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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856

General framework for the assessment of open foreign direct investment proposals available through networked organizations
Dr. Maha Mahmoud Talaat Mustafa
SADAT ACADEMY FOR MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, Information systems & computer sciences department Address: Nile Corniche, Al Maadi, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Abstract: attracting foreign direct investment is considered

very important for accelerating economic growth rates, as well as providing many benefits for both the host country, or the country of origin of organized investors, and these benefits could be boosted through organizing telecommunications and network management between the branches of the investing organization and each other. FDI depends mainly on the management to branch or more of foreign companies in the host country remotely by means of telecommunications networks; and allows to follow up what is happening in the sub-company day after day by the parent company, which may face many problems resulting from telework, that could be overcome through the management of company's branches in host countries, through computer networks. Many of the facilities that are available in Egypt, by which they can support foreign direct investments and make it acceptable to all parties concerned, so its basic contents associated with foreign direct investment allows to monitor implementation of the planned projects, as well as technology transfer and follow-up of research and development, as well as the conducting implementation of training programs for employees, on the use of new production technology remotely. Through this research a clear vision of methods to manage and evaluate foreign direct investment (FDI) projects remotely via computer networks, and various means of communication could be identified. In spite of all the facilities available to attract foreign direct investment, many of them may fail to continue, where FDI faces many problems such as lack of interest about assessment of authorizing projects before establishing it, and the assessment is limited, without qualitative evaluation, and depends only on quantitative assessment. Finally, through the research, an information system to assess the proposal as FDI is provided, in addition to studying the process of acceptance and follow-up of investing projects submitted by foreign-invested organizations in Egypt.

application of the foreign direct project proposal, in addition to evaluating existing projects already on a regular basis every three years to renew the authorization to exercise activity in these projects, to ensure their seriousness and commitment to workers by the criteria specified for investment process. 1.1 The importance of the research The importance of the research appears through the need to study the problems associated with foreign direct investment and to reach a solution of the problem of not being sure that the study of features and aspects of the economic environment in the host country is compatible with the ways of working in invested organizations by the parent one as a result of evolution in the use of networks (Burke, 2006) and means of communication in order to pursue business processes , as well as providing a general framework for the evaluation of projects before authorizing them to provide assurance acceptable to the host country and the invested to support the process of attracting investment until its arrival to the stage of the selection and implementation of the Investment 1.2 Research objectives 1) To determine how to make a full use of the possibilities and means of communication and networking in facilitating doing remote business to facilitate follow-up work in the host country. 2) To identify the activities associated with the interconnected organizations and how to control it. 3) To determine the logical results of the expected performance of the advances in communication technologies and the introduction of the new standards at work. 4) To develop a comprehensive framework to assess the pre-start in the application of foreign direct investment (FDI) projects 1.3 The research problem nature and phenomena The phenomena of the research problem appears in the assessing process of foreign investment for quality and quantity at the same time, which has become one of the most important issues that must be resolved, otherwise it could affect economic growth as a whole. Page 119

Keywords: Foreign direct investment, open investment, remote follow up for business

The identification of an appropriate way to assess FDI is an important component of the success of those investments; and the evaluation process is an important and complex step before authorizing to accept the Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
1.3.1 The research problem The prompt study showed that the presence of some challenges facing foreign direct investment (FDI) has led to discover many problems that hinder the compatibility between the business organizations of the foreigninvested economic environment and that of the host country; those problems can be pointed out in the following: 1. There are many problems and challenges related to the increase of foreign direct investment from foreign countries. 2. Lack of interest in assessing the projects, before authorizing, where assessment is limited to only quantitative evaluation without the qualitative assessment. 3.3 The differences of cultures in different countries The cultural differences between international organizations and those of the host country were treated the same way, by the foreign managers, with existing companies notwithstanding the different cultural dimensions (Francesco Calza, 2010), including, strong factor in the cultural differences taken into account when the foreign managers running their businesses, when they consider culture that is characterized in the host country, in score below guidance performance, and insisting on action in contrast the strong desire of foreign managers to encourage them to work; moreover, there are other factors that may affect these relationships between foreign managers and workers, such as the relationship between the values of family, religious values directing performance, which they insist to comply with it (Dina Mehrez, 2010); therefore, companies investors must be careful when doing investment in other countries because of potential exposure to cultural differences between them and the workers; so it is advisable to promote employment of host country to reach the required level of performance and improving their image, which allows foreign managers to exploit their potential and implementation guidance, and motivate them to work in the manner that will satisfy foreign managers . 3.4 The process of transferring human resources The process of transferring human resources is considered one of the fundamentals associated with foreign direct investment; as well as determining the motives for the completion of the selection and appointment of labor as one of the factors that can affect the applications and practices of foreign direct investment in the host country (Kamel Mellahi, 2003), where the managers justifications to transfer labor is that they are getting economic support and technical employment through the use of foreign workers; nevertheless, the managers failed to identify the local conditions in the host country (Mouawad, 2009), which must be provided in this respect, and how to encounter bad planning and random process of hiring foreign labor. 3.5 FDI flows FDI is common in many developing countries, including Egypt, which participates in development programs (Jacob W. Musila, 2006). Inflows are high for both the investing company and the host country, and the amount of flows depend on the political and the economic situation of the host country, in addition, if the management of those investments was successfully done, the development programs in the host country enables to increase foreign direct investments, besides to yielding social and political benefits, which can maximize the followed marketing strategies, including increased flows and returns of direct investment.

1. There is no significant relationship between providing good working conditions for workers through the interconnected organizations and the success of foreign direct investment. 2. There is no significant relationship between the method of dealing under the economic and political circumstances in the host country through the interconnected organizations and the success of foreign direct investment.

3.1 Nature of the work under the foreign direct investment (FDI) Foreign direct investments allow increasing the appointment of financial resources (Benamraoui, 2008), as well as achieving many of the gains for both the host country and the investment process but maligned by the following: 1-The foreign direct investment (FDI) seeks only to provide a small number of products for consumers. 2- Most of the tools used in foreign direct investment are short-term, where the investor seeks to achieve quick profit. 3.2 Organizing the relationship between the foreign investor and host country unions Regulating the relations of employees is the foundation upon which to build interaction between the historical circumstances and institutional arrangements (Mohamed Branine, 2008), in order to achieve a state of control of the employment of those who work through labor unions, where the government is trying to deal with foreign investors through labor unions, as the only factor that determines the ability of these unions to do their part to meet the challenges to workers, who need support from the government and various organizations.

Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

Page 120

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
3.6 Problems in the host country Many of the host countries has an increasing external debt; most of the depts. Of these countries are considered tight or perhaps exceed safety limits (Nicolino Strizzi, 1998). Budget and funding problems at the country level, including investment needs for infrastructure in most host countries, as well as increased social spending pressures, eventually will lead to increased rates of external borrowing, which means that the debt will increase, as well as the debt service. Moreover, economic downturn with the restructuring of the financial sector and banks; generally is followed by a decrease in external debt, while the risk of external debt will increase in the future. So it must be done in order to rescue the financial sector in general, that will appear in the largest markets, which after a lot of financial risks that can be exposed to the country, so that it can reduce or at least limit these risks. 3.7 The possibilities of investing companies The possibilities of investing companies vary according to many features (Harun Kaya, 2008), including the date created, size and sector in which it operates and location of the host country; also the form of ownership and how to enter the markets. There are specific possibilities (Abdel-Mowla, 2012) to be taken when starting work of the activities of companies through foreign direct investment; and investing companies can be divided according to the method of working out as follows: 1 - According to the product. 2 - According to the method of administration. 3 - According to the marketing method. 4 - According to the method of operation and treatment. 3- Reviewing the documents and records of the same organizations. 4 - Obtaining some data from the Ministry of Investment and several others agencies to ensure and emphasis the validity of the data, in spite of the diversity of data resources, to make sure that the rate of validity of the results is acceptable. Pre-assessment of foreign direct investments The transformation from the large amount of foreign direct investments concerning the different elements of quality(Federico Bonaglia, 2006) when authorizing the establishment of foreign projects in Egypt, improving the investment already in place is considered one of the most important problems facing encouraging FDI (Attila Yaprak, 1984), and therefore the assessment of foreign investments quantity and quality at the same time, has become the most important issue that must be resolved because it would affect economic growth as a whole (Bernd Carsten Stahl, 2010). Through the study, it was evident that establishing an information system for the pre-assessment of investment could be done as in the following: 1 - Justice in wage distribution among workers. 2 Measuring the impact of the public benefit on both the host country and the investors. 3 - Establishing an integrated system to show the parties on foreign investment, assessment procedure, which should be a direct and comprehensive guide for the users. Access to an index that shows all the data to be collected during the pre-assessment of foreign direct investments The new system must include the following: 1 - The process of studying the proposed project from the technical view, and the methods of data collection under the project environment. 2 - Diversity assessment method in accordance with the type of investment or activity to be evaluated. 3 - Identifying the components required in the evaluation system. 4 - Determining the general objective of the assessment process to ensure the correct completion of the research. Model of decision-making to authorize FDI efficient and accurate way Through the development of a framework for making decisions on authorizing foreign direct investment to improve its working methods, the form must include a detailed study of the details and characteristics of advanced proposals of foreign companies for direct investment in Egypt, as well as the protocol of cooperation with them to ensure that the public benefit to all parties will be affected by the investment. 4.1The field study Qualitative analysis Page 121

The research is accomplished through a descriptive analysis of the information system for assessing project proposals of the foreign direct investments, as well as the study of the technical aspects of dealing with this system before developing and reaching the new system. The research methodology focuses on the study of how to solve the problems that imped the process of assessing foreign direct investment (FDI), besides identifying or investigating it through distributing a questionnaire form on a sample of foreign companies investing in Egypt, and examining of research hypotheses against the results of the analysis of data from the questionnaire investigation form. Moreover, through the research, the qualitative description of the existing components in the decisionmaking process on foreign direct investment is done, which has been through data collection and analysis. After that a preview of the items of the research data which has been collected from organizations studied by the following: 1 - Personal interviews. 2 - Direct observation. Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
Qualitative analysis relied on a study of general goods consumption, relevant to foreign direct investment for many foreign companies investing in Egypt through interconnected organizations, including: Firstly: Providing good working conditions, for workers in interconnected organizations, contributing to facilitating telework, which include: 1. Workers' salaries and social insurance. 2. Workers pension after reaching retirement age. 3. Health insurance for workers. 4. Vacations. Secondly: How to deal with the economic and political climate in the host country through networking organizations, which include: 1. Identifying local organizations participating and benefiting from the foreign direct investment. 2. Dealing with tax policies, both in the host country or the investing country. 3. Rates of change in the value of the local currency. The study focused on the specific limits of the work, which was characterized by interconnected organizations as possible to identify the main motivations of the investment on the part of the investing companies. The life cycle of the study, starting from the initial phase, until writing the report, included four phases: Contact The companies contacted by e-mail and telephone. The research population was limited to a random sample of some foreign institutions investing in the Tenth of Ramadan City in Egypt. The research sample The random sample was taken from the research society, and from the owners of representative foreign institutions investing in the Tenth of Ramadan City in Egypt. The method of selecting the sample Given the large population size, the sample includes all types of business activities; using the method of class sectors sampling. The sample of the whole sectors was obtained such that it be representative to all the institutions or society; the study 100 questionnaire form were distributed, but not equally distributed to seventeen Foundation; from which, we chose one or two Foundation for each type of business activities, for the distribution of 10 questionnaire forms on each type of activity, and thus the study is characterized as a comprehensive study of all sectors, that have been a sample of companies selected according to each type of industry as follows in Table No.(1):

Table No. ( 1 ) showing the type of activity of each institution in the representative sample
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Type of activity electronic and electrical industries Plastic Industries Pharmaceutical Industry Food Industries Dyeing yarn and fabric industries Chemical Industries Mineral Industries Paper industries Fertilizers and pesticides industry Hardware and home appliances industry

Research Methodology Starting with contacting the number of foreign forty organizations that invest in Egypt, and who agreed to participate in the study, only 14 organizations have been approved after a personal interview with one worker of each, to distribute copies of the questionnaire form. Data Collection Comprehensive questionnaire form was distributed, which starts by identifying the characteristics of the organization; thereafter the answers to the questions which were directed to identify a common understanding about the process and testing hypotheses. Data Analysis Data were analyzed for sample of organizations participating in the study, based on the information collected through the survey. Writing report Reviewing the results of statistical analysis, as well as the notes on the prevailing trends in the data was recorded, and the regulatory practice has been executed. The research population

Design of the questionnaire form The search requests designing questionnaire form to be directed to employees of institutions concerned in this study, in order to test hypotheses statistically, besides checking that the objectives of the research had been achieved; the questionnaire form included the following parts: Part I: General Information, and questions about issues on using computer networks to encourage foreign direct investment (FDI) Part II: The policy of providing good working conditions for employees through computer networks. Part III: Success of direct investment. Part IV: Attitudes and opinions about how to deal with the economic and political conditions, in both the state and the state invested, in the host country, by the use of computer networks. 4.2 The characteristics of the items of the sample

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Page 122

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
Partitioning in terms of years of experience Sample items distribution had been identified according to years of experience through question no. (2) as shown in the following table no. (2): Table No. (2) showing the distribution of the items of the sample according to years of experience years of The The percentage experience number 1 to 5 years 22 22% From 6 years to 30 30% less than 10 years From 11 years to 21 21% less than 15 years More than 15 27 27% years Total 100 100% Partitioning according to the classification of educational level The distribution of the items of the sample according to the educational level, was partitioned in the question No. (3) as illustrated in table no. (3) below. Table No. (3) showing the distribution of the items of the sample according to the educational level
statement High Qualified (bachelor's degree) Master's degree PhD Other Total

The table No. ( 5 ) shows the distribution of the sample in terms of nationality Nationality The The percentage number Egyptian 89 89% Foreigner 11 11% Total 100 100% Despite the wide diversity of problems that might face foreign direct investment which were studied in question no. (1); the open question in the first part of the questionnaire form was reclassified to: 1. There are no problems 2. Environmental problems 3. Technological or technical problems 4. Special problems with employment. 5. Problems with particular conditions of work. 6. Special problems of computer networks and communications. 7. Other. It has been clarified in the following table: The table No. ( 6) shows the distribution of the number of times the problems may face foreign direct investment The percentage Type of problem The number There is no 25 25% Environmental 5 5% Technological or 20 20% technical problems. Special 6 6% problems with employment. Problems with working conditions . Problems with computer networks and communications. Other Total 15 15%

The number 73 2 0 20 100

The percentage 73% 2% 0. 20% 100%

Partitioning according to gender The distribution of the items of the sample according to the gender in the question No. (4) where the whole number investigated from the sample were 100 % male.

The Division in terms of age Table No. (4 ) shows the distribution of the sample in terms of age Persons age Less than 25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 More than 55 Total The number 5 10 10 31 29 5 5 5 100 The percentage 5% 10% 10% 31% 29% 5% 5% 5% 100%



12 100

12% 100%

The desire to participate in the organization and management of the company's computer to ensure support for communications between sites worldwide organization Table No. ( 7) shows the distribution of the desire to participate Page 123

Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
Desire Unwillin g Wish Total The number 26 74 100
The percentage

26% 74% 100%

The answers to question open No. (3) Part I of the questionnaire form as illustrated in the table No. (9) below: Table No. (9) shows suggestions to overcome the problems faced by foreign direct investment in the organization repetition No Proposal training on how to work through the 22 1 2 3 4
use of computer networks development of labor relations between workers in host country and workers in the mother company The maintenance of computers and update available data continuously Ensuring the integration of business activities processes in the organization at the host country with investor strategies and policies globally, by providing an integrated infrastructure for computer networks. Try to expand the size of the market for the products or services provided by the organizations that have a foreign direct investment. Trying to take advantage of the geographical location of the host country by studying the market and identifying their products or service's needs. Trying to pursuit compatibility with all the priority areas within the global trading systems continuing to support and assist efforts in the host country, so as to achieve added value through the ongoing cooperation with the organization in the country of origin Identify specific standards to measure proposals for projects to be established and evaluated for the existing projects on a regular basis once at least every three years. Based on the result of the determined assessment of the investment it is supposed to follow policies towards foreign investors, as well as establishing the appropriate structure for the implementation of international conventions in the field of foreign direct investment.

It was found that the considerations to be taken into account in the design, management and development of computer networks in the company to ensure support for the communications between the organization sites through answers to the question open No. (4) of the open questions in the first part of the questionnaire form as illustrated in the table below:

16 9 8

Table No. ( 8) reflects the considerations to be taken into account in the design, management and development of the computer networks in the company to ensure support for the relations between the organization sites

The amendment in the work environment, in order to facilitate the work follow-up. Work on the development of staff skills through training to deal with computer networks. Work to maximize the use of the capabilities available in the parent company. provide all necessary means to ensure the safety, security and privacy of data exchanged across networks Identify, design and revise of the design choices for the information system that supports success in foreign direct investment. There must be a Continuous measurement of performance during the whole stages of the business life cycle to ensure that the desired goals of foreign direct investment are achieved. Reduce the amount of interactions between business units, including activities that may adversely affect the workflow There is a need for Assessment of business requirements needed to run the telework The use of multiple independent tasks can be implemented in a manner that is converging, and synchronized to ensure that no confusion may result from the presence of overlapping Relationships between tasks are difficult to be achieved through remote work using computer networks.


1 2

10 7

7 8

2 1



It has been found that suggestions to overcome the problems faced by foreign direct investment in the organization Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

4.3 The statistical analysis method used It relied on several statistical measures for the purposes of statistical analysis as follows: 1 - The correlation coefficient method when 1% level of significance to test statistically the research hypothesis 2 - The use of the percentage measures of the order of the degree of influence of account in descending order 4.4 Hypotheses Page 124

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
4.4.1 First hypothesis There is no significant relationship between providing good working conditions for workers through the interconnected organizations and the success of foreign direct investment. This hypothesis has been developed to identify the extent of the impact between providing good working conditions for workers through interconnected organizations in the organizations concerned in this study and the success of foreign direct investment and the continuation of organizations working in the host country. To test this hypothesis the study finds the correlation between: 1. Way to provide good working conditions for workers through interconnected organizations which were represented in the answers of the questions, from number (1) to number (10). 2. And the success of foreign direct investment (FDI), from number (11) to number (20). First hypothesis test Null hypothesis There is no significant relationship between providing good working conditions for workers through the interconnected organizations and the success of foreign direct investment. The alternative hypothesis There is a significant relationship between providing good working conditions for workers through the interconnected organizations and the success of foreign direct investment. To test this hypothesis in the study the correlation coefficients parametric and non-parametric was used, Because the data are non-parametric since it is due to a questionnaire form to examine the relationship between the total answer in the first part of the questions and the total answer in the second part of the questions, to find out whether the relationship between them significant or not? The results were as follows: 1 - Pearson's correlation coefficient have been used which is equal to 0.455 at the significant level 0.01 was 0.001 meaning that the probability of error is equal to one in a thousand. 2 - Kendall's correlation coefficient have been used which is equal to 0.345 at the significant level 0.01 was 0.001 meaning that the probability of error is equal to one in a thousand. 3 - Spearman correlation coefficient have been used which is equal to 0.438 at the significant level 0.01 was 0.002 meaning that the probability of error is equal to two per thousand. Which means that there is a relationship between the two variables, which is equal to 34% according to the correlation coefficient Kendall and 45.5% according to Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013 the Pearson correlation coefficient and 43.8% according to the correlation coefficient Spearman , so this relationship is proportional because the correlation coefficient is positive, and the relationship was significant because the coefficient of the significance was 0.002 or 0.001. Therefore we accept the alternative hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis. 4.4.2 The second hypothesis There is no significant relationship between the method of dealing under the economic and the political conditions in the host country through the interconnected organizations and the success of foreign direct investment. This hypothesis has been developed to identify the significant way to deal with the economic and the political conditions in the host country through interconnected organizations in organizations concerned in this study and the success of foreign direct investment which enables the continuation of organizations working in the host country. To test this hypothesis in the study by the use of the correlation between: 1. Significant way to deal with the economic and the political conditions in the host country through interconnected organizations which were represented in the answers to the questions from number (1), to number (10). 2. And the success of foreign direct investment (FDI) which was represented in the answers to the questions from number (11), to number (20). Second hypothesis test Null hypothesis There is no significant relationship between the method of dealing under the economic and the political conditions in the host country through the interconnected organizations and the success of foreign direct investment. The alternative hypothesis There is significant relationship between the method of dealing under the economic and the political conditions in the host country through the interconnected organizations and the success of foreign direct investment. To test this hypothesis the parametric and non-parametric correlation coefficients has been used because the data are non-parametric because it is due to a questionnaire form to examine the relationship between the total answer of the first part of the questions and the total answer of the second part of the questions, to find out whether the relationship between them is significant or not; the results were as follows: Page 125

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
4. Foreign investor (id, nationality, name, address, email) 5. Job requirement (id, local worker job , foreign worker job , working permit ) 6. Fund(id ,transfer method, currency, amount) 7. Proposed investment(id , date finished ,selection ,date started ) 8. Proposal evaluation responsible (id ,name, e-mail phone ) 9. Investment approval (building construction permit, date started ,date finished , sector ,id, location permit)

1- Pearson's correlation coefficient has been used which is equal to 0.455 at the significant level 0.01 was 0.001 meaning that the probability of error is equal to one in a thousand. 2 - Kendall's correlation coefficient has been used which is equal to 0.345 at the significant level 0.01 was 0.001 meaning that the probability of error is equal to one in a thousand. 3 - Spearman correlation coefficient has been used which is equal to 0.438 at the significant level 0.01 was 0.002 by meaning that probability of error is equal to two per thousand. Which means that there is a relationship between the two variables is equal to 34% according to the correlation coefficient (Kendall) and 45.5% according to the (Pearson) correlation coefficient and 43.8% according to the correlation coefficient (Spearman), and this relationship is proportional because the correlation coefficient is positive, because the relationship is significant since the significance was 0.002 or 0.001. Therefore we accept the alternative hypothesis, and reject the null hypothesis.

5. Integrative conceptual model

The way that governments evaluate FDI is varied, but the research summarizes the FDI proposed evaluation system in the following flow chart.

Figure no. (2) proposed system relationships

Figure No. (3) proposed system interface

Figure No. (4) proposed system interface II

Figure no. (1) proposed system flowchart 5.1. FDI assessment system Inputs 1. FDI work license (id ,description, date, approval type ) 2. Governmental agency(id ,name, phone ,e-mail, address, ministry of legislation) 3. Investment facility ( title , id, description) Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

The results and recommendations for study The table No. ( 10) shows all the results, the recommendations and the implementation responsible

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Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
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N o. 1

The result Any application to control the assessment of foreign direct investment had not been understo od or trusted by host State , which may result in the nonexistence of ensuring acceptable of host country They could not rely on the system of evaluation of direct foreign investments to ge nerate economic benefits and quantity only. There is need for Increasing The return of improvi ng communicatio n between parent organization and the Organization in the host country in the case of multinational companies in the technology transfer process and facilitate the operations of research and development. the process of evaluation of direct foreign investments is required before the authorizing of work license by the resulting from the comprehensive and accurate data

Recommendation There must be emphasis on the application of the new system of control over the assessment of foreign direct investment

The implementation The Ministry Investment of

the application of the proposed new system includes quantitative and qualitative assessment of direct foreign investments

The Ministry Investment


removing all obstacles that may face the contact between the mother Organization the and the Organization in the host country in the case of multinational companies

The management of information technology in the Organization

Develop a framework to assess projects for direct foreign investment before authorization to be comprehensive and accurate

The management of information technology in the Organization

[1] Abdel-Mowla, S. A. (2012). The Egyptian tax system reforms, investment and tax evasion (2004-2008). Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences Volume: 28 Issue: 1 . [2] Attila Yaprak, K. T. (1984). Political Risk Management in Multinational Firms: An Integrative Approach . Management Decision Volume: 22 Issue: 6. [3] Benamraoui, A. (2008). Islamic banking: the case of Algeria. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management Volume: 1 Issue: 2. Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

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APPENDIX A survey form directed to workers in foreign organizations

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Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856

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