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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856

n- Strongly Quasi Projective, Injective and Flat Modules


Babulal Tarabai Institute of Research & Technology, Sagar


TIT College, Bhopal

Abstract: In this paper , we studied and discussed of nStrongly quasi projective, injective and flat modules we deined. i) For any positive integer n, a R-module M is n-SQ projective if and only if there exist an exact sequence O M Pn Pn-1 P1 M O where each Pi is projective for 1 i n and
i Ext R

(mod-R) the category of left (right) R-modules respectively. The character module Homz(M, Q/Z) is denoted by M*. Recall that a right R-module E is called FP-injective if Ext R (F, E) = 0 for all finitely presented modules F. A right R-module N is called strongly quasi injective (for short SQ-injective) if there exists an exact sequence I I I I . With I injective and N=kerf and which remains exact after applying HOMR (E, -) for any FP-injective module E. A right R-module M strongly quasi projective (for short SQ-Projective if there exists an exact sequence P P P P . with P injective and M=kerf and which remains exact after applying HOMR (-, F) for any flat module F. An R-module M is said to be strongly quasi flat (n-SQflat for short), if there exists an exact sequence of Rmodules F F F . With F flat and M=kerf which remains exact after applying ER for any FP-injective module E. Definition 1.2: Let n be a positive integer. An R-module M is said to be n-strongly Quasi Projective (n-SQ Projective for short), if there exists an exact sequence of R-modules O M Pn Pn-1 .. P1 M 0 with Pi projective for 1 i n and which remains exact after applying HOMR (-, F) for any flat module F. A right R-module N is said n-strongly Quasi injective (n-SQ-injective for short), if there exists an exact sequence of R-modules O N In In-1 .. I1 N 0 with Ii injective for 1 i n and which remains exact after applying HOMR (E, -) for any FPinjective module E. An R-module M is said to be n-strongly Quasi flat (nSQ flat for short), if there exists an exact sequence of Rmodules O M Fn Fn-1 .. F1 M 0 with Fi flat for 1 i n and which remains exact after applying ER - for any FP-injective module E. Remark 1.3 (1) If (Mi) iI is a family of n-SQ projective modules then Mi is n-SQ projective. (2) If (Ni)iI is a family of n-SQ injective modules then Ni is n-SQ injective. Page 144
f f f f f f f f

(M, F) = 0 for any flat

module F and any i 1. ii) For any M mod-R, the following statements are equivalent (a) M is n-SQ projective. (b) There exists an exact sequence O M Pn Pn-1 P1 M O in mod-R with Pi-Projective, such that Ext R (M, F) for any flat module F and any i 1. (c) There exists an exact sequence O M Pn Pn-1 P1 M O in mod-R with Pi projective such that Hom R (-, F) leaves the sequence exact when ever F is a module with finite dimension. (iii) Let R be a commutative ring and Q a projective left R module. If M is an n-SQ-Projective right R-module then MRQ* is an n-SQ projective R-module. (iv) Let R be a commutative ring. If M is an n-SQ projective R-module, then M[x] is an n-SQ projective R[x]-module. (v) Let R be a commutative ring and F be any flat left-R module. If M is an n-SQ flat-right R-module, then MRF is an n-SQ flat R-module. (vi) Let R be right coherent and M is an n-SQ flat left Rmodule then M* is an n-SQ injective right. (vii) Let R be a commutative ring and S a multiplicative closed set of R. If B* is an finitely generated n-SQ projective S-1R-module then B* is an n-SQ flat R-module. (viii) Let R be a commutative ring and S a multiplication closed set of R, then (a) If R is coherent and A is an n-SQ flat R-module, then S1 A is an n-SQ flat R-module. If A is an n-SQ-flat R-module, then s-1 A is an n-SQ flat s-1 R-module
* i

Keywords: n-strongly quasi Projective module, nstrongly quasi-injective module, n-strongly quasi-flat modules and commutative ring.

1. Preliminaries and Notations

1.1 If unless stated otherwise, throughout this paper all rings are associative with identity and all modules are unitary modules. Let R be a ring. We denote by R-mod Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
Proposition 1.4: For any positive integer n, a R-module M is n-SQ projective if and only if there exist an exact sequence O M Pn Pn-1 .. P1 M 0 where each Pi projective for 1 i n and Ext R (M, F) = 0 for any flat module F and any i 1. Proof: Necessary condition [if and condition] If M is nSQ projective then there exists an exact sequence O M Pn Pn-1 .. P1 M 0 such that HOMR (-, F) leaves the sequence exact whenever F is flat. We get Ext R (M, F) = Ext R (M, F) for all
i i 1 n i i

Proof: There is an exact sequence O M Pn Pn-1 .. P1 M 0 where Pi is projective. So O M[x] Pn[x] .. P1[x] M[x] 0 is exact in R[x]-mod any Pi[x] is a projective R[x]-module. Let Q* be any flat R[x]-module. Then Q*[x] R[x] R Q* R(N) R Q* Q*(N). Hence Q*[x] is a flat R[x]-module, and so Q* is a flat R-module. Thus Ext R[x] (M[x], Q*) Ext R (M, Q*) = 0 by [9, P. 258, 9.21] for i 1 and hence M[x] is an SQ projective R[x]-module. Proposition 1.8: Let R be a commutative ring and F be any flat left-R-module. If M is an n-SQ flat right Rmodule, then MRF is an n-SQ flat R-module. Proof: There is an exact sequence O M Fn Fn-1 .. F1 M 0 in R-mod with Fi flat then O MRF FnRF .. F1RF MRF 0 is exact and FiRF is flat Rmodule. Let I be any FP-injective R-module any F* be a flat resolution of I, then Tor R (MRF, I) = Hi((MRF) RF*) Hi(MR(FRF*) Tor R (M, FRI) = 0 for all i 1, Since FRI is an FP-injective R-module. Hence MRF is an n-SQ flat R-module. Proposition 1.9: Let R be right Coherent and M is an nSQ flat left R-module then M* is an n-SQ injective right R-module. Proof: There exists an exact sequence O M Fn .. F1 M 0 in R-module with Fi-flat. Then O M* F n .. F 1 M* 0 is exact in ModR and F i is injective. Let I be an FP-injective right Rmodule. Then Ext R (I, M*) = Tor R (I, M)* = 0 for all i 1 and hence M is an n-SQ injective right R-module. Let R be a commutative ring and S a multiplicatively closed set of R. Then S-1R = (RS) / ~ = [a/s | aR, sS] is a ring and S-1M = (MS) / ~ = [x/s | xM, sS] is an S-1Rmodule. If P is prime ideal of R and S = R-P. Then we will denote S-1M, S-1R by MP, RP, respectively. Proposition 1.10: Let R be a commutative ring and S a multiplicatively closed set of R. If B* is an finitely generated n-SQ projective S-1R-module then B* is an nSQ flat R-module. Proof: There exists an exact sequence O M Pn Pn-1 .. P1 M 0 in S-1R-module with Pi projective for 1 i n. The Pi is flat S-1R-module by [10. Theorem 5.18]. Let I be any FP injective R-module. Then we get Ext
i S-1R
i i * * * i i

i 1. By induce,

we get Ext R (M, F) = 0 for all 1 i n. Therefore this implies that Ext R (M, F) = 0 for all i 1. Only if condition: It is trivial. Proposition 1.5: For any Mmod-R, the following statements are equivalent: (a) M is n-SQ projective. (b) There exists an exact sequence O M Pn .. P1 M 0 in mod-R with Pi projective, such that Ext R (M, F) for any flat module F and i 1. (c) There exists and exact sequence O M Pn Pn1 .. P1 M 0 in mod-R with Pi projective, such that HOMR (-, F) leaves the sequence exact whenever F is a module with finite flat dimension. Proof: Using standard arguments, this follows immediately from the definition of n-SQ modules. Dually, we get the similar characterization of the n-SQ injective modules and n-SQ flat modules. Next we prove that the tensor product of an n-SQ projective (flat) right R-module and projective (flat) left R-module is also n-SQ projective (flat). Proposition 1.6: Let R be a commutative ring and Q*a projective left R-module. If M is an n-SQ-projective right R-module, then MRQ* is an n-SQ projective R-module. Proof: There is an exact sequence O M Pn Pn-1 .. P1 M 0 in mod-R with Pi projective for 1 i n. Then O MRQ* PnRQ* .. P1RQ* MRQ* 0 is exact and PiRQ* is a projective R-module for i 1. Let F be any flat R-module. The
i Ext R i

(MRQ*, F) =

i HOMR (Q*, Ext R

(M, F)) = 0 by

[9, P. 258, 9.20] for all i 1. Hence MRQ* is an n-SQ projective R-module by 1.4. Proposition 1.7: Let R be a commutative ring. If M is an n-SQ projective R-module, then M[x] is an n-SQ projective R[x]-module.

(B*, S-1R) = 0 for all i 1, since B* is a

finitely generated n-SQ projective S-1R-module.

Volume 2, Issue 3 May June 2013

Page 145

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 3, May June 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
i S-1R

Therefore; Hom S-1R (Ext


(B*, S-1R), S-1I) Tor


i S-1R


I, B*) Tor R (I, B*) RS-1R and hence Tor S-1R (I, B*) = 0

for all i 1,Therefore B* is an n-SQ flat R-module. Proposition 1.11: Let R be a commutative ring and S a multiplicatively closed set of R, then (a) If R is Coherent and A is an n-SQ flat R-module then S-1A is an n-SQ flat R-module. (b) If A is an n-SQ flat R-module, then S-1A is an n-SQ flat S-1R-module. Proof: (a) There is an exact sequence O M Fn Fn1 .. F1 M 0 in R-module where Fi-flat for 1 i n. Then O S-1A S-1Fn .. S-1F1 S1 A 0 is exact and S-1Fi is flat S-1R-module for 1 i n. Hence S-1Fi is flat R-module. Let I be any FP-injective Rmodule. Then Tor i

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(I, S-1A) Tor i (S-1I, A) = 0

By [10, Prop. 5.17] for all i > m, since S-1I is FP injective R-module by [12, Theorem 3.21]. Hence S-1A is an n-SQ flat R-module. (b) There is an exact sequence O M Fn Fn-1 .. F1 M 0 in R-mod where Fi-flat for 1 i n. Then O S-1A S-1Fn S1 Fn-1 .. S-1F1 S-1A 0 is exact and S-1Fi is flat S-1R-module for 1 i n. Let


be any FP(I, S-1A)

injective S-1R-module. Then

be any FP-injective R-

module by [12. Theorem 3.20]. So Tor i


Tor i (I, A) RS-1R = 0 for all i > m. Hence S-1A is an nSQ-projective S-1R-module.

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