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Six vamshis(trasarenus) make one marichi, Six mariachis make one rajika Three rajikas make one sarsapa

Eight sarsapas make a yava Four yavas make one gunja(also known as rakitka) Six raktikas make one masa(also known as hema,dhanyaka) Four masas make one shana(also known as dharana,tanka) Two shanas make one kola(also known as panimanika, aksha, pichu, panitala, kinchitpani, tinduka, bidalapadaka, sodashika,

karamadhya,hamsapada,suvarna,kavalagraha and udumbara) Two karsas make one ardhapala(also known as shukti, astamika) Two shuktis make a pala(also known as musti, amra, chaturthaka, prakuncha, sodashi, bilwa) Two palas make one prasrti (prasrta) Two prasrtis make one anjali(also known as kudava, ardhasharava, astamana) Two kudavas make one manika(also known as sharava, astapala) Two sharavas make one prastha Four prasthas make one adhaka (also known as bhajana, kamsapatra) which is equivalent to sixty-four palas.

Four adhakas make one drone(also known as kalasha ,nalvana ,mana, unmana, ghata, rashi) Two dronas make one shurpa(also knonw as kumbha and equivalent to sixty four sharavas) Two shurpas make one droni(also known as vahi, goni) Four dronis make one khari(equivalent to 4960 palas) Two thousand palas make one bhara One hundred palas is popular everywhere as a tula. Masa,tanka,aksha,bilwa,kudava,prastha,adhaka,rashi,goni,and khari are quadruples in successive order(18-33)

1. A clinical study on thuvaraka rasayana with special reference to the management of psoriasis vulgaris. 2. Ran domical controlled clinical trial on psoriasis to assess the effectiveness of sasanka leha yoga.

3. A comparative study of vanana and virechana in the management of prameha (diabetes mellitus) 4. Role of an ayurvedic compound in the management of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(NIDDM) as ADD-ON therapy to an allopathic drug. 5. Efficacy of some ayurvedic drugs in madhumeha. 6. A comparative clinical trial to evaluate the efficancy of an ayurvedic compound in diabetic neuropathy. 7. A clinical study on the efficiency of an ayurvedic package in the management of diabetic neuropathy with special reference to nadi kwatha. 8. A clinical comparative study on nimbadi choorna and vyoshadi choorna in the management of madhu meha(type-2 diabetes mellitus) 9. Further clinical studies in the management of madhumeha with medoghna rasayana vati. 10. Anand pawar-basti-pramehahara-drug-madhumeha-kc-pk-2003 11. Rasayanam for different age groups. 12. Tantrayukti-a key to the quintessence of ayurveda. 13. Management of madhu meha(D.M) with shodhan and shanman chikitsa sciatica. 14. Kale carabhate-karma yat tat sadhayati dhrvvam in the contest of jatha ragni mandya 15. Agni karma with lauha,tamra and panchadhatu shalaka in gridhrasi w.s.r to sciatica. 16. A pharma clinical study on the effect of mandukaparni(in attention-deficit disorder)

17. Critical study of vividhaasitapitiya adhyaya to principle of management in rasa pradoshaja vikara. 18. Rasyana-cancer 19. Srigha guna applied study objective parameham 20. Charaka chatuska sangraha-Trividha bodhya sangraha. 21. Vamana karma by using shuddha uhrta and samskarita ghrita as abhyantara snehapana in ekakustha to psoriasis. 22. Conceptual and applied study of satkarya in ayurveda. 23. Applied concept of kala and svabhava and their role in sonata dusti. 24. Clinical study on standardization of shodhanartha snehapana w.s.r to sneha pravicharana. 25. A clinical study on pakshaghat due to cerebro vascular accident and its upashayaa tmak management. 26. Medhya ghrita nasya oral route vataja shira shoola-tension head ache-kc 27. A comparative study of efficiency of triphaladi vati and shilajitwadi vati in prameha(D.M) 28. Osteo arthritis jamnager 29. A comparative study of vamana and virechana karma in ekakushta w.s.r to psoriasis. 30. Mano-bhavas in menopausal syndrome and its management by medhya rasayana vati and shiro 31. Rajastapana gana siddha ghrutam-uttara basti oral yoga-vandhyattva ovarian factor.

32. Ashta ahara vidhi visheshayatana karana yavagu-pratiloma vata. 33. Ahara vidhi vidhana-anna vaha-pvrishava-srotas-tanwana bhunjita. 34. Dhanwantara tailam,patra potala swedam,eranda mooladi nirookam,gandharva eranda tailam,vaitarana vasti-special features. 35. MND in ayurveda 36. Computerised data base management system for historical data. 37. Uttaravasti 38. Pippali vardhamana rasayana 39. Pinda sweda 40. Pandu 41. Ballataka rasayanam muralidharan 42. Muthrasmari 43. The ayurvedic physician as scientist (2) 44. An ayurvedic theory of cancer 45. A study on mental retardation and its principles of manage 46.

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