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Interfaz de usuario del paquete de herramientas de Ubuntu

Layouts describes a flexible layouting engine to ease the development of responsive user interfaces. Resolution Independence describes the facilities that should be used when setting the size of UI elements (widgets, fonts, etc.) in order for them to behave well on a variety of devices. Basic QML Types Disponible por medio de: import Ubuntu.Components 0.1 AbstractButton Action La clase AbstractButton define el comportamiento de un boton. Describe una accin que puede ser reutilizada, por ejemplo un boton. Una representacin visual de una accin. The API of ActionItem is a copy of the API of Action, with additional properties to define visual aspects of the ActionItem. List of Action items The ActivityIndicator component visually indicates that a task of unknown duration is in progress, e.g. busy indication, connection in progress indication, etc. Standard Ubuntu button. CheckBox is a component with two states, checked or unchecked. It can be used to set boolean options. The behavior is the same as Switch, the only difference is the graphical style. An Image like component which smoothly fades when its source is updated. The Icon component displays an icon from the icon theme. Text with Ubuntu styling. MainView is the root Item that should be used for all applications. It automatically adds a header and toolbar for its contents and can rotate its content based on the device orientation. The OrientationHelper automatically rotates its children following the






CrossFadeImage Icon Label



orientation of the device. A page is the basic Item that must be used inside the MainView, PageStack and Tabs. Anchors and height of a Page are automatically determined to align with the header of the MainView, but can be overridden. A stack of Page items that is used for inter-Page navigation. Pages on the stack can be popped, and new Pages can be pushed. The page on top of the stack is the visible one. A panel that can be swiped in and out from an edge of the window by the user. For most applications, it is highly recommended to use the MainView instead which includes a toolbar at its bottom that can be swiped in or out. The ProgressBar component visually indicates the progress of a process of determinate or indeterminate duration. The ScrollBar component provides scrolling functionality for scrollable views (i.e. Flickable, ListView). Slider is a component to select a value from a continuous range of values. Switch is a component with two states, checked or unchecked. It can be used to set boolean options. The behavior is the same as CheckBox, the only difference is the graphical style. Component to represent a single tab in a Tabs environment. The Tabs class provides an environment where multible Tab children can be added, and the user is presented with a tab bar with tab buttons to select different tab pages. The TextArea item displays a block of editable, scrollable, formatted text. The TextField element displays a single line of editable plain text. Input constraints can be set through validator or inputMask. Setting echoMode to an appropriate value enables TextField to be used as password input field. List of Action items with additional properties to control a toolbar. An ActionItem that represents a button in the toolbar. ToolbarButtons should be included in ToolbarItems to define the tools of a Page. The behavior and look of the toolbar button can be specified by setting an Action for the button, or by setting the other properties inherited by the





Scrollbar Slider






ToolbarActions ToolbarButton

ActionItem. ToolbarItems Row of Items to be placed in a toolbar.

UbuntuNumberAnimation is a NumberAnimation that has predefined UbuntuNumberAnimation settings to ensure that Ubuntu applications are consistent in their animations. UbuntuShape i18n Clipboard MimeData The UbuntuShape item provides a standard Ubuntu shaped rounded rectangle. i18n is a context property that provides internationalization support. This is a singleton type providing access to the system clipboard. MimeData type provides interface to access and store data to the Clipboard. FontUtils is a context property, which provides utility functions for font manipulations. Singleton defining standard Ubuntu durations and easing for animations that should be used to ensure that Ubuntu applications are consistent in their animations.


UbuntuAnimation Available through:

import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1

Base Caption Divider

Parent class of various list item classes that can have an icon and a progression symbol. List item that shows a piece of text. Divider to break up list items into groups. A list item with no contents. The Empty class can be used for generic list items, containing other components such as buttons. It is selectable, and can take mouse clicks. It will attempt to detect if a thin dividing line at the bottom of the item is suitable, but this behaviour can be over-ridden (using showDivider). For specific types of list items, see its subclasses. Header for grouping list items together List item displaying multiple values. This component is under heavy development.


Header MultiValue

SingleControl A list item containing a single control


A list item displaying a single value The standard list item class. It shows a basic list item with a label (text), and optionally an icon, a progression arrow, and it can have an embedded Item (control) that can be used for including Buttons, Switches etc. inside the list item. List item displaying a second string under the main label. This component is under heavy development. Narrow line used as a divider between ListItems. List item displaying single selected value when not expanded, where expanding it opens a listing of all the possible values for selection.


Subtitled ThinDivider ValueSelector

Available through:
import Ubuntu.Components.Popups 0.1


A special popover presenting actions to the user. The popover is closed automatically when the action is chosen. Much like the DefaultSheet the Composer Sheet allows an application to insert a content view over the focused view without disrupting the navigation pattern. However the Composer Sheet is optimised for scenarios in which user content is at risk of corruption, most often (but not solely) when creating or editing content (e.g compose new message). There are two ways to dismiss it: user confirming the manipulation or user cancelling the manipulation, using the "confirm" and "cancel" buttons shown in the right and left side of the composer header. The Default Sheet allows an application to insert a content view over the focused view without disrupting the navigation pattern (tabs state or drilldown path are maintained. When the sheet is dismissed the user continues the journey from the point (s)he left it). The Default Sheet can be closed using either a "close" button (top left) or a "done" button (top right). The sheet cannot be dismissed any other way. Use the doneButton property to configure whether the "close" or the "done" button is used. The Dialog caters for cases in which the application requires the user to determine between optional actions. The Dialog will interrupt the user flow and lock the view for further interaction before the user has selected a desired action. It can only be closed by selecting an optional action confirming or cancelling the operation. A popover allows an application to present additional content without





changing the view. A popover has a fixed width and automatic height, depending on is contents. It can be closed by clicking anywhere outside of the popover area. PopupBase SheetBase Available through:
import Ubuntu.Layouts 0.1

The base class for all dialogs, sheets and popovers. Do not use directly. Parent class of different types of sheets. Not to be used directly.

ConditionalLayout ConditionalLayout defines the layout of a given form factor. ItemLayout ItemLayout defines a new size & position of a single Item, for the purposes of specifying layouts. This is to be used within a ConditionalLayout definition. The Layouts component allows one to specify multiple different layouts for a fixed set of Items, and applies the desired layout to those Items.

Layouts Available through:

import Ubuntu.Components 0.1

UbuntuColors Singleton defining the Ubuntu color palette. StyledItem Palette The StyledItem class allows items to be styled by the theme. Palette of colors from the theme that widgets use to draw themselves.

PaletteValues Color values used for a given widget state. Theme The Theme class provides facilities to interact with the current theme.

Available through:
import Ubuntu.Components 0.1

Units Units of measurement for sizes, spacing, margin, etc. Available through:
import Ubuntu.Components 0.1

Argument The Argument class specifies what type a given command line parameter should be. Arguments The Arguments class provides a way to declare what command line parameters are

expected by the application.

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