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Design Steps and Equations

For an example on Design of Trapezoidal Footing click here

3-D Trapezoidal Footing


x Col. 1 b b1 Col. 2 w(x) b2 a


c.p. c.g.f.


Trapezoidal Footing and dimensions

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Design Equations for Trapezoidal Footing Dr. Adnan A. Basma

STEP 1 DIMENSION FOOTING (Determine a and b) Allowable load P = P1 + P2 Ultimate load Ultimate ratio Pu = [1.4DL1 + 1.7LL1] + [1.4DL2 + 1.7LL2] ru = Pu , Ultimate applied pressure qu = qa x ru P and l x' # x $ 1 2 L L % x' % 3 2

!Mco1 1 = 0

P "s x # u2 Pu

For a trapezoidal solution, From trapezoidal geometry, A# x' # a$b L 2 L + 2a $ b ( ) & 3* a$b '

where A = Area =

Pu qu


From these equations, we solve for a and b

STEP 2 DRAW SHEAR AND MOMENT DIAGRAMS (L - DIRECTION) Pressure big end (in b) qub = b qu Pressure small end (in a) qua = a qu Slope of pressure, s =

,qub . qua L

Equation for q(x) = qub . s x


Equation for V(x) =

/ q( x )dx = qub x . s

0 x

x2 +C 2

Equation for M(x) =

x2 x3 / V( x )dx = qub 2 . s 6 + C x" 0

The Shear and moment diagrams are drawn as shown on next page

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Design Equations for Trapezoidal Footing Dr. Adnan A. Basma

l1 2

Pu1 S

Pu2 l 2 2

Slope s


+l ( V) 1 & *2'

V(x) = 0, Mmax Solve for x

C = Pu1
2 V(x) = qub x . s x . Pu1 2

+l ( V1 # V ) 1 & . Pu1 *2'

Mmax, Substitute x From V(x) = 0 Note x" = x . l 1 2

M(x) = qub x

3 . s x . Pu1 x"


Moment drawn on tension side 3 of 7

Advanced Foundation Engineering Design Equations for Trapezoidal Footing Dr. Adnan A. Basma

Equations to estimate and draw the shear and moment diagrams: SHEAR V(x), kN Range of x 0 to l1 (Left of CL col. 1) 2 Equation x2 qub x . s 2 x2 qub x . s . PU1 2 qub x . s x2 . PU1 . PU2 2

l1 l ( + (Right of CL col. 1) to ) S $ 1 & (Left of CL col. 2) 2 ' 2 * l ( + ) S $ 1 & (Right of CL col. 2) to L 2 ' *

MOMENT M(x), kN.m Range of x 0 to l1 (Left of CL col. 1) 2 Equation qub x2 x3 .s . PU1 2 6 x2 x3 l ( + .s . PU1 ) x . 1 & 2 ' 2 6 *

l1 (Right of CL col. 1) to L 2


STEP 3 DEPTH OF CONCRETE, d' Estimate d' by: 1) Punching shear column 1 or Punching shear column 2 (Use Equations For Punching Shear or approximate d' by Structural Depth of Concrete table for punching shear failure) 2) Wide beam column 1 or Wide beam column 2 For wide beam solution, 0u = Vu 1 0c = 4.56 f 'c where w is the w d'

width at the wide beam failure location (see figure on next page) and Vu is the shear is the shear (shear diagram) at the same location.

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Design Equations for Trapezoidal Footing Dr. Adnan A. Basma

L S d' w(x) d' wa b2 a





Wide beam failure at d' from column 3-Way Punching Shear failure at d'/2 from column

3-Way Punching Shear failure at d'/2 from column

a b Col. 1 wb d' d' wa Col. 2

Wide beam failure sections (shaded areas)

Solution for wide beam: Vu(x) = qub x . s For Column 1: x = l 1 + d' Consider the following: if

,b . a - x x2 . PU1 and w(x) = b . 2 L

For column 2: x = L . l 2 . d' > b then column 1 wide beam a

Vu (right face col.1) Vu (left face col.2)

governs otherwise column 2 will govern.

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Design Equations for Trapezoidal Footing Dr. Adnan A. Basma

STEP 4 REINFORCEMENT IN L-DIRECTION 1. Estimate Mu(x) at 1/10L locations along the length by using equations on page 4 (or by moment diagram) 2. Estimate the width of the footing w(x) at the same locations as above ,b . a - x where x is from the left side of the footing. by w(x) = b . L 3. With w(x), estimate the moment per meter by Mu(x)/m = Mu(x)/ w(x) at the same locations as above. 4. Using Mu(x)/m, d', fc' and fy estimate the reinforcement As (refer to Equations for Reinforcement or the percent reinforcement can be obtained directly from Percent Steel Tables). The maximum Mu(x)/m and thus largest As value is used throughout the footing. It is best to prepare a table for the calculations indicated above.

STEP 5 REINFORCEMENT IN B-DIRECTION The ultimate moment in the B-direction is estimated using the equivalent beam with the zone at a distance 0.75d' from the face of the column. This is shown below. Note however that since the trapezoid has a variable width, w, the average width is used in the calculations L

l 1 + 0.75d'

l 2 + 0.75d'


w1 = w(l 1 + 0.75d')




Col. 1




Col. 2



Equivalent beam width for column 2 Equivalent beam width for column 1

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Design Equations for Trapezoidal Footing Dr. Adnan A. Basma

For Column 1 B1 = b B2 = w1 = w(l 1 + 0.75d') = b . wavg.1 = L1' = B1 $ B 2 2 w avg.1 . l 1 2 qu ,L 1 '-2 2

,b . a - (l

+ 0.75d')

MuB Col.1 =

For Column 2 B1 = a B2 = w2 = w[L . (l 2 + 0.75d')] = b . B1 $ B 2 2 2 qu ,L 2 '-2 2

,b . a - [L . (l

+ 0.75d')]

wavg.2 = L2' =

w avg.2 . l 2

MuB Col.2 =

Using MuB, d', fc' and fy estimate the reinforcement As (refer to Equations for Reinforcement or the percent reinforcement can be obtained directly from Percent Steel Tables). Note that the moment between columns (L-direction) is negative 2 steel is at the top. In B-direction, the moments are positive 2 steel is at the bottom.

For an example on Design of Trapezoidal Footing click here

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Design Equations for Trapezoidal Footing Dr. Adnan A. Basma

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