Gusto Issue 9 - August

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A Mid Summers Dream Q & A

Hamiltons own peace pow wow & festival of colours at Gage Park - this months!


ISSUE 9, 2013

Summertime and the living is easy!

Yoga & Menopause Do you feel moody, cranky, restless, tired or suffer from hot flashes? Yoga can be the answer. Manifest Your Dreams

The question is: Are you willing to do what it takes to make your dream come true?

The Key to sensing Ki

What is Ki? This fun guide and exercise explains how to sense and work with your own life force energy.,

The Bernardiacs Research Team

Who are the Bernardiacs? We got a chance to sit down with St. Catherines best paranormal research team to find out what theyre all about in this exclusive interview.

Conversations with you

Our monthly interactive column with advice from Stephanie Heartsong.

Moms Kitchen recipe

Cool down with this twist on a classic recipe: Watermelon Gazpacho!


Page 3 - Yoga & Menopause Page 4 - Show Off! - Getting to your fitness goals. Page 5 - The Pelvis: A web to hold the bowl. - A series on transformation. Page 6 - The key to sensing Ki. Page 7 - Manifest your dreams. - Did you Know? All about Tumeric...Part 1 Page 9 - A Mid Summers Dream Festival Q &A with Mark Gowland Page 10 - The Bernardiacs Paranormal Research Team. Page 11 - The numbers in your name Page 12 - The positive side - Did you Know? All about Tumeric...Part 2 Page 13 - A conversation with you - with Stephanie Heartsong Page 14 - Moms Kitchen: Watermelon Gazpacho + Where to eat in Hamilton Page 15 - Hamilton Happenings!

Letter from the editor,

Summer time and the living is easy..... and hot! What a beautiful time of year for backyard garden parties, Barbecuing, enjoying nature and outdoor events! One of my favourite things to do is to walk out to my backyard and look at all of my experiments growing in my garden. This year I tried my hands at potatoes, tomatoes, spinach ,lettuce and various herbs. I must admit I was little hesitant about expanding my garden after the tumultuous summer we experienced last year. Most of my plants were either burnt or stunted from the ongoing dry spells and hot heat. But so far everything has been getting bigger and badder and overall better! The lush conditions have been perfect for outdoor dinners, nature walks or to just sit and soak in. Another one of my favourite summer activities are outdoor events! This summer Hamilton has lots going in terms of events; from the Winona Peach Festival, The Dundas Cactus Festival, Steel City Jazz Festival, Festival of Friends. The Live Life Longer Show and Tell (Well be there with our table!) and the second annual festival of colours - A Mids Summers Dream (We will also be here with our table, come say hi!) Dates and times of all these fantastic events and more are in the Hamilton Happenings on the last page! Stay safe and hydrated in this crazy summer of heat - and enjoy what makes you happy. Whether its garden gazing, getting out and enjoying Hamilton events, going to the cottage or nature walks - enjoy every minute! Before you know it (you know what) comes in a couple of months - just saying! THANK YOU Editor, Amy Bonin

GUSTO is a free alternative publication aimed to create unity amongst Hamiltons holistic, green, organic and spiritual community.
Executive Editor: Amy Bonin Monthly Contributors Amber Colbear Anita Kaiser Andria Hoda Care Hudson Erin Janus Jen Fleming Justin DOlimpio Juliana LaChance Katie McClelland Kathy Korbett-King Linda Kraan-Benson Lisa Doering Miranda Black Shelley Gordon Stephanie Scheid Teresa Bonin Vanessa Pazzi

Educate, Inspire and Grow.

GUSTO provides readers with stories, interviews and information concerning holistic, health & wellness and environmental awareness shared by industry leaders in our Hamilton community. We are looking for article submissions, interviewees and businesses that wish to advertise with us , or wishing to carry our magazine. Please contact us at

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Adaptations Studio Gusto Magazine

By: Lisa Doering

Y oga & Menopause

When the body is under continual stress, the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenals can get stuck in overdrive and over work in your body. So, Forward bends, such as Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) and Prasaita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend)in both cases with the head resting on a bolster or blanketscan help reduce irritability and mental tension, because bending forward and shutting out external distractions can soothe and calm the mind and reduce the effects of stress. The nervous system then receives the signal that all is well, and the adrenals and sympathetic nervous system stop working so hard. If insomnia is a problem, inversions can sometimes help because they ground the bodys energy and burn off excess anxiety. When followed by restorative postures, they encourage a deep state of rest.

Do you feel moody, cranky, restless, tired? Do you suffer from anxiety, headaches, migraines, Hot flashes? Yoga can be the answer.
Many women have the image of Yoga as hard postures and twists, chanting and different music. However, the movement of yoga is so much more. If you practise yoga regularly it can help you by calming your nerves, relaxing your mind, and relieving you of many menopause symptoms. How? Well Yoga naturally helps to enhance mental clarity and emotional balance. Yoga will help you see aging not as a loss but as a gain of wisdom, strength, health and intuition. Yoga is for every age and every stage of a womens life. I just started practising yoga at the age of 45. I have found that the practise of Yoga has helped me with the many struggles of menopause: emotional balance, inner strength, plus the added benefits of enhanced confidence as well as calming my mind and listening to my inner guidance.

Here are some Yoga tips on a few of the most common symptoms of Menopause:
Hot Flashes: This is one of the most common symptoms. These power surges in a womens body produce heat, which can disappear as quickly as they appear. Ways to calm and cool are some restorative poses. Any tension in the body can make hot flashes worse, so using props such as bolsters, blankets and blocks to help support the body are a great idea. So during forward bends you can place your head on a bolster and this will help calm the body and relax the nerves. Supported reclining poses such as Supta Baddha Konasana, help with relaxation and allow the body to soften, and release tightness in the chest and belly.
Also Inverted poses like the bridge pose can help your body to lower blood pressure relax and balance your hormones. Since stress or tension amplifies nearly all menopause symptoms, the Bridge Pose can help you manage stress and potentially reduce hot flashes. Using a bolster helps to relax even more deeply in a Supported Bridge Pose.

Depression and Mood Swings: Menopause signals the end of the childbearing years for many women, it can be a time to mourn the end of their youth, however, yoga practitioners have long known that everything you do with your body can affect your thoughts and attitude. Sometimes something as subtle as a shift in posture can lighten a dark mood. If a woman stands tall, with dignityopening and broadening her chestand walks with confidence, she announces to the world (and, most importantly, to herself) that she is grounded, happy, and in tune with her surroundings.
Poses create a mental state that positively affect the mind. Back bends, especially if supported, allow a sense of lightness into the body. They stimulate the adrenals and massage them into action. Also, the heart and lungs open and take in more oxygen. Chest-expanding poses energize the body by improving respiration and circulation, and thus counter feelings of depression. Many yogis have discovered that inversions, such as Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), can help improve a depressed mood. This is done by turning everything upside down, inversions influence your emotional being in a positive way. These are just a few of the benefits when it comes to Yoga and menopause. Come out and try a class and see for yourself. References include: www. , www.

Anxiety, Irritability, and Insomnia: When a person is under stress, the sympathetic nervous system responds by accelerating the heart rate, slowing down the muscles of the digestive tract, and increasing blood circulation to the brain to fight the stressor.
Once the stress dissipates, the parasympathetic nervous system responds by doing just the opposite; slowing the heart rate back to normal, stimulating the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, and bringing the bodys systems back into balance.

Lisa Doering is a certified Yoga Instructor that teaches Hatha Yoga at different studios in Hamilton.

Bioenergetics is a very effective new, natural modality that does not use scratch tests or needles to isolate a stressor. Then, by using electro-acupressure, the body is brought back into balance so it can properly recognize harmful and non harmful stressors and thus, heal itself.

Reactions to pets, seasonal, foods Gas and Bloating Emotional upset/Anxiety Problems sleeping

With 3 locations!

Acne, rash, hives Weight loss or gain Headaches (even caused by rain storms!) And many more!

By: Katie McClelland

By: Justin DOlimpio You want to get into better shape, to drop the fat and to increase your tone and strength. It is possible to achieve any fitness goal when you strive towards it every day. When youre feeling motivated, and decide to set a goal, its tempting to become overambitious by setting multiple goals. While its great that you want to improve many things about yourself, the pressure of trying to achieve more than one goal at once will cause you to drop all the goals. Focus in on the one goal that you really want to achieve first, and focus all of your efforts onto this goal. There will be plenty of time in the future to see to your other goals, but for now see your number one goal all the way through to completion. Another downfall that often results in dropped goals is the act of starting out too fast and too strong. If your goal in fitness is to drop 20 pounds and exercise 5 times a week, do not go out and hit the gym hard for the next 5 days in a row. Youll be so sore that I guarantee youll stop all progress. Take a deep breath and remember that this isnt a race. Start out slow and steady and gradually build as you progress toward your goal. Why is this goal so important to you? There are probably many reasons, and you should know every single one of them. Write down each and every possible reason you can come up with as to why your goal needs to be met. Get to know the reasons why this goal is so important to you. Along with thinking about your reasons for accomplishing your goal, its also helpful to focus your mind on how youll feel once youve done it. Dedicate some time each day to picture your new post-goal life. How awesome are you going to feel when youve accomplished this goal thats been on your mind for so long? Pretty amazing. Fill your mind with that feeling of accomplishment well before youve finished the work. The more you feel connected to the end goal, the more likely it is that youll make it through. It is time to put your money where your mouth is. Invest in something that will help propel you toward your goal. When you shell out some of your hard earned money to aid in your progress, then you are going to take this process that much more seriously. If your goal is to lose weight and to get into amazing shape then invest in my awesome guaranteed fitness programs.

The summer months remind me of the carefree days of being a child. Lemonade stands, hours of playing outside, sprinkler systems and barbecues; trips to the local variety store to buy popsicles and one cent candies; lazy days spent up north at the cottage. As I write this now I can hear the exuberant shrieks and giggles of children playing outside, long past their usual bedtime. Reflecting on my own childhood, I realize how in so many ways, at age 37, I am exactly the same me as I was then! After many years of yoga and meditation practice, transformational excursions, retreats, self-development courses and spiritual self help books, Ive discovered that at a base level I still have the same strengths, weaknesses and tendencies I had as a child. Heres a funny story to illustrate this;
A few years ago I was teaching yoga to a group of my old highschool friends. I would meet them at one of their workplaces in the evening and take them through a flow practice. A few weeks in, I noticed the girls were acting strangely and a little cold. One of them pulled me aside and said she needed to talk to me about something that was bothering the group. We feel badly when you show us your handstands because we cant do them. It feels like you are showing off. Do you think you could tone it down a bit?. I started laughing and replied You have known me for 25 years-I have always been a show off! Its who I am! Also, handstands are the one thing in my life I excel at and I intend to continue to celebrate that, just as I encourage each and every one of you to celebrate what you excel at. I cant do a power point presentation, run a restaurant or cut hair like all of you but I can stand on my hands and I plan on doing so every chance I get! She started laughing and in that moment I realized how often we downplay our strengths and gifts in order not to shine. The flip side of this is that we can also get defensive when called out on our weaknesses. Wouldnt it be refreshing to fully own, and take responsibility for all of who you are? I look back to when I was a child and I am still essentially the same person-I am outgoing, funny and like to lead; Im also impatient, disorganized and have a tendency to splash water all over the bathroom. As a human being, I will never be perfect and will always be a mash-up of both good and not-sogood qualities. As time goes on, I find my weaknesses to be like old friends who come around every so often to remind me they are still here and that I am indeed, human. Rather then condemn myself for not being perfect, I like to imagine that up in the heavens, before my incarnation as Katie, my soul went shopping and carefully chose all of the ingredients that make up who I am. I like to believe that I am just the right combination of everything that is needed for me to learn, to love and to grow during this particular time on earth. Happy summer and remember to celebrate your inner child who is always with you! Namaste Katie

Katie McClelland, Owner, Director-De La Sol Yoga (905)540-3569 430 York Blvd

Justin DOlimpio Certified Personal Trainer

Interesting Food Superstitions...

The custom of throwing rice at weddings goes back to the time when people thought rice, a symbol of health and prosperity, would appease evil spirits so they would not bother the wedding couple. In Hungary, salt is thrown on the threshold of a new house because it is thought that salt will protect the inhabitants from evil. Europeans who believed in vampires sprinkled mustard seed on the roof of their homes to keep them away.

The Pelvis : A Web T o Hold The Bowl

By: Jen Fleming
I talked previously about the bony structure of the pelvis. Today I am going to talk about the ligamentous structure of the pelvis and how it helps support the articular relationships between the lumbar vertebrae, the 3 bones of the pelvis and the femurs. Because the pelvis holds a lot of weight, and is responsible for distributing forces from the ground up and the head down, the Sacroiliac Joints - SIJs dont want to be too mobile. They need just enough movement to ensure the forces can actually move through the pelvis without getting hitched up anywhere. Therefore there are a lot of really big, thick and strong ligaments to support this terribly important balancing bowl. The posterior of the pelvis is supported mostly by the interosseous sacroiliac ligaments. This large web of soft tissue connects the large ilia/hip bones to the sacrum and supports the pelvis from the back, preventing too much forward movements of the bones. It also supports the connection between the coccyx and the sacrum. On the anterior aspect we have the anterior interosseous ligaments attaching to the same structures. These ligaments prevent backward movements of the pelvis. Above the ligaments is the iliolumbar ligament which holds the L5 vertebra against the base of the sacrum. It checks rotational movements of the L5 on the sacrum ensuring that it remains in a proper alignment with the sacrum. The Sacrotuberous Ligament is a very special ligament because it acts like a keystone to the whole web of soft tissue of the pelvis. Something to keep in mind about ligaments, in the pictures they look very separate but in the real body they all blend together. There is a fine layer of connective tissue that covers the bones called periosteum. It is this periosteum that the ligaments and tendons blend into. So the Sacrotuberous ligament blends into the periosteum of the ishcial tuberosities (sit bones) and the sacrum. This then gives rise to the Sacroilliac Ligaments and the Ilio-Lumbar Ligaments. The tendons of the hamstrings, deep gluteal muscles, pelvic floor muscles and the muscles of the lumbar spine all blend together. By working directly with this segment of the pelvic web one can create change, or initiate the opportunity for change, throughout the connecting structures. As a functional unit, these ligaments are a fine web. By altering one area of this web, much like a shifting layer of fabric, the entire unit is primed for change. Most dont realize the power this area of the body holds and the amount of responsibility it carries. Literally it is the base of our structure and, just by becoming familiar with the interconnected nature of the immediate area, we can begin to see how it supports and affects the whole physical being. Indeed the whole body is one giant web woven into a tapestry of wonder. Pretty darn cool, right?

By: Linda Kraan - Benson

Today s topic is about the ease of transformation....PART 1

Many people ask me how to transform their life. Many feel their life would be better if they were more financially stable, in a more loving relationship, were more liked, felt more confident, were less heavy, had better behaved children, lived in a better place, had a more secure job, etc. So many reasons why they think life would be easier...however, I have to answer that EVERYTHING is attainable, you can MANIFEST a much more joyful & peaceful life for yourself. How does this happen? When we STOP focusing on the EXTERNAL and START focusing on the INTERNAL. The mind has the capacity for delivering what we are asking, feeling, envisioning etc. If you desire a different life, you must focus on attaining it, in a more positive and loving way. Start slowly. Get to know yourself, what are your likes, dislikes. Write a list of pros and cons. When do you feel the most joyful, the most saddened? When do you feel the most energetic, the most tired? Write it all down, see where you excel and where you find challenges. Now, eliminate that which does not serve a purpose. What do you have left? Work within your means, your capabilities, your skill set. Oftentimes, we do things for the ease of another. We take on responsibilities for another, we encourage another, we SPEND valuable time with another, we often expend much needed ENERGY on another. We must learn to give ourselves the same respect, the same time, the same energy. Now, when you know yourself a little more, try sitting in silence for just 5 minutes a day, view your thoughts, again write them down. If you find your mind wandering, do not berate yourself, simply guide yourself back to the task at hand - getting to really know yourself, and finding your inner strength and changing your thoughts, is a consistent, yet empowering, use of time and space. Transformation comes with self belief, respect, time, thought and action, remember: one small step at a time.... Stay tuned for PART 2, and please feel free to communicate with me and/or share your feelings, your story and your transformation with others.....Blessings, Lilyana

I am delighted to offer a 2 4 1 special, on any workshop, therapy or card reading at the new LAVANDULA Wellness Center in Dundas. These opening specials are valid from August 01/13 until October 01/13. A wonderful gift for your family & friends. Please view their website for times of operation and to meet all the wonderful practitioners at the center. or email me directly at: You will also find me at DharmaReiki Studio & Tahiras Goddess Emerging Dance Studio, both in Burlington. I will be available on Tuesdays at these locations, be sure to check my facebook page for more information.

Jen Fleming RMT Blessings & continued health Linda Kraan - Benson 5


By Care Hudson
When I speak of Ki here, I am referring to the life force energy (also known as chi, prana, or subtle energy) that makes up ourselves and our universe. Some people reading this article will have had the natural ability to feel ki energy since birth, and some will have developed the ability during this lifetime. If you dont know what it is like to feel ki energy, dont worry! With a bit of dedicated practice, if you want to, you can!

release of stress, tension and related issues like high blood pressure and insomnia. You will have your own reasons for wanting to sense ki. Just know that all it will take, is your decision to do so, followed up with your dedicated focus and action. Every person is different. Like learning how to play a musical instrument, it may take a few weeks, months or a few years of practice, but if you are diligent and keep trying, eventually you will get it, so please dont give up if you dont feel it right away. Once you can feel the energy, this practice gets more fun, as you can begin to play with the energy. You can shape it into a ball or expand and contract it as if you were blowing up a balloon, you can move the energy with your hands and change it with your intention. You can form it into any shape that you want, a heart, an infinity symbol, a butterfly, anything Be as creative as your imagination will allow You may want to focus on emptying your mind completely or perhaps on being open to receive information and insights from that space of connectedness. You may also want to expand on this practice, by moving into more of an energy dance, simply moving and dancing freely with your ki energy, as well as exploring the energy that is all around you. You can do this meditation on its own, or just after another practice, especially one that gets your energy system activated and flowing such as tapping, yoga, dance, any kind of sport or exercise, gym workouts, walks, hikes, runs, swims, etc... You may notice an increase in the sensation and strength of the energy flow, when practicing ki sensing, after another physical activity. Ideally you will want to keep your eyes closed the whole time during this meditation, to keep the energy focus inside your body. However go ahead and peek, once in a while! You may find that one day you may even begin to see the ki energy stretching between your palms, and that is another sense that you again can work on developing, if you so desire. Over time, if you make it your intention to feel ki energy and take action to practice this style of meditation regularly, you will surely become more and more sensitive to ki. Essentially you and your own persistence, are the key, to your own unique experience of sensing Ki.

Here is one tried and tested, ki sensing method:

First, make sure that you have a safe space to relax in. You can do this meditation anywhere; from outdoors in nature, to your bed, or even in the bath A meditation cushion is often ideal. If you are practicing inside, you may want to play some meditation music and dim the lighting. Basically, find a comfortable space to sit (or to stand, or lie down, up to you!). Sitting in half lotus with your palms facing up, is one way to start. You can try a new position each time or change your position at any moment, depending on what feels best for you. Close your eyes and bring your thoughts to your breath. Start breathing deeply, in and out of your abdomen. Then bring your awareness to your palms You can easily bring your full attention to your palms by clapping or rubbing them together quickly a few times. Clapping or rubbing the palms is eventually not needed, but it can serve to bring all of your focused awareness, including your blood and ki energy focus there, instantly, which can help - especially in the beginning. Raise your palms up, in front of your chest, facing each other, but not touching. As you inhale deeply, slowly separate your palms, as you exhale, slowly bring them back together. It is that easy Now just focus your attention on the sensation of energy between your palms... This will feel differently for every person. It may feel like heat, magnetism, electricity, cotton candy, or something else. Continue for as long as you like. I practiced this meditation for about 5-7 minutes around 2-3x per week, for over 4 years during my time with practicing and teaching Korean Energy Yoga. The technique described above is called Chi-Gam. It is very easy and I witnessed many people tapping into their ability to feel ki energy, with this practice, including myself. In the beginning of my own practice, I felt nothing between my palms and I would often get frustrated with it. After a few months I knew I was starting to feel some kind of magnetism between my palms... After about 6 months I could feel the energy more clearly. The ability to feel energy seemed to only get stronger and easier with more practice. This practice of ki sensing for me, led into my discovery, learning and practice of energy healing through Reiki, which has in turn, made me even more sensitive to feeling ki energy as well. There are a lot of benefits to this practice including; the opportunity to connect more deeply with oneself, and to reach a state of theta-level relaxation in your brain, which can assist in physical healing, and the

Care Hudson Holistic Relaxation Therapist 289-776-8305

Intuitive relaxation treatments with care

By: Vanessa Pazzi

Do you have a dream? I believe everyone does. The question is: Are you willing to do what it takes to make your dream come true? Most people feel their dream is so far out of reach they dont even take a step in the right direction. Limited beliefs (no money, Im too old, bad economy) and low self-esteem (Im not good enough, smart enough, worthy of abundance etc.) hold people back. Then there are, what I like to call the dream squashers. These people will tell you that you cant do it, all the reasons why you shouldnt do it and all the things that could potentially go wrong if you do it. If youve read biographies about famous people you will almost always see that they lived in poverty or hit rock bottom at some point. Jim Carrey was living out of his car with his pretend cheque for 1 million dollars. Justin Bieber grew up in a rat-infested home with an empty fridge. Halle Berry stayed in a homeless shelter. Mark Walhberg was involved with drugs and served time in jail. J.K. Rowling was a single mother living off of welfare. They had a dream or an inspired idea and they followed through on it despite their circumstances. We can be, do or have anything we want. We are all born with the same infinite potential but its up to us to decide what we want and go after it. The book, The Compound Effect by Darry Harding talks about how each decision we make day after day, month after month, year after year becomes our present situation. Did you ever wake up one day and ask yourself how did I get here? Bob Proctor says that all physical manifestations (your present results) are the result of your previous thinking. Thinking controls your feelings and your feelings control your actions (decision making). So for example: You Think: Im not smart enough for that job. You Feel: not good enough, old, worthless. Your Actions: you dont apply for that job. Your Present Result: no job, poor self-esteem. My Tips for Manifesting Your Dreams Decide what you want. Dream small, dream big whatever the case as long as you really want it in your heart because you love it or have a passion for it, not because you think it will make you happy (even though it probably will!). Take one small step everyday in the direction of your dream. It could be asking questions, doing some interviews, reading certain books, starting a blog, starting a business plan, selling something for extra cash, asking for help on Facebook, taking a class, etc. Imagine where you could be in 2 years from now if you do one step everyday! Surround yourself with people who believe in you and will support you with your decisions. They may not always agree but good supporters will give you constructive feedback and will still support you no matter what you decide.

Do not let doubt, fear and anxiety stop you. Do not let your current circumstances dictate whats possible. You may be at rock bottom, or cash, limited resources, few supporters but all you need to do is believe and keep moving forward even when you just want to hide under the covers and ignore the outside world. Listen to, watch or read motivational material everyday. Some of my favourites: Bob Proctor, Louise Hay, Earl Nightengale, Darren Hardy. Decide that you are NOT going to be a victim of your circumstances. Focus on solutions and creative ideas not problems. Do Not subscribe to limited beliefs that you are not good enough, smart enough, too old, not pretty enough, no skills etc. This are just excuses. Do NOT let distractions take you away from your focus. Facebook, TV, unnecessary meetings, clubs or groups, classes etc. Ask yourself is this activity in alignment with what I want? If not, its time to reconsider your priorities. Be happy Now! Dance, sing, do something creative, play with your pet, write a gratitude journal. Get onto the frequency of positivity and abundance!

Vanessa Pazzi The Harmonious Soul

Did you know? All about Tumeric: Part 1

Former Miss USA Susie Castillo swears by her recipe for homemade toothpaste, which includes turmeric powder. Although turmeric is known for its staining prowess, it is commonly used to whiten teeth presumably its not in contact with the enamel long enough to change the colour. Heres how to make your own version, and you can also sprinkle some on your commercial or other homemade toothpaste and brush as usual.

1. Brighten your pearly whites

2. Customize foundation

Ashy makeup makes a bad match for luminous skin. Actor Thandie Newton tackles the problem by adding turmeric to tinted moisturizer to achieve a perfect glow that matches her skin tone. And in fact, women in India often use turmeric in face creams and body scrubs to boost the glow factor; sprinkle in a bit at a time until you have the proper tone.

3. Spice up your soap

If you make homemade soap, adding several teaspoons of turmeric to it will not only dial up its colour, but will boost its skin-friendly benefits as well.

4. Save your scalp

Many swear by a combination of olive oil and turmeric to deter dandruff and to improve the overall condition of the scalp. Make a mix of turmeric and the oil of your choice (jojoba or coconut oil would be nice), massage into your scalp and leave on for 15 minutes, then shampoo and style as usual. (Continued on page 12)

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A Mid Summers Dream : Hamiltons Colour Festival

Gusto sat down with Mark Gowland from A Pure Creation Company and got the latest details on Hamiltons own festival of colours - A Mid Summers Dream.
What is A Mid Summers Dream? A Mid Summers Dream is a cultural festival and food raiser, with its roots based from Holi or the Festival of Colours that originates from India. The concept is that the colours break down all barriers that people have with each other, caste, race and religious beliefs are all dissolved for one day. The colours really do this, and its quite extraordinary. I started it because I wanted to do something amazing, I wanted to throw an epic festival, and this is a work in progress, but its a labour of love. I Photo credit: Mike Cameron also wanted to do something really great for others too, which is why the food -raiser aspect came into it. I read somewhere that the way to enlightenment was to serve people and feed people, and I thought, if everybody at the festival does it - maybe we can all get enlightened. What are the main events that people can looking forward to? People can really look forward to the colour throws, the music, art installations, and the other great things I have planned for this year. The colour throws will always be the main draw, and as it grows bigger, it will get better. Im really happy that I have different cultural musicians like Neeraj Prem and the Ohni Kara Drummers this year. I think most importantly its the vibe of A Mid Summers Dream that is most extraordinary. It has the capacity to change you, just because of the vibrations alone, I felt it, and I know others did too. How can people participate? People can come out, there is no admission charge. They can choose to watch if they want, or they can purchase the paint powder for the colour throw. (Which is one for $3 or two for $5) I never wanted to give out the feeling of exclusion to anybody because that is in direct contrast to what the festival is all about!

August, 17th, 2013 Gage Park FREE Admission 2 PM - 10 PM

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By: Amy Bonin occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena.
Who are the Bernardiacs Paranormal Research team?

Definition of Paranormal: of or pertaining to the claimed

He explains further that when the team was reviewing their video footage they could hear a childs laughter after asking the presence if Hannah was there (Secords youngest daughter). We actually have a video up of this that also shows an unexplained ball of light that floats in boasts Bernardi.

Founders Chris Bernardi and Justin Pardiac started this group after many failed attempts of trying to join other paranormal investigation teams without any success. They knew they were on to something and decided to go it alone and started their very own paranormal research team. The Bernardiacs Paranormal Research Team was born!. The Bernardiacs are a group of like minded individuals who just want to learn more about Chris Bernardi, Justin Pardiac paranormal activity and also want to have fun doing it. Consisting of six members; Chris Bernardi, Justin Pardiac, Jay and Katy Pinsonneault, Beth Fawcett and Justin Vaughn - who the team refers to as The Professor - make up this paranormal power team. When the team isnt out researching the unknown, each member brings a unique skill to their team. The Professor and fellow team member Jay create the teams web content and videos for YouTube - and Jay actually builds most of the teams research equipment as well. Beth Fawcett (creative director) and founder Chris Bernardi make sure the investigations actually happen, from booking the places, to finding places and putting the final finishing touches on their investigation videos. Other members Katy and Justin are the teams best investigators, helping to pin-point paranormal activity when out on location. The Bernardiacs are a perfect blend of introverts and extroverts, explains founder Bernardi. So what happens during one of the Bernardiacs investigations? The team gathers their gear and heads to the chosen site to set up their cameras and recording equipment, and then wait for the unknown to show itself. If they sense or witness any paranormal activity, the team will speak directly to any possible presence and each member spends some time alone on the property. Its exciting but at the same time it can be tedious. A lot of times we get no action while we are there and only get our evidence when we are reviewing. We like to have the house as empty as possible and we are usually there overnight for about 4-5 hours, says Bernardi.

So does anything make the Bernardiacs squeamish? Bernardi recalls an incident that he might classify as creepy. When he and his team headed out on an investigation to Corks in Niagara on the Lake (which used to be called The Buttery), I
was overcome with a feeling of sadness and couldnt stop shaking. That had never happened to me before. Bernardi quickly remembers another incident of when they investigated a house in St. Catherines where a radio turned itself on and they were able to catch the whole thing happening on video.

What future investigations does the Bernardiacs team have planned?

The team has a slew of research projects coming up including an investigation at MacFarlane House in Niagara On The Lake, Bertie House in Fort Erie (an old doll house museum with an underground railroad stop where supposedly is home to over 70 spirits) and Old Fort Erie. The team has also created a private residential investigation section to their research. Home owners can now have the Bernardiacs team investigate their home for paranormal activity without a charge. Bernardi explains their lack of pricing, We do not charge for what we do, no one should. We are just grateful to have the chance to do it. Aside from finding and documenting their paranormal experiences and findings on video, founders Chris and Justin have an even larger goal in mind. Eventually they plan to take all of their unexplainable experiences and share them with the public by writing a book or a documentary or even landing a place in a television series. The team would also like to expand their research territory by broadening their search into the U.S. and Europe.

Where can we find the bernardiacs videos or more information?

Facebook: YouTube: Website: We encourage comments and we really need people to like and share our facebook page. To contact us for questions or to have us do an investigation email or message our Facebook page

What is the most interesting case the Bernardiacs have investigated?

Bernardi reveals that the Laura Secord Homestead of her famous walk was one of their most unusual and promising investigations the team has encountered. We saw an actual figure go behind the house and we could hear whispers and taps while we were there, says Bernardi.


Numbers dont just follow us around on clocks and tickets; they like to be a lot more up close and personal than that. Numbers speak to us not only through our environment and frequency, but also through our names. Using an ancient sacred science known as Numerology which dates back several thousand years, we are able to grasp the mysterious relationship and cosmic vibration between numbers, living things and physical objects. Numbers employed in this fashion serve as one of the five pure languages in which Energy can communicate or create expressions. Just like the sound of your name produces a tonal vibration; these cosmic vibrations can be characterized and given quality through an expression of numbers. Remember, most parents name their children based on how they feel about the child. Very often parents will have names picked out when the baby is born, and they completely change the name because the baby didnt look like a Mary. Reasonably speaking, lets be real, most babies look the same; super cute, balding, wrinkly, and well really cute! But how they look changes at light speed. Its not that the baby didnt look like a Mary, as much as she felt like a Jenny. Our names hold our cosmic stardust, our essence, our potentials and our blueprints to the landscape we will adventure on in this life. Accordingly, each letter in the alphabet has a numeric value. The sum of the letters in the name and birthdate employed in a series of formulas produces an interrelation of vibrations that shed light on our character, lifes purpose, what drives us, what frustrates us, what motivates us, where our talents lie and beyond. Lets begin with your full name as it appears on your birth certificate. Using the chart provided, assign the correlating number to each letter in your name and then begin the simple addition of each number, once you have added all the numbers together. If your final result is a double digit, add both numbers within it, until you have returned to a single digit. See example!

By: Amber Colbear

Once you have combined all these letters and arrived at your final number, you are looking at your Expression/Destiny number. This core element depicts the tasks that you will most likely strive to achieve in this lifetime. It also symbolizes the opportunities and potentials you have available to you. Sometimes, the aspects of the Destiny Number may be demanding, but it is your purpose, your mission. It is what drives you most and it is your field of infinite opportunity, if you harness your higher potential. This number could be more accurately defined as what we aspire to become in this life. If we were only to add up the vowels, we would have the Soul Urge/Hearts Desire number and the consonants would provide us with our Personality number. So whats in your name and whats in this number? Next issue, we will discuss in deeper length and greater detail what each number means when it appears as your Expression/Destiny number. However, so youre not left hangin entirely - heres a sneak peek at each numbers positive and negative qualities.

1 (+) Independent, pioneer, leader, independent, individualistic,

willful, inventive, courageous (-) Dominating, impulsiveness, egotistic, boastfulness, willfulness, overly aggressive. others, partner, mediator, modest, sincere, spiritually influenced (-) Shy, overly sensitive, fear, self-consciousness, depression. insightful, fun-loving. (-) Self-centered, scattered, moodiness, arrogant, exaggeration, unfinished projects, lack of focus.

2 (+) Flexible, diplomatic, cooperative, intuitive understanding of

3 (+) Optimistic, creative, social, imaginative, many artistic gifts,

4 (+) Order and values, organized, practical, scientific, attention to detail, management skills (-) stubborn, opinionated, delayed in action, overly serious, argumentative, lack of imagination. 5 (+) Constructive freedom, visionary, versatile, action oriented, curious, adventurer. (-) Impatience, restless, discontent, lacks application, dissatisfaction, hasty decisions. 6 (+) Responsible, sympathetic, loyal, home & family driven, humanitarian, artistic, nurturing, balanced. (-) Stubborn, self-righteous, domineering, meddling, egotistical, outspoken. 7 (+) Knowledge seeker, scientific, inventive, meditative, perfectionist,
solidarity, charming. (-) Sarcastic, isolated, inflexible, stubborn, suspicious.

8 (+) Political and executive business skills, decisive, power,

commanding, recognition, authority. (-) Overly materialistic, workaholic, overly ambitious, lacks humanitarianism, poor money managing, dominating.

9 (+) Humanitarian, giving, selfless, sacrificing, creative, artistic and writing talents. (-) Moodiness, selfishness, self-adulation, possessiveness, careless finances, attention seeking. The Elemental Artist


By: Anita Kaiser

So often when one thinks of the environment we have a long list of things that are negative in focus. Over and over again we hear about all the toxins in our food and personal care products that are bad for us or are destroying the earth and often it can seem that things that are beyond our control. This month I thought I would try and put a bit more of a positive spin on things and talk about some of the amazing changes Ive seen here in this fine city of Hamilton. When I began selling MiEssence products 7 years ago there were very few natural or organic options out there. Take organic food for example - there was a grand total of one organic farm that I knew of, Plan B ( If you werent getting their CSA box you would be hard pressed to find a local source for organically grown produce. Nowadays Plan B is not only still standing and thriving but there are a variety of additional organic farms that have been added to the mix. Mano Run ( and Simpler Thyme both also run CSAs. If you are unfamiliar with that term it means, its Community Shared Agriculture. With a CSA you pay a set amount for a share of whatever the farmer produces and you receive a variety of vegetables that are in season, fresh and ready. Originally, a large payment was made up-front to give the farmer the funds he/she needed to get things going at the beginning of the season.

Some folks are still working with this model but others have a more flexible payment schedule for those of us who find it difficult to come up with four months worth of grocery payments in one month. For organic meat, there are a few local options as well; Fenwood Farms ( and Mordens Organic and Wild Meats ( In addition to these great food options Hamilton is also home to two fabulous eco stores, Ecomystic ( and Simply Zen. Both of these stores carry of wide variety of eco-friendly products and fabulous green clothing lines. The expansion of green clothing has also been tremendous. Remember when buying hemp clothes meant baggy pants or t-shirts? These days you can find the most fashionable of items done with eco-friendly fabrics and dyes. Although I always try and support my local independent farmers and stores I am also pleased to be seeing more organic items in our regular grocery store as well as at Costco. The growth is exciting and amazing and I hope we continue to see lots of businesses, both large and small becoming more environmentally conscious.

Anita Kaiser

Did you know? All about Tumeric: Part 2

5. Diminish sprain strain
A traditional homeopathic sprain treatment involves making a paste using one part salt and two parts turmeric and enough water to make it spreadable. Apply to the affected joint and wrap in an old cloth that you dont mind staining. Leave on for 20 minutes to an hour, once a day. (Dont do this on body parts that can be seen; you dont want a temporary yellow tinge!) Also of note: the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests taking turmeric to help reduce sprain swelling and makes the effect of bromelain (an anti-inflammatory derived from pineapple enzymes) stronger. Take 250 to 500 (mg) each of turmeric and bromelain, three times a day between meals. 6. Help tame swimmers ear Natural remedy aficionados recommend using warmed garlic oil to help push the water out of ears affected by swimming; adding turmeric to the mix is said to help as well. See home remedies for swimmers ear for more.

7. Soothe a sick stomach

Turmeric has long used to quell bellies that arent behaving properly. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends 500 mg of turmeric four times daily to treat an upset stomach.

8. Ease achy arthritis

For osteoarthritis, NIH recommends 500 mg twice daily of a specific turmeric extract (like Meriva, Indena); 500 mg four times daily of a non-commercial product has also been used. For rheumatoid arthritis, they note that 500mg twice daily of a specific formulation of curcumin (like BCM-95, Arjuna Natural Extracts, India) can be used.

9. Love your liver

According to early experimental research at the Medical University Graz in Austria, the curcumin in turmeric may delay liver damage that can eventually lead to cirrhosis.

The American Cancer Society says that laboratory studies have shown that curcumin interferes with several important molecular pathways involved in cancer development, growth and spread. Researchers have reported that curcumin can kill cancer cells in laboratory dishes and also slows the growth of the surviving cells. Human studies of curcumin in cancer prevention and treatment are in the early stages.

10. Battle other forms of cancer


I thought there was something wrong with me even though I had been cheated on....oh boy, theres a lot of pieces of this whole puzzle that are falling into place. H.S. Love is a powerfully supportive force in any situation and condition , Love is what creates the space to see and eventually heal the fears that drive the need for conditions. Your mind constantly strives to figure out what love is. It always does its best and in the end, you learn to move beyond the mind and to trust something much bigger. L.H. Trust is a big thing for me. I think that a lot of my issues with love have to do with my need to control. I have always had a hard time with trust! I have been disappointed so many times ...and I mean even as a kid! H.S. Thats what great about looking at the healing power of love! L.H. This conversation rattles me but I feel like a tonne of bricks have been lifted off my shoulders. H.S. Absolutely! Its your Truth. It takes courage to delve inside but thats where you always find your perfect solutions. L.H. Life is absolutely crazy! Or maybe humanity is! Why do we go around creating so much pain and hurt when all we want is LOVE? H.S. I totally agree with you and it perfectly leads into Love of All. To keep it simple, I propose that you and I; that we (all) exist to purposefully experience LOVE of ALL. Life is an experience of love and joy, pain and suffering within your Self and with the Other. The light in you accepts the darkness within. It is the path to knowing yourself as unified, whole and truly complete. Such love exists and this is the human spirits healing adventure. Love of All is your Unity Consciousness. It is pristinely singular yet so incredibly complex! Love of All, well, its a REALLY BIG concept. We could spend many sessions talking about this! So, its best to break this metaphysical truth down to what most impacts your world, right now. What makes the most sense to you? L.H. Love My Self! H.S Perfect! L.H. I think I need to let that whole idea go.... H.S Let go of what idea? L.H. Love Hurts... I am ready for Love Heals! H.S. Inspiring!

With Stephanie HeartSong

Conversations with You is all about authentic connections... Very often the healing conversations enjoyed with clients, friends and colleagues c on FaceBook, The Spiritual Network and /or Skype are ideally suited for this monthly column published by Gusto Magazine, This months writing was inspired by a series of sessions and metaphysical conversations held with a client. Everywhere I go, couples abound. I have not had a relationship in a very long time. I think Im scared to get hurt again. How do I mend my broken heart? Love Hurts H.S. Since you asked, Love Hurts, what if you could re-examine what love is? To keep it really simple, lets say that there are 3 consciousness states of love: Love of Self, Love of Other, Love of All. All three have love as the common denominator But lets be more precise. I propose that we define the LOVE denominator as everything; the air you breathe, as the ocean fish swim, as the fabric of this Universe. Ok? L.H. Ok, but how does that work to help me feel good about LOVE? H.S. Well, lets look at Love of Self. Ask yourself these 3 questions and pay attention to how your body and mind respond: 1. Do I deserve love? 2. How do I receive love and gratitude? 3. Can I look at myself in the mirror and say I LOVE YOU? L.H. Oh, thats intense. I never thought to ask myself how I receive love. My stomach actually felt queasy. I think it would be pretty tough to look at myself and say I love you! I have to work on that. H.S. Thats a great idea. The truth is: the body never lies. The mind, well, it loves to assert truth! What the mind believes as self- important, it will seek to confirm in your everyday life. Once the mind is comfortable with its truth, you can feel safe and in control. In fact, the mind will regularly invite you to bypass or ignore real feelings and propose how you should feel so you can maintain status quo. L.H. Ok, THAT really hit home. My head is definitely in charge. I guess my minds been working overtime to figure out how to keep me safe from what I perceive hurts, like being in love! If Im not really ok with love in myself, its way easier to believe that it is all about the other not loving me. Hmm, all this time, Ive been projecting, feeling angry and even feeling jealous... OMG, Ive been a victim of my own perception! H.S. That is an incredible insight! I totally empathize with you. Sounds like youve been dealing with a lot. The very fact that all those feelings have surfaced, I propose, is a blessing. Its your heart and body letting you know that the upper-management -your mind- needs to experience the Truth about Love. The moment all of you (your mind-body-heartspirit) aligns with Truth; you heal the Self. When you love your Self... its so much easier to feel at peace with Loving the Other. The Self and Other; its a dance teaching each person what it is to give and receive love, attention, kindness and compassion. The whole dynamic is based upon your shared needs, hopes, desires, expectations and feelings. In all relationships, when something triggers you, remember that you have the power to change your choices and reactions. It is your awareness that reveals the expectations and attachments that You, yourself place on Love. L.H. Its all starting to make sense. If I am really honest with myself, I projected fears and placed conditions not only on my partner but myself as well. When we broke up, trust was breached,

Make your own Kale Chips!

Youll need a cookie sheet or roasting pan, olive oil and sea salt. Youll only want to use as much kale to make one layer on the pan, otherwise the pieces underneath wont crisp up before the top pieces burn. Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees. Wash your kale and tear the leaves off the stems. Tear into bite sized pieces. Spread them out on the pan. Drizzle them with a bit of olive oil,. Sprinkle with sea salt. Thats it! Pop in the oven for about 10-15 minutes or until the edges are brown and theyre nice and crispy - Yum, yum! You can also top with nutritional yeast for a vitamin B booster along with added crunch and cheesy flavour!


Watermelon Gazpacho
This recipe uses watermelon instead of tomato for an unusual twist to traditional gazpacho. Served chilled, watermelon gazpacho is refreshing as an appetizer or on a hot day. The flavour is a little bit sweet and a little bit salty. This is also a raw food recipe! Prep Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 10 minutes Ingredients:

In a blender or food processor, place about half of the watermelon, cucumber, pepper, and onion and all of the jalapeno. Add olive oil and lemon juice and puree until smooth. Combine the remaining ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Add to pureed ingredients and stir to combine. Add more salt and pepper, to taste. Chill for at least one hour, to allow flavors to combine, and stir well before serving. Serve chilled and enjoy!

Approx. 3 cups of watermelon, chopped 1 cucumber, diced 1 red or yellow bell pepper, diced 1 small onion, chopped 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp olive oil 1 jalapeno (or to taste) 2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley or cilantro dash salt and pepper to taste

DId you know that watermelon can: Be extremely alkaline-forming in the body. May have Viagra-like effect. It contains citrulline, which can trigger production of a compound in the body that helps relax the bodys blood vessels. Act as a diuretic and was a homeopathic treatment for kidney patients before dialysis became widespread.

Where to eat in hamilton (more on our site)

Karma ChaMEALeon (Food Truck)


Bridges Vegetarian Cafe

Ontarios first 100% plant based animal free vegan food truck. Brings natural, fresh, local food to the streets. Twitter, facebook or phone to check daily locations. Cash only.

1280 Main S W, Hamilton, Ontario (at McMaster University campus) Offers a large menu with flatbreads, veggie burgers, and more. Open during semester Mon-Thur 11am-8pm, Fri 11am-3pm.

Bread Bar Earth To Table
258 Locke Street S, Hamilton Serves meat, vegetarian options available. Bakery by day, pizzeria at night. Offers organic and locally grown produce items from its own 100-acre farm and other producers. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Sun 8am-late.

The Green Smoothie Bar

236 James St N, Hamilton, Ontario Vegan, Organic, Raw, Juice bar, Western, Canadian, Take-out . A smoothies bar that also offers vegan food. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Sun 7am-8pm.

The Raw Shop at Body Slimmer

256 Dundurn Street S, Hamilton Offers raw juices and desserts, kale chips, salads, and raw crackers. Situated inside a womens fitness club. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Fri 9-2:30pm, 5:30-7pm, Sat 9-11am.

Cannon Coffee Co

179 Ottawa St N, Hamilton Serves meat, vegetarian options available. Other dishes can be made vegan. Cash only. Open Mon-Fri 7am-6pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm.



Che Burrito and Lounge

Vegetarian restaurant offering an extensive menu that includes Asian style mock meat dishes, combo meals, and assorted teas drinks. All you can eat lunch and dinner buffet Tue-Sun. Open TueFri 12-3pm, 5-9pm, Sat-Sun 5-9pm, closed Mon.

38 Hess St South, Hamilton Serves meat, vegetarian options available. Mostly meat but has a tofu burrito thats vegan. Casual atmosphere. Cash only. Open Tue-Thur 4-11pm, Fri 12-10pm, Sat-Sun 4-10pm.

Homegrown Hamilton

The Himalya

160 Centennial Parkway North, Hamilton Small vegetarian Indian food restaurant. Open Wed-Mon 11am 9pm.

27 King William Street, Hamilton. Wide selection of wholesome, locally sourced organic breakfasts, lunches and dinners, including lot of vegan/vegetarian/gluten free options. Serves organic coffee!


Workshops/ Classes
Fresh, Local, Organic Friday, August 9th, 7:15 PM Making a commitment to healthy eating is a great start towards a healthier life. Beyond eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and good fats, however, there is the question of food safety, nutrition, and sustainability. Total FX Fitness & Earthbound Organic Food Market 1180 Stone Church Rd E , Hamilton, ON Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment Class Monday August 13th, 7-9PM Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment Class taught by Reiki Master T.K. Atkinson of Florence Dwelling. If you missed the last class, this is your opportunity. Synchro-nicites, 219 Ottawa St N, 905-544-5115 Sacred Smudge Monday, August 19th , 7 - 9 pm Learn about Sacred Native Medicines & Smudging. How and when to use them. Class led by T.K Atkinson of Florence Dwelling. Synchro-nicites 219 Ottawa st N, 905-544-5115

Festival of Friends August 9th, 10th & 11th FREE ADMISSION, $10 parking fee - weekend pass (good for all 3 days) Ancaster Fairgrounds With live musics from David Clayton Thomas, Taboo, Chubby Checker, Mickey Hart, Theory of Deadman www. A Mid Summers dream Sat August 17th, 2 - 10 pm FREE Admission Hamiltons festival of colours and peace pow- wow, come throw paint , check our vendors and the live music! Gage Park Hamilton www. 2013 Dundas Cactus Festival August 16th - August 18th 2013 Dundas Cactus Festival is an annual tradition in Dundas. With lots of activities for the whole family such as live entertainment, family fun zone and lots more. FREE ADMISSION Steel City Jazz Festival August 22nd - August 25th, 2013 Monday, July 22nd, 2013 - 6:30 PM - 9 PM Featuring 19 local jazz groups at four fantastic downtown music venues. Whether you like Dixieland or Bop, Swing or the Avantgarde, our stellar lineup of veteran players and exciting young artists has something thats right for you. For full schedule: Winona Peach Festival 2013 Friday, August 23rd, 2013 The Festival provides something for all ages. We have a childrens stage, the ED Smith Fun Factory, which provides family entertainment daily. Our Arts Camp; Craft section caters to young and old who take the time to stroll through looking and buying the crafts. Live Life Longer Show and Tell Monday, August 26th, 2013, 5- 10pm Pre-registrations: $20 @ Door $30 Mohawk College One night only, the dazzling Dr. Brian Clement of Hippocrates Health Institute, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, will be in Hamilton, Ontario, to reveal the secrets of living a longer, healthier life, completely disease free. Dr. Clement has devoted his existence to this pursuit, and he has helped thousands upon thousands of people to realize their dreams of quality, extended, and disease free lives.

On-Going Classes
BodynSol Yoga ~ rsvp to 905-975-2836 Personal & small classes. Similar to one on one yoga training. Gentle detoxing, strengthening, calming and rejuvenating time, just for you. Limited space. Drop in fee is $10. Monday & Wednesday 7pm AND Friday 9:30am New days & times tba. CHANTING SPIRIT CIRCLE BodynSol 382 West 5th ~ rsvp 905-975-2836 Tuesday evenings join us for sound play & chanting workshops. 7:30-9:30pm No experience required. $25/class or 3 for $60 innerLife MEDITATION at BodynSol BodynSol Healing 382 West 5th, ~ rsvp 905-975-2836 Wednesday 10:00 11:15 am. Learn to prepare your body for meditation and several ways to calm your mind and restore balance to your body & spirit. $22 drop in fee or 5 sessions or $75. Includes a cup of Chaga Tea to help clear and open the third eye. Bring a blanket and/or cushion. With innerLife Solutions 905-921-5339,

Have an event or workshop that you want to see in here? email us :


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