Click - Household Chores

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Click Teacher: Fiorella Date: _____/_____/_________

Women still do household chores even when male partner doesn't work
Co-author of a study Sharon Sassler, professor at Cornell University, said: "When men aren't working, they don't see domestic chores as a way to contribute. In fact, they do less of it, because they think it challenges their masculinity. Most men prefer to have a partner who also works for pay, and about one-third of the couples were actively trying to share equally the money making. However, when it came to domestic chores, the couples do not equally shared household and financial responsibilities. Even where housework was shared, the women tend to supervise the men's chores. Also, research found that couples fall into three groups: 1) conventional, in which each partner accepts the traditional gender role; 2) contesting, in which one partner (generally the woman) tries to get a more balanced arrangement, (often unsuccessfully); and 3) counter-conventional, in which the female partner often provides financially and still must perform most household work. The study reveals that the number of stay-at-home fathers reached a record. Men now make up around 10 per cent of those who look after their children while their wife works. So what does it all mean? Women have traditionally taken on more responsibility around the house, as men focused on the world of work and careers. Despite equal rights and better career opportunities for women, traditional patterns remain taken for granted by both sexes. Adapted from:

According to the article

a) Do men contribute in household chores equally as women? Why is that? b) What proportion of couples share equally the money making? c) Which are the 3 groups that couples can adopt when it comes to chores? Explain each d) Are there many stay-at-home fathers?

a) Who does the housework in your family? (cooking, cleaning, take care of children) b) Do you think men or women have to do the household chores? What is fair? c) Do you think children should be required to do housework? d) What happens if a woman goes to work as many hours as a man? How would you deal with that situation in the division of chores?

Household chores
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. clean off the table clean up/ tidy up a room dust the furniture make the bed mop the floor sweep the floor set the table 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. take out the trash tidy up the closet watch/ look after the kids do the ironing do the laundry do/ wash the dishes

Complete the sentences below with the best answer:

1. It's my job to _____________ the table before dinner with utensils, cups, and napkins. A. set B. clean off C. put away

2. Please ______________ now. The garbage truck will be coming down the street at any minute. A. sweep up the mess B. take out the trash C. clean up the room

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word

1. My mother asked me to do the 2. My father asked me to 3. My brother asked me to 4. My roommate asked me to do the 5. My boyfriend asked me to 6. My parents asked me to 7. My grandfather asked me to (dishes/plates). (make/do) my bed. (wet/water) the plants. (clothes/laundry). (vaccuum/sweep) the living room. (tidy/tighten) up my room. (take/make) out the trash.

How would you divide the list of chores in a small family, so that everybody shares them?

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