Surinder Singh Template Letter

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EU National Full Name Address City Postal Code Country ___________________________________________________________________________________________

uk +44 1234-567890 DD MONTH, YEAR Subj: NON-EU National Full Name American National, DOB: DD MONTH YEAR Passport: 123456789, exp. DD MONTH YEAR Free Movement Directive 2004/38/EC [SURINDER SINGH] ECJ Case C-370/90


To whom it may concern: My name is EU Name and I am a British National. As stated in the Free Movement Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004, I have exercised my treaty rights with employment in COUNTRY at EMPLOYER from START DATE to END DATE. I am now returning to the UK with my non-European citizen spouse, named NON-EU Name under the legal precedent set by ECJ Case C-370/90 (SURINDER SINGH). Per the Surinder Singh Judgment ECJ Case C-370/90 , as I have exercised my treaty rights in accordance with the Free Movement Directive 2004/38/C, my spouse, NON-EU name, who accompanied and resided with me in COUNTRY whilst exercising said treaty rights, may now return to the UK with me, unimpeded. We wish to be granted Code 1A Entry Clearance Stamp as per UKBA EUN2.14. I am pleased to sponsor NON-EU Name for settlement in the UK on the basis of marriage. Please find included with this letter, our original marriage certificate (dated DD MONTH YEAR; City) as well as a supplemental notarised copy. While in COUNTRY, I was employed FULL/PART-TIME as JOB TITLE at EMPLOYER, and earned a salary of EUR/GBP ##,### per WK/MO/YR. This position was held from START to END and I was contracted to work ## hours per week. Please find included with this letter, my original payslips from EMPLOYER as evidence of employment in another EEA Member state, as well as supplemental notarised copies. These payslips also show that income tax was paid on this salary. Funds from my employment were paid directly into a joint bank account held between NON-EU Name and myself at BANK (Account Number #######) which currently has GBP/EUR ##,### available funds. During our stay in COUNTRY, we lived at ADDRESS, CITY, POSTAL from START to END and shared a mutual rental residency agreement and utilities. Please find included with this letter, a letter from our landlord, named LANDLORD NAME, as evidence of residing in another EEA state together, as well as a supplemental notarised copy. Following an internet prelude, NON-EU Name and I first met when s/he came to the UK in November 2003. Since then, we have taken holidays around the world together as a couple on several occasions. As evidence of on-going contact and a continuing relationship, please find included with this letter, all of our previous travels together, as well as visits to see one another in our respective home countries. Additional supporting materials have also been included in this packet, but under the rules and guidelines of the European Commission law, these are not required in order to exercise the right of free movement within the EEA. I hope you find these materials satisfactory and can proceed with issuing our Code 1A Entry Clearance Stamp. Kind regards,


SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: EU Name: Identification EU Name: Passport EU Name: Birth Certificate EU Name: Letter of Employment EU Name: Employment Payslips Marriage Certificate Joint Rental Lease Travel (together) NON-EU Name: Identification NON-EU Name: Passport NON-EU Name: Birth Certificate NON-EU Name: Letter of Employment (only if worked) NON-EU Name: Employment Payslips (only if worked) Joint Bank Statement Joint Utility Bills Travel (to visit each other)

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