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July 25, 213 Commissioner Nirav R. Shah, M.D., M.P.H.

New York State Department of Health Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza Albany, NY, 12237 Dear Commissioner Shah, Interfaith Hospital in central Brooklyn is a vital safety-net hospital, providing emergency room facilities and critical health care services to some of Brooklyns most vulnerable residents. At least 80 percent of its patients are insured through Medicaid or other public insurance. As such, Interfaith has struggled to remain viable and entered bankruptcy proceedings last year. On Thursday, July 19, the New York State Department of Health rejected Interfaiths restructuring plans to remain open, and ordered it to submit a closure plan. But a precipitous closure would be costly and dangerous to people across central Brooklyn in need of accessible emergency and critical care. Interfaiths board has expressed a desire to revise the restructuring plan to gain Department of Health approval. The 2011 New York State Medicaid Redesign Team for Brooklyn envisioned a smart restructuring, not a closure, of Interfaith. The restructuring, in conjunction with other hospitals or health care providers, would streamline inpatient and tertiary care, in a manner that is both sustainable and aligned with the communitys health needs. This vision for health care in central Brooklyn must not be allowed to die. The Department of Health should diligently work with Interfaith in good faith to revise their sustainability plan, perhaps by expanding outpatient services and carefully reducing excess inpatient capacity, and find an alternative plan to continue health care at the site. In addition, as I urged in a letter to Governor Cuomo earlier this month, the Department of Health must reconsider its refusal of $1.6 million in state funds for Brooklyn Hospital to fully complete the due diligence necessary for a potential merger. Whether with Brooklyn Hospital, or with another health care provider, the Department of Health should support Interfaith in exploring partners or alternative managers who can keep critical health care in this vulnerable Brooklyn neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration of this vitally important matter. Sincerely,

Bill de Blasio Public Advocate for the City of New York

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