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GENERATIONS Generation gap is a term popularized in the West during the 1960s, a time when a great gulf opened

up between young people and their parents. These differences extended to music, fashion, and politics. At this time, the young people disagreed with and rebelled against what society called "normal." The generations of today have been neatly classified, complete with stereotyped personalities, interests, and viewpoints. Generation Y was born between 1978 and 1994, and have been called selfish and self-centered. Generation X represents children born between the early 1960s and the late 1970s. The people here are often called cynical. There are also the Baby Boomers, who grew up after World War II. Digital Natives comprise the newest generation, and have grown up side-byside with the Internet and instant communication. Warm Up: Discuss the question. 1. What are older people like in your country? How about younger people? Comprehension Questions: 1. Generation gap initially referred to young people who rebelled. T / F 2. Generation X and Generation Y are both considered selfish. T / F Summarization: Summarize the article. Try to do so with only two or three sentences. Discuss: Discuss these questions with a partner. Remember to support your answers. 1. What generation do you belong to? Can you describe the people of your generation? 2. What are some memorable moments in the world during your childhood? Please explain. 3. What do you think future generations will be like? Consider interests, personality, etc.

What is a generation gap? Have you ever felt a generation gap with your friends? How do you over come the generation gap? When do you feel the generation gap the most? At what point in life does the generation gap seem to be the largest? Do you think it is OK to date or marry someone of a different generation to yourself, either older or younger?

Some people think it is OK to marry a much older man but not a much older woman? Do you agree? How would you feel if your father was a generation older than your mother? Do you know a family where this is the case? What could be some problems with a partnership or marriage of different generations? When did you first become an adult in your mind? What roll does music play in generation gaps? When is an age gap beneficial, and when is it a hindrance? Could you talk to your parents about everything? Can your kids talk to you about anything? Do you ever disagree with your parents/grandparents about topics such as music, style and values? How many years difference causes a generation gap? Is it possible for parents and children to be friends? What influences the styles, values and interests of a generation? Are people from the "older" generation always more wise and correct in their ways of thinking and choices? Why or why not? Is it possible for parents and children to be friends? Or for people of different generations to be friends? Do you think generation gaps allow the older generations to have more "authority" in their relationships with younger people? What are some topics that people of different generations disagree on? Is it possible for people of different generations to agree on things as well? They say that each generation is about 10 years. Is it possible to "categorize" or "label"every generation (such as Generation X, the Baby Boomers, etc)? Do you think that your life is easier/harder than your parents? What role does technology change play in creating a generation gap? Could people's leisure habits be labelled under "radio, television, computer" generations? Which changes in traditional values could contribute to a generation gap?

What do you think when you see an old person? Do you think older people are boring? Would you ever date someone much older or younger than yourself? What was the most popular music when you were 12 years old? Now? how has the music and you changed? There are some older woman / younger man relationships in Hollywood now. Do you think this is changing people's views? Why do new generations frequently blame the last generation for many problems they are facing? If you could give one important message to the next generation, what would it be? How can a generation gap cause problems in the workplace?

School Relationships Holidays/Festivals

What are some differences in your culture's generation gaps when compared to that of another culture's own generation gaps? How do generation gaps change/evolve for individuals over time? Can you see a generation gap between yourself and the younger generation? What is it concerning?

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