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Code Book of house.


CODEBOOK: U.S. House Data (house.sav) Voting members of the U.S. House of Representatives elected to the 111th Congress (2009-2010) in November 2008 (N=435). Missing Data: sysmis (all variables) Variable Name Variable Label

state State name (full name) stateabr State name (postal code abbreviation) stcode State Code district District region Region of Country pop Population white Percent of population that is non-Hispanic white black Percent of population that is non-Hispanic African American latino Percent of population that Hispanic asian Percent of population that is non-Hispanic Asian American or Pacific Islander native Percent of population that is non-Hispanic Native American or Alaskan Native other Percent of population that is non-Hispanic of other race multiple Percent of population that is non-Hispanic of more than one race ownocc Percent of occupied housing that is owner occupied singunit Percent of occupied housing that is single-unit (excluding mobile homes, boats, RVs, etc.) medianhs Median value, owner occupied housing urban Percent of Population living in Urban Areas or Urban Clusters married Percent of households that include a married couple marchild Percent of households that include a married couple and one or more of their children under 18 years old femchild Percent of households that include a single female and one or more of her children under 18 years old noneng Percent of households in which the primary language is other than English forpop Percent of population that is foreign born ncitpop Percent of population that is non-US citizen college Percent of population over 25 with college degrees pcincome Per capita income medinc Median family income poverty Percent of population below poverty line elder Percent of population age 65 or over totvote Total votes cast in House elections, 2008 demvote Democratic votes cast in House elections, 2008 repvote Republican votes cast in House elections, 2008 pctdem Democratic % of two-party vote, 2008 House elections obama Obama % of presidential vote, 2008 mccain McCain % of presidential vote, 2008 pctobama Obama % of two-party presidential vote name Members name party Members party gender Members gender ethnic Members ethnicity bluedog Member, Blue Dog Coalition (self-described moderate to conservative Democrats)

ndc Member, New Democrat Coalition (self-described centrist, pro-growth Democrats) pc Member, Progressive Caucus (self-described progressive Democrats) tg Member, Tuesday Group (self-described moderate Republicans) msp Member, Main Street Partnership (self-described center-right Republicans) rsc Member, Republican Study Committee (self-described "conservative" Republicans) dwnom DW-NOMINATE score, 110th Congress (2007-2008) acu American Conservative Union rating (2009) ada American's for Democratic Action rating (2009) unity Congressional Quarterly Party Unity Score (2009)


State Name (full name)

stateabr State Name (2-digit postal abbreviation)

stcode 63 94 87 71 93 86 15 51 59 58 95 82 32 33 42 47 61 35

State Code (using Bureau of Census regional classifications) Alabama 73 Louisiana 72 Oklahoma Alaska 11 Maine 92 Oregon Arizona 52 Maryland 23 Pennsylvania Arkansas 14 Massachusetts 16 Rhode Island California 34 Michigan 57 South Carolina Colorado 41 Minnesota 45 South Dakota Connecticut 64 Mississippi 62 Tennessee Delaware 43 Missouri 74 Texas Florida 81 Montana 85 Utah Georgia 46 Nebraska 12 Vermont Hawaii 84 Nevada 54 Virginia Idaho 13 New Hampshire 91 Washington Illinois 22 New Jersey 53 West Virginia Indiana 88 New Mexico 31 Wisconsin Iowa 21 New York 83 Wyoming Kansas 56 North Carolina Kentucky 44 North Dakota Ohio


DISTRICT DATA (Source: Based on Bureau of the Census, 110th Congressional District Summary Files 1 (for population, race and ethnicity, percent urban, percent owner occupied housing, and percent elderly) and 3 (all other variables). . Accessed June 18 July 1, 2007. Note: there were no changes of district boundaries for the 111th Congress.

region 1 2

Region of Country Northeast (STCODE: 11-16, 21-23, 51) Midwest (STCODE: 31-35, 41,42,44

3 4

South (STCODE: 43, 52-54,56-59,61-64,71-74) West (STCODE: 81-88, 91-95)




Percent of population that is non-Hispanic white


Percent of population that is non-Hispanic African American<


Percent of population that is Hispanic


Percent of population that is non-Hispanic Asian American or Pacific Islander


Percent of population that is non-Hispanic Native American or Alaskan Native


Percent of population that is non-Hispanic of other race

multiple Percent of population that is non-Hispanic of more than one rac


Percent of occupied housing that is owner occupied

singunit Percent of occupied housing that is single-unit (excluding mobile homes, boats, RVs, etc.)

medianhs Median value, owner occupied housing


Percent of population living in urban areas or urban clusters

married Percent of households that include a married couple

marchild Percent of households that include a married couple and one or more of their children under 18 years old

femchild Percent of households that include a single female and one or more of her children under 18 years old


Percent of households in which the primary language is other than English


Percent of population that is foreign born

ncitpop Percent of population that is non-US citizen

college Percent of population over 25 with college degrees


Median family income

pcincome Per capita income

poverty Percent of population below poverty line


Percent of population age 65 or over

totvote Total votes cast in House elections, 2008 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2010 Statistical Abstract of the United States: Table 392. "Vote Cast for United States Representatives by Major Political Party--Congressional Districts: 2008" December 17, 2009. Accessed January 11, 2010.


Democratic votes cast in House elections, 2008

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census,2010 Statistical Abstract of the United States: Table 392."Vote Cast for United States Representatives by Major Political Party--Congressional Districts: 2008" December 17, 2009. Accessed January 11, 2010.

repvote Republican votes cast in House elections, 2008 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2010 Statistical Abstract of the United States: Table 392. "Vote Cast for United States Representatives by Major Political Party--Congressional Districts: 2008" December 17, 2009. Accessed January 11, 2010.


Democratic % of two-party vote, 2008 House elections


Obama % of vote, 2008

Source: Swing State Project, "Presidential Results 2008 by CD," December 15, 2008 Accessed September 9, 2009. ============================================================================= mccain McCain % of vote, 2008

Source: Swing State Project, "Presidential Results 2008 by CD," December 15, 2008 Accessed September 9, 2009. ============================================================================= pctobama Obama % of two-party vote, 2008 ============================================================================= MEMBER DATA


Members name

party 1 2

Members party Democrat Republican

Note: Griffith (Alabama) changed party from Democrat to Republican on December 23, 2009 and is coded here as a Democrat.

gender 1 2

Members gender Male Female

ethnic 1 2 3 4 5

Members ethnicity Non-Hispanic White African American Latino Asian and Pacific Islander Native American

Sources: For African Americans: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Members of the Congressional Black Caucus of the 111th Congress, Accessed August 11, 2010. For Latinos: Library of Congress, Hispanic Americans in Congress: List in Chronological Order, Accessed August 11, 2010. Note: This source includes Dennis Cardoza (D, CA) and Devin Nunes (R, CA). These members, however, are of Portuguese descent, and are classified in the current file as Non-Hispanic White. The same source indicates that Ciro Rodriguez (D, Texas) served from 1997 until 2004. He was first elected in 2006 and has served since. Source for these corrections: Michael Barone and Richard E. Cohen, The Almanac of American Politics 2010 (Washington, D.C.: National Journal, 2009. For Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Infoplease, Asians and Pacific Islanders in the 111th Congress, Accessed August 11, 2010. Note: This source lists Bobby Scott (D, Virginia) as both an African American and an Asian and Pacific Islander. His ancestry is one-fourth Filipino (see, accessed August 11, 2010). He is coded here as African American. For Native Americans: Infoplease, Minorities and Women in the 109th Congress, Accessed August 11, 2010. ============================================================================= bluedog Member, Blue Dog Coalition (self-described conservative to moderate Democrats) Source: The Blue Dog Coalition, Accessed August 12, 2010. Note: Includes Gillibrand (New York), who had left congress by the time the coalitions site was accessed, but who had been listed as a member before leaving. See and go to 0 1 No (including all Republicans) Yes


Member, New Democrat Coalition (self-described moderate, pro-growth Democrats).

Source: New Democrat Coalition, Accessed August 13, 2010. Note: includes Larson (Connecticut), who is listed as an honorary member, and Emanuel (Illinois),Gillibrand (New York), and Tausher (California), who had left congress by the time the coalitions site was accessed, but who had been listed as members before leaving. See go to 0 1 No (including all Republicans) Yes


Member, Progressive Caucus (self-described progressive Democrats).

Source: Accessed August 13, 2010. Note: includes Solis (California), who had left congress by the time the caucuss site was accessed, but who had been listed as a member before leaving. See and go to 0 1 tg No (including all Republicans) Yes

Fund recipient, Tuesday Group Political Action Committee (self-described moderate Republicans).

Source: Tuesday Group Political Action Committee, Accessed August 13, 2010. 0 1 msp No (including all Democrats) Yes Member, Main Street Partnership (self-described center-right Republicans).

Source: Republican Main Street Partnership, Accessed August 13, 2010 0 1 No (including all Democrats) Yes


Member, Republican Study Committee (self-described conservative Republicans).

Source: Republican Study Committee, Accessed August 13, 2010. Note: does not includes Griffith (Alabama), who changed party from Democrat to Republican on December 23, 2009, and who is coded here as a Democrat. 0 1 No (including all Democrats) Yes

dwnom Lewis and Poole roll call voting record: first coordinate, DW-NOMINATE score, 110th Congress (20072008). With rare exceptions, scores vary from +1 (most conservative) to -1 (most liberal). Source: Royce Carroll, et al., DW-NOMINATE Scores the Bootstrapped Standard Errors, VoteView. Accessed February 14, 2010.


American Conservative Union rating (2009).

Source: ACU Ratings of Congress, Accessed August 12, 2010.


Americans for Democratic Action rating (2009).

Source: 2009 Congressional Voting Record Inside, Accessed August 12, 2010.

unity Congressional Quarterly party unity score (2009): percent voting with own party when majority of Democrats oppose majority of Republicans. Source: Congressional Quarterly Weekly (January 11, 2010): 129.

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