. They want to
collect in Korea for the program, while the station owners in the U.S. want to collect here. Our program and broadcasters are caught in the middle. We hope this is resolved soon.

* Remember our financial needs for this ministry. * Word comes from Ivia Phipps, wife of Charles Phipps. that Charles

suffered a heart attack October 2nd and is confined to the Coronary

Care Unit of Toledo Hospital, Toledo. OH. Please remember Ivia and Charles in prayer.

said that the Living Word was received as a grain, and the tradi tion in which they grew up, they count as chaff."
NOTE: Poland is at least 90% Roman Catholic, Most of the


Laurence C. Sunkler Pete Backman
Alma Weber Hazel Carver Clarence nichols

lona M. Sunkler
lona M. Sunkler

people have been raised in the Roman Catholic tradition, and it

is very difficult to bring about a change. However, the person relaying this true story believes that very soon the people of this
village will leave Catholicism and become free in Christ. Please

Bernice Weber
Bernice Weber

Bill & Lorene McClure

pray for the people of this un-named village.

Bud Plant

Bill & Lorene McClure


Box 51

SECOND CLASS MAIL Onalaska, WI 54650

Onalaska, WI 54650

October 1979

No. 154

USPS 3! 4-840

LISTEN is published bi-monthly in February. April. June. August. October and December by Gospel Broadcasting Mission.
Box 51, Onalaska. Wi 54650. Second Class

postage paid al Onalaska. WI,





TREASURER SECRETARY Bill McClure JoAnne McAiister Lorene McClure


Ralph Alchison. Ray Jewell. Bob McKinney

Harold Miles. Dean (Jhls

Number 153

August 1979

It was over a year ago that Paul Bajko

and George BajenskI invited me to go to Poland with them to witness the impact and results of radio broadcasts spon sored by Gospel Broadcasting Mission.
Paul and George, together with Boleslaw

Winnik produce the Polish-language radio program we have sponsored and paid for so many years over Trans World
Radio's station in Monte Carlo.

I was able to arrange the time to go, and left this past June 15th, returning three weeks later. During this time, George and I, together with the Rostavit Twins and one or two others, saw a great deal of Poland, and preached the Word of God nightly in many churches.
Everywhere we went, we were wellreceived and warmly welcomed by a!!.
1 must admit however, to a certain
upper Left: Even behind the Iron Curtain, the
cross stands above all.

measure of surprise in my visit to Poland. I was surprised that travel "behind the

Upper Right: Typical Polish village scene with horse-drawn carls and cigarette-smoking

Iron Curtain", at least in East Germany

and Poland, is not as filled with intrigue and suspense for foreigners as I had sup posed. No one even opened my suitcase or searched my pockets going in or out of Poland. Had I wished to do so, I could easily have taken in hundreds of Bibles except Bibles are readily available in

Center: Russian soldier in Poland ordering

someting to drink at roadside stand.

Lower Left: Group of people meeting as a

direct result of our GBM Polish BroadcasL

Lower Right: The Rostauit Sisters and friends sharing CMsl with people of Poland.
u.'.vrrr.-w.vx'af: t

I was surprised at the ease with which

Polish citizens move about their own

country, something I had not expected. While this is not the situation in many
Communist countries, it is in Poland. Citizens are free to travel, but of course, travel is not free, and that's the problem.

The people are so "strapped" financially, they can't afford to travel as often as we do in our country. The average Polish citizen must spend 70-80% of income just for food, and long lines are in (Continued on back page)

Directly Speaking...
Just the other day our mission received a very
unusual letter. It left me somewhat confused. The

ministers, teachers, etc.) are already ministering to

only 7 % of the world's people right here at home. That
means 10% of the trained wor1<ers are left to minister

treasurer of a ladies group that had been supporting QBM for some Ume, wrote to say, "Due to increased interest in home missions ... we will no longer be able to send support to you." Here's why I'm confused. i have always believed that increasing mission in terest meant that more, not less money is given to mis
sions at home and abroad.

to the remaining 93 % of the world's population. These 10 % have a growing world population to deal with and need more, not less support because inflation is worse
world wide than here at home.

millions with the Gospel is through radio." Gospel Broadcasting Mission helps foreign mis sionaries. foreign nationals and evangelists, use radio 10 minister more effectively to their people. This is why we currently sponsor and pay for programs in Nigeria,
Jamaica, Haiti, India. Korea. Poland. Thailand, and many other countries. Because of the world-wide scope of our work, it

I am convinced that missionaries seeking to reach

the world need the modern tool of radio to increase

hurts when people stop giving. We need increased in

terest, and increased support.

their effectiveness to the people they are committed to


I have always prayed that God willincrease the level

of interest people have in missions, but does increased interest mean less giving? I have always thought people understood that 90%
of the trained worl<ers in the world (missionaries.

My Aunt. Dolly Chitwood, has been a missionary lo

Perhaps you, your church or church group, could take the place of this group who no longer can send

Bill McCture, Director

India for more than 30 years. We visited during her last trip home and she told me. "I am convinced, after 32 years in India, that the only way to reach India's

Believe me. we need your help now!

Evangelist Reggie Thomas reports results from our GBM Broadcast in Haiti. In his
words, "While we were in Haiti we had a most thrilling experience ... I was ap proached by a minister from Pte. Rivere. This niinister told me that he had estab

77ie Church is aliue and well in Poland. This is a congregation meeting place on Pulawska

A True Story From Poland

(This story was shared by a Christian friend in Poland)

Street In Warsaw.

lished a Christian Church in Pte. Rivere as a result of hearing me preach the Gospel
over radio and also as a result of hearing (our GBM broadcast) with Jeanrilius Delicat and Fredrick Eitenne. He invited us up lo Ste. Rivere to meet the congregation ...

"1 remember when it happened. We were visiting one family of radio listeners. We came because
they have asked in a letter to visit them and to bring, or to send New Testaments and song books.

They informed us that they had learned about the importance of the Lord's Supper as the result of hearing the radio broadcasts and the teachings ... this event Impressed upon my mind the importance of evangelising by every means and every opportunity available."... We have been impressed with the need to establish a radio station on Haiti in order to evangelize in the Caribbean. A short wave station there could reach Into Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Cuba and Jamaica. Our GBM Board of Advisors believe this would be an excellent way to reach this Important area for Christ, and to enable many missionaries in that area to preach the Word In Creole, Spanish and English. Land has already been given, and we are now investigating permits, equip ment needs, etc. Please pray for this project... We are currently about $5,000 behind in our financial responsibilities. This is due to a "Summer slump" in income that we hope is temporary. If you would help with a special gift to Gospel Broad casting Mission, it would be so helpful, and would enable us to stay current with our obligations. Thank you.

And, so we went to ask them what was causing them to ask for the song books as well as the Bibles. Then, we heard the whole story of how they started lo listen to the radio broadcast. We found out that the man of the house was sick for eight years. He had a cancer and was told by the doctor that it
was stomach cancer. That caused him lo make a decision to commit suicide. Because he had a wife and two children al home, he didn't want them lo hear the sounds of his

suicide act, so he turned the radio on. And it happened that before he turned the radio on. some of

his children, or somebody, was playing with the radio and tuned in the setting for programs from Radio Monle Carlo. As he just turned the radio on. he heard the message of God's Word from Monte Carlo. It was our Polish language program sponsored by Gospel Broadcasting Mission. He being a Roman Catholic, for the first lime in his life fell upon his face and talked lo God. Not just saying the learned prayers, but he talked likea child talks to his father. And, he accepted that this voice was a voice from heaven, and he didn't take his life in suicide. From this time on. every night he is listening, with his family, lo the Gospel message from Monle Carlo, Soon, his neighbors started lo come lo him, and together with him, listen lo those broadcasts. Because this man was well liked in his village, many people were listening together with his family
and do it even now.

Bill & Lorene McClure uisHing with Meluin C Elhel Mowland al the recent North American
Christian Convention in Si Louis. Mr. Hewland is President of Dallas Christian College.

Memorial Gifts
When you share a
Memorial Gift QBM will send a


In Loving Memory Of:
(Please Print Full Name)

Bui slill our question was. Why did he request the song books? His answer was. We hear God's Word, but we don't have it so we may read il ourselves. We hear Ihe wonderful songs which we
would like lo learn and sing ourselves, but we don't have the song books.

Prayer Needs
Please pray for Christians living
behind the Iron Curtain who face

Faith in Christ Is like silver


beautiful card to the.bereaved-

family in.your name.:Y6ur'gifL;;: _willaid the preaching of Christ i

on radio around the world..

Given By:

Of course, il was for a long time this way, bul soon the news came to the village priest thai the whole village Is listening to the radio broadcast. But. this is very interesting and wonderful that God many times uses people about which we say thai they are not believers, for Ihe spreading of His Word and His Message. The priest, he didn't accept the word, but he didn't prohibit the people of Ihe village. In facl he has ordered for all the people of the village, 120 New Testaments, and as many song books as we could furnish. And of course, the news spread much farther, not only lo this village but to the neighboring villages who are also listening to the Gospel broadcast."

economic and spiritual difficulties

because of Communism. Remem

You cannot store it away

Ira Robinson
Send Cards To:

ber especially those in Poland. Berl Thomas of Washington Slate, a long-time friend of GBM and a broadcaster, recently suffered a severe heart attack, and needs your prayers. He sponsors several pro grams through GBM, and al one time was on radio in Taiwan, spon sored by GBM. Our finances need a boost jusl
now, We currently need about

And bring itout fromjis coffer^;:-When you need it for^iis|)lay.Like stored silver, fallh will tarn!sli>

Ifkepiclean and free .from blemlsr 'Tis.the greatest blessihg of rnaO-S


When not used again and agpm-r^

Faith cannotbe hid In Ihe soul 'sg

.Keep It shining bright as asilver bp^

As loyalty trusting you pray.

You must use.it in eveiy.way

$5,000 in order lo meet pressing obligations and radio time costs.

When our finances are in order,

'Commit thy. Way un\e-,the.Lord

:Feel truly in" Him secure ^

His lovc forevfir wili

Mrs. /ra Robinson-,


we will be able to consider new pro gram opportunities in: India/Hindi & Kahasi & Malayalam, TaiwanChlna/Mandarln & Cantonese.

Trust wholly in His precl&us-Worq'^

Wrlttenby Mrsi-VA^allervSiXofii

Dominican Republic/Spanish,

Surprises In Poland (Cont.)

evidence at almost every food store due to shortages of meat

and other food items. This is true too of most manufactured

supposed to meet, but do anyway. I was surprised at the blatant propaganda lies of the Com

goods. We visited one family that literally stood in line for three months In order to buy the furniture they needed for their apart

munist government in Poland. On the radio, for example, they

announced that " all the toilets in Morth America were broken", and that life was unbearably difficult in the United States. In the

ment. Obtaining living quarters is another problem. A young married couple can expect to wait from five to seven years for
an apartment of their own, which they must buy from the
government. Some cities are closed to new residents. You can

not move to Warsaw, the capital city for example, without per mission of the government because of housing shortages. There are foreign currency stores that carry American-made goods that are not available in local department stores. These special stores will not accept Polish ziotys in payment, only dollars or deutshce marks. A taxi-driver offered me an apart
ment, a drink and a girl, all within five minutes of the train sta tion in Warsaw, in exchange for American dollars. While citizens can travel about their own country with relative ease, travel outside of Poland is extremely difficult. Sometimes it takes years to obtain official permission to travel outside the country, but more often than not that permission is denied.

Morth of Poland, near the Baltic, thousands of Russian troups are stationed they say, "to protect the Polish people from an American invasion." However, the people seem to know better. One shopkeeper told us, "We need the Russian language, and
the Russians in Poland like a four-wheeled automobile needs a

fifth wheel." But still the lies continue, because it's the young
they are trying to persuade. I was surprised, pleasantly, at the impact of our radio broad casts on both young and old people alike. I met with several small groups that started meeting together because of our radio

programs from Monte Carlo. They depend upon these weekly

programs for instruction, encouragement and the truth of God's Word. They love the music as well as the speaking, and recognize it as a valuable evangelistic tool In their country. At least one group pulled away from a liberal Protestant church in

After all, when people travel outside they see the falseness of their government's propaganda, and how really restricted their
personal freedom is.

order to fellowship and study God's Word together along with

the radio broadcasts. I came home more committed than ever

to the vital work being performed by GBM behind the "Iron Cur

I was surprised at the measure of limited religious freedom in this officially Communist country. As it turns out, only 2% of
the 35 million Poles are Communist, while at least 90% are

Roman Catholic. It's no wonder the Roman Pope, Polish by birth, received such a tumultuous welcome during his recent visit to his homeland. The measure of religious freedom is un doubtedly directly related to the large Catholic majority. Mevertheless, it gives our brothers in Christ limited freedom to worship in churches and homes scattered throughout Poland. I visited at least fifteen small congregations, most of which were recog
nized by the government as regular churches. Some we visited

Our work must continue! It must grow and increase! How else can we reach so many with such a modest investment? Through radio, we use an instrument they already have in their homes to preach the truth contained in God's Word. There's hope for the future in Poland, in spite of the personal sacrifice and suffering of the people. The hope for Poland does not come from the empty Communist philosophy or doctrine. It

does not come from the Russian oppressors that are bleeding
the Polish economy dry to sustain their troops. It does not come

from their beautiful country-side, or the farms and gardens the

people tend with such care. The hope for the future of Poland isn't in its young people, or its old people. The hope for the future of Poland lies in the preaching of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, just as it does for every other nation of the world. Through radio. Gospel Broadcasting Mission is effectively ministering for Christ in Communist lands. Please pray for these broadcasts, and for the Polish people who hear.
GBM Director

were smaller groups, not as yet recognized. To be "officially" recognized, a church must have its own building, minister, and at least fifteen adult members. Members are required to sign a document and file it with the government, thus "registering" themselves as believers. As you might imagine, it takes a special amount of commitment because government policy is always subject to change and Christians could readily be iden tified by this document. Non-recognized groups are not really


Box 51
NCMS OF TH( sosni enoAOCAsnNG m&sion


Onalaska, Wl 54650

Onalaska, W1 54650

August 1979

Mo. 153

USPS 314-840

LISTEN is published bi monthly in February. April. June. August. October and December by Gospel Broadcasting Mission.
Box 51. Onalaska, Wt 54650. Second Class

postage paid at Onalaska. Wl.


Box 51. Onalaska, Wl 54650 WALTER and MAINIE COBLE. Founders


1111 N. MAIN

loren l. dickev


JoAnne McAllster Lorene McClure




Ralph Atchison. Ray Jewell. Bob McKinney

Harold Miles, Dean (Jhls


Number 152

June 1979

Preaching Christ In Chinese

We have a message to share with the Chinese-speaking people of the world. Mow is the time to preach the Good News of Jesus in every dialect. Many believe the door to China is open as never

The Chinese language, a practical and flexible linguistic tool, is used by more people than any other. About 800,000,000 people speak Chinese or a closely related tongue such as Thai, Lao, Annamese or some other variant. This is about three times the total for

English, which ranks second in number of native speakers. Written Chinese also has spread far beyond national borders. Both Korea and Japan borrowed it as a model when they found it necessary to have written records. To the west and southwest, several tribes developed writing based on the same principles and style.


Spoken Chinese shows many evidences of the gradual changes inevitable in a living language. One such change is the development of the many regional dialects. Although they all come from common root, some regional dialects are so different as to be incomprehensi ble to a person not from the same region. Along the coastline of China, for example, there are seven major dialects and many minor variations. The seven are Cantonese, Hakka, Amoy, Foochow, Wenchow, Shanghai and Mandarin. Mo one knows which dialect was spoken first, but historians think Can
tonese is probably the oldest. Mandarin is recognized as the official dialect of modern China. It

is taught in schools and used for offical purposes. Fewer people are using their provincial dialects at home, because the younger genera tion prefers Mandarin. Gospel Broadcasting Mission, working together with missionaries in Taiwan, is in the process of encouraging the development of a series of Mandarin radio programs for use both in Taiwan and mainland China. Thus far, thirteen programs have been completed and are ready for use. Chuck Johnston, who lives and ministers in Taipei, has been working diligently to prepare the scripts, supervise
the translation, and produce the broadcasts in a radio studio in Taipei. Because of the press of his work, he has not been able to complete the series. Our goal is to see these programs completed and recorded by the end of this year, with broadcasting to start as
soon as the series is finished.

Deuelopment of written language is seen in characters for sun. moon, and uehicle. Variations developed from left to right from
upper row.

At the same time, GBM is exploring a possible new broadcast featuring a Chinese-speaking doctor who was recently baptized. We don't know just when this new program will develop, or be produced. But our goal is that this broadcast will become a reality, and will be aired into mainland China by the end of this year, and that it will be heard at least three times weekly in the Mandarin tongue. Please pray with us that both of these Chinese language programs will become a reality, and will be on the air as quickly as possible. If you would like to have a sample program in Chinese, one of the thir teen ready for broadcasting, write for a free cassette. We'll be happy
to send it.

(Language sample and information from the China Publishing Co. of


Directly Speaking...
Taipei, disguise this necessary dirty
chore with chimes. the sounds of beautiful

people know that if they are caught listening to Christian programs they can face a sentence of seven years at hard

You know, many things in this life are not what they seem to be either. Often they're better. As someone has pointed

Bill McClure. Director

What appeared to be a worthless sheet of paper was transformed when Longfellow wrote poetry on it. What appeared to be a routine legal paper can be transformed into millions of dollars when a Rockefeller signs his
name to it.

What looks to be a plain piece of

But they listen anyway! Carl Lawrence reports that people in Communist China indicate that "fifteen minutes of Scripture is worth seven years of labor." Our friends and co-workers who pro* duce the Russian broadcasts we sponsor each week, report letters from Russia saying, "We are listening". And, "Although we are separated by thousands of kilometres, we are with you enjoying the Word of God."
And in Poland, the results of our

Some things are not what they seem

to be. A few things are more. A case in point took place on a visit I made several years ago-to-Taiwan, the Republic of China. 1 was enjoying my visit with missionary friends, sharing in

metal can be transformed into a vital





mechanic. And a talented artist can take a sim

their work for Christ in that lovely coun


One morning in Taipei, the capitol ci

ty, I awoke to the sounds of beautiful
chimes outside in the street. The first

ple, every day piece of canvas, and with skill and talent, change it into a priceless painting. Radio appears to be such a common place thing in our modern technological, computerized age. Its been with us for years. We've grown accustomed to its
sounds and familiar with its

broadcasts are encouraging. One 32 year old farmer wrote the program pro ducers, "I thank God that the true Gospel is proclaimed by you to our people in Poland...Through your preaching I learn about the true and only way - Jesus
Christ...! have a wife and three children

thought I had was that it must be some kind of special parade or procession. Or, perhaps it was a nearby place of worship

characteristics. Surely, nothing good can

come of radio. After all, this is the TV

and two old parents. We live in a small wooden house covered by straw. Despite these poor conditions, in my heart is joy when I think about Jesus as my Helper and Savior...! wish you God's blessings in proclaiming the Good Mews in the name
of Jesus."

calling the faithful to fellowship. Maybe it was a wedding parade or procession.

Surely the beautiful chimes announced some important, happy event. Upon investigation however, you can imagine my surprise to learn it was the garbage man. collecting refuse from Ihouse to house. The Chinese, at least in

age! Yet, for millions of people around the world, radio is their only link with reality
and truth. Because of communist

Please - don't discount the power of

radio to reach around the worid with the news of Jesus! Radio is one of those

tyrants, these people must listen in secret. Because of oppresseive doc trines, persecution awaits if they are discovered. In Red China (it is still Red),

things that is much, much more than it seems to be. By radio broadcasting, we can reach millions today with the wonderful story of Jesus.


In Loving Memory Of:

(Please Print Full Name)

When You Give A Memorial Gift...

You become one of the many concerned Christians who desires to give a meaningful and lasting tribute to a friend or loved one who has "gone home" to be with the Lord. Such a gift has double significance, it conveys your love and respect to the bereaved family while it enables GBM to continue radio programs that preach the gospel world-wide. When your gift is received, a beautiful card is promptly sent to the family of the person being

Given By:





Please Send Memorial Gift Acknowledgements To:




Please send additional Memorial Gift Forms


You will also receive a card together with your receipt (for tax purposes), and both names will appear in the next issue of LISTEM. The amount of your gift is not disclosed to the family.

Mail to: GBM, Box 51, Onalaska, Wl 54650

Director, Bill McClure, Is scheduled to be in Poland from

June 15th until July 6th, preaching the Word and visiting chur ches together with George Bajenski and Rostavit Sisters. Together, this team plans to conduct rallies and special services throughout Poland. Please pray for their safety in travel, both to and from Poland. The next issue of LISTEM in August will feature a complete report with pictures taken behind the Iron

Thanks to those who helped with travel expenses for this visit to Poland. Previously, it was announced that the trip would in clude a visit to India. Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines but this portion of his trip will be postponed until after the first of the year to allow participation in the '79 Morthwest Missionary Con ference in Washington, Oregon and Idaho... The Korean Broadcast continues to produce good results. Bro. Yoon Kwan Chae writes that last month (March) they received twenty-one tetters, and enrolled three more students in the Bible Correspondence School in Seoul. Bro. C.Y. Kim, President of the Seminary in Taejon, preached on the program during March... Missionary Don Baughman reports in his newsletter that his daughter. Lisa, will spend a six month intern ship with them in Migeria. She will help with the coorespondence courses that are offered over the GBMsponsored "Search The Scriptures" Radio Broadcast. She will also be involved in sorting daily mail, mimeographing radio messages and Bible lessons in English and Yoruba, preparing literature and Bible courses for mailing, recording graded lessons and filing applications...

(Left to right) John Huk, George Repetski, Wray Graham, and Charles Branum prepare for a recording session in their Toronto studio. These men produce Russian-language broadcasts. We sponsor two of these
programs each week.

AS YOCI MIGHT SGSPECT, our GBM gift income has been up and down in recent months, perhaps matching the weather in its unpredictability. In talking with others, we find that many missions have experienced the same decline in offerings and gifts since the first of the year. We need your faithful assistance to keep the 35 radio broadcasts on the air each week preaching
the Word of God around the world. Most of the labor of GBM is

volunteer. We support no big buildings or fancy offices, and make do with a very small staff. To save even more, the office is in the basement of the McClure home. This is the way GBM has always conducted its ministry ever since the days when it first
started in the Coble home in Garrett, Indiana, in 1952. And we

plan to continue it this way in order to get the best possible mileage out of the dollars you send. PLEASE - if you have in tended to send a gift, do it now! If you have stopped giving and can possibly resume support, please do it now! And if you are now giving, and can increase your gift, please do it now! We need your help this month as never before. We try not to send emergency appeals - we try to be good stewards of the money you send -but we can't pay bills when nothing comes in. Thank
you for understanding, and helping...
A newly formed church in Korea. According to Bro. Chae, ihey are "big fans" of our GBM-sponsored radio program from Seoul.

Our GBM 27th Anniversary was celebrated on April 28th, with a dinner and program in Garrett. Bro. Coble was able to at tend, and the ladies (as always) did an excellent job on the meal. Ann Lyons was in charge of the meal thanks. Ann. It was

great! At the program, over two hundred dollars was given by

those in attendance...


GBM News cont.



Stevan McClure, 16 year old son of Bill and Lorene, won the competition at the Kiamichi Clinic this year, and was selected as the "World Champion Boy Preacher". Congratulations Steve! He will represent GBM at a summer camp in Wisconsin this

GBM will have booth number 739 at the North American

Christian Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, July 24-27th. Hope

to see you there...

To obtain our new Slide Program with Sound, write and it will be sent to your congregation, missions group, etc. Each pro gram includes a cassette tape with the GBM Story, and the slides in a Kodak Carousel tray ready for showing. Your VBS, or Church camp group would enjoy these slides.

Missionary. Chuck Johnston in Taiwan. Pray for Chuck and his family
and co-workers as Ihey aLlempt a big ministry among the people of Taiwan. He is also working on the radio program series in Mandarin.

CURRENT STATION LOG - (Made Possible By Your Faithful Gifts)

We Remember:

Country Europe/Britian

Polish Polish Russian



TWR {Monte Carlo)

TWR (Monte Carlo) IBRA (Lisbon Port) TWR (Guam)

Charles Phipps (B)

Paul Bajko (P) Charles Branum (P) Don Baughman (B) LaVerne Morse (P) LaVerne Morse (P) T.Lunkim (B)
Yoon Kwan Chae (B) Fredrick Etienne (B)

In Memory Of:
Richard R. Gurlick
India Russia

S.E. Asia/Thailand

Local English

OGBC (Ondo State)

FEBC (Manila) FEBC (Manila)

Kuki dialect Korean Creole

Treva Vendrell

FEBC (Manila) HLKX (Seoul)

Radio Trans-

S. Korea Haiti

Artiboninte (Gonaives)

Local English Togalog English English English

RJR (Kingston)
DZHP (Manila) KIT (Yakima, WA) " KBBO (Yakima. WA) KARI (Blaine. WA)

Vincent Graham (B)

Jeremias Rubio (P)

Manila U.S.


Berl Thomas (B) Berl Thomas (B) Bert Thomas (B)


June 1979

Mo. 152

USPS 314-840

USTEN is published bi-monthly in February. April, June. August. October and December by Gospel Broadcasting Mission,
Box 51, Onalaska. Wi 54650. Second Class


Box 51


Onalaska. Wl 54650

postage paid at Onalaska. Wl.


OnalasWa. Wl 54650


TREASURER Bill McClure JoAnne McAlister Lorene McClure




Ralph Atchison, Ray Jewell, Bob McKinney

Harold Miles. Dean Ghls


At"; 1 6 79


Number 151

April 1979

Now Is The Time To Reach S.E. Asia!

Gospel Broadcasting Mission is involved in preaching the
message of Jesus into the nations of S.E. Asia. Laverne Morse writes: "Ever since 1968, GBM has worked closely with S.E.A.E.M. by raising funds for the air-time costs for the tribal broadcasts...The Gospel radio broadcasts in the Lisu and Rawang languages have been a tremendous tool for strengthening tens of thousands of Christians in Burma (and Thailand). Begun in 1968 with very primitive programs, per sonnel, and procedures, the broadcasts have expanded. Recently, one of the key evangelists of the S.E. Asia Mission

based in the Burmese capital city of Rangoon wrote that the Christians there deeply appreciate and regularly listen to these

Other broadcasts sponsored by GBM in this strategic area of the world include a weekly Korean-language program that reaches into both North and South Korea...and the daily Kukilanguage program reaching into the N.E. section of India
bordering Burma.
MOW is the time to reach into China as well with the

Tim Viner, Lois Morse, Jerry Headon. and Thai Christian musician Sam Yung, in the recording studio of S.E. Asia Christian Services of

Thailand, preparing materials for broadcasting into S.E. Asia.

message of Christ. Wm. Kerr recently visited China and wrote: "Opportunities do exist for extending the gospel in China, even today. Radio is one means of reaching people there. Almost every home has a radio. There is no law against listen ing to foreign broadcasts, apparently, although there is tremendous peer pressure against such alien influences, and the Chinese fear the criticism of neighbors who might overhear
the broadcasts."

In cooperation with missionaries in Taiwan, we are seeking to develop a Chinese-language program series for broad casting into mainland China as well as Taiwan. Coupled with the programs will be the Bible-Correspondence Course prov ing so successful today in Taiwan. At least thirteen radio pro grams are completed, with more planned.
MOW is the time to reach into all of S.E. Asia, and Chris

tians have never had a better opportunity than today. An authority on Communism writing in U.S. Mews & World
Report said: "The war between Communist China and Com
munist Vietnam marks the end of the road for Communist

ideology. One by one. Communist ideological tenets and pro mises have gone down the drain." Please pray for these broadcasts and opportunities in this crucial area of the world. The struggle between the forces of good and evil have never been greater than today in S.E. Asia!

Missionary Jerry Headon. preparing broadcasts in tribal languages of Burma and Thailand. This new studio is part of Chiar}gmai Bible In
stitute in Thailand.

Directly Speaking...
-yet, time has passed and things have changed. The calendar on the wall and the pictures in the album do not lie! Unfortunately, values often change too, just as do the fads and styles.
I'm reminded of a statement someone

preach the Good ISews of Jesus.

Pearl McGinnis writes: "I have no

yesterdays, time took them away; tomor row may not be - but 1 have today!"
The wise man and woman will realize

Bill McClure. Director

once made: "At twenty, many a man thinks it's up to him to save the world: When he gets to thirty, he is wishing he could save part of his salary." Gospel Broadcasting Mission, this month, is 27 years old. We formally
started in Garrett. Indiana, in 1952,

the importance of each God-given day. It is vital that we use every hour and every opportunity to advance the preaching of
Jesus around the world. Present world conditions reveal that our time for

Time passes quickly, doesn't it? To il lustrate how quickly, just sit down with .your teenagers once in-a-while, and go
-through the family-picture-album, or pile, as the case may be. We did that not too long ago. The results were almost as startling as they were amazing. Who would have thought my high school pictures in the old year book were all that funny. Or, that the longer dresses, shorter hair, earlier model cars,

through the efforts of Walter and Mainie Coble to do something to aid and ad vance the preaching of the Gospel around the world. Mrs. Coble has gone to
her reward in heaven. Mr. Coble is now in

preaching and teaching may be short. When you support and pray for this Mission, you share with faithful mis sionaries and preachers around the world, their ministry to their people. Through GBM, you are preaching daily and/or weekly to men and women in Russia, Europe, Poland, horth & South
Korea. S.E. Asia, Africa.-lndia, the Carib

-his-90's,-living in Garrett, and still sup ports and encourages the ministry of GBM even though he retired as director
in 1966.

In 1966, GBM moved to its present

location here in the La Crosse/Onalaska

bean and the Phillipines, the life-giving, life-changing message of Jesus. As time passes, we plan many addi tional programs to broadcast the Word of
God behind the iron and Bamboo Cur

area of Wisconsin where three families. The Christmans, Wakemans and

tains, and to other regions of the world.

But, your support and assistance is need ed. Your faithful partnership is the key to
success or failure of GBM's world-wide efforts.

or baggier pants would produce such gales of laughter. Imagine, at my age be ing questioned about how things were "in the good old days." It really opened my eyes, for sure! In addition to making me more humble, it made me more aware of just how quickly
time passes. 1 don't feel that much older

Leepers (in Tinley Park, IL) continued the work faithfully through much of

Today, in 1979, as the current direc tor, 1am happy to report to you that the goals and purposes that led the Cobles to

Holmes said, "Life has but two ends,

and one end has been used. Take care of
the other end."

start GBM 27 years ago, have not

changed. We are more committed than
ever to the use of radio world-wide to

In the years ahead, we are determined

to use our time to blanket the world with

Gospel Broadcasts. Will you help?

CURRENT STATION LOG (Made Possible By Your Faithful Gifts)


Country Europe/Britian




Polish Polish

TWR (Monte Carlo) TWR (Monte Carlo) IBRA (Lisbon Port) TWR (Guam)

Charles Phipps (B) Paul Bajko (P)

Charles Branum (P)

April 1979

No. 151

USPS 314-840






February. April, June, August, October and

December by Gospel Broadcasting Mission.
Box 5 i, Onalaska. Wl 54650. Second Class

S.E. Asia/Thailand

Local English

OGBC (Ondo State)

FEBC (Manila) FEBC (Manila) FEBC (Manila) HLKX (Seoul)
Radio Trans-

Don Baughman (B)

LaVerne Morse (P) LaVerne Morse (P) T.Lunkim (B)

Kuki dialect

postage paid at Onalaska. Wl.

Bill McClure JoAnne McAlister Lorene McClure

S. Korea

Korean Creole

Yoon Kwan Chae (B)

Fredrick Etienne (B) Vincent Graham (B)

Artiboninte (Gonaives)

Local English Togalog English English English

RJR (Kingston) DZHP (Manila)

KIT (Yakima. WA) KBBO (Yakima. WA) KARI (Blaine. WA)


Jeremias Rubio (P) Berl Thomas (B) Berl Thomas (B) Berl Thomas (B)

Ralph Alchison, Ray Jewell, Bob McKinney

Harold Niles, Dean Ghls

a.s. U.S. U.S./Canada

NEWS . . .

Piease be in prayer about NEW broadcast opportunities in India. Current plans call for the development this summer of several
new broadcasts. They are already tentatively scheduled to begin
this Fall on FEBC stations that broadcast into India in a number

of languages. Working with veteran missionaries Dolly Chitwood and Leah Moshier, a daily Hindi-language program is to

be developed using several young men as speakers from the Kulpahar Church of Christ Mission, and featuring young people in the Kulpahar Kids Home and School, for music and drama. The Hindi language is spoken by at least 38% of the entire population of India this amounts to more than 230 million people...a second daily broadcast in Hindi is being planned working in cooperation with Dr. V.J. Lall of the Mid-India Chris
tian Mission based in Damoah...and still another daily program

Happy uolunleers helping with the mailing of Ihe last issue of LISTEN al Christian Chapel. Onaiaska.

is planned in the Khasi language with Phillip and Margaret Ho. They work with Christians living in the city of Shillong and the surrounding area...These new programs will greatly increase our budget, and will require an increase in income if we are to accept these new opportunities to be involved with preaching the Word to the world. As is our practice, GBM does not pay the broadcasters or program personnel heard on the air. We do provide for the cost of air time only and on occasion, some funds for production expense. However, these established mis sions have all indicated their willingness to meet the production costs, limiting our responsibility to the cost of air time which, in itself, is considerable...GBM Director, Bill McClure. plans to spend almost a week in each of these places (Kulpahar, Damoah, Shillong) this summer to help get these programs underway, and to work closely with the missionaries and pro gram personnel, He will also travel to Korea, the Philippines,
and Poland to meet with broadcasters and radio stations. In

GBM Secretary.

Mrs. Lorene McClure.

really enjoys her work.

Poland, present plans call for him to travel for two weeks in June with George Bajenski and the Rostvit Sisters to conduct rallies throughout this Communist country, and to visit some of the Churches and congregations started as a result of our GBMsponsored Polish-language broadcasts. If you would care to help with the travel expenses for this trip, please make your check to GBM, and marked "Travel Fund". Thank you...Our new GBM Slide & Sound Program is ready and will be sent to you upon request for your congregation/Missions Group, etc. Each program includes a complete 15 minute program in a slide tray for Kodak Carousel & cassette tape.

Following the label-sticking parly after church, the workers enjoyed ap ple cider and doughnuts (or fry cakes) as they are called in Wisconsin.

Preachers in Seoul. Korea. In (he front row. second from left, is Dr.

Yoon Kwan Chae. President of Korea Christian Seminary, and one of the broadcasters on our program. In the front row. extreme right, is Bro. Kong, the man who serves as secretary for the broadcast from Seoul. Both Norlh and South Korea are reached with this program.

On cMemory Of:
_ ^WLUfiam :A/I. ^enion
cMxi. ^Enton

cMi. &
Euen GBM Trustee Ralph Alchison and his wife pitch in lo help, as did
all the other Trustees and their wiues.

H'Kn. (2[ady

c^nne. Seami.

c::^nna & cMiiton c^dam


Memorial Gifts Program

nnL(j%6.a%ij 2^, J^tnns.^
Someone has defined a Memorial Gift as "An expression of love with eternal significance." The GBM Memorial Gift Pro
gram is exactly that. It is a means of expressing loving appreciation and honor for someone special who has passed away. Through a Memorial aze Lnuitzd to out

c^nnuai ^!QcM c::^nnLuEii.aiy ^^Lnnei <Satui<iay, c/ffixiC zSid, 6:30 (i.m. at dk U1C(l of d^T-tit 2J3 . V(Lng <Stx&st
^^awztt, Indiana.

wiLte. ox aaCt ifi afiutafi fox xsiEXoaiLom ox moXE. infoxmaiion.


Gift you share sincere sympathy with those who have experi enced an important loss in their family. At the same time you also express concern for the millions of people around the world who do not know Jesus as Savior, because your thoughtful gift will be used to sponsor Gospel Broadcasts that tell the message of Jesus everywhere. As soon as your gift is received, an attractive card explaining your memorial gift will be sent to the family of the person honored. (Of course, no amount will be mentioned.) You will also receive a card, plus a receipt from GBM for the amount you shared, for income tax purposes. If you would like to honor the memory of someone close to you In this special way, please fill in the information on the Memorial Gift Form and mail it to GBM. If desired, the family may place the following notice in newspapers or church

<^.[fx czCeljxatE

1 27lk c:^nnioXiaxy

"Memorial Gifts may be sent to; Gospel Broadcasting Mission

Box 51

- .

Onalaska, Wisconsin 54650"


The following article was written by Bob Blazek, minister of
the Christian Church of Midland: "A Mission? I have read some articles and heard some com

In Loving Memory Of:

(Please Print Full Name)

ments recently that have stimulated my thinking on missions. Jesus said, "Go make disciples of all nations." 1 would em phasize ALL NATIONS. My concept of a mission is something that is done outside of the local congregation that promotes world wide evangelism (bringing people into Christ). In observing mission reports from various congregations I have noticed that many congregations are giving to no work outside of the U.S. Can this be fulfilling the command of Jesus?
I believe we need home missions, such as new church

Given By:
(Name) (Address)




evangelism and Bible Colleges. But there certainly ought to be some kind of effort to reach the nations of the world by each
congregation, also.

Please Send Memorial Gift Acknowledgements To:


I have always wondered how our camp would be considered a mission when we use it entirely for our own benefit. I believe we should support our camp as part of our local program. But

let's be honest. It is really not a mission. I am pleased that this congregation has never given less than 10% of its income to missions since our beginning: and now we
give over 15%. I believe God has blessed us because of this. I also believe we could do much more if we really wanted to."


Please send additional Memorial Gift Forms


Mail to: GBM, Box 51, Onalaska. Wl 54650



Box 51


Onalaska. Wl 54650

Onalaska, Wl 54650






receive news of your

new address from

post office.

PLEASE send us your address change in ad vance. Thank you.

BOX 518





?-E8 i 3 79


Number 150

February 1979

Ministry Is World-Wide In Outreach


Countrv Language




Poland 'Russia


TWR (Monte Carlo) TWR (Monte Carlo) TWR (Guam) OGBC (Ondo State)
FEBC (Manila)

Wednesday 10:30 CET

10:30 BST

Charles Phipps (B) Paul Bajko (P)

Charles Branum (P) Don Baughman (B)
LaVerne Morse (P)


Tuesday 0015-0030GMT
21 15-2I30GMT

S.E. Asia/Thailand

Local English


Saturday 7:15-7:30 PM
Daily 1915 Daily 1900

India S. Korea Haiti

FEBC (Manila) FEBC (Manila)

HLKX (Seoul)
Radio Trans-



LaVerne Morse (P) T. Lunkim (B)

Kuki dialect

Daily 0930 Monday 9: 5-9:30 PM

Sunday 3:30-4:00 PM

Yoon Kwan Chae (B)

Fredrick Etienne (B)


Artiboninte (Gonaives)
Jamaica Manila


Local English Togalog

English English English

RJR (Kingston) DZHP (Manila)

KIT (Yakima. WA) KBBO (Yakima. WA)
KARI (Blaine. WA)

Friday 4:45-5:00 AM

Vincent Graham (B) Jeremias Rubio (P)

Berl Thomas (B) Berl Thomas (B) Berl Thomas (B)

Sunday 5:05-5:35 PM Sunday 5:45-7:00 AM Saturday 8:45-9:00 AM

Friday 12:45-1:00 AM


* SW stands for Short Wave; MW stands for Medium Wave * Mewest broadcast added to QBM Schedule

TWR means Trans World Radio; FEBC means Far East Broadcasting Company (P) means Producer of program: (B) Broadcaster on program

Directly Speaking.
4. Beware of 'faith ministries"

joy the privilege of non-taxable status, so" there probably should be some type of
which are constantly asking for

5. Beware of those who condemn all denominations and claim theirs

regulation of those who enjoy the public trust and tax-exempt status. Of course, sometimes government can over-do the regulations and re quirements. A few years ago I was in In dia, visiting with missionaries and broad
casters we work with. To meet disclosure

is the only right one. 6. Beware of religious crusaders,

ministers and missionaries who fre

BUI McClure. Director

When il comes to giving your money, how do you decide which missions or in stitutions to support? If you're like the average American, you receive many worthwhile appeals from any number of individuals and groups espousing a wide variety of causes and crusades. Some of the causes you know about, while others are new. Some of the crusades you relate to, and others you do not. Recently, a publication named "Pulpit Helps" gave some guidelines on "How
To Evaluate Men And Movements". The

quently say. 'God told me to do this or that - build a college, a temple, write a special book "for this generation," etc. 7. Beware of religious leaders who travel constantly in royal style, live in plush accommodations, and
dress extravagantly.
8. Beware of leaders and

requirements there required one mis sionary to literally carry around a car trunk load of receipts and financial
records. Another brother was involved with an accountant and an arm-load of

organizations who do not furnish adequate financial statements. 9. Beware of one-man operations.
10. Beware of those who teach

doctrines that tend definitely to veer away from the historic doc
trines of the church."'

God is, 1 believe, concerned with the

author is Sanford G. Shetler. 1 thought you might find these guidelines in teresting and perhaps helpful. " 1. Beware of any movement that
seems to call more attention to

use or mis-use of our money. Someone has figured out that there are over a thousand passages in the Bible which deal with the subject of personal pro sperity. The fact that He mentions it so often is a good indication of the extent of
His concern. Jesus, when He ministered

ledger sheets and journals, trying to work out his reports. He complained, "1 no sooner get one report done, than another is required." Gospel Broadcasting Mission has always had a policy of openness and honesty and full disclosure in its financial dealings for more than 27 years. To continue that policy, we are going to print our financial report at the start of each new year in LISTEN. Copies are also being mailed with receipts for con tributions in January and February. The pie-chart with the report shows the percentage of income spent in the various areas of the GBM ministry, in

itself than to Christ.

among men, reflected this same con


We do this, not to impress you. but to inform you. We want you to know that when you choose to give to Gospel Broadcasting Mission, your gift receives not only our sincere appreciation, but our
careful attention as well.

2. Beware of those who perpetu

ate their own name: 'Smith Revival

(Jncle Sam is concerned, too, with the

The purpose of the GBM ministry is

the same as when the work started in

Crusade": 'John Smith Temple"; 'Louise Kennedy Healing Ministry"; 'Tom Jenkins University". 3. Beware of Christian magazine
editors, crusaders, heaiers. etc.,

whose personal photograph ap pears constantly. (One magazine of 30 pages had a picture of the
editor-crusader 15 times!)

use of our money. In the not-too-distant future, most non-profit, tax-exempt religious ministries like Gospel Broad casting Mission, will be required to make public disclosure of income, expen ditures, fund-raising costs, etc. While most of us deplore the "Big-Brother" aspect of government, such a require
ment will not be ali bad. After all, we en

1952. To enable missionaries, mission

organizations, foreign evangelists and preachers to reach their country with the message of Jesus by the use of radio broadcasting. Your gifts and contributions make the continuation and expansion of this goal possible.

Financial Report 1978

BALAr^CE, January i, 1978

S6I.900.79 + *$5,100.00 = $67,000.79


Interest Savings Deposit in Savings

-3.077.62 S58.675.68 S58.675.6B


.% TrmI t Piewmluii

Checking Account
Equipment contributions

Salaries & Housing Postage. Office & Printing

Travel S Promotion

S25.202.I7 12.025.00

43% Ainlnw

Postao*. OfllGa < Printing

5,700,45 6,822.69 2,789.02 $58,143,86



Equipment Purchase


S58.143.86 S 1.453,65 -.86 1.452.79

Total ConlrliHilloiU


SiltrlM i


Balance December 31, 1978

Savings Account for designated contributions:

Jan. 1, 1978

S 1,826.16

(Qraph flgur* en IU,l43.t)

TOTAL: December 31. 1978

S 3.551.27

Prepared by: Mrs. Jo Anne McAlister. Treasurer

Accepted and approved by GBM Board 1/9/79

RUSSIA GBM is now sponsoring a Russian-language broad
cast (see station log on pg. 1) heard twice each Tuesday in Eastern Russia. The programs are broadcast over KTWR. the newest short-wave transmitters operated by Trans World Radio from Guam. According to TWR reports, more than one billion people living in Mainland China. Eastern Russia and Southeast Asia are served from this transmitter. Our program is aimed at the millions of Russian-speaking people in the Eastern half of

We Remember:
In memory of:

William M. Fenton

Mrs. William M. Fenton

Mr. & Mrs. William Clady

Frank Gary

Audrey Gaff
Anne Beams

Russian is the official language of the Soviet Union. About 60% of their citizens consider it their major language, while it
serves as a second language to the rest. According to statistics compiled by CBS News, there are more than I 16.100,000 radio receivers throughout Russia - the world's largest country. The goal of GBM, as the Lord provides, is to air the message of Jesus on as many of these radio receivers as possible. These first two programs are just a start. We trust God will challenge many friends to make funds available for many more programs
each week.

Memorial Gift Program

Sometimes, when a respected friend or loved one dies, you long for a way to properly honor their memory. Flowers are nice, but they wither and fade all too soon. Perhaps there is something more lasting and meaningful. GBM announces a Memorial Gift Program to help you honor the memory of that friend or family member and advance the preaching of the Gospel at the same time. When you fill in the coupon on this page, and mail it together with your memorial gift, GBM will send the family a beautiful card listing your name as the thoughtful contributor (no amount mentioned) in memory of the one who died. The gift you send will be used to help support one of the GBM sponsored radio programs that preach the Gospel in many foreign languages overseas. You, too, will receive a card with your receipt. And your name, and the name of the person memorialized by your gift, will be printed in LISTEN (no amount

Producers of the programs are Charles Branum, John Huk, George Repetski, and Wray Graham of Missionary Radio
Ministries in Toronto. Thus far. contributions for the new Rus

sian programs have been received from students attending Ozark Bible College. Joplin, Mo.; Iowa Christian College, Des Moines, la.; and Minnesota Bible College, Rochester. Mn. According to a recent study undertaken by Freedom House, an American based group that monitors human rights around the world, only one person in three in our world lives in freedom, Or. to put it in other terms, two-thirds of all people on earth to day live without the basic human rights and freedoms we take for granted in our country. An author in The Christian Reader said. "There is more torture, violence, and oppression today -and more refugees than in any other period in history. The violations of human rights and oppression due to racial tensions, religious differences, ideological conflicts, and the unleashed power of barbarous dictators are increasing rather than decreas ing." The people of the Soviet Union are not free. But, through programs on radio they have a chance to know of the true freedom available through Christ. Radio reaches behind Iron Curtains, and proclaims life and liberty in Jesus. ITALY Charles Phipps. long-time missionary/broadcaster in Terracina, Italy, broadcasts each week over Radio Montecarlo into English-speaking sections of Europe. Recently he wrote to advise of a change in the format for the program sponsored through GBM. He is changing the broadcast from its more tradi tional format to a newer concept. "Our program has been the sandwich' type, as they say; that
is, opening announcement, a musical number, Bible Study

To take part in this remembrance program, please use this



(Please print clearly)

(my name)




occupying the majority of the time, followed by the closing announcement. This has been very effective and 1am not at all sorry for having used it...However...1 feel strongly that we need to reach those who are not reaching out for the Lord and I don't believe that the old system will get to them, or at least not to most of them. S0...I plan a program of several musical numbers interspersed with brief Bible studies. Even tually, I will change the opening to allow more time for the body of the program and Tim Wilson will be my co-broadcaster. Tim is the husband of our Forwarding Secretary...and is anchor man for KOAM TV in Pittsburg, Kansas. He has had three years experience with a Christian radio station and is extremely capable. 1 will record my part in Rome...he will put the program together in the U.S. ... and mail the tapes to
Radio Montecarlo."


(name of person to be remembered)

(send card to this person)


(Continued on Back Page)


(state) Mail to; GBM, Box 51. Onalaska, Wl 54650


(GBM News Conl.) Already Charles has received com ments about the new approach. One
listener commented, "I thank God for


Our program continues to

be broadcast from radio station HLKX, in

your ministry. The Word is faithful and solid, and the music lovely. I can't wait until each Wednesday comes around to
hear it. I feel sure there are thousands of

people like me who not only enjoy it, but receive a blessing also. God bless you

Inchon, Korea, next to the capital city of Seoul. Recently however, FEBC, who now own and operate this station, was advised by the Korean government to upgrade their security measures. The reason is because radio stations are high priority on the communist "take-over"
list should an invasion of South Korea

We congratulate Charles on his effort to up-date the broadcast, and improve the number of listeners. Please pray for him and for this program that reaches in to the lives and hearts of many people in Europe.

ever^take place.
Our program features at different
times, Yoon Kwan Chae, C.Y. "Paul"

Kim. and a speaker selected by mis sionary Gordon Patten. Please remember to pray for this program, and these speakers, as well as for the Korean people.

This building houses radio station HLKX. In chon, Korea. It is now operated bg FEBC. Our program is produced and broadcasted from here throughout both North and South


Former Director,

Cloyd Christman and his wife, Helen, were recently presented an engraved pla que in appreciation of their eleven years service given to this ministry. The plaque

"Gospel Broadcasting Mission appre

ciates the valuable and consecrated

service of Cloyd and Helen Christman. Cloyd served well as General Director of GBM (1966-1977) with Helen faithfully at his side. The best use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.' Gratefully,
GBM Board of Advisors"

Harold Miles, representing the GBM Board, presents an appreciation award to Cloyd and Helen Christman at Christian Chapel.

The Christmans haue giuen eleven years of seruice to the work of Gospel Broadcasting Mission. Their labor is appreciated around the world in the Hues of those changed by our

*Current Director, Bill McClure,

has been invited to visit Poland, India,

South Korea. Taiwan and the Philippines

in May and June. However, funds need

to be raised for this necessary trip. Total cost will be about $3,000. Your special help would be appreciated. Please mark
your gift: FOR TRAVEL FUMD. Thank

One of the singing groups heard over our

broadcast 'SALITA
NEWS OF tn( Goa={i ei!0CA5'iNe mission


Manila and in a large section of the Phillippines.

THE WORD OF TRUTH, heard weekly in

February 1979

No. 150

USTEfi is published bi monthly in February, April, June, August, October and

Deceinbef by Gospel Broadcasting Mission.

Box 51. Onalaska. Wl 54650. Second Class

postage paid at Onalaska. Wl.


GOSPEL BROADCASTIMG MISSION Publication Office Box 51 Onalaska, Wl 54650

SECOND CLASS MAIL Onalaska. Wl 54650

. :

Box 51, Onalaslta. Wl 54650

'Walter and MAIMIE coble, Founders.


Bill McClure JoAnr>e McAlister

Lofene McClure

Czark Bible College

Box 518


Ralph Atchison. Ray Jewel', Bob McKInney

Harold Miles, Dean Ghls

Joplin, MO


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