TheSun 2009-05-18 Page06 The Rich Who Ask For Govt Scholarships

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6 theSun | MONDAY MAY 18 2009

news without borders

Near clean sweep for Tan’s team

PRESIDENTIAL-aspirant Tan Yew
Sing’s team made a near clean
sweep in the Kuala Lumpur and
Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall’s
The big win for Tan’s camp
means the top post in the
KLSCAH – an umbrella organisa-
tion over 400 Chinese community-
Tan was non-committal when
asked if his team’s thumping
win had increased his chances
of securing the Hua Zong (Fed-
The rich who ask for
govt scholarships
preliminary elections on Saturday. based associations in the Klang eration of Chinese Associations
Tan, the incumbent deputy Valley – is in the bag for Tan. of Malaysia) top post should he
president, and his allies won 38 The new directors will elect decide to contest it in September,
of the 39 seats on the board of their president and other com- saying he would consult his team
directors, the Chinese press rep- mittee members on Wednesday. on whether he should contest.
orted yesterday. Incumbent president Datuk There were fireworks earlier
The other seat was won by Bong Hon Liong, who is barred when a member questioned the
Tan’s opponent in the contest for by the KLSCAH constitution from election committee for holding BARISAN Nasional Beck- achievers who did not
president, Datuk Koo Yuen Kim
– an incumbent vice-president.
running for a third term, earlier
urged members to support Tan.
balloting before the meeting,
contrary to previous practice.
benchers Club president
Datuk Seri Tiong King Press Digest have the financial means
to pursue a tertiary edu-
Sing has criticised the by Kong See Hoh cation.
rich and people in high The Bintulu MP told
positions who obtained Nanyang Siang Pau in
government scholarships for their children an interview that he had received complaints
through guanxi (social relationships or con- from the public about the children of certain
nections). senior government officers or well-to-do dig-
He said these people were robbing deserv- nitaries being awarded government scholar-
ing students from poor families of the chance ships.
to further their studies. He said these children usually obtained
Tiong said the rich and powerful should government scholarships through their par-
not be applying for government scholarships ents’ guanxi.
at all, let alone obtain them through connec- Tiong urged the cabinet to look into the
tions. matter to prevent a public outcry.
He said that in the past, the children of “The government should make it clear
many of the who’s who of society and senior that its scholarships are for students who
government officers had obtained Public excel but are poor.”
Service Department scholarships through He said ministers who have the
connections. means should pay for their children’s
Tiong said he hoped the cabinet would education and leave scholarships to
address the problem to ensure that govern- people from the low and middle income
ment scholarships were awarded to high- groups.

Lack of resources, apathy

slow dog rescue efforts
PETALING JAYA: Efforts to rescue the stray She said the FFF rescue team needed
dogs on Pulau Selat Kering and Pulau Tengah traps, cages and dog catchers which MPK
are slow due to lack of resources and the has and can provide.
apathy of the local council, the Furry Friends At a fund-raising lunch organised by the
Farm (FFF) says. FFF here yesterday, volunteer Sherrina K.
Its legal adviser Shalinee Fernandez said said the mobile veterinary services that were
the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) had not promised had yet to materialise.
been forthcoming although it had agreed last “We need resources to help the aban-
week to help the FFF catch the dogs. doned dogs. We also need the authorities to
“I hope there will be a better response help as they promised,” she said.
from MPK soon. They should be more proac- Proceeds from the sale of the book BenO
tive,” she said. Comes Home by Vanaja Dhanan will be used
At a meeting on May 11 attended by the for FFF’s rescue operations. For more infor-
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mation on the book, priced at RM10 each, call
mals (SPCA), the FFF and other animal welfare the author at 03-2282 3866.
groups as well as representatives of the state Meanwhile, an SPCA spokesperson said
government and MPK, three measures were efforts to feed the strays were ongoing, and
agreed upon to resolve the problem of the that the dogs caught had been receiving
abandoned dogs on two uninhabited islands treatment at veterinary clinics.
off Pulau Ketam. Pulau Ketam residents had trapped some
According to Fernandez, the SPCA would 200 to 300 dogs and transported them to
be in charge of feeding the dogs, the FFF Pulau Tengah and Pulau Selat Kering to help
would work with MPK to trap and catch them, reduce the population of stray dogs on their
while the Department of Veterinary Services island.
would spay them.

would be implemented six Motorcyclist and

months after they are ap-
proved. pillion die in crash
briefs “Such guidelines are im-
portant since there are many
cyclist and his pillion rider
toys sold in the market that were killed in an accident
contain chemicals that pose at Km 0.1 Duta-Ulu Kelang
Guidelines on safety a danger to children,” he told Expressway yesterday.
reporters after a dialogue with The accident occurred at
standard for toys Kampung Charuk Puting folk about 8am when Rody Ling-
BERA: Regulations will be here. gang, 25, from Sarawak, lost
introduced to ensure a safety Ismail said that with the control of his motorcycle,
standard for toys used by implementation of the causing it to skid and crash
children, Domestic Trade and regulations, every product into a road divider.
Consumer Affairs Minister imported or produced loc- Kuala Lumpur Traffic
Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob ally would go through an Investigation and Legal Staff
said yesterday. inspection process, similar Officer DSP Abdullah Roning
He said the formulation of to Sirim quality inspection, to said Rody and S. Siahmalah,
the draft consumer protection determine its level of safety 21, died at the scene from se-
(safety standard for toys) regula- before it is approved for sale. rious head and body injuries.
tion 2009 was in the final stage “Action will be taken against Their bodies were
and expected to be completed those who sell toys without taken to the Kuala Lumpur
by the end of the year. an approval label,” he said. – Hospital for post mortem. –
Ismail said the guidelines Bernama Bernama

Google Maps Malaysia

WITH reference to “Zooming into locations with Google Maps” (May 15, Pg 7), it is clarified that
Google Maps Malaysia enables local users, businesses and developers to contribute, add and share
information about Malaysia free of charge on, and not as stated.

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