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There is a simple family living in a village. The family consists of a mother and two children namely Joko and Anik. Although the family lived in a very simple, everyday behavior Joko like the rich. Not infrequently a quarrel in the house just because - because of side dishes at meals. But Mrs. Joko and Anik (Ricardo's brother) always Joko patient's behavior, it is because Joko was a boy the only one in the family, let alone every time argue Joko always threatening to leave the house if its intention was not followed by the mother . Joko has a girlfriend rich kid is child cow skipper of a nearby village. It is narrated Joko against mother. How shocked his mother when his mother heard from Joko that she had lied by saying that he is the son of a rich man to get the girl. And that hurt even more Joko told his mother to call the host at the time of Joko along with her lover, but his mother was still able to be patient. One day a girlfriend Joko asked to propose and Joko can do it with all the terms proposed by the girlfriend of Joko had to give up the money for Rp.20.000.000, to prospective in-laws. These events create confusion and Joko urged the mother to provide the money within two days. And Joko did not want to know how up-to Joko told his mother to sell the land inherited from his father. And again the mother is not the power to refuse because Joko threatened to leave the house immediately if the desire is not fulfilled. And in accordance with the agreed time, Joko was applying for her boyfriend to qualify which has been submitted. At the time of application Joko bring the mother who has been ordered to pose as his assistants. And when applying the law the candidate asking Joko about parents and Joko replied that his male parent had died when Joko was a kid. Prospective Motherin-law asked again about Joko, Joko was confused to answer, and after being asked several times by the Ariskas Mother Joko replied that his mother had died. Instantly it was Mother Joko could not resist the patience anymore and Joko inadvertently cursed into a statue.


There is a family consisting of seorag Mother and two children are named Anik and Joko. They live in very modest circumstances. Mother : (while carrying rice) "Anik, brought our foods here, was that the mother put it near the stove." Anik Mother : (with a side dish) "Yes ma'am." : (while managing food) "Let's set the food first and then call your brother Joko, we have breakfast together. " Anik : "Joko still bath, Mom" A moment later Jokopun come and sit between Mom and Anik Joko Mother Joko : "Breakfast what, Mom? " : "yes, as usual Joko, tofu" : (out loud) "What is tofu and tempeh again? I'm tired of my mother, each day eating tofu. I'm not going. " Anik Joko Mother : "Please Joko eaten alone. What we have is this. " : "Maybe Big Brother could eat like this every day, but I can not. " : "You should be able to understand what Mother occupation? Mother is only agricultural laborers. You also know that some day his land flooded. " Joko Mother Johnny : "I should be looking for another job, be a maid or so factory workers or others. : "You are how Joko, you think it easy to find a job?" : "Well I eat but I do not want if tomorrow lauknya tofu again"

Finally they had breakfast together and thirty minutes later Mother Anik Mother Joko : "Anik, please take it into a plate. " : "Okey Mother" : "Joko, mother noticed early in the morning like this you're neat, like where? " : "My girlfriend want to come here, Mom! "

Mother Joko Mother

: "So you have a girlfriend. Whose child? " : "Her skipper cows from the village next door. " : (with surprise) What? You're dating the same boy that cow skipper. Indeed he wants to go out to you that only a child laborer?


: (confused) so I did not tell him when I was a child laborer. I said that I was a rich kid. "

Mother Joko

: (patting his chest) Astaghfirullah. Why did you lie like that? " : (with a little sliver tone) "Mom, I do this for us. Do not you glad that I have a girlfriend who rich people?"


: "Yes, Mother-in-law love to have rich people but do not work that way. Later on when your girlfriend if you know how poor people? "

Joko Mother Joko

: "Yes, I do not know" : "Oh, Joko." : "Oh yes, my girlfriend will want to come here, and I want her not to call me" kid "but you must call me" sir "and she had to confess as a servant."


: (shocked) "Masha'Allah Joko, could you do that? Mother was your parents, you should not tell Mom to call you master. "


: (Standing up) "I do not want to know my mother had to like it anyway, if the mother did not do it then I will go from here. I'm tired of living as a poor, narrow houses and do not have anything "


: (holding his hands Joko) "Well, wait if you come from my mother's girlfriend will pretend to be your maid, but you do not go because you are a boy my mother the only one. Yes already mother lived to the kitchen first. " Joko forth waiting for the girlfriend and Joko moment later came


: (a tone spoiled) "Honey, you know I've been waiting a long time there. Luckily I had just met your friend Ridwan. I heard you were asking me here. Who have this house?


: "Oh, this is a house servant, I come here to visit their children who are sick. "

Suddenly his mother Joko out Mother Ariska Joko Mother : "Oh, no guests." : "Eh! Who is she?" : "She is a servant which I tell you." : "Yeah, I was assistant master Joko. Mr. Joko here to visit my daugther who is sick. " Joko Ariska Joko Mother Ariska Joko Mother : "Honey you want to drink? " : "There was orange juice?" : "Oh dear maid at home there can be no orange juice!" : "Thats right! I was just a villager. There was only water. " : "Go white water course." : "Quick get me!" : "Okey Master." After she entered, Joko and Ariska talk in front of the house. Ariska Joko Ariska Joko Ariska : "I have to sit?" : "In here?" (Pointing to the mat) : "What? I was told to sit in this dirty place? " : "it's known, was his assistant so for while sitting here!" : "Well." Mother view brought out two glasses of water. Mother Joko : "It's the water, please in the drink." : "Thank you. Please you enter into. " After she entered into, Joko and Ariska resume the conversation. Ariska : "We've been dating. When you apply for me? My mother was questioned about it. Joko : (he thinks) "E ... How about next month? "

Ariska Joko Ariska Joko Ariska Joko Ariska Joko Ariska Joko

: "But my mother would go out of the country. " : "How about next week? " : "My mother asked for two more days you have to apply to me. " : (joko grudgingly agrees) "Well, two days' time I apply for you. " : "But there are conditions. " : "What condition? " : "When applying, you must carry cash amounting to Rp. 20.000.000, - " : (surprised) "What? twenty million? " : "Why so surprised? Money twenty million was not large. " : (pretend) "Ah, who's surprised? If only money was twenty million small for me.

Ariska Joko Ariska

: "So what? You are really apply to me? " : "Off course. : "Never mind, I go home first. I still have an appointment with my friens. Bye.


: (waving) Bye." After Ariska went, Joko went into the house with a feeling of confusion. Seeing

something like that Jokos mother also confused. Mother Joko Mother Joko : "What did happened Joko? I noticed you seem so confused? " : "Mom, parents Ariska asked me to apply her for two more days" : "Do you want to apply her? You are not working. " : "Her mother also asked for bring money totally Rp.20.000.000,to apply their daughter. Mother : "What? 20 million? We can sum of money from where? We are just poor people, make us difficult to eat. Moreover, 20 million! " Joko : "I'm not going to know. Within two days my mother had to prepare 20 million to apply. "

Mother Joko Mother Joko

: "Masyaallah, it's impossible." : "But we still have a father inherited land that is behind the house." : "Joko, was the only legacy of your fathers. What could you sell it? " : "Come on Mom sale it. If Mom does not want to sell I'd better get out of the house. "

Mother Joko Mother Joko

: "No, we've not got nothin 'more." : "I just do not want to know, I'd better go if I do not want to sell it." : "Yes I have, later my mother to think about it. " : "Then I came out ." Because of the noise between the mother and her sister, Anik came out.

Anik Mother

: "What did happened Mother? I heard there was a commotion from inside. " : "Your brother, he said he would propose his girlfriend and the prospective to ask for money at 20 million. Mom had to find money where confused. He told my mother sold the land inherited from your father. "

Anik Mother

: "My mother would do that?". : "There is no other choice, your brother is threatening to leave home if I did not sell the land. He is a boy "

Anik Mother Anik

: (annoyed tone) "I always indulge Joko. : "Mother had no way back! : "Okay, it's up to you, mother. Anik go inside to wash dishes. " The next day, Joko met with Ridwan.

Ridwan Joko Ridwan Joko Ridwan

: "Hi Joko, yesterday there was a girl who was looking for you." : "Oh, that's my girlfriend." : Well she was very beautiful, lucky you. " : "Yes, and tomorrow I will propose." : "Really?"

Joko Ridwan Joko Ridwan

: "Sure, I could not lie." : "Well congratulations." : "Yes thank you. Ridwan Sorry, I have to go to market. See you. " : "Okay, see you too."

Joko's mother went into the fields to work and meet with other workers. Mother Mr Slamet Mr. Bejo Mother Mr. Slamet Mother Pak Bejo Mother Mr. Slamet Squire Mother Squire Mother Squire Mr. Bejo : "Hi Mr. Slamet and Mr Bejo." : "Waalaikumsalam." : "What Mrs Joko? You look was thinking about something. " : "I got in trouble." : "What problem? Tell us, maybe we can help you. " : "I must sell my land for a purpose. But I do not know what to sell to whom? " : "It is very urgent needs that?" : "Yes." : "Well how are you?" : "Why do you not work too?" : "Sorry Mister, I have a problem and ask advice from them." : "What problem?" : "I must sell my land for a purpose. But I do not know what to sell to whom? " : "Sell it to Mr. Ari. He'll probably buy it. " : "Yes, Mrs. Sell it to Mr. Ari. He had often bought the land population. Maybe

can get a reasonable price. Mother : "Oh, thank you suggested. Then I went to the house Mr. Ari now. I asked permission today, sir. " Squire Mother : "All right, finish the first problem. Then back to work to understand! " : "Thank you sir."

By feeling forced at all, then the mother had sold the land joko her late husband's legacy. Joko mother finally went to Pak Ari rich skipper in his village used to buy land. Mr. Ari Mr. Rio Mother Mr. Ari Mother Mr. Ari Mother : "I just bought paddy in the village next door with cheap price!" : "Oh yes, you're very lucky." : "Excuse me Mr Ari." : "Oh, Mrs. Joko. Come in. Please sit down! : "Yes ... thank you." : "There needs to what? Not usually a mother to my home ... " : "Well .... purpose of my visit, the first and the second would silaturrahmi I heard you used to buy land, and I intend to offer my land behind my house to sell. " Mr. Ari Mother Mr. Ari : "Would you take the letters his land?". : "Yes!" (Letters, handing the land) : "Yeah, my first check!" (Check the papers of land). Mothers continue to want to

sell this land is it? ". Mother Mr. Ari Mother Mr. Rio Mr.Ari Mr. Rio Mother Mr. Ari Mother Mr. Ari : "Emmm ... ... if Rp.25.000.000 how?" : if Rp 18.000.000,00 how? :Rp18.000.000,00 if Rp 20.000.000,00? : Please, take it at that price! " :Yes is not ... well, I bought Rp.20.000.000. Now I take the money first. " :"Mom, why the land sale? There needs what? It seems so sudden! " :Hemm, there is a family purposes." : (out of the room) "Jokos Mother, this money Rp.20.000.000. Try to count on! " : "No need, I believe in you. Thanks, then I said goodbye. " : "What's the rush? Well.. I also thank you. Later on when I need the letters of other information which I may go to your house? " Mother : "Oh yes .... please. Nothing! Mr. Rio was also allowed to come into my house. Fine, I said goodbye. "

Mr. Ari

: "Yes."

The next day, the atmosphere at home Ariska very busy preparing for the event application. The maid was busy cleaning and organizing homes. Yu : "Ouch ... .. working constantly, until it feels like a broken wrist. Eh, Nem,come here! ". (Then sitting) Nem : "What is the spirit of Yu ... .. why so?". (As he put down his broom and go sit down). Yu Nem Yu : "Eh you know, Mrs. ariska today spoken skipper want rich and handsome!" : "True Yu! I do not know! " : "Yeah! You are how, the same happened to our masters do not you know? Neighbors who buy vegetables were all talking about it! She said his face was very handsome. " Nem : "Well, we're very lucky lady."

Ariska Mother: "Oh, you're asked to work is not gossip! What meals in the kitchen already? " Nem : "No madam." (With fear)

Ariska mother: "No? What time it is? The candidates will be here soon .. Hurry up you prepare the food! And Yu, clean-up ahead. Later on when visitors come let me know. " Yu & Nem Ida : "Okay lady." : "What's mom? From the angry mother had kept. "

Mother Ariska : "The servants didnt work.." Ida : "Yes mom, we were pleased gossip maid. Yesterday, Nem actually going out on the market. Instead of buying the same vegetables instead dates a motorcycle. " Ariska Mother : "Oh ida, can you see ariska in the room. Decorated or finished yet? " Ida : "Yes." (With a little rest of us) Ariska came out of the room with her friend. Putri Ariska : "Auntie, look Ariska appearance." : "Mom, it looks more beautiful yet? My shirt, earring is good? "

Ariska mother: "Off course.... child's mother was beautiful. What do you think Ida? "


: "Yeah pretty!". (Pouting because the rest of us & envy)

Ariska Mother : "Well, the makeup is very good, Putri." Putri : "Thank you auntie."

Ariska Mother : "Thanks for your help, Putri." Putri : "Ah, this is not a problem auntie. I am very glad I could help. Congratulations, Ariska. Ariska : "Thank you Putri. You are my best friends. " Suddenly Yu .......

: "Sorry madam, excluding the guests had arrived."

Ariska mother : "If guests come directly should welcome in! Hurry send in! " Yu : "Okay madam!"

Ariska mother : "Come Ariska, we meet them. Putri too? " Putri Ariska Putri : "Sorry auntie I have to go there a need. Once again congratulations, Ariska. " : "Yes." : "Well, auntie goodbye. See you later. "

Ariska Mother : "Goodbye." Putri went away and guests also enter ... ....

Ariska Joko Ariska

: "Well ... .... you've come. We all have a long wait for you, why late? " : "Because a litlle problem dear!" : "Oh .... so. Mom and Dad, this is my boyfriend Joko. "

Ariska father: "Oh .... This Joko. Please sit down! (As he shook hands) Who is she, Joko? " Joko Ariska : "Ehmm ... .. this is my servant, sir." : "Yes father, who was assistant joko, Riska told yesterday when her child was sick. Dad still remember? " Ariska father : "Ohh .... yes I remember. "


: "Yes sir, true. Sir, my coming here would mean applying Riska. "

Ariska father : "What about that?" Ariska Mother: "Oh ... yes. Thats not problem, but what you've brought the conditions? " Joko : "Yeah already!" (As he demanded money to her mother who was told to pretend to be servants and gave them to prospective in-laws) Ariska mother : "Thanks." Ariska mother : "Yu, you make four galsses of orange juice and the food!" Yu : "four glasses lady? Hold that it how? "(Pointing at jokos mother)

Ariska mother : "Already, when asked it not to many questions!" Yu : "Okay lady."

Ariska mother : Where did your parents? Joko : "Oh, my father had died!"

Ariska Mother : "Oh he had dead!" Yu and NEM into the living room, carrying drinks and food. Then ariska father, mother ariska, joko ariska and enjoying dishes that are presented while the mother is left sitting on the floor. Ariska mother : Joko Mother "Then where are your mother now?"

: "Um, Mom? (While looking at her in confusion), my mother also had died." : (standing and facing directly on joko) Joko my son! Mother is still healthy and still standing in front of you you said you were dead. Astaghfirullah ... joko. I'm your mother, those that contain you, before you gave birth to you and now you say dead? "


: (when joko confusion) while, in fact who is she? You said your servants, but why did she say that she was your mother. So which one is right? "


: "Calm down dear .... The right is not my mother but my vassal. And my mother had dead "


: "perfidious you Joko This is uour reply for me? I'm your mother Joko! "

Joko Mother

: "You're not my mother?" (As he pushed his mother to maturity fell to the floor) : (while trying to stand up and back to Joko), you rebellious Joko! you truly prodigal son! This is a reply you on your own mother? Than I hope you become a stone!


: (joko suddenly fell down and his legs can not be moved) "Oh my leg! Mother of mercy. "

Ariska Mother

: (while crying to see george) "What is love, why you? Why are your feet? " : "Now you want to admit me as a mother in front of them." (As he was angry because it hurt)

Joko Mother

: (as he was begging) "Please Mom!" : "no Joko, I will never forgive you. I had already hurt! It was karma for you! And finally Joko into stone.


: (turning to Joko) "Joko, why you should become like this? Astaghfirullah what I say, I have cursed my own son. And Mother can only watch her son knelt weeping into stone.

The Players

Mother Anik Joko Ariska

: Wenny Adelia Agasi : Wiwit Pratiwi : M. Arief Sepriyadi : Monggita Andrea

Ariska mother : Shafitri Ariska father : Tri Putra Herlambang Mr. Ari Mr. Rio Mr. Slamet Mr. Bejo Squire Putri Yu Nem Ida Ridwan : Yogi : Wahyu Adi Putra : Yoba Spingte : Resman Yunus : Rudi Mardiansyah : Nia Sari septa : Siti Muntama : Rini Widiastuti : Rapita Ardi Putri : Randi Rizki Prayoga

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