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Saunas have been known throughout history to help relax and improve one's
overall health, and promote well being. Until now, saunas have been available
through public or private health clubs, spas or resorts. Or, they have been built in
private homes, at great expense to the owner. It is now possible to have a sauna of
your very own-whether you live in a huge house, or small apartment-without a great
expense. There are two types of freestanding saunas that are available for home
use. The first one is the type of sauna that you may already be familiar with-it has a
single heater with hot lava rocks, which you can throw water on to create a steamy
effect. These saunas are made of high quality, non-aromatic white poplar, and
glass, without the use of plywood, adhesives, varnishes, or strong EMF's. They also
have far infra-red backrests as an option.

The second sauna is made of high quality, hand-crafted cedar, or white poplar, and
has several built-in ceramic heaters, which offer even, surround heating at a
comfortable low temperature. This is known as radiant heat, or long wave, far infra-
red heat. This type of radiant heat can actually penetrate into the skin about an inch
and a half, to two inches deep, and can have therapeutic benefits, such as helping
to dissolve old, hard, stuck-on fat deposits under the skin. Since toxins may be
stored in the fat, with the deep penetrating heat, they can possibly be eliminated,
especially toxins such as heavy metals and acidic compounds. Other benefits
include deep relaxation, stress relief, increased blood circulation, the reduction of
cellulite, increased energy, weight loss, and an overall feeling of well-being. A
person can easily burn 300 to 600 calories in a 20 to 30 minute session, just by
sitting there. These saunas set up very easily and quickly, without requiring any
tools, plumbing or special wiring. The smaller units require a 110v plug, and use the
same energy as a hair dryer. The larger units require a 220v plug, also with a low
electrical output.
The saunas can be placed indoors or outdoors. They have fresh air vents, which allow you to
breathe easier. There is a very pleasant sensation experienced in these saunas. The sessions are
tolerable, not suffocating, very refreshing, cleansing, and rejuvenating. They can be used at your
own convenience, when you want. It's clean-it's your own. It's not a big deal to take a sauna. Just
turn it on, shower quickly, and go in. Within five to ten minutes, you start to sweat. You can
really relax, and escape in your own private hideaway. You can read, or listen to the sounds of
music from the built-in stereo system, talk on the phone, or meditate. You can sweat profusely,
effortlessly-just 15 to 20 minutes of sweating, and you're done. After you shower, your skin can
feel smooth and clean like satin. You feel relaxed, yet energetic.
Increasing numbers of medical clinics use supervised sauna bathing for detoxifying the body of
toxic chemicals. Programs typically follow the "Hubbard Method", a regime based primarily on
nutritional supplementation, sauna therapy, and exercise. Other names used for similar programs
include: BTR (Bio Toxic Reduction Therapy), Hyperthermic Detoxification, Sauna Therapy, the
Physical Therapy/Detoxification Program, Heat-Stress Therapy etc. For simplification, they are
referred to as "sauna therapy" in the various excerpts given below.
It must be emphasized that such therapy relates to medically supervised programs. One should
not use a sauna for medical treatment without consultation and supervision of a licensed
physician. Never use a sauna unattended if you are ill. Various references on the general benefits
of sauna use are also cited.
#1) Therapeutic protocols involving serologic chemical analysis and medically managed
detoxification may be considered major breakthroughs in the management of drug or chemically
induced lupus-like syndromes. The capability of this therapy to safely reduce significant levels of
fat-stored toxicity has been well documented through existing scientific studies.
It is evident that sauna therapy may effectively control chemical induced lupus flares. It is
conceivable to control the progression of this condition by lowering the toxic levels stored within
the body, thus restoring the body's detoxification capabilities. Indeed, this missing link has
allowed further insight into the specific mechanisms involved in the development of lupus and
other related autoimmune disorders as well.
Modern man is deluged with molecular species unknown even fifty years ago. Man has not yet
fully developed specific and safe pathways to process and excrete all of the chemicals from this
synthetic era. Research has shown that many commonly used drugs and chemicals have an
affinity for fatty tissues and bodily substrates. They are not necessarily eliminated from the body
through natural processes. Often the parent compound is excreted and toxic metabolites remain
cumulatively stored.
Symptoms associated with chemical exposure may persist without a reduction or elimination of
toxic residue from body storage sites. Of particular concern, the bodily storage of toxins can
provide a persistent immune stimulus if the agent is not removed. Adverse health effects are
likely to occur as toxic levels exceed individual tolerance thresholds. Sauna therapy utilizes heat
stress and increased circulation to facilitate lipid mobilization and excretion of fat-stored toxins.
It has been shown that this therapy, in conjunction with a number of various adjunct treatment
modalities, is highly effective in reducing or removing significant levels of stores toxic residue.
#2) "The utilization of heat stress for removal of poisons from the body dates back to ancient
times. Through a variety of non-invasive detoxification modalities such as sauna therapy,
nutritional detoxification, and other supportive physical therapy procedures, toxic residues can
be significantly reduced from the body."
Most environmental contaminants are fat soluble, thus they have an affinity for body lipids or
fatty tissue. The body uses metabolic systems, particularly the liver, to convert fat soluble
substances into water soluble chemicals to facilitate excretion. Sauna therapy enhances this
process by mobilizing poisons from body storage sites into general circulation, where they are
then transported out of the body through various excretionary pathways such as perspiration.
A recent study on 200 participants of sauna therapy revealed blood chemistry changes consistent
with the detoxification process. Lab analysis included elevated liver enzymes, as well as
decreased glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Many cases reported an absence of
chemical sensitivity following the program.
Patients often experience general health improvements upon completion, such as increased
mental clarity, restored energy levels, fewer allergies, improved sleeping patterns, and lowered
blood pressure. There has been demonstrable evidence of restored liver and immune functions as
well. The most promising long range benefit of the program may be the aversion of future
cancers and birth defects associated with known carcinogens and mutagens stored in the body.
Pre- and post-program chemical analysis have consistently documented significant reductions
and, in most cases, total elimination of detectable toxins."
#3 Elevated levels of commonly used chemicals are currently being detected in human sera.
Many compounds have been shown to accumulate and remain stored in body tissues. The
metabolizing of such compounds leads to the accumulation of oil soluble chemicals and their
products into fatty deposits throughout the body. Since virtually every organ contains a fat
component, including the brain, stored chemical residue can pose a serious threat to
psychological health as these substances can be released into the bloodstream during physical or
emotional stress.
An incredibly large population are suffering from toxic illness. For those patients, sauna therapy
is the only medically managed detoxification technique which releases stored impurities from
body storage sites. With vitamins, minerals, and oils, in conjunction with exercise and dry sauna
heat, stored toxic residue is mobilized from the fatty tissue. Released toxins are then eliminated
from the body by perspiration and through the intestinal tract.
This is the only method of detoxification evidenced in current nutritional, medical, and bio-
chemical literature capable of significantly reducing or eliminating stored toxic residue with
scientifically proven safety, according to Dr. David W. Schnara, Science Advisor to the
Environmental Protection Agency. The efficacy of the program can be documented by serum
biopsies and immune function assays. Patients often report a greater chemical tolerance
following sauna therapy, as well as improved concentration and memory, commonly associated
with reduced toxic levels."
#4 "There are over 50,000 foreign chemicals in commercial use. Hundreds have been identified
in human tissue, including over 50 in adipose tissue. Most have been shown to cause subtle to
severe health effects in man. Many are known or suspected carcinogens, alone or in synergy with
other agents. According to the National Research Council, no toxicity data is available for over
80% of the chemicals currently in commercial use.
One detoxification method has been shown particularly effective in reducing body burdens of
some persistent fat soluble organic chemicals. This method consists of aerobic exercise, extended
sessions in a sauna, polyunsaturated oil, and nutritional supplements. The exercise, sauna
treatment, and niacin aid in mobilizing fat-stored toxins, while the oil blocks reabsorption of the
toxins excreted into the intestines by bile acids. The sauna induces sweating which brings about
excretion of toxins through the sweat and sebum. Reports have shown the regimen to be safe and
effective in bringing about substantial reductions of PCB's and various drugs and pesticides.
A 1982 study of the technique by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences examined Michigan
farmers exposed to PBB, one of the most highly persistent and toxic organohalides. This work
reports an average post-treatment reduction of 21.3% for the 16 organohalide chemicals tested. A
further reduction of 42.4% was noted four months post treatment, leading some physicians to
conclude that the treatment may rehabilitate the body's ability to throw off toxic materials. The
PBB adipose tissue levels of these individuals, as measured by the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine,
had not been reduced in the previous 6 years since the initial exposure.
Similar results were achieved in a controlled study of electrical workers exposed to PCB's,
published in 1985 by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on
Cancer. Significant reductions in PCB's were found in a treatment group which maintained their
normal work activities, while levels continued to rise in a control group.
In 1983, D.C. Roehm reported in "Effects of a Program of Sauna Baths and Megavitamins on
Adipose DDE and PCB's and on Clearing Symptoms of Agent Orange (Dioxin) Toxicity," similar
observations of a Vietnam veteran with a history of exposure to dioxin and DDE, a persistent
metabolite of the now-banned pesticide DDT. After 250 days DDE was determined to be 97%
#5 "A body burden of petrochemicals can aggravate illness in chemically sensitive patients. A
promising method for reducing such body burdens is sauna therapy shortly after exercise.
Exercise mobilizes the chemical from body fat, and sweating in the sauna increases excretion. If
a medical group does not reveal contraindications for exercise or sauna, I recommend a daily
program of exercise followed immediately by sauna.
Building materials in a home sauna should be of minimal toxicity. Unfortunately, many
commercial saunas are not so constructed. Any sauna purchased for home use should be
designed for the chemically sensitive. A home sauna allows the patient to avoid commercial
saunas that may be cleaned with toxic agents and have other contaminants from maintenance or
#6 Patients with silicone breast implants were treated with sauna therapy. All were treated for
exposure to noxious chemicals and were noted to have implants at the time of their evaluations.
All had improvement of symptomology and return to normal immunological profiles…Through
sauna therapy we can remove or reduce the offending chemicals."
#7 It is apparent that the majority of those who have undergone the sauna therapy program (over
300) experience improved health for three main reasons: 1) lowering the overall chemical load
reduces stress on the immune system and the body's own natural detoxification mechanisms
therefore optimizing these vital body functions, 2) a reduction in overall symptomology allows
the individual to "fine tune" their sensitivities and avoid offending substances, 3) reduction of
toxic levels is often correlated with great chemical tolerance - offering a sense of freedom and
the ability to cope."
#8 There is no other comparable medical treatment for the bio-accumulation of drugs and toxic
chemicals. This program of detoxification is the only known method of safely removing
significant levels of stored toxic residue. Conditions associated with chemical exposure often
improve dramatically when the offensive substances are removed from body stores."
#9 The subject is a girl, first seen at the age of nineteen with severe steroid dependent asthma,
recurrent urticaria, and spells of diarrhea and vomiting. Her symptoms did not clear with the
environmental control, immunotherapy or anti-candida treatment. They cleared after sauna
Sauna detoxification is thought to lead to the removal of fat soluble chemicals from the body by
encouraging their elimination through sebaceous and sweat glands. Excretion of lipophylic
chemicals through the sweat glands has been documented for a variety of compounds including
morphine, amphetamines, chlorinated pesticides, herbicides, PCB's, PCP's, and general volatile
A dry heat home sauna was used. After 1 week of treatment her gastrointestinal and respiratory
symptoms cleared completely and her color and vitality improved. After 3 weeks of treatment
she reacted less acutely to inhalants such as perfumes and cigarette smoke. Retesting revealed
that all of her sensitivities had diminished. Sauna therapy had resulted in a remarkable
improvement. It was only after sauna therapy that her clinical condition improved."
#10 Renowned environmental scientist Rene Dubos noted (25 years ago): "The greatest danger
of pollution may well be that we shall tolerate levels of it so low as to have no acute nuisance
value, but sufficiently high to cause delayed pathological effects and despoil the quality of life."
Four million distinct chemical compounds have been reported since 1965. Of these, as many as
70,000 are in current commercial production. Human exposure to them is both direct and
indirect: more than 3,000 chemicals are deliberately added to food and over 700 have been
identified in drinking water.
A significant number of these toxic chemicals are lipid or fat-soluble and tend to bioaccumulate,
particularly in the fatty tissues throughout the body. Over 400 chemicals have been identified in
human tissue, with 48 in adipose tissue, at least 40 in milk, 73 in the liver and over 250 in blood
plasma. By 1975, studies on adipose tissue levels of organohalides had shown that over 90% of
the samples collected had detectable levels of DDT/DDE, Dieldrin heptaclor, epoxide, and PCB.
When a diagnostic assessment suggests a potential chemical exposure basis for symptomatology,
a first-tier treatment can be used that has been show to reduce chemical burdens in humans.
Three components - exercise, forced sweating in a sauna, and niacin - act as potent techniques
for mobilizing fat, resulting in significant turnover in adipose tissue stores and consequent
mobilization of the stored lipophilic toxic chemicals. A considerable portion of the toxic
materials excreted through the body will come out through the sebaceous sweat."
#11 "Despite best efforts, large human populations are at times exposed to toxic chemicals.
When these chemicals are lipid soluble and do not metabolize easily, they accumulate in the
body and may present a health risk for the individuals' entire life. Reduction of chemical body
burdens is one goal of treatment for the chemically exposed. Other goals include remission of
reversible physiological and behavioral effects associated with chemical exposure.
We present the results of treatment in a controlled study of electrical workers with HCB and
other chlorinated chemical body burdens. In addition, we summarize other research on body-
burden reduction using the Hubbard method of sauna therapy. Previous work showed that
persistent body burdens could be significantly reduced. Adipose tissue concentrations of
hexachlorbenzene (HCB), four other pesticides, and ten polychlorinated biphenyl congeners
were significantly reduced by enhanced mobilization and excretion through the method of daily
treatment for 3 weeks, consisting of heat stress (sauna therapy), niacin administration, and
polyunsaturated oil, with other components to provide protection from mobilized chemicals.
All 16 target chemicals were found at quantifiable levels in adipose tissue of all participants. At
post-treatment, all 16 chemicals were found at lower concentrations in the adipose tissue of the
treatment group, but 11 were higher in the control group.
HCB body burdens were reduced by 30% at post-treatment and 28% at 3 month post-treatment.
Enhanced excretion appeared to keep pace with mobilization. Reductions in chemical body
burdens after this treatment method had been confirmed earlier for chlorinated pesticides and
polyhalogenated biphenyls. In 1983, large reductions were reported in patients exposed to
pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls and a continued reduction over a 9-month period in the
absence of any other treatment."
#12 "Concentrations of zinc, copper, iron, nickel, cadmium, lead, manganese, sodium, and
chloride were determined after collections utilizing a total body washdown technique (sweating
in sauna). From our results, the concentrations of nickel and cadmium in sweat were higher than
those reported for urine, and similar for lead. The loss of non-essential or toxic trace metals in
sweat could be of toxicologic and therapeutic importance."
#13 "Give me a chance to create fever and I will cure any disease," said the great physician
Paramenides, 2,000 years ago. Fever is one of the body's defense and healing forces. High
temperature speeds up metabolism, and inhibits the growth of an invading virus or bacteria. Such
giants of medical science as Nobel Prize winner, Dr. A. Lwoff, Dr. Werner Zabel, and Dr. Josef
Issels, recommend and use fever therapies extensively.
A sauna is an excellent way to benefit from overheating therapy. In addition to an artificially
induced fever, the sauna is specifically conducive to profuse therapeutic sweating. The skin is
our largest eliminative organ. It is generally considered that the skin should eliminate 30% of the
body wastes by way of perspiration. Taking sauna baths regularly will help to restore and
revitalize the cleansing activity of the skin.
The therapeutic property of the sauna is attributed to the following facts: overheating stimulates
the metabolic processes and inhibits the growth of virus and bacteria; all vital organs are
stimulated to increased activity; the body's healing forces are aided and assisted; and the
eliminative, detoxifying, and cleansing capacity of the skin is dramatically increased by the
profuse sweating."
#14 "The story of Semic, a small town in Yugoslavia with a factory using PCB's in the
manufacture of capacitors, resembles the environmental history of scores of other towns. In
addition to direct occupational exposure, PCB's and other waste products were burned daily in
open fires and used in the heating system of the factory. Surplus PCB was stored in nearby barns.
Truckloads of empty barrels and rejected products were dumped into naturally occurring basins.
During 24 years, some 70 tons of PCB was dumped into these sites. What has made Semic
outstanding is the introduction of a positive treatment for affected workers - the utilization of the
detoxification treatment developed by Hubbard. This procedure reduced both the body burdens
and the symptoms of treated workers while no such improvements occurred in a control group of
untreated workers. Our findings support sauna therapy treatment when dealing with individuals
affected by toxic exposures."
#15 "A 23-year old woman was first examined in April, 1983, because of "chemical exposure,"
which she alleged had caused sore throat, eye irritation, hoarseness, extreme malaise and
lethargy, interrupted sleeping pattern, and feeling "terrible all the time."
She had been employed in a maintenance capacity at a large manufacturing facility where her job
was to hose off the soot and ash that had accumulated in the exhaust stack of an oil-fired
electrical generator. The washwater was corrosive enough to dissolve the paint on cars parked
nearby. Mild to moderate pustular acne covered the lower part of her face and forehead, and
many acne comedomes were noted on her upper back and chest. Many shotty lymph nodes were
noted. Her continuing symptoms were diagnosed as low level toxic poisoning. Chemical
detoxification using the method developed by Hubbard was prescribed to enhance mobilization
and excretion of fat-stored xenobiotics (foreign chemicals). On the fourth day of treatment, a
black substance began exuding from her pores. This substance kept oozing from her skin during
the sauna component of each day's treatment. This occurred in a continuously diluting manner
until the completion of the program.
A post-treatment evaluation revealed that a majority of the acne pustules on the face had cleared
and only 3 non-inflammatory comedomes remained on her back and chest. Removal of the toxic
substances from her system was accompanied by remission of her subjective symptoms as well."
#16 "A detoxification program has been found to be safe for use by individuals exposed to drugs
and occupational and environmental chemicals. Patients with high blood pressure had a mean
reduction of 30.8 mm systolic, 23.3 mm diastolic. Cholesterol level mean reduction was 19.5
mg/100 ml, while triglycerides did not change. The program resulted in improvements in
psychological test scores. The mean increase in Wechsler Intelligence Scale IQ was 6.7 points.
103 individuals enrolled in the detoxification program and a control group of 19 was accepted.
The regimen included forced sweating by sauna at 140-180 F for 2 ½ to 5 hours daily, for about
three weeks. The regimen acknowledges the potential for storage of xenobiotics in human
tissues, especially lipids. It is designed to promote excretion of foreign chemicals through lipid
mobilization and increased circulation followed by sauna induced sweating.
The sweat excretion route for xenobiotics has been suggested for over a decade. A variety of
chemicals have been identified in sweat, including n-alkanes, paraffinic hydrocarbons and
amphetamines. The effectiveness of this pathway is significant.
A second dermal route of excretions exists. The lipophilicity of many chemicals can be exploited
by increasing sebaceous gland discharge. The same high temperatures which accelerate sweating
have been found to increase the excretion rate of sebum as well. Dietary hydrocarbons have been
found to be excreted in this manner.
The effects expected from stored xenobiotics are usually chemical specific. However, there
appears to be a common factor: chronic effect. For example, PCB has been show to alter lipid
metabolism at levels of exposure and bioaccumulation insufficient to produce overt symptoms.
Other similar biochemical alterations have been observed in individuals up to two years after
PCB exposure. Dioxin has been show to cause similarly chronic effects up to ten years after
exposure. It seems reasonable that such chronic effects would subside if the chemicals were
cleared from the body.
Somewhat more egregious is the potential for cancer promotion. Investigators have found a
relationship between adipose stored xenobiotics and cancer."
#17 "Fourteen firemen exposed to polychlorinated byphenals (PCB's) and their by-products
generated in a transformer fire and explosion had neurophysiological and neuropsychological
tests six months after the fire. They were restudied six weeks later after undergoing two to three
weeks of an experimental detoxification program consisting of medically supervised diet,
exercise, and sauna. Retesting following the detoxification program showed
significantlyimproved scores on three memory tests, block design, and identifying figures."
#18 a. "Perhaps one of today's most overlooked hygienic practices for improving health is the
use of saunas. German researchers recently studied 22 kindergarten children who partook of a
weekly sauna and compared them with a control group that took no saunas. The children were
followed for 18 months and a careful record was made of their incidence of ear infections, colds,
and upper respiratory problems. Children who took no saunas suffered from twice the number of
sick days as their counterparts. The conclusion: children who sauna regularly have an improved
resistance to infections. The same probably holds true for adults."
18 b. "Saunas are being used by some doctors to stimulate the release of toxins from the bodies
of their patients. They have found that a lower temperature sauna is most beneficial. The
principle is summed up as follows: The body's fat must be warmed to increase its solubility; the
warmed fat must be transported to the sweat glands which excrete fat; the process must continue
long enough for appreciable "fat sweat" to occur; the temperature must be low enough that the
person does not lose significant amounts of water or electrolytes; the sweat must be vigorously
washed off. (This should be done under a doctor's supervision. Our discussion of it here is meant
only to show the value of the procedure.) Using this method, doctors have been able to measure
toxic compounds released in the sweat of their patients. These chemicals are often toxic to the
immune system, nervous system, endocrine system, and liver. "Sweating it out" reduces chemical
stress on the body and generally leads to improved health."
TWELVE CASE HISTORIES," Zane R. Gard, M.D., E. Jean Brown, PHN, BSN, Giovanna Medicine.
#3: "TOXIC BIO-ACCUMULATION AND EFFECTIVE DETOXIFICATION," Zane R. Gard, M.D.,, Human Environmental Medicine, Inc., 1987.
#4: "CHEMICAL EXPOSURE IN THE WORKPLACE," David E. Root, M.D., Michael Wisner, California Medical-Legal Alert.
EXPOSURES," Grace E. Zeim, M.D., Dr. PH., Toxicology and Industrial Health, Vol. 8, #4, 1992.
#6: "SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS AND IMMUNOLOGICAL DISEASE," Zane R. Gard, M.D., in The Townsend Newsletter for Doctors, July, 1993.
#8: "THE BIO-TOXIC REDUCTION PROGRAM," Pamphlet, Human Environmental Medicine, Inc. San Diego, CA.
SAUNA THERAPY," Jozef Krop, M.D., J. Swierczek, M.D., CLINICAL ECOLOGY, Vol. 5, #3, 1987-88.
WHICH BIOACCUMULATE IN HUMAN TISSUE," David E. Root, M.D., M.P.H.; David B. Katzin, M.D., PH.D.; David W. Schnare, M.D., M.S.P.H.
Presented at the National Conference on Hazardous Waste and Environmental Emergencies, Cincinnati, OH, 1985.
Schnare, M.D., US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.; P.C. Robinson, "Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education," Los
Angeles, CA; presented at "Hexachlorbenzene: Proceedings of an International Symposium," Lyon, France, 1985.
#12: "THE EXCRETION OF TRACE METALS IN HUMAN SWEAT," James R. Cohn, M.S. and Edward A. Emmett, M.B., B.S., M.S.; Department of
Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, from the Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science, Vol. 8, #4, 1978, The Institute of
Clinical Science.
#13: HOW TO GET WELL, Dr. Paavo Airola, PH.D., published by Health Press, Sherwood, OR, 1974.
POLLUTION," Z. & A. Tretjak, S. Beckmann, C. Gunnerson, Environmental Impact Analysis Research Council, New Orleans, LA, 1989.
Lionelli, B.S., Journal of Toxicology - Cut. & Ocular Toxicology, Marcel Decker, 1987.
Hypotheses, Vol. 9, 1982.
AFTER DETOXIFICATION," Kaye H. Kilburn, M.D., Mr. Ralph H. Warsaw, Megan G. Shields, M.D., Archives of Environmental Health, Vol. 44 #6,
Nov. 1989.
#18, a&b: "Beyond Antibiotics," Dr. Michael A. Schmidt, Dr. Keith W. Schnert, & Dr. Lendon H. Smith, published by North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA

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