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Birthday gifts to keep the program

on the air may be sent to Gospel Broad

ON April l.theBible Christian Broadcast Street, Garrett, Indiana. "Send Christian will celebrate its fifth anniversary of dollars to preach Gospel Truth," Mrs.

casting Mission, 208 South Guilford

Coble says.

begin the sixth year, according to Walter

Broadcasting Mission.

and Mrs. Mainie Coble of the Gospel

The program is produced by V. Alex

Bills of the Christian Radio Mission

(Korea) and Martin Clark ofOsaka (Japan)

Bible Seminary. Funds for airtime are

through the efforts of the Cobles who

travel to present the challenge of the radio ministry in the churches and vari
ous mission meetings.

contributed by churches and individuals

Thousands of people in many coun

tries of Europe, including the British Isles, listen to the program weekly;

many write letters of appreciation and

courses; some have been baptised.

order literature, and take correspondence

The mission of the Gospel Broad casting Mission is to promote as many

or places where the Lord leads as the

Gospel programs over the air in Europe

churches want by sending offerings for this cause. As soon as enough pledges

and promises to help with regular offer ings are available they will place another program on the air in some part of
Europe-in particular with the help of
Mrs. Coble urges financial help to
Ed Fausz in Germany.

"keep New Testament Gospel messages

over the airwaves in Europe," and says

"tune in with prayer for the Gospel on

the air."

6 (106)

COBLES LAUNCH NEW PHASE OF GOSPEL BROADCASTING MISSION ON the 5th anniversary of the Bible Christian Program over Radio Luxemboi^g (April 1 195 7) Walter and Mrs. Coble announced that he is retiring from his

Raflway Post Office job to give fulltime to setting up and operating recording facilities to prepare Gospel broadcasts for release over the world.

Broadcasting Mission, 208 South Guilford Street, Garrett, Indiana.

Additional help is needed tofinance the weekly release over

appropriate for such broadcasts. Details may be secur^directly from Gospel

now in its sixth year, and to launch a new program on Lorenco Marques whose sUnafis he^d in Sp^in and into Southern Africa. Airtime on the new 15-minute program will cost $44.10. Also planned when details are ^ Callable is a German broadcast by Edward Faiisz. missionary mGermany, and a
program over Radio Tangiers.

They are asking preachers to cooperate by providing tape recorded sermons


'tJ"^ ^ (tl^
to ^


Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble

208 South Guilford Street, Garrett, Indiana


Said Grandfather Gay on a Thanksgiving Day, "If you want to be happy then give
something away." But it is not what we give but what we share, for the gift without the giver is bare. As though it were Jesus saying, "He who gives himself with his Alms feeds three himself, his hungering neighbor and Me." So let us share our gifts and thanks with those of Europe who gave us our first Thanksgiving Day. Also those who kept

The love of money that root of all evil, I Tim. 6:10, is standing in the way of the
gospel. Because Christ's children and mem

bers of His body, the church, love money

more than they love to see the spread of the gospel of Christ. What a wonderful Thanksgiving it will be if each of you would send $1 even now and say we want the gospel preached in Ger man and English by radio in Europe. And say we promise, circumstances permitting, to send a like amount each month that pro

America in those early days free. Yes, gave

us freedom to worship G(^.

"They, those European ancestors, left un stained what here they found Freedom to Worship God." Let's keep it that way here and return the Gospel plea to them with thankful hearts this Thanksgiving season. A thought for the day that was on one of the Luxembourg programs: "If God is your partner make your plans big." He said "Go," and "Lo, I am with thee." With this promise we are going for

grams in Europe can continue indefinitely and other programs to go on the air as plan ned in the near future. Many of you can
give more.

Plan bigtake God as your partner. Jesus said, "Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down and running over, shaken to gether." God will bless these radio pro grams and the missionaries and give souls for their crowns and yours. Only believe, that He can and will accomplish His pur
pose beginning with you!
Ed Fausz says, "Germans love to read and to listen to the radio. Our work

God has not forsaken us during the five and one-half and more years we have been working to put and keep His gospel on the air in English over Continental Europe and the British Isles. He wants every tongue and tribe to hear of His gospel. The German speaking people need this gospel. They need it in great numbers. And now much more since communism is put ting on a great and concerted effort to make the whole world atheistic. Will you put your fist in this wall of sweeping, plunging wa
ter of atheism and hold back this evil and

of reaching them via both the printed page (mimeographed papers) and the proposed
radio broadcast should thus be an effective

way for making initial contacts." There are

so many inspiring things Ed says. They

thrill and also sadden us because so much

destroying force with the Word of God in your hand and prayers on your lips. That people will believe and be obedient to His Word and live in newness of life teaching
others the "faith" once for all delivered to the saints.

could be done if you would take this burden on your hearts and send an offering and pledge no matter how small to the gospel. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coble, Broadcasting Mission, Box 117, Garrett, Ind. Gives thanks for the preaching of the Gospel by radio in Europe. Pray, in everything give

"Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving." Col. 4-2.

Give the German people the gospel through the effort of radio in a "Search the Scripture" program of the Gospel Broad casting Mission. Edward Fausz, the mis


sionary in Germany, will preach and pro

duce the sermon in the German language and take care of the follow up work. He is ready, willing and anxious to get started so that greater things can be done for the Lord right in his field of missionary endeavor.

Published 4 times a year, January, * March, June, September and Novem- * ber by Gospel Broadcasting Mission, * * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coble, Garrett,

Indiana. Entered as second-class mat-

* ter at the post office in Garrett, Ind.


Following are some of the many "Listen"

Exerpts are taken from the letters. Often

there is much more written. We want to

letters received recently, which will show

you how people are continuing to listen and write and study the correspondence courses.

quote from different ones.

Dear Christian- Friends

"Herewith enclosed lessons 15-26 in your Bible correspondence course. May I say now what a real blessing these lessons have been to me. They have not only taken me through these many books of God's word but they have given me the definition of things I found hard to understand. Perhaps the greatest of these have been those emphasizing baptism by immersion . I had been believing in sincerity that sprinkling with water and a Christ ening was equal to immersion. By these letters I come to realize that baptism by immersion was necessary. I can joyously say that I have now undergone this baptism, I accepted Christ almost
two years ago. And with joy and happiness I strive to follow him. I was immersed Sunday, Sept. 1,1957.

With reference to your advanced study course on the Book of Acts I would be happy to enroll as a stu dent. May the Lord richly bless and reward you.
Yours in Christ,
D. S. W.

St. Helier-Jersey
Channel Isles
Dear Sir:

Manchester, England.
Dear Sir:

Every Monday I listen to your program me coming over Radio Luxembourg. Is it possible for you to send me your Bible study course. -Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely, L.A.S.

Nurses Home (Hospital) Glasgow, N.W.

I was very much impressed by the ser mon I heard over R. L. last night and would be pleased if you could send me a copy. It was the sermon concerning "One Church In the Much Divided World of Today." Many thanks. Yours sincerely, D. E. M. Esq. Norbys-Stokke, Norway
Please send me literative.
F. M. G.

Please send me your Bible Study course.

Niurse A.M.

w a:

Dear Sir: Kris, Norway I was pleased to receive your lessons 5-6. I find them very good. I await other lessons. I continue to pray that the Lord will bless you in your great and important work.


> M ~ ^ o W =


Dear Sir;


^ 5
j-3 O

Please send me your correspondence course and copy of sermons. I am a Billy Graham convert, 1955.
F. P.

^ si o
Xt <:->

ii :! M


Dear Sirs: Revqund, Sweden Received program. I love program very

much. I am a teacher in Sweden. Have 8-


tube set, 1 year old, indoor antenna two meters long. There was no disturbance on
your program.

w Ul

Molndel, Sweden
Please send letter No 2 and material. Herr S.S. N. Wales


Sallynoggin County, Dublin
Dear Sirs:

Dear Sir:

I listen to your broadcast every Monday

I was listening to your programme last

Monday and would like to state that this is

a very good programme but I regret you have not got longer on this programme.
What is the reason for this I would like to know Please let me have a copy of
your course.

night. I would like you to send me any Bible study or tracts which you have. Age 15 years, 10 months.
G. T. S.

Dear Sir:

Cornwall, England

D. L. M.

It is really wonderful to turn on the radio in the late evening and hear the Word of God being broadcast throughout the world.
Your work is wonderful and I pray for you

Dear Sir: Yorkshire, England I should like to receive free Bible lessons

every day. I am sure thousands join with me in saying keep up your wonderful work
for His name.

from you. I am very interested in program me on Radio Luxembourg. I am 23 years of

age. Thanking you.
B. M.

A. D.
Harrow Weld

Dear Sir:

Co-Kickenny, Erie your booklet on

S. H. L.

I listened to your broadcast last night and

should like to receive "Baptism." Thank you,
Dear Sir:

Please send me a copy of your sermon on baptism. Many thanks. All sermons tracts, etc., on baptism and Lesson 2.
J. K.

Students Union

Dear Sirs: R.A.F., Germany Please send me if possible any literature.

The University Hall

I find the program on R.L. a great blessing

to me.

Could you please send me your Bible Study course I heard you over Radio Lux., Yours sincerely.

J. A. M.



North Ireland

I listen to your program over Radio Lux embourg. It has been a real blessing to me.
I am a school girl.
D. M.


Send for more printed programs, tape re corded programs and copies ' of "My Ex perience With Prayer."


Listen O' Isles Unto Me, and Hearken, Ye People, From Afar


On tke (RacfLa
Your Voice for Christ in Europe
"Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You FREE"
Help make Europe FREE in Christ for His Church. Dollars talk for Christ.

Send the lig^ht through preaching. "The entrance of Thy Word giveth Light."

The Gospel Bfosde^stin^ Mission

Mr. and Mrs. Walfer S. Coble, 208 South Guilford Street, Garrett, Indiana

(Because of the Open TombI Cor. 15-17-22)

For Radio Broadcast in Europe to Preach the Gospel in Europe

For the restoration of the church described in the new testament in its original doctrine, practices and its fruits. For unity of God's people on the Word of God alone. Where Christ commands to obey.

Forethought And Preparation Since April, 1945, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter S. Coble have consistently worked
that the church of the New Testament

and the Word of God might be preached in the countries Of Europe. That the and Salvation in by the terms taught and preached by the Apostles and re vealed in their teachings in the New

raise the money for time costs and other station costs and promote it. In other words, this seemed like a direct answer to prayer to the Cobles To sponsor a work for Clnristian Missionary evangel ism by radio broadcasting over Europe
and the British Isles.

shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isaiah 55:10-11. If it please God to ac complish that we know not of God

peo^e in Europe might know Christ

By this time Mr. Coble had become proficient in the use of tape recorders and recording and saw the great possibil ities that it could have in religious
broadcasting. And both Mr.; and Mrs.

We have heard of two or three baptisms resulting from this broadcast of men from England and France. Many letters have been received from listeners, testi fying to how much good they have re

Jilr. and Mrs. Coble sent out the first

letters early in April, 1945, calling for

money to send missionaries to Europe

Coble envisioned how many more people could come under true gospel teachu^
than would have been possible in their first plan. And they saw how this radio program might prepare the way for future missionaries to the field of Europe.
A Decision is Made

ceived from it; others say how much.they are helped and given strength, and cour age; and others write of faith renewed. Many wish to know more about the chal,lenging gospel sermons arid ask foiliterature and the correspondence course. Since the broadcast began new mis sionaries have gone to Europe.' They find this broadcast has prepared the way and continues to do so. by mission aries, radio broadcasting, letters and cor respondence courses all are working to gether in the name of God and His only begotten son, Jesus the Christ, to bring the hope and the salvation of souls to many lost in sin, without hope and with out peace in the world.

at the end of the war when hearts would

be responsive to Christian teaching. The first offering for this was the Honorable Clyde Carlin of Angola, Indiana, (now de ceased). The amount was $25.00. This treasTire he sent ahead was the beginning of the amount which has made it possible

for millions to hear the gospd preached.

So after consideration and prayer Mr. and Mrs. Coble agreed that they would
do their best to use this means of evan

We believe that Judge Carlin is glad in his eternal home that much of his earthly treasure had gone on before him as he

going of the Church of Chnst.

gave of hims^ and money for the on

All the treasure we are able to take

gelism missionary radio method. And if the Lord would lead them into spon soring other radio programs they would jBollow His leading to the best of their ability.
Sowing The Seed

with us into eternity is only that we have given away for Christ and His church. How Much Are You Sending Ahead?

Just pause for a moment and consider

how much of your treasure are you send ing ahead of you? It would be sad to see
the riches of heaven and realize one

had paid no price to obtain it. But some thing is wrong with that thought, because
there is no sadness in heaven. "Neither
hath it entered into the heart of men

This program on Radio Luxembourg in Europe has been and is one of faith. It is a missionary venture sending the gos pel by missionary radio to the nations of Europe, by the powerful transmitter of 150,000 watts of Radio Luxembourg. People in the church at home have been slow in recognizing the value and
need of such a broadcast and in (some

* ^

$$ Send Christian Dollars $$ $$ To Preach Gospel Truth $$ With hope for the future and immediate future. Continuous broad-

* * *

the things that God hath prepared for them that love Him." Another thought is that "if you love Me you will keep my
commandments." "He that soweth bount

respects) the going many times has been rough. Read Luke 16:8 The children of this world are, in their generation, wiser
than the children of light. But there are so many farseeing and wise people of the light who can realize the far reaching effects that radio has over the minds and hearts of people. They have come to the aid in such a time and for such a purpose as this, and as such have helped by their interest, money and prayer so that this mighty
Christian force has been able to broad

casting of the Bible Christian pro- * gram over Radio Luxembourg *

in Europe as of now. * To sponsor a missionary radio * program for Edward Fausz in *

ifully will reap also bountifully." Is one

of these "Give?"

Germany in the German language. * To sponsor other programs as * fast as funds permit. Wouldn't it *
grand if you could be one to write "go ahead" with a broadcast for
Edward Fausz? We will send an

This first money was received April

* *

12, 1945. Others responded in varying amounts and with much encouragement given to the effort until a sum of $2,391.16 was gathered. At the end of the war there was. no one ready to go so the plan could not become active. Mr. and Mrs. Coble were reluctant to give up the hope that workers might go to
work for Christ and His Church in those

offering each month, a



^m more than we have been send-

cast the gospel in this manner and by

begin when this remarkable program will

proclaim the gospel on the air to the millions of deserted, heartbroken, spirit broken, home forsaken and disillusioned people of Europe.

this combmation of means for fully five years. On April 1, 1957, the 6th year will

start such a program, and the work *

of time and promotion would re- * quire about $500 each month to * keep it going.
If every person who receives this * notice would send $1.00 at once and then promise $1.00 each month *

We should have $1,000 over and * above the offerings now in order to *

countries where Satan had sown so many

tares and caused the whole world to

become, alarmed and full of misery. The acts of aggression, hopelessness of

Atheism and the resulting fear and bond age had all but destroyed the freedom
which is in Christ Jesus in those coun

With Christian Radio Mission, preach

ing, recording and sending the programs

tries of Eiu*ope.
About Mr. Coble

Ereduced in their studios, answering the

Coble writing and traveling to inform

steners' letters and their correspond ence courses and with the (Sospel Broad casting Mission; Mr. and Mrs. Walter

Mr. Coble from youth had been a stu dent of electricity, then radio and had been enlisted into the repair work and building of radios because of the lack of repairmen during the war. From working it as a hobby it became a duty when home from his tour of duty as a railway postal clerk in charge. So with keeping the mail distribution going on his run and keeping the hometown radios working there was little time left.
Preparing The Field

people of their golden ppportuniiy to help preach the gospel, re-recording programs so that people in the United States and other places can hear the message that goes out over many nations of Europe once each week. Also working in various

above what they are giving now for the Luxembourg broadcast as long as Grod prospered them so to do then we can say to Ed Fausz as soon as your program is ready, we are ready to "go-forward." For the Christians in the
United States have seen the vision

* ^ * * * * *

ways to ipromote the broadcast so that

time station costs, fees and promotion

costs can be paid. Co-workers with you

friends of Chnst and His Church in pul pit, pew who are praving telling

and will furnish the money to keep the gospel on the air in Europe." Send thank offerings each month to the Gospel Broadcasting Mission, Garrett, Indiana, to keep the Gospel on the air because of your thankfulness of being free to worship God even as your ancestors

* * * ^ * * *

giving that all working together and

in the name of Christ and His honor and

from-Europe left tiieir homes to * come to America to do. They gave * to us this wonderful heritage. Be- *
cause "They left unstained what * here they foimd" Freedom to Wor- *

Then in August, 1951, V. Alex Bills, while on a speaking date, visited the Cobles in Garrett, Indiana, and told them
he could get a "spot" on Radio Luxem bourg in Europe for broadcasting a gos pel sermon each week if some one would

glory. He has promised that as seed is sown in the ground and bringeth forth more seed and bread. "So Shall my word be, that goeth forth out of my mouth, it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it

ship God. How thankful are you for *


"Its good to be grateful. Where are the nine." Luke 17: 15-17. .
#****** Hi

w r ' h a $ great desire to plant ai^d sow effectively. .-.Modern methods for sowing


Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble, Garrett, Indiana
The Gospel Broadcasting Mission

seed to. harvest grain has brou^t hew

machinery to stir up and pirepaire the soil. Catalogues wd books to read college to attend and lectures to attend to learn how to prepare the soil and how to get the best seed.
A farmer does not use the old method

Beginning January 1st, 1%6, and ending Dec. 31st. 1956.

Unpaid notes and bills December 31, 1956 $525.00
Balance on hand January 1, 1956
Received from contributions 1956

of broadcasting his seed but gets the newest equipment that will sow the most seed in the least time. Harvesting of grain is done by:: ever mcreasing new methods. All o these improvements cost a great deal of money to do the best work. God gives the increase. Isaiah



hearts and mkds of men, must be shown the need,, the value .and the e^diency of sowing. The desire to sow &e gospel

In sowing the gospel seed the field and soil must also be prepared. Not only the field and ,soil where the seed is planted but the most discouraging and expensive part is that the soil in the

Mailing permit bulk mailing Ic rate. Also for tapes for rerecordmg, mailing of tape packages of literature, postage

Time on Radio Luxembourg Special mailing. 2nd dass mailing permit Deposit Post Office

Printing of LISTEN envelopes, pamphlets, pledge slips, Office suplies, files, fUe cards, staples', ink, paper, stencils, etc.
Payment on last year's notes


other literature and payments on last year's bills

seed far and wideband by the best and c[uickest methods using modem tools in doing the work so that a greater har vest may be expected. The Seed has been given to man to sow
the Word of God. And it must not be adulterated but must be sown as God

30 inches of space N. A. Conv., Louisville, Ky., Table and booth, National Missionary Convention, Joplin, Mo.

Dec. 31, 1956, Balance in bank


has given it. By loyal expounders of the

Word of God.
We need no fear for the results if

Unpaid accounts due and payable Dec. 31,1956

' -;

the seed is faithfully sown for God will give the increase. 1 Cor. 3-7. Read
verses 6-9. Also Isaiah 55-11.

Note ^50 plus interest at Bank V Other old bills ^00 . Total $450 carried over to January 1957. Thank you and may God bless you every one according to His will and purpose.
Amen. Mr.'and Mrs. Walter S. Coble.

be sown far and wide V the quickest

methods and instruments.

Pray and give that gospel seed may



The amount raised during 1956 was given by 222 separate contributors. 54
of these contributors have been from Gar

programs to be heard ih local ar^s. But

the Church of Christ as a unit in A&ef>

Dear Sirs, it is indeed with great pleasure that I write this letter after once again listening to yoii proclaim ing the Bible truths over the. vast field

rett, Indiana, the hometown of the Cobles. Given by the church itself or

ica has ONE short program ih; thf whble

continent of Europe .and. \ the British

by different classes and. by individuals, leaving - only 168 different contributors

outside of Garriett

Isles. K half of the churches Vroiild ^ve

$1.00 per miember per year tof the-Gospel Broadcasting Mission we coidd'blaiet
Europe and the British Isles with the

of Radio Luxembourg. I am sure that it brought the Bible truths to many as

yet untouched homes. I could name of a number whom I know who listen, as I do, regularly to your broadcast. I would like to accept the offer of the Bible study course I am very in
terested in this Work.

22 states of the United States are rep

resented. Less than half of the states of

the United States have sent any kind of

and fruits.

plea of restoring the New Testament church in all of its doctrines, orditiahdes

an offering. How, wdl is your congrega

I remain yours in Him,


tion sharing in the national missionary radio seed sowing ministry ? How are you taking advantage of God's gift of Radio to man in proclaiming His Word
over it? ,

Please do this and help to pUt on more

programs in 1957 while the Radio WaVes in these countries are stilli'opeii for the preaching of the Word.i

En^and '~i My wife and I listen to all your broad casts via Radio Luxembourg. We are getting untold blessings from each ses sion; The expositions' of God's word are just food and drink to the soul and we pray for a long continuance of the won derful ministry over the air. We should be glad to receive the free Bible lessons offered and any copies of the addresses on Bible expositions. Thank you very much for all the good you are doing. May God grant you a rich harvest of souls for your labours. Yours in Christian fellowship, I.J.J.

Taken for granted that it is used by

some of the Churches of Christ in Amer

Send/those waves, that they may go and say, "Here we are," Listen, 0 Isles Unto the Word of Crod and .hearken, ye

ica (but not enough) for local church

Isaiah 49: 1. Help t^6m hiear.

people from, afar. Read Jo^i 38:35:

A Summary of Contributors to the Work of



Mr. and Mrs. Waiter S. Coble, Founders, Qarrett Indiana.

These following numbers are based on the 1956 list of contributors. !:^s has vari^
from year to year in the past. In many cases some of these listed in '^ach'-catagoir}' have not completely fuUfuled their self imposed obligation to the cause. And ^me of the number have sent sparin^y. About % of the number completed the full amount pledged.


Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly $7.50 \ $5.00 $1.00 $3.00 $2.00 Amount
Varies fine off.
7 1

dates and

Published 5 times a year, January, March, June, September and November by


Misc. off.

Gospel Broadcasting Mission

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coble






Garrett, Indiana
Entered as second-class- matter at the

postoffice in Garrett,


The Number of Contributors as to States

Name of State Number of

news came through very clearly and has a large audience id this city, both
Christian and unbelievers who have com

Belfast, N. Ireland.
I listened with much joy and blessing to your Bible Christian Program. Please
send literature so that we can pray more

Arizona California

mented on your broadcast I send Christian greetings. Brother F. D.


intelligently for your work. Praying the

Lord's richest blessings in your labors
for Him. Yours in Jesus name, G.D.P. Dublin, Ireland. Could you please send me the Bible
course which is offered over the air to

2 3 1 23 4

Dear Friends I realize what a won


derful job you are doing. Long may you continue to bring God's message to mil lions. Please send me your leaflets and may God bless you and help you and keep you in your great work of salvation.
Yours truly, J. C.

night. Yours sincerely, I.W.W.

Bill Quay, Gateshead, Ireland We live in deeds not feelings, not in figures on a dial. We must count time by
heartthrobs. He most lives who thinks


Kentucky Michigan


3 1


I heard your Radio Luxembourg pro gram called the Bible Christian program
I am sure such programs are a source

most, acts the best . . . Yours in the Master's Service.

of blessing and help for many people. I

have not for a long time been in fellow

Cornwall, Britian

38 3 4 1

Oklahoma New Mexico
New York Nebraska North Carolina

ship with Him. Therefore I am very in

terested to contact Christians- I think that such a contact will help me as a

student in my daily struggle to be a

Christian. G. L.

2 2 6 2 1



LETTERS that have been received from LISTENERS to the Broadcast

ago reported to the Gospel BroadcastMission that almost daily letters came

The Christian Radio Mission sometime

N. England^ Will you please forward the Bible les sons I heard over Radio Luxembourg. I am indeed thrilled and much inspired by your broadcasts. We hear so little these days of the things that are vital and so necessary. I am reminded of that beau tiful hymn, "Break Day of God 0 Break." "The earth with strife is worn. The hills with thunder shake, hearts of the people break, oh bright and morning star draw near 0 Son of righteousness appear." Your program on the air inspires me
more and more to do all I can towards

I heard your Radio Luxembourg pro a real scriptural church. Any literature you send me will be carefully read and then displayed where it will be seen of many. I will send you any remarks, criticisms, suggestions, etc., for your consideration. Congratulations on your enterprise. Yours very sincerely in Christ. I.W.D.
gram. People are looking for England

I heard your broadcast . . . very im

pressed. Please forward us some litera

ture on your beliefs and Bible teachings.

I should like to know what denomination

you belong to, L.W.P.

from listeners expressing appreciation for the programs and interest in our position. Letters have been received from England Scotland Wales-Ireland, Nor way, Finland, Sweden, Holland, Bel gium, France, Germany, Italy, Switzer land. By far the greatest numbers are
from the Brithish Isles.

the extension of God's kingdom. May God bless all your efforts and to see souls

saved to honor and glorify Him. W-WilA-Scotland



I shall be glad if you will kindly send reguarly to your broadcasts and enjoy
them very much. Thanking you in antici pation, yours faithfully, J.G.G. Yorkshire, England
How do we come to Christ? . . . I would

me some of your Bible lessons. I listen

Send for FREE tape recordings of sermons and programs over Radio Luxembourg and also Gos pel Broadcasting Mission recorded

Normark, Finland

I am very glad to let you know I have listened to your broadcast as often as
I have time. I should like to receive your

booklet and the program information

for all the broadcasts. Many thanks for
your programme.

like to know more about your Christian work. Yours sincerely, B. H.


programs for use in meetings or

church services to the GOSPEL BROADCASTING

Yours sincerely. R. R.

It is second time that I have joy of listening to your fine broadcasts over Radio Luxembourg. I would be very

Dear Christian Friends I enjoyed and

would appreciate a copy of tonight's Ra

dio-broadcast which I heard this evening over Radio Luxembourg your good

pleased to receive your printed mes sages, if possible, the two last ones and others. We are sorry that we only now discovered your fine program. H.A.P.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble





Gospel Broadcasting Mission Garrett, Indiana


v,;' i.n

1 P.''5b



Listen O' Isles Unto Me, and Hearken, Ye People, From Afar
Isaiah 49.1




5fh Ann'mmty
of the going on the atr of the


Yes, April 1, 1957, marks the beginning of the SIXTH YEAR of the Bible Christian Program going on the
air continuously each Monday over Radio Luxembourg at Luxembourg.

founders of the "Into All the World" Gospel the growth but tries to kill it at its roots.

The Founders ~ indifference and handicaps it has en countered to get above the ground of lethargy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott Coble are the apathy and miserliness that not only hinders

Mr. Coble after 46 years and more in the and* postal transportation service expects to retire nrMoh^n from that work sometime this year, probably Eeeo^
in mid-summer. And he with hfs wife, Mainfe I. Coble, will continue the work of the Gospel Broadcasting Mission. Europe?

Gospel, especially in European Countries or where the l^ird IpaHq

darkened place, and let this be the lamp


mi of His dear Son. Won't

#wf h

this world's goods they will continue in this .

Having accumulated scarcely anything of

vptirPTYiPTif ;)ension TiATiQinTi ana flTiH "onfli FaifVi in in God Pft/I to +rk . ^ retirement with ^ith

radio ministry and missionary radio work on

rm. , ,

supply their nee^ through &S nches and force of teaching and evangelism to stay on the air " promise to be Wth^ttem.^ ^^^ these five years and dear Gid; we pray yon to touch
and Lo, I Am W^ith You. * ^&ny more hearts thatTour Word may be preached *

imaerstanding, for those individuals and ministers


those churches of vision and

* ,

It is necessary that theybegoing and telling !

casting the gospel by radio so that many milthe churches of the need and value of broad-

othe^rograms in many other places and Ian- *


gospel preached; that is the power of God un-

lions may quickly and over and over hear the


to Salvation. How can they believe unless they radio program over the British Isles and hear the Word and how can they hear without Central Europe? mi,Qf , a preacher? Let the voice of the preacher be

That the New Testament plea has only one


heard by your prayers and offerings, send the poph Hireaches more people '"Light." Macedonia is still calling come and ww people who meet in all

will continue through e^nity if they can only That its cost Der listener is extremelv low? convince you the people in the churches, of That atout^ Kera ^ the gi^atneed and opportunity in the efficient preached once for one cent'

into their hands. They have worked hard to accontinuously for complish the task for that reason and the "ve years? material rewards have been nothing. But the That the sixth year of this broadcast will spiritual compensation is very rewarding and begin on April 1,1957.

The Cobles feel that God has put this task

o Churches of Christ m the whole United

each Sunday?

operation of this type of work; also of the ^

. ' .

with Guy IVUyfield in Italy in sending these

to the many who write letters, request infor- amount in comparison in their Christian dolmation and study tre correspondence course, ^ars to teach Gospel Truth and the plan of Also, there is the opportunity of cooperation Salvation to these same people?

golden opportunity that is yours to preach the spendmg millions of dolgospel to so many people, all at once, in so through your taxes for the many different places and over and over, at so America for such a program to teach little cost per person. the ideas of democracy to these same people. Then there is the chance of further teaching That Christians should give a similar

people the Chnst^n Plea (L Appdlo Cristiano). Also with Edward Fausz in Germany in contacting these people by word and pnnted material whenever he has the opportunity.
The results of such a three-way Christian

$1.00 given each year to the Gospel Broadcasting Mission by each church would put several True to the.Bible programs over the air in Europe. Do you believe that Jesus is the Way,
the Truth and the Light? Then flood the mail

Christ is the answer to the World's Needs,

effort is tremendous in the impact it is exert- with your dollars to "Send the Light" by the ing in these countries. This little acorn is al- way of mighty radio waves to preach the Gosready showing many sprouts in spite of the pel in Europe.

POMT YOU BELIEVE That this radio program merits the support
of more than just 222-contributions from 22

States who kept it on the air during 1956? ;

That more people, more churches should

send their Christian dollars so that more gos pel programs can be put on the air?
circle can afford to give a little more so that you can contribute at least $5 per month so that 20,000 people can continue to hear the
gospel preached each week?

building could crowd in 400 people. Would you give 2 cents if it would enable your minister to speak to a crowded house full Of people, who mostly knew nothing about the New Testam^t plea? That is a ^Uy question! Yet, that is about the rate paid for the Bible CSmstian program over Europe in which Alek Bills speaks to 2 million people each week. It is going to take other wa^y even remotely compares to cairistianity in combatting communism. Do you want to do it willingly for Christ's sake, or
the very poor substitute at enormous tax cost and Uves.
many times 2 cents to save the world from commiMsm. No

HOW YOU MAY DO IT! Let Us suppose you are a member of a cofigrieiatidil

That your congregation, class or missionary

Taxes or Tithes, which? We are paying himdreds <rf times more through taxes to destroy lives th^ we are in tithes to sa!ve


elsewhere. ask. yourself, "Who pays for this?" You do! care for-the follow up. And Guy Mayfield iii' If we spent just the part that our own brethren pay- for these Italy is also desirous of helping by sending the miplements of war to broadcast the seed of the Gospel To the Li^t would ww be necessary? Th^^ is ^ 61er "L'Appello Cristiano" (The Christian Plea) send solution except Chri^ and garner in the grain that is now SAVING SOULS OR DESTROYING LIVES ripe unto the harvest fields of Europe?

i^ard Fausz in Germany can broadcast and

I We must have a nucleous of about $1,000 in brder to start additional programs when Ed-

on a Destroyer station^ at Norfolk. He says that there were 150 to 175 such destroyers there, and tenders for each few des4

Durilig &e Korean War ow son. Wallace Lee Coble, now a professor in a state training school who has been promoted to academic supervisor beginning the next term, was an officer

air time on &e Luxembourg radio broadcast for about 1^

years. Each time a 5-inch gun was fired it cost more than a

troy^s. One ship cost about 60 million dollars, which wouldpa;^

month's, air time. Multiply tins number of ships by all others

reach so many people 1)7ith the Gospel? Be a "Wave Holder*' to 20,000 people. Can you with hold your money and hear the Master say,
"Pray Ye, the Lord of the harvest?" when

Can yoii imagine where $5 per month could

The communists know it We know it!

and advocate give five times a tithe and even more to propagate this doctrine of atheism and terrorism.

The commutaists are doing all in their power to destroy Christiimity because they know it is their deadly foe, many workers give their lives for it. Many communist yoimg people

through your offerings the voice of the preach

er can be heard in the land? LIGET AND RADIO WAVES

Christian people k)iow this. What are they doing about it? Not even giving tithes in too many cases. Look on these people in Europe. Then consider your own good job and salary. Look

While looking, sort out and send some gooa clothes to Korea, Germany or Kiaminchi Mountain Missions. Look at your auto
mobile and houses and lands atad remember that God has
prospered you.

aromid yoiv living room and kitchen. Look in your clothes closet!

are the same thing, except for a different rate of vibrations, the nearer a radio or TV wave approaches the frequency of light, the more it behaves like Ught.

Mainly because God fearing people came to this land and put much. But God may Hot always wait for you to show your grati tude. He is long suffering and kind. \\^at will you do to give Europe hope in Christ and Faith and thereby destroying the
works of Satan and win souls for life eternal.

Bible precepts and principles into our constitution have we so

Or would you rather sit idly by and wait until the monster of

until it is modulated by sound. The different

and "detected" (changed to an audio or video frequency) at the receiving point. Aren't we lucky that we are not detectors in ourselves?
Even if we could turn it off what a mess we

A simple radio wave does not transmit sound

communism takes your Httie boys and girls and perhaps your own selves and houses and lands. What good win your posses sions be then? You say, "It Can't happen here!" Y6u know it call unl^s we use every means to change people's hearts so that
stocks and bonds abd pockets before it is taken firom you for
shells I

Christ will live in them. Freely shell out the. money, from/your

modulations are transmitted over the Waves

Well just now that is a part of the business of winning souls and
saving the world from destruction. Perhaps you shouldn't NEED their strength and time and giving all of their money possible are o!tily wishing and praying that they might have MORE to give to all the causes that teach and preach the gospel of Christ. This is not a t^e for i^e platitodes seeing how littie one can give but how much to further the causes of Ctun^^ He that sow-

You are saying, "J don't like to have to be asked for money."

could hear as all the waves pass through our body? God asked Job in Job 38:35 if he could give voice to the lightenings. Job was ignorant of such a thing, but today God has allowed it

im^ssible to ask for ourselves. Those who are giving ^ of

to be asked. No one likes to ask for money and it is next to

to bfe brought forth. But radio and TV are merely child's play compared to the power that God has. And He has revealed through the
scripture that the Gospel is the Power of God

eth bountifully shall reap, also bountifully:' How many souls do

you want to reap? Decide this and then sow the seed accord-

ib^y so that souls may be saved instead of lives destroyed.

Go forward, everywhere, by all means, and help every mis sionary, every device, printing, radio, tdevisiob, and traditional methods and new. All' are needed abd necessary though the churches and all working together with God. Not to each his

unto Salvation. Should we not be using the radio and TV to proclaim this Gfospel which
is the Power of God Unto Salvation?
"Tune in with prayer for the gospel on the air."

own but each to all doing one's best to answer tiie praj^^. "Thy
kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is ih heaven. Pray without ceasing.

"The fields are ripe already unto the harvest."

"He that soweth sparingly shall reap also sparin^y."

'Your Christian dollars preach gospd truth."

"He that soweth bountifully shall reap ateo bountifully.


How One Church 1$ Doing It


NEWS JUST ARRIVED IN THE MAIL! We will have to leave this news for the next

The First Church of Christ in Garrett, Indiana, is our home church. We are working here in our local congregation serving on
their missionary committees and other work of the chiu-ch. We

chur<i gave more than 45 per cent of its income for missions,
about $14,000. Did it hurt the church? Yes, you bet it did. It's aim was 50%, This church is comprised of average wage earners, men work on the raikoad and in industries. There are many people living on pensions. Their average attendance for Bible school last year was 268. There are very few churches compara tively speaking that could not do as well and some who have
many weathly members could do better. This church with no

can speak where of we know concerning its deeds. Last year this

"LISTEN" because of lack of space and things

to be worked out. Watch for the June issue ! Who would like to be the first church of the

wealthy members expects to do better.

first contributor of $100 toward starting another gospel program? This time for 15 minutes over Lorenco Marques to cover South Africa with the plea!
Who will promise to pay one week's broadcast
of 15 minutes at $44.10 as soon as the broadcast

This same Garrett church gave an average last year through the church of more than $100 per month to this work. There
were other offerings from individuals in the church. If it were not for tieir help the printing of the last bulletin could not have

been paid. And we need the bulletin to beg you people to help keep up the broadcast. Without such publicity we could not let you know that this work exists and needs you and your prayers
and money.


Pray with us about this. The Gospel

Broadcasting Mission.

Since this work began Mr. and Mrs. Coble have paid all of the traveling expense car, car expense and food expense and lodging while away from home. It has averaged more than $1,000 a year for five years. Before that they raised the first $2,391 needed to start the Radio Luxembourg program in the Merwyn Green Memorial Fund. They had paid for all the pub licity and printing to raise that. They had expected to use their

Wedding Anniversary Commemoration Congratulations to you, congratulations to

you. God bless you and keep you another year

personal contributions to this fund when the work became active, for traveling or publicity. But when the radio program began

it was aU used for that because it took time for funds to start coming in. And they started out on this venture with the bal

Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer W. Ballou, Vestaburg,

Mich., 7th anniversary, March 18.


ance in the Merwyn Greene Memorial fund paying the broadcast

for sometime.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hai-wood, Garrett, Ind.,

39th anniversary, January 20. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell, Butler, Ind., 11th anniversary, March 9. Happy Birthday Walter S. CobleFeb. 1, Garrett, Ind. Wallace L. CobleJan 15, Adrian, Mich. Gladys GreeneFeb. 9, Columbus, 0.

Now do you think it is out of line for them to ask you to help at the rate of $5 a month from 250 churches that this program may continue and that others may be added? There is no glory ing except in the Cross of Jesus Christ, who has given the vision

of service and health and strength to carry on this work. They state these things merely to explain to you that they ask nothing above what they are willing to do in comparative degree. Unless
you have a greater vision and can help more for "He that hath much much, shall be required."

They pray God's blessing upon you to send "The Light."

Proposed Additional Radio Programs.

Robert BaumgardnerMarch 1, Redkey, Ind, Wilmer W. BallouApril 9, Vestaburg, Mich. C. Gordon CaryApril 9, Fort Wayne, Ind. Mainie I. CobleApril 15, Garrett, Ind.
In Memory

1. A broadcast in German by Edward Fausz in Germany pro ducing the program and preaching and follow up work.
2. A program over radio Tangiers.

Merwyn H. Greene, born March 27, 1921, on

Easter Sunday morning.

3. A program over radio Lorenco Marques.

mg area and Lorenco Marques into Southern Airica.

These last two broadcasts reaching into Spain and surround-

Cover these places with the plea!

and November by Gospel Broadcastmg Mission, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coble, Garrett, Indiana. Eentered as second-class mattier at the postoffice in Garrett, Indiana.

Published 5 times a year, January^ March, June, September


208 Soutli Guilford Street



Permit No. 15

^J. i>J iiV I

uzakU i:":-

Issue of September, 1957





LUKE 8-11

2 COR. 9:10 Sowing Bountifully

PSALMS 126:6 Sowing Precious Seed


on the work of the


Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble

208 South Guilford Street, Garrett, Indiana


Send for more printed programs, tape recorded programs, and

copies of ''My Experience With Prayer"


It would be good to study the viay that
radio is sowing the Word of continental Europe and In this message to you given for the presentation in the countries the British Isles. suggestions are of this work.

It would be good to have people promis5

to write a

letter to a friend or acquain tance in Europe, asking them to listen to the Bible Christian program over Radio Luxembourg, sponsored by the G. B. M. in Garrett, Ind. Have the listeners then report Those who would like to spend a little their opinions of the program in a letter to time to make this study hour interesting be read at your meeting. Mr. and Mrs. could send to Gospel Broadcasting Mission Coble would also like to hear about it. for tape recordings and literature. You could send to us for post cards to send out We would suggest using the song, "Send to announce the meeting. You could make a the Light," especially the second verse, for miniature radio station antenna and could we have heard the Macedonian call today. have ribbons reaching from it to various Consider the Bible verse, "The entrance places on a map of Europe. Then you (Psalm 119:might look in magazines for suitable clip of thy Word giveth light." pings concerning countries in Europe. Cut 130) out these pictures of homes, queens, rulers An excellent portion of scripture to or public places, and place them on your study is found in Acts 16:9-15, and tells of map. It would be well to tell of the dis the first convert to Christianity on Euro placed persons there. Perhaps some refu pean soil. gee or person would come and tell of his Radio is a seed sowing niinistry. Broad experiences in Europe. Tell also of Mis sionaries in Germany, Mr. Ed Fausz and casting by radio takes its name from one family. You could use copies of the new of the earliest arts of man, that of broad magazine of the Mayfields, now in Rome, casting seed over the earth. Read or tell the and their story, or tell of other missionaries parable of the sower, in the thirteenth chap
to Europe.
ter of Matthew.


Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble of Gar his foster parents "Who will go for us?" rett, Indiana, are the founders of the Gospel Since so many young men had been killed Broadcasting Mission. This work is the out who were chaplains and potential mission growth of the Merwyn H. Greene Memorial aries, Mr. and Mrs. Coble decided that Fund. This was a fund started by Mr. and something should be done, hence the appeal Mrs. Coble in April, 1945, and was an appeal for money to send recruits. Christians re to Christians and churches to send money sponded, but after the war there were no to send recruits to Europe after World War recruits ready to make the plan to become II. Merwyn Greene was Mr. Coble's nephew active. People's interest waned and be and foster son, who fought with the 130th cause there was not an active work for infantry in France. He saw the need of the which to make appeals the Cobles waited, European people for the true Gospel of the hoping God would point and lead the way Lord Jesus Christ, and determined to be to an effectual open door. come a minister and missionary to them Then Alex Bills came to the Cobles,

after the war. However, he was killed in action on July 22, 1944. At the same hour in which his foster parents received notice of his death, they also received the publica tion, The Christian Standard. In it was an article, written by Merwyn, called "My Experience With Prayer," in which he ex pressed his desire to return to the warring nations, and quoted the scripture verse Isaiah 6:8, "Whom shall I Send?" Since Merwyn was then dead, the remaining words of that sentence .seemed prophetic to

telling of his plans for preaching the Gos

pel by radio and of his plans for the Chris tian Radio Mission and a Gospel Broad casting station to be established in the
Orient. He told of a work he could do as

a beginning, for he could get a spot on Ra dio Luxembourg, a 150,000 watt radio sta tion covering most of 16 countries in Eu rope and the British Isles. He said that he would prepare the sermons, discs and do the production work, and that he would

(Continued on next page)

\follow up the broadcasts with letters and yoir please begin at once to send a regular ji^Fespondence courses if he could find contribution so that we- can depend upon ^eone to raise the money to pay for the you."
station costs. The Cobles felt that God was

surely pointing the way, for this was a way to get the preached Word into the countries and broadcast the precious seed far and wide. It would blanket Europe with the plea of Christ and His Church, uphold Christ before the people where the seeds of hatred and unbelief were sown, and we could claim the promise that the

Please pray that all workers be turn to Me void, but shall accomplish that which I please and prosper that whereim- strengthened and given wisdom for carry to I have sent it," and the promise in Psm. ing on their various tasks in this work. 119:130, "The entrance of Thy Word Pray for the listeners, a vast listening audi giveth light." True, it is only a wedge of ence which has been built up. Pray that light. But that light may start a fire and people will continue to listen each week cause a glow that wiU make America and that they will then send for and study ashamed, and return many to the Faith of the correspondence courses. (Over 300 have our Fathers, and bring many to righteous already requested these). Pray for new ness. America with its luxuries, and its listeners. A letter from a woman listener privileges to preach and its opportunities tells how she was listening one evening to to let our light shine is holding the light the broadcast preceding the Gospel broad under the bushel of greed, indifference, cast, as she sat bundled up in a chair with

Lord has given, "My Word shall not re

In keeping with the broadcasting theme, we would like to call your attention to the scripture, "He that soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully." Paul points out that this is the way in giving. It is al so true in the natural laws, and it is true of sowing the gospel seed. By your bounti ful giving the gospel seed can be broad cast over the earth bountifully.

morality, self satisfaction, luxuries, drunk

robe and warm blanket because of the cold.

enness and false security. America must She was not close enough to turn off the help Europe find and return to God and in radio when her usual program was finish so doing America will become her city of ed so she kept bundled up to listen to the refuge and land of promise. Gospel program. She was very much im pressed with its challenge and wrote for Of him that hath much, much wiU be more information. Pray that others will be required. Through some of Europe's best let to listen and learn to pray, because of Christians, our country was founded upon the trust and the simplicity revealed in the a good foundation, a bulwark to stand message. Tune in with prayer with the against faithlessness and disloyalty and listeners at the time of the broadcast, 4:00 unbelief. Eyil has been busy m Europe sow p.m. C.S.T. each Monday. Pray for money
ing tares. We must be careful that the

winds of indifference with the wiles of the cast each month, for the printing bills, mail devil do not blow those seeds of the tares ing bills and the borrowed money to keep this way. But help to keep the banner of up the work. $1.00 from every loyal church the cross streaming across the European in the brotherhood would pay all bills, cur contment with the seeds of the Gospel. Let
us- claim the airwaves until the seeds of rent broadcast, and leave a working bal righteousness cover the fields where tares ance. Wouldn't that be grand? Probably a

to be provided for the payment of the broad

have been growing.

The Gospel Broadcasting Mission is rais

very small percentage will answer this ap

peal. What will you do?

ing the money with your help, so that an estimated -2,000,000 people hear the true gospel preached each week. The costs for publicity to raise the funds are high. The station time alone is $93.00 per week. Be


sides this, there are fees and transporta tion of discs costs, customs, and copyright fees, all to be paid to Radio Luxembourg
ea^h month and a month in advance. To

assure continuance $500 to $600 ^ch month

should be received by the G.B.M., 208

* * * * * *

Published 5 times a year, January, March, Jime, September and November by Gospel Broadcasting Mission, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coble, Garrett, Indiana." Entered as second'classr matter at the postoffice in Garrett, Indiana.

* * * *

South Guilford St., Gairiett, Indiana.'' Wi]^


The first Gospel program sponsored . Gospel Broadcasting Mission went on the

air for Radio Luxembourg in Luxembourg, Europe, on April 6, 1952. Each Monday for 5% years the Word has gone forth. Who would dare to estimate the amount of good from the seed sown; hearts uplifted, evil quenched, and souls saved by the study and obedience of the Word as they have been pointed to the Word and the Plan of salva

Informative tracts have been sent out

by G.B.M,, and copies of the broadcasts for closer study. All letters are answered and requested information given. An informa

tive pamphlet called "LISTEN" is printed and sent out at intervals, telling what is
being done and how. Read the last

"LISTEN" for more facts and interesting letters from listeners. Read the 12 page "LISTEN" of March, 1955, for the history of Gospel Broadcasting Mission and for in formation and references concerning the

There are said to be 80,000,000 Radios in

Central Europe in the coverage of this pro gram over Radio Luxembourg. There are 50,000,000 English speaking people. It is esti mated that 2,000,000 listeners listen to the broadcast each week. With the follow up to those who write letters and request cor respondence courses, information and copies

of the sermons, what a tremendous impact

Radio reaches one person with the Gospel or 2,000,000 or more people all at once. People will
LISTEN to radio who could not

this is for the Gospel of Christ. Just consider it, friends. Stop!LISTEN THINK! ! The scope of it is overwhelm

ing. Nothing can stop the power of the

Gospel there if you PRAYGivePRAY!
Invade the domain of the Prince of the

be reached any other way. The GOSPEL is preached by radio. The Bible says the gospel is the power of God unto Salvation.
Radio is an effective means of

Power of the Air with the dynamite of the Gospel and the Sword of the Spirit to chal lenge and attack the forces of evil and bring
victory for Christ.

getting people to HEAR the Word and Romans 17 says that "Faith Cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God."
In the fullness of time and for

As soon as 125 pledges are received of $5.00 per month or the equivalent, in addi tion to the current program, three new programs will go on the air the German
language program produced and followed up by Edw. Fausz in Germany and a

such a time as this, when in some places all other means of carrying the message of God has been de barred, man was allowed to dis
cover radio. As Jesus walked on

"Search the Scripture" program by talent

ed progressive ministers in Southern

the waves of the sea and brought

peace to the angry waves, so let His message go forth over the ether waves to bring peace and
hope to troubled hearts.

Africa over Lorenco Marque Africa and in Northern Africa over Radio Tangiers. Be a Wave Holder with many more consecrated people to sow the Gospel seed to the ends of the earth. God has given the seed help broadcast it that it may grow and bring forth>fruits for His harvest.

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