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Title Reports To Status Period Special Conditions

Philippines Australia Public Financial Management Program


Civil Society Engagement Coordinator Head of the CSO Desk, Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Full time 18 months Some travel may be required Some out of hours work may be required Occupant N/A Public Financial Management Program (PFMP) Manila, Philippines PFMP Team Leader

Project Location Authorised By

Closing Date

2 November 2012

Placement objectives

The Civil Society Engagement Coordinator will assist the DBM implement its activities to strengthen Civil Society engagement in the budget cycle. The PFMP assistance to DBM consists of a comprehensive program of simultaneous activities working with multiple stakeholders and consultants to achieve specific Civil Society engagement results. The Coordinator will support the DBM CSO Desk to implement agreed activities. He/she will be stationed at DBM, will report to the Head of the CSO Desk and will liaise closely with the PFMP Governance Advisor on a regular basis.

Accountability / Working Relationships Accountable to the Head of the CSO Desk. Work closely with the PFMP Governance Adviser, DBM CSO Desk Team and other relevant stakeholders

Job Specification The Civil Society Engagement Coordinator will undertake the following tasks: a) Work in collaboration with DBM and the PFMP Governance Adviser to define each activity through consultations with stakeholders (where required) and the development of Activity Descriptions (including for the recruitment of services required in the implementation of the activities). b) Coordinate the planning and implementation of all activities to achieve targeted results, and take part in selected activities to appreciate progress and implementation issues. c) Take part in regular coordination meetings of the Implementation Team.

d) Monitor the implementation of activities and liaise with consultants to ensure activities are delivered in accordance with the terms of the contracts and to maximize implementation. e) Produce monthly progress reports on the implementation of activities supported by PFMP.


Produce a final report on all activities at the end of the 18-month assignment.

Person Specification Qualifications: Bachelors degree, or equivalent, in public policy/administration, political or social science, or other related field; Knowledge and Experience: i) Professional experience of 5 years or more working in the governance thematic area in the Philippines, either in a public or non-government sector capacity. ii) Strong understanding of the national government budget process and of DBM and other relevant National Government Agency operations. iii) Knowledge and exposure to the Philippines CSO environment and of participatory governance and civil society engagement mechanisms/processes with government. iv) Good management skills including the ability to coordinate and monitor the implementation of multiple activities; liaise with government and Civil Society stakeholders at different hierarchical levels; good interpersonal and communication skills; excellent English writing skills. .

Background Information The PhilippinesAustralia Public Financial Management Program (PFMP) is a joint initiative of the Governments of Australia and the Philippines. It directly assists the national government to implement its Philippine Public Financial Management Reform Roadmap: Towards Improved Accountability and Transparency. This comprehensive PFM reform agenda was launched in February 2011 and aims to clarify, simplify, improve and harmonize the financial management processes and information systems of the civil service in the Philippines. The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) has committed A$30 million to the PFMP over five years, 2011 2016. The overall goal of the PFMP is improvement in the efficiency, accountability and transparency of public fund use in the Philippines to enable better service delivery. The program prioritises practical budgeting and expenditure management reforms that improve the basic building blocks for a modern PFM system. It helps decision-makers to do their jobs efficiently, effectively and economically so that Filipinos benefit from improved delivery of goods and services. The PFMP coordinates assistance for reforms across national oversight agencies, targeted spending departments, the legislature and civil society groups. It aims to build long-term capability and emphasises a whole-of-government effort to achieving lasting change through four strategic objectives: Objective 1: Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the allocation, utilisation and reporting

of budgeted funds by oversight agencies. Objective 2: Improve PFM capability in select departments to enable more efficient utilisation and accountability of public funds for service delivery. Objective 3: Generate more timely, reliable and accessible public expenditure management information. Objective 4: Strengthen external oversight of public expenditure management linked to physical performance information.

How to Apply

For application procedures, please visit and search for COFF 3165

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