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Name of group Date and start time Location of meeting In Attendance

Nechells Neighbourhood Tasking Group 16 July 2013 at 1400 hours Highgate Fire Station West Midlands Police Birmingham City Council Sgt Amanda Thompson Nechells (AT) Chair Sheena Wynn - HO (SW) Sgt Dan Popple Small Heath (DP) Gail Chamberlain CSO (GC) ASgt Kirsty Pattinson Digbeth (KP) West Midlands Fire Service Paul Johnson Aston (PJ) Mark Clifton -Highgate (Fire MC) Emma Gardner - St Basils Mark Crooke Friends of Sara Park (MC) Eddie Howard - Highgate Resident (EH) Andree Stewart Observer Nysrat Sadiq - Observer Pat Whyte BCC Ladywood District Ayesha Choudhury Val Woodward Alex Warsama LHM Inspector Dutton Shabnam Mughal - Bournville Village Trust/Phoenix Hall Margaret Morcom - Stepping Stones John Gordon Digbeth Residents Associates Mark Mckenzie Lifeline Russell Davey Environment Health BCC Action WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS Introductions were made and the Chair welcomed all to the meeting.


Agenda Item 1.


NOTES OF LAST MEETING Amendments regarding community walk with Alex Warsama not in notes and still needs to be arranged. Any issues arising from the notes would be picked up during the meeting.



West Midlands Fire Service PJ reports: No hotspots have been identified.

June WMFS Monthly performance 2013/2014 Accidental Fires in dwellings Injuries from accidental fires in dwellings Arson Fires in dwellings Accidental Fires in nondomestic premises Arson Fires in non-domestic premises Arson vehicle Fires Arson rubbish Fires False Alarm calls due to auto fire alarms in business premises False Alarm calls due to auto fire alarms in dwellings Arson Fires in derelict buildings Apr13 5 0 0 2 0 1 5 4 7 0 May13 7 0 0 3 0 0 2 7 11 0 Jun13 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 7 9 1 Jul13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YT D 13/ 14 12 0 0 5 0 3 10 18 27 1 YTD 3yr Ave 9 0 2 9 1 5 19 26 22 0

PJ brought a printout to NTG. False alarm calls due to auto fire alarms in dwellings has been mostly due to 3 or 4 sheltered housing premises. WMF have been proactively managing these calls and are working to educate these premises to bring the number down. EH states that the wardens should be doing some proactive work and PJ confirms that WMF do work together with the wardens and housing are contacted should the need arise. Arson Fires in derelict buildings PJ attended the ward meeting and invited the community to report derelict buildings to the fire service in order to get the buildings secured and safe. PJ was thanked by EG for attending Carol Gethin to discuss fire safety awareness at location, greatly received. MC confirmed that majority of fire alarms in Nechells Ward no longer work. PJ has made arrangements to resolve with MC direct. Both happy with this arrangement. PJ confirms that previously all tower blocks had leaflets regarding the alarms and now the WMF focus is with vulnerable people rather than locations. WMF are happy to help with this safety issue. For MC/PJ to report progress at the next NTG. GC confirms that the tower blocks all have electric fire alarms and PJ confirms that whilst conducting fire checks they will review any locations that require second alarms subjective to the situation. EH confirms that even when the battery is taken out of the electric alarms, they still operate. PJ confirms that the alarm should still have a fresh battery installed.

Mark Crooke/ Paul Johnson


West Midlands Police



# -9 -16 -15 +20

LWE 528/537 Digbeth 137/153 Nechells 84/99 Small Heath 119/99 Robbery Month LWE 23/33 Digbeth 9/18 Nechells 1/3 Small Heath 0/2 BDH Month LWE 14/20 Digbeth 2/3 Nechells 4/3 Small Heath 3/2 VWI Month LWE 14/20 Digbeth 2/5 Nechells 4/3 Small Heath 3/2 Busin Crime LWE Digbeth Nechells Small Heath Veh Crime LWE Digbeth Nechells Small Heath Month 77/103 12/18 13/38 32/22 Month 93/82 32/30 13/12 20/22

Year 1675/167 -1.7 5 -10.5 447/484 -15.2 287/262 +20.2 370/370 % -30.3 -40.0 -66.7 -100.0 % -30.0 -60.0 33.3 50.0 % -30.0 -60.0 33.3 50.0 % -25.2 -33.3 -65.8 45.5 % 13.4 6.7 8.3 -9.1 Year 95/98 35/38 11/11 11/12 Year 51/80 4/14 10/11 15/25 Year 51/80 4/14 10/11 15/25 Year 297/348 53/66 57/80 110/109 Year 277/252 96/94 37/33 56/63

# 0 -37 +25 0

% 0.0 -7.6 +9.5 0.0 % -3.1 -7.9 0.0 -8.3 % -36.3 -71.4 -9.1 -40.0 % -36.3 -71.4 -9.0 -40.0 % -14.7 -19.7 -28.8 0.9 % 9.9 2.1 12.1 -11.1

-10 -6 -2 -2

-3 -3 0 -1

-6 -5 1 1

-29 -10 -1 -10

-6 -3 1 1

-29 -10 -1 -10

-26 -6 -25 10

-51 -13 -23 1

11 2 1 -2

25 2 4 -7

AT confirms that the information provided by the police covers the Nechells ward. This changed 3 years ago when we became aligned with the constituencies. Ladywood East for the police covers Digbeth, Nechells, Small Heath and Aston so the figures for total Ladywood east crimes includes Astons information. It is clarified that the information available to the public on the web is supplied and is the same as that of the police searches. AT confirms that every crime that happens is viewable on the public searches.

DP to bring the police boundary maps to the next NTG. DP to look at the public system v police system and inform NTG if there are any differences. MC states that last year there was a debate as to whether Digbeth and Highgate should be separated. **Update since meeting - Police confirm that this can be done manually but is time consuming. There are no plans to separate the two areas for data gathering as the two areas are covered by one neighbourhood Digbeth Neighbourhood Team and the public can search more specific locations on the police website. Twitter has been promoted by the teams. Its only recently been set up: Digbeth can be found on twitter @Digbethpolice Small Heath can be found @smallheathwmp Nechells are awaiting the activation of their account details to follow. Alexs Issue gathering AT gave an update in Alexs absence Service review to encourage the landlords of premises to have more responsibility. Amelia Murry has given AT 52 contacts and AT will go through these contacts for our ward. There will be a meeting on 29 July and GC would like to be included in this meeting. For update at the next meeting. AW to confirm when the walkabouts will be arranged.

Dan Popple Dan Popple


Amanda Thompson

Alex Wasarma

6. Cromwell Street There has been contact made with youth services from the police with no response. MC wants this to be raised a tier by the police as this request has been on-going for over six months. NTG are not aware which centres are staying and what is going in Sept 13 and this will effect the areas greatly. There is no free things for 5-12yr olds to play. MC continues to state that youth services are accountable to NTG and that the group have been very patient. There needs to be a plan so we can see the problems reduce. GC stated that as a community moving forward we have to start doing things for ourselves. KP suggested the use of East Side park which is open for the community to book. New Issue Skip Skip opposite Cromwell School should have been removed 6 months ago. This was discussed by the councillor at the Ward meeting. RD to update.


Russell Davey

Youth services to attend NTG with a list of the centres and inform NTG what will remain and what will be closed. To be raised a tier.

Dan Popple

Kept from last NTG -JG requests that all councillors be invited to attend NTG. EH confirms that by law the BCC do not have to provide a youth centre, swimming baths etc. Jessy Jones from BCC should be invited to NTG in

Dan Popple

Amanda 4

relation to youths. Police to invite Jessy Jones from BCC to NTG


AT confirms that the police have a three month plan in relation to ASB and on-going afterwards. These plans include various activities (example football, fun days etc). The neighbourhood teams are also visiting at the schools within Nechells and giving the students inputs to try to prevent ASB occurring. MC requested an interpretation regarding ASB for everyone to use. GC states that there is guidance but it would be difficult to define all ASB. AT spoke about a project called BRAVE (Birmingham Residents Antisocial Behaviour Victims Empowerment Project) which offers an excellent support for persistent victims. GC offers housing and community support for people and works with BRAVE. EH wrote a letter to a neighbour who was causing low level ASB and the letter resolved the issue. MC would like ASB stats for the next meeting.

Dan Popple

Dan Popple
Police to provide ASB stats for the Nechells areas broken into areas. 8. Vehicle Crime There has been proactive work within the free parking areas around Duddeston Manor Road in order to reduce the offending. Neighbourhood support team (CAPT) cover these areas when the Neighbourhood team are not on duty. PCSOs on the team leaves flyers on the vulnerable vehicles to offer crime prevention advice. For further update at next meeting. SMALL HEATH 9. Business robberies Coventry Road DP update: The police are currently awaiting a report from Amelia to see what options are available for funding. 14 Robberies in the past 6 mths. Continued long term work. For update at next meeting Drug Dealing Bordesley area DP update: There has been one disorder log. To be kept on the minutes in order to door knock residence. Op weaver has been producing good results, arrests, warrants and working with food chains. For update at the next meeting. Murder Investigation DP update: Funeral took place on Saturday. DP reports that the investigation teams are following all lines of enquiries. Prichett Tower MC has noticed a change of strategy with the Small Heaths patrols and officers are being deployed more productively. MC reports that prostitutes are back in Prichett Tower and young lads are coming in with fob access. MC has requested more patrols in the area. Update at the next meeting. Environmental Health need to attend NTG to address some issues that

Dan Popple


Dan Popple


Dan Popple


Dan Popple

Dan Popple 5

are raised. Issues with black bin waste and the mess in the Car park areas. AT to invite to the next NTG. Gethin House Activity around this location youths gathering and a knife was found in the vicinity. Request for police presence. Police update at the next meeting. DIGBETH/ HIGHGATE 13. Environmental Issues MC spoke about collection issue around the Highgate area especially the tower blocks which the public put their residences domestic waste into the public bins. MC states that the community would rather not have the bins if they cannot be emptied regularly (including Horton Square). EH states that the grass cutters around the same area do not litter pick first and this causes the rubbish to be shred into little pieces and look messy. RD states that he will speak to Leisure Services and update at the next meeting. MC requests that environment Services attend NTG. 14. Brinklow Tower Drug smells around 14th floor and possible dealer every fortnight on a bike (Tuesdays). EH to gain more intelligence. Digbeth officers will make contact with EH. Update at the next meeting. Vehicle Crime The crime analysis is nearly complete and KP asks residents to assist when its ready to request help and improvements from the council and highway. MC and EH agree to help. Update at next meeting for progress of information. Drug Dealing around Horton Square EH confirms the drug dealing no longer takes place around the bookies but now in front of the laundrette. More patrols to be in the area where possible and KP requests that the intelligence is passed to the police when it is seen by the community. Update at the next meeting Horton Square Flats SW raised that some of the offices at the rear of 14 Munchkins shop have been turned into flats. Concerned about fire regulations being breached. PJ will link in with SW. Update at the next meeting.

Dan Popple

Russell Davey

Russell Davey

Kirsty Pattinson


Kirsty Pattinson


Kirsty Pattinson


Paul Johnson


COMMUNITY PRIORITIES The following priorities were agreed; Vehicle Crime (Nechells)

Reassurance around the Murder investigation of Mohammed Saleem (17/05/13) (Small Heath) Vehicle Crime (Digbeth)


Other At midday on Saturday 3 August there will be a Fun day at Bloomsbury Park, Nechells all welcome. Community Meetings: MC has raised budgets for funding residents to get to their NTG. MC suggests that it gets raised through Amelia and Partnerships. For update at the next meeting. Friends of Sara Park will be dissolving as of Sept. MC will represent Prichett tower residents.

Dan Popple


Next Meeting The next meeting on Wed 14 August 2013 at 2pm. Venue Carol Gethin House

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