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Help for calculating pipe friction loss and the pipe economic size analysis applet

Applets are programs based on the java language that are designed to run on your computer using the Java Run Time environment.

This document will cover two topics, one a general discussion of this subject and how the equations were developped. The other some specific comments on how the applet functions.

General The following is an excerpt of the afore mentioned book. This java applet does friction head loss calculations for any Newtonian fluid for which the viscosity is known in the turbulent flow regime only which is most cases. The applet provides data on pipe roughness the source of which can be obtained in a pdf file at the bottom of this page.

PIPE FRICTION HEAD DIFFERENCE FOR NEWTONIAN FLUIDS The Friction Head is the friction due to the movement of fluid in a piping system and is proportional to flow rate, pipe diameter and viscosity. Tables of values for Friction Head are available in references 1 & 8. The Friction Head, as defined here, is made up of the friction loss due to the fluid movement and the friction loss due to the effect of pipe fittings (for example, 90 elbows, 45 bends, tees, etc.):

the subscript FP refers to pipe friction loss and the subscript FF to fittings friction loss.


Newtonian fluids are a large class of fluids, whose essential property VISCOSITY, was first defined by Newton (see Appendix A for a list of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids). Viscosity is the relationship between the velocity of a given layer of fluid and the force required to maintain that velocity. Newton theorized that for most pure fluids, there is a direct relationship between force required to move a layer and its velocity. Therefore, to move a layer at twice the velocity, required twice the force. His hypothesis could not be tested at the time, but later the French researcher, Poiseuille, demonstrated its validity. This resulted in a very practical definition for viscosity. The Darcy-Weisbach formula expresses the resistance to movement of any fluid in a pipe:

where f is a non dimensional friction factor. Often, the tables give values for friction loss in terms of ft of fluid per 100 ft of pipe. When the appropriate units are used (Imperial system), the Darcy-Weisbach equation becomes: [3-16] and in the metric system [3-16a] The friction factor is proportional to the Reynolds number which is defined as: [3-17] [3-17a] The Reynolds number is proportional to the kinematic viscosity, the average velocity, and the pipe inside diameter. It is a non dimensional number. The kinematic viscosity is the ratio of the absolute viscosity to the fluid specific gravity SG.

Viscosity data of common liquids can also be found int the Goulds pump catalogue.

Laminar flow - RE < 2000 Distinct flow regimes can be observed as the Reynolds number is varied. In the range of 0 to 2000, the flow is uniform and is said to be laminar. The term laminar refers to successive layers of fluid immediately adjacent to one another, or laminated. Looking at a longitudinal section of the pipe, the velocity of individual fluid particles is zero close to the wall and increases to a maximum value at the center of the pipe with every particle moving parallel to its neighbor. If we inject dye into the stream, we would notice that the dye particles maintain their cohesion for long distances from the injection point.

Figure 3-16 Laminar and turbulent flow velocity profiles. The friction loss is generated within the fluid itself. Figure 3-16 shows that each layer (in this case each ring) of fluid is moving progressively faster as we get closer to the center. The difference in velocity between each fluid layer causes the friction loss. The friction factor f is given by: [3-18] For viscous fluids (i.e.: n > 50 SSU), the combination of velocity and viscosity usually produces a low Reynolds number and therefore laminar flow. Pumping viscous fluids at a faster rate may cause the fluid to become turbulent resulting in high friction losses. The tables for viscous fluid friction loss given in references 1 & 8 are based on the equation for laminar flow, equation [3-18]. This equation can be theoretically derived and is found in most fluid dynamic volumes (see reference 11). An interesting aspect of laminar flow is that pipe roughness is not a factor in determining friction loss. Unstable flow - 2000 <RE <4000 The flow is pulsing and unstable and appears to possess characteristics of both laminar and turbulent flow.

Turbulent flow - RE > 4000 At Reynolds number larger than 4000, it is very difficult to predict the behavior of the fluid particles, as they are moving in many directions at once. If dye is injected into the stream, the dye particles are rapidly dispersed, demonstrating the complex nature of this type of flow. Reynolds, who originally did this experiment, used it to demonstrate the usefulness of a non-dimensional number (the Reynolds number) related to velocity and viscosity. Most industrial applications involve fluids in turbulent flow. The geometry of the wall (pipe roughness) becomes an important factor in predicting the friction loss. Many empirical formulas for turbulent flow have been developed. Colebrook's equation is the one most widely accepted: [3-19]>

where is the average height of protuberances (absolute roughness) of the pipe wall surface (for example, 0.00015 ft for smooth steel pipe). The term /D is called the pipe roughness parameter or the relative roughness. Since it is not possible to derive an explicit solution for f, L.F. Moody (see Figure 3-18) developed a graphical solution. The diagram shows the linear relationship of the friction factor (f) with the Reynolds number (Re) for the laminar flow regime. For Reynolds numbers in the medium range (4,000 to 1,000,000, turbulent flow), the friction factor is dependent on the Reynolds number and the pipe roughness parameter, which is known as the transition zone. For high Reynolds numbers (1,000,000 and higher, fully turbulent), the friction factor is independent of the Reynolds number and is proportional only to the pipe roughness parameter. This is the zone of complete turbulence. Some typical values for the absolute roughness PIPE MATERIAL Absolute roughness Steel or wrought iron Asphalt-dipped cast iron Galvanized iron :

0.00015 ft 0.0004 ft 0.0005 ft

Another equation developed by Swamee and Jain, gives an explicit result for f and agrees with the Colebrook equation within 1%, this is the equation used for this applet.


The pressure head loss per 100 feet of pipe is obtained using equation [3-16]. You can get the total head loss by multiplying by the length of the pipe and dividing by 100. Then to convert to pressure loss, use equation [3-21].


Specific How to use the applet Data for the system (see next figure) is entered in the area marked general data. When you select the type of pipe to be used, standard values for nom. diameter, and inside diamater are inserted into the pipe data table in columns 1 and 2. The pipe diameter values used in this applet are available here . Installation cost for the pipe is also inserted into the pipe data table in column 3, these are typical values only and you need to replace them with values applicable to your area. The pipe data table is editable by double-clicking on any item in the 3rd column. Once this is done you can press the Calculate button and the results will appear at the bottom. The first line of the results give the diameter selected that is closest to a standard diameter based on the flow rate and target velocity. The second line provides information on what the power cost and installation cost would be if you had selected the next biggest diameter. These costs can then be compared to the costs for the smaller diameter providing the cost savings for one year which in turn determines how many years are required to pay back the pipe installation cost or the ROI period. The next largest diameter is then selected and the same calculation is done based on the smallest diameter.

The intent of this applet is to help make a reasonned decision on pipe size that is more involved than selecting a pipe diameter on the basis of a target velocity. If a system has a low static head, the cost of power for such a system over a year may well justify installing a larger pipe than would normally be called for based on matching a target velocity. To do this, the cost of the pipe, hangers, supports, flanges, etc., must be known per foot of pipe. The power consumption is calculated based on the fluid properties, the length of pipe and the flow rate. The pump efficiency must be known and if the pump has not been purchased then a reasonable estimate can be provided using this curve. The cost of a kiloWatt-hour must also be known as well as the motor efficiency and then the annual savings that can be achieved by installing a bigger pipe can be calculated.

The power consumed is calculated with the standard formula:

The pipe roughness is selectable and based on the values in this table . You can also specify any pipe roughness by clicking on the specify text of the pipe roughness selection box. This will make another textfield appear where the pipe roughness can be entered.

The pipe diameter used is the inside diameter. This diameter varies depending on the construction of the pipe. Various standards such as carbon steel schedule pipe are used and are selectable. These values are then displayed in a grid on the applet. The values in the grid can be changed at any time. The annual operating cost of power is calculated based on the number of operating hours in a year, the motor efficiency and the cost per kW-h. This is done based on a pipe size that closely matches the target velocity. These calculations are done for the next biggest pipe sizes and are compared with the installation cost of these pipes.

The ROI (Return On Investment) period is the ratio of the pipe cost (includes purchase and installation ) difference between the initial selection and the next available diameter and the power cost difference of the the initial selection and the next available diameter. In the graphic above the ROI period 6.5 years = ($10,500 -$7500)/($1196-$1658).

A small period, for example less than 2 years means that it will take 2 years for the power savings to pay back the increased cost of the larger pipe size. Remember that it is difficult to change pipe size after the fact, the cost of dismantling and production time loss is usuallly very high.

The friction calculation in this program uses the Swamee-Jain equation. There is no head loss calculation for fittings friction. Therefore the real friction will be higher which means that the power consumption will be slightly higher. However this is not expected to impact the ROI period since fittings friction loss is normally a small portion of the total head.

The static head of the system must be known and this is added to the calculated friction head. If the discharge or suction end of the system is pressurized then this should be included in the static head. If there are any other process equipment such as control valves, heat exchangers, etc., the sum of their total head loss can be entered in the equipment head loss textbox.

The pipe construction types provided are carbon steel schedule pipe and ID pipe in Imperial units. The poly ethylene, PVC-M and UPVC pipe size original data is metric and the sizes have been converted to Imperial units.

The applet offers you two choices of pipe sizes that are larger than the initial selection based on a target velocity and you can decide which of these is appropriate based on the ROI period.

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