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nmtnursery talk

Tackling team development

from the inside

Julie Lightley considers the options available to nursery directors and managers, now funded training from the local authority has all but gone, and suggests we all look to the talent already there in our teams
Your EYP
to that age group of children and use prompts from the EYFS as themes for discussion. Instil in your staff a shared responsibility for improving practice the owner, manager, EYP, deputy, SENCO, SOCCO and supervisor are all key roles - and make sure each person has the opportunity to contribute something valuable to a continuing professional development (CPD) team session.

he threat of even less training support locally under More Great Childcare means that nurseries really need a Plan B, if they havent already. Lets face it, the diminishing resource has been a reality for the last three years. So, its not entirely new news. Whats more, relying solely on local authority training generally results in the bare minimum in terms of staff development. With even more changes looming on the horizon, theres no better time than now to consider your options as a setting in order to ensure ongoing reflection and training for your teams.

Does your setting have an EYP? This may be an obvious question, but Im always amazed to discover that after putting in serious hard work, effort and commitment to achieve EYP status, for some settings, it often ends there. Yet, ongoing professional development is where the real value of an EYP lies. So, its important that they join a local network and that theyre given continuing support with their learning. Invest time in your EYP and maximise to the full their role in the training and development of the whole team.

Feel the power

It could be argued that Twitter played a significant part in bringing down the Governments ratio proposals. If youre not into social media, my advice is to sign up to all things early years Twitter, LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, blogs and sector magazine subscriptions. You will find fantastic ideas and inspiration to discuss with your team, as well as the latest and most up-to-date news in early years. Just as its important to provide children with an understanding about the wider context of the world they live in, so its imperative that we do not work in isolation, but support each other, share best practice and work together in the early years community. I

Meeting real needs

Most settings hold monthly staff meetings. Often, they cover organisational issues, key dates or reminders of nursery rules or policies, but much of this can be communicated in other ways, such as emails, memos or a staff notice board. Use the time instead to focus on staff development topics, including planning, safeguarding, continuous provision or whatever you and your team feel will be of the most benefit. Talk to other local nurseries and consider bringing specific teams together for example, the preschool, toddler or baby room teams. In addition, identify topics that relate

Look to your team

Professional relationships focus on respecting and valuing the strengths, skills and knowledge of the people you work with and recognising the contribution made by everyone in your setting. Principles into Practice 2.1 (EYFS) A great starting point, when it comes to training, is to start with yourself and your team. Which practitioners demonstrate great strengths in certain areas? For example, not everyone is particularly creative. But, generally, there are one or two people who have a knack for creating imaginative displays. Spend some time with those practitioners, with a view to putting together short sessions that will inspire the rest of the team. They might come up with resourceful and stimulating ways to enhance continuous provision.

G Julie Lightley, who is the owner of The Village Nursery in Trafford Park, Manchester, is also an EYP and responsible for running four nurseries, which are registered for over 290 under-fours. T: 0161 8767994 W:


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