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Pump, Kill.

A Fim By Matthew Lesniak

EXT. COUNTRY ROAD-DAY Fade in on a rural dirt road set in low rolling hills. From this vantage point, we can only see half of the curve of a sharp turn. In the distance, a faint sound can be heard, the monstrous roar of a car engine. As time passes this noise soon dominates the soundtrack, screaming at its full capacity, when all of a sudden a 69 Camaro SS EXPLODES into view. just as it seems that it might just barrel-roll right off the road, we freeze frame and Dick Dales Misirlou erupts over the soundtrack as text overlay reading [a film by Matthew Lesniak] is displayed. The car then bursts to life and launches forward and races off of camera. We then Cut to a shot of the front of the car barreling forward and the title card is displayed over the screen. After some more shots of the car, we cut back to the turn just as a multitude of very expensive, very fast muscle cars explode out of the turn, obviously chasing the first car. INT. CAMARO-DAY We then cut to the cabin of the Camaro where we see two adult males, one expertly Driving the sleek vixen of American automobile, and and one in the passengers seat, clutching two lumpy duffel bags. The fellow driving: a young black male by the name of ALBERT FREEMAN, AL for short. The guy with the bag: the young, white, BENJAMIN JACOBSON, BEN, for short. AL Did we lose em? BEN We gained some distance on em,but for now, no, we didnt. AL Fuck! I cant keep pushing this man, it wont hold. BEN I know! We just got to get ahead so we can set up. AL How many are there? BEN Well, assuming there is two per vehicle and there are... Counts under his breath till ten.




BEN(CONTD) Ten cars, Im gonna go with about twenty. AL TWENTY! Fuck me, man! We can NOT handle twenty! BEN We can! We got the fire power. AL I dont know man, this shits risky. BEN Do you want to live? AL No fuckin shit I want to live, Ben! Thats why Im freaking the fuck out! BEN Then pull over into that construction area, and find a good place to park, so we can see em. Al wheels the speeding car into the nearby construction area and pulls up next to a massive mound of dirt. The duo get out of the car, leaving both doors open. They then open the trunk and brandish themselves with two, very large, machine guns. They then begin to stuff their pockets and any other place that can hold a gun with handguns and small shot guns. With one posted on each door, they wait. We slowly ride up with camera overhead. FADE TO BLACK (CAPTION: ONE WEEK PRIOR) INT. CAR-DAY AL Hey Ben. Ben grunts AL(CONTD) Did Walt tell you why he needed us?




BEN Not really, but he did say something about us transporting some goods. AL I just hope this aint like the the last job we had. I almost got my ass shot. BEN He said itd be a simple trade off, not even that high risk. So just chill out a bit. AL I hope youre right. How are you and Tala doing? Everything good? BEN yea, actually. Were looking for a place together, shes thinking the suburbs, but fuck that shit man. AL Suburbs? Ya, not the place for the likes of you. BEN Ya, I know, but if Im serious about settling down with her, Ill have to make some compromises. AL so you might quit... BEN I dont know yet, Ill see if I can make something work. AL And you think Walter will be cool with that? BEN Hopefully... And with that, they pull up and park in front of a run down, old apartment building. The two get out of the car, and walk inside. They call the elevator and get in.




AL what if he doesnt let you? BEN Fuck if I know THE DOOR CLOSES AND THE ELEVATOR ASCENDS. INT. SHITTY APARTMENT BUILDING HALLWAY-DAY The elevator stops on the desired floor and the duo step out into a very ghetto looking apartment floor. The carpet is beyond scraggly and the wallpaper is coming off the stained walls. In the background, gangster rap can be heard playing. The two reach their door and knock. BODYGUARD (Looking through the still chained door) whos yall? AL Al freeman and Ben Jacobson The bodyguard opens up the door. BODYGUARD Mr. Young! You have visitors. INT. WALTER YOUNGS APARTMENT-DAY Al and Ben step into a small, shaggy apartment. While in a little better shape than the rest of the complex, the apartment is still as ghetto as can be. They walk into the small, yet functional, living space, where their boss waits with his back to the camera. WALTER YOUNG Come, have a seat. He motions for them to come, and they take their seats. WALTER YOUNG(CONTD) Do you know why I called you two in here today? BEN Because you have a job for us?




WALTER YOUNG exactly. I need you two to do me a... Well, Favor. AL Ben mentioned to me something about a trade off, whats that about? WALTER YOUNG Yes, the trade off. I need you guys to receive some money for me. BEN sounds simple, what are the details? WALTER YOUNG well, we recently received a very large order for Colombian cocaine ... And I need you two to take it to the client. AL And who might that be? WALTER YOUNG Unfortunately, I cannot disclose that information with you, hes afraid it might hurt his...image. Al and Ben exchanged looks, this was more serious than they thought. AL Wheres the pick up? WALTER YOUNG Tomorrow at 7:20 pm, you two are to be at the docks down by the lake. The package will be In the shape of a large u haul truck. Another look between the two. This was big. WALTER YOUNG(CONTD) I need you two to drive the truck to an alleyway located near the post office. You are to meet the client there at 8pm sharp. When you see them you gonna cough three times and say sure is cold. They will approach you with two duffel bags. after you make sure that it (MORE) (CONTINUED)



WALTER YOUNG(CONTD) (contd) contains money, hand them the keys to the truck, its theirs now. My bodyguard MIKE over there will pick you up about a block Down. He hands them an envelope. WALTER YOUNG(CONTD) Inside contains some more specific details. If you guys just follow my instructions, I believe you will find yourself to be very happy afterward. They stand up and offer their hands to shake. AL Thank you, Mr. Young. We wont fail you. BEN Consider it done, sir. THEY EXIT THE ROOM. EXT. RUN DOWN APARTMENT BUILDING-EVENING. Fade in on another dumpy apartment building with Al waiting in the car out in front. Ben emerges from the building and joins his cohort. BEN Lets go to work, Al. The car merges in with the rest if traffic. And drives off to the dock yard. INT. CAR-EVENING. BEN Bring anything for the show? AL Yeah, my 9mm BEN Same, hopefully I wont use it. Im not in the mood to shoot a motherfucker today.




AL Eh, Ill do what I have to do. BEN Who we getting the truck from? AL Some guy named FRANK CUDILLA. We just have to say, tick tock, big guy. We say that and were in. We get the truck and go to the meet up. BEN Simple enough. Let me do the talking at the swap though, I dont need this to go to shit. AL And what does that mean? BEN It means youre a known dumb ass. AL Hey, shut up, asshole. I have my moments of brilliance. BEN Like that bit you pulled last time? Your so called brilliance almost got us both killed. Just keep your mouth closed this time around. AL whatever, dick. The car arrives at the docks and the two exit the car and approach a short, heavy set man. AL tick tock, big guy. FRANK You must be Mr. Freeman. Your package is out back. And with that, Frank tosses Al the keys to a large, beat up U-haul truck. AL Uh, does this thing even run?




FRANK I know it looks like shit, but hey, Walter didnt want to give away something new. Now just go do your job. AL Fine, thanks. THEY DRIVE OFF IN THE TRUCK. EXT. CITY STREETS-NIGHT Cut to truck driving down an urban street, heading off to the meet up INT. TRUCK CABIN-NIGHT Al and Ben are in the cabin. A tense silence is present between them as they wait in anticipation to arrive AL How much do you think is back there? BEN I dont know. Could be anything. You know how Walter is, could be stock floor to ceiling. AL Could also be a decoy for all we know. Couldve transfer the shit months ago but is just now receiving the payment. BEN Possibly, it would lower the risk of them running. I just hope this remains a controlled situation. And as I if he was listening, a cop behind them flashes his sirens and motions for them to pull over. The cabin explodes with shits and fucks as the truck fumbles to the side of the road. BEN Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!


CONTINUED: AL Fuck man! What the hell could this asshole want?!


The officer walks up to the car and Al roles the windows down. AL Good evening officer, what seems to be the problem? The cop stares down Al as tension builds in the cabin. COP One of your tail lights busted. Now, Im just gonna let you off with a warning, but make sure to get it fixed. Okay? a wave of relief passes over the two. AL Will do, sir. Have a good evening! And after that episode their back on track. BEN Holy shit. That was freaking close. AL (Laughing) I just about shit my pants! BEN Its this fucking shitty truck! I know Walter wanted something cheap, but they could at least check the trucking thing before we leave. AL Fuckin A. Here we are... Be ready. The duo quiet down as they pull into an alleyway AL This is it. He checks his watch. AL(CONTD) 8 pm. Sharp. Al and Ben hop out of the cabin as two dark figures emerge, each holding a medium sized duffel bag move in. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: Ben coughs three times. We cut to a close up of Bens mouth BEN Sure is cold. FIGURE 1 You two with Mr. Young? BEN Yeah, we are. Is that our, luggage? FIGURE 1 You have our order? Ben taps the hood of the u haul BEN That I do.


Figure 1 clicked his tongue and figure 2 tosses the duffel bag to Bens feet. Figure 1 does the same. Ben and Al reach over and unzip the bags to reveal countless stacks of one hundred dollar bills. They shuffles them around a bit to make sure they werent being cheated. They shoulder the bags. BEN Boys, it was a pleasure. He tosses the key to the figures BEN(CONTD) Keep the change. BEN (to Al) Lets roll. Al and Ben exit the alley and turn the corner towards where Mikes car would be. They had done it, and it was showing. The two are bopping down that street like they had just won the lottery. AL that was easJust before Al could complete his phrase, two hands pull the two into the very next ally.


CONTINUED: BEN HEY!!!! THUG 1 Shut up! He punches Ben in the stomach, hard.


They approach the end of the alleyway regardless of how much they struggled. SHADOW Hello, kiddies. I couldnt help but overhear your little deal. That seems like an awful lot of money to be just carrying around. Someone could...take it. Just as he says this, another one of his goons seizes the bags from Ben and Al. BEN Who the fuck are you? What do you want?! SHADOW What do I want? I just want to get by in this harsh, unforgiving world. As for who I am. Lets just say Im not one to be fucked over. And thats exactly what your boss did, he fucked me over. A car passes by the ally and light shows in, revealing the face of a middle age, white male. SHADOW(CONTD) Boys, take it away. And at his command, the two thugs SMASH their captives over the head, knocking them out cold The camera lays on the ground as the strange man walks away. FADE TO BLACK EXT. ALLY-DAY Stay on black screen as we hear Al in the background calling Bens name. Use blinking effect to convey a first person view. It is daytime. (CONTINUED)



AL BEN! Wake up! Ben SHOOTS up. OUT OF FIRST PERSON BEN AH!! Where... What?? AL Youre not going to be happy. BEN Wheres the money?! AL Our good friend HAROLD SNOW took that. BEN Who? AL Come on, get up. We have some explaining to do to big man. AL helps BEN up WALTER YOUNG(O.S) YOU WHAT?! INT. WALTER YOUNGS APARTMENT-DAY Shot quick cuts to Walters apartment. AL Im telling you, it wasnt fault. We got blind sided. WALTER YOUNG How could this happen?! BEN We said, it was an unexpected mishap. WALTER YOUNG Who is this sorry son of a bitch? I want to have a talk with him. our




BEN We never got a positive I.D, but Al here says he knew the fucker. WALTER YOUNG Well?! AL I believe it was Harold Snow, your old partner. WALTER YOUNG Snow? What the hell could he want with my money? AL He said something about... A poor decision on your behalf. WALTER YOUNG But, that was years ago... I didnt have a choice. There wasnt time. AL What exactly happened between you two? WALTER YOUNG Dont worry about it. ...we cant just sit here. BEN Then whats our plan? WALTER YOUNG We know where their local HQ is, right? BEN Yes. WALTER YOUNG Then I hope you like Kevlar. Cause were taking our money back. Al and BEN exchange grimaces


INT. ARMORY-DAY We now find ourselves in a small room filled to the brim with all sorts of weaponry. Al and Ben are strapping on pistols, bullet-proof vests, and large AK-47s. AL This isnt going to be good. BEN Lets just pray that the money is actually still there. AL Wheres it gonna be? BEN Were suspecting that its gonna in Snows penthouse, locked in his personal safe. Our job is to knock down the door and blast that money out of there. AL And what if its not there? BEN Then we have to take either Snow himself or the next most important person present. AL We taking the hummer? BEN You know it. AL Sweet. Montage music plays as the two continue to suit up and walk to the behemoth hummer. They take their seats and theyre off. EXT. FANCY APARTMENT COMPLEX-DAY Cut to a shot of a street as the hummer SHOOTS over the hill, catching air. It skids to a hard stop and the two jump out and sprint into the apartment building, looking like god-damned navy seals.


INT-FANCY APARTMENT COMPLEX-DAY As we gaze upon the lobby, they bust through the doors and everybody screams and runs to avoid the two gunmen. They sprint over to the elevator and open it. Looking for the penthouse button, they come to the realization that it requires a pin to access it. AL Fuck! It needs a code BEN Hold on... Ben runs out into the lobby and fires of a shot. The shot rips through the small lobby. BEN(CONTD) WHERES THE MANAGER?! Cut to a shot of the managers back. He is behind the counter. MANAGER Over here. BEN Come here and type the pin code for the penthouse, now! MANAGER OK, Im coming over,unarmed. Just as he leaves form behind the counter, he presses a large red button. He slowly walks toward the elevator with his hands raised. He types in the pin. MANAGER There... BEN Thank you very much. The doors close and the elevator ascends.


INT. ELEVATOR-DAY BEN Be ready, when that door opens rush out and check your corners. AL Got it. CU on the elevator sign with the numbers rising. Finally, the gauge reads: PH and the doors slide open. INT. PENTHOUSE-DAY Al and Ben swarm out of the elevator, sweeping the room with their guns, room by room, searching for their prize. Finally they reach the den. The burst in the door only to find Harold Snow sitting, waiting. HAROLD SNOW Hello, gentlemen. BEN WHERES THE MONESuddenly two big bodyguards step out from behind the door and crack Al and Ben over the head with the butts of rifles. They crumple, crashing to the floor. Snow gets up out of the chair and squats next to the two. HAROLD SNOW *tsk *tsk shame. HAROLD SNOW (To bodyguards) Take them to the big house. They need to be taught some manners. Downwards shot of the two unconscious men. INT. RUSTIC LIBRARY-DAY Quick cut to the two, still unconscious, hanging upside down, bound to chairs. CU Shot of the two mens faces, alternating between each one.


CONTINUED: CU of BENS face, as his eyes flicker open. first person shot as Ben, the world upside Down


At this sudden realization of his inversion, Bens eyes shoot wide and he struggles against his bindings, causing chains to clink above him. Cut to the camera looking up at them while Ben struggles for his life as Al is still unconscious. Ben starts screaming, this is enough to wake Al. Soon Al is doing the same thing, the both of them screaming in unison. HAROLD SNOW Screaming will get you nowhere... Snow steps from out of the dark corner, revealing himself to his captives. HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) Looking for these? He tosses the two duffel bags onto the floor In front of him. HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) Did you guys really think you can get your money back? Believe that you could evade me? He steps closer HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) Remember what I told you about being fucked over? He snaps his finger and a woman rolls in a tray of knifes. HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) No? Then maybe this might jog your memory. He picks up a scalpel and in one motion SLICES Bens cheek. Blood spurts out everywhere. He quickly grabs a pad of gauze, douses it with rubbing alcohol, and presses it against the gash. Ben erupts with screams of agony. HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) Remember now?! He removes the pad and tosses it to the floor. The woman goes to tend to his wounds. He turns to Al (CONTINUED)



HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) And you, did you think I would show mercy? Let guys get away? You want a HAPPY FUCKING ENDING? He takes another scalpel off the tray and swipes it across Als face,once again, releasing a spray of blood everywhere. Like last time he grabs the alcohol pad and GRINDS it against the fresh wound. HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) HUH?! THAT HAPPY ENOUGH!! He throws the pad down, panting. The woman gives the same treatment to Al as she did Ben HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) I want them kept alive. He starts to walk out. BEN What did we ever do to you? Snow stops, pivots, and walks back. BEN(CONTD) Why is that money so god-damned important to you? HAROLD SNOW Why? Because your boss owes it to me. AL He doesnt owe you shit! Snow walks over and slaps him. Hard. HAROLD SNOW Pipe down you ignorant pawn. You just follow orders blindly dont you? You want to know the truth about Walter, about how he just uses you for his benefit? He pulls up a chair, produces a pipe and begins to smoke it. HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) I used to work for him. I was his second in command, he was like a father to me. He showed me the (MORE) (CONTINUED)



HAROLD SNOW(CONTD) (contd) ropes, gave me a job, a purpose. But then one day, we went out on a job together. Everything went wrong, gunfire broke out and we ran. But we couldnt outrun them, no chance, they had unleashed the dogs on us. Just as we were about to be in the clear, a dog tackled me, bringing me to the ground. He looked back at me, but just kept running. He could have helped me, we had the time! But no, he just kept on running. And thats when I knew, I wasnt special. I was just a useless piece in his game. That night landed me ten years in jail. Do you know what they fucking did to me in there!? Anyways, once I got out I started my own shit, built an empire. And now, I need this last bit of revenge. He turns around and exits, the woman following him. BEN Sick fuck, keeping us here like trophies. AL We need to get the hell out of this place. BEN I cant move. AL Fuck, neither can I. The two struggle with their bindings when two sets of footsteps can be heard approaching. BEN Shhhhh.Hear that? AL Hear what? BEN Footsteps! someones coming! They struggle even harder when finally Ben slips free.




BEN Got it! He then curls up to undo his feet and then lowers himself down. AL Quick, help me down. Picks up a knife and cuts his friend down. When AL is down, he grabs a knife for himself. BEN Stay to one side of the door, well cut them when they come through. They wait tensely for the door to open when suddenly it does. MAN 1 What the... MAN 2 Where the hell did they go?! Al and Ben jump out from the sides and slice the two mens throats. They collapse to the floor, gagging. BEN Grab a bag and go! They each take a bag and sprint off. They run through the house, looking for an exit. We cut to a view of the hallway from inside a room. we see the two run past, BEN stops and backs up. BEN Al! Look... They both gaze into a armory, they know what to do... They run and grab two large bags and begin to pile in gun after gun. After they grabbed enough they exit. AL Lets find the garage, we need a way out. The two go door to door looking for a garage.




BEN Here it is! They open the door to reveal a massive garage. Stocked full of very expensive cars. AL That one. He points at a blue 69 Camaro SS. Al searches the key rack for the correct key, finds it, opens the garage, and they run to the car. They place the guns in the trunk. The noise from the garage obviously attracted some attention because a guard throws the door open. GUARD HEY! They gun it. The car screeching backwards and out the garage. The man reaches for a radio GUARD The captives have escaped! I repeat, the captives have escaped! And just like that, the quiet mansion bursts to life as men all race to grab guns and cars to chase after them. We now enter a magnificent car chase. The camaro pushing it to the limit and the cars behind it doing the same. INT. CAMARO-DAY BEN Oh shit... AL What? He adjusts the rear-view mirror. AL OH SHIT! He floors it even harder.




AL He floors it even harder. BEN Try to outrun them, and if we dont do that, try to out gun them. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD-DAY The Camaro speeds through the turns, trying its hardest to lose its assailants. INT CAMARO-DAY AL Did we lose em? BEN We gained some distance on em,but for now, no, we did not. AL Fuck! I cant keep pushing this man, it wont hold. BEN I know! We just got to get ahead so we can set up. AL How many are there? BEN Well, assuming there is two per vehicle and there are... He counts under his breath until he hits ten. BEN(CONTD) ten cars, Im gonna go with about twenty. AL TWENTY! Fuck me! We can NOT handle twenty! BEN Yes we can! We got the fire power.




AL I dont know man, this shits risky. BEN Do you want to live? AL No fucking shit I want to live, ben! Thats why Im freaking the fuck out! BEN Then pull over into that construction area, and find a good place to park, so we can see em. Just as in the beginning, the Camaro turns sharply into the construction lot and they roll to a stop. The two rush out to the trunk and remove two weapons. They post up on the windows and wait. BEN Ready? AL As Ill ever be. BEN Well here they come. The cars pull in, one by one. They each take a position in a sporadic semi circle and each passenger steps out, holding a handgun. They all have their weapons pointed at AL and BEN, nobody shoots, its like a Mexican standoff. Suddenly, someone fires. This alone causes every single person to unload their pistols and try to hit AL and BEN. They return the fire, shooting at each of the cars, some shots hit, most miss. Soon, each goon starts to charge, and Al and Ben take them out one by one. An empty click announce that the the machine guns are empty They toss them aside and take out two handguns each. Firing them akimbo.




AL You motherfuckers wont get me today! He keeps shooting when he notices a guy sneaking up behind him. He yanks out a small, yet powerful shotgun, points it at the assailants face, and pulls the trigger. The force is enough to blow his head clean off. AL TWAM! Quick zoom over Als shoulder, a motorcycle is viewable in the distance. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD-DAY We watch the motorcycle drive as we see the firefight taking place. The driver. None other than Mr. Harold Snow. EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE-DAY The boys finish off their last guy. And gaze upon the aftermath. AL You alright? BEN AL Shook up, but OK. BEN How about the car? They both turn around to look at the Camaro. Surprisingly, it is in good shape. Only the glass is shattered and a few bullet holes. AL I think its been better. Suddenly a shot rips past them. AL AND BEN Shit!




They look back to see Snow holding a .357 magnum in his hand. HAROLD SNOW Dont you fucking movBen fires a round off, ripping right through Snows knee-cap. He screams in agony and collapses. Al walks up to Snow, placing a foot on his wrist, and points the barrel of the shotgun at his other knee. AL oops, it appears that I fucked you over. He pulls the trigger and Snows other kneecap EXPLODES. AL(CONTD) Come on Ben, we got a job to finish. The two walk back to the car. They shut the door and funky fanfare starts to play over the soundtrack as the drive off. ROLL CREDITS.

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